Is obama a socilist, or a fascist?

The Nazi's use of socialist rhetoric appealed to disaffection with capitalism while presenting a political and economic model that divested "socialism" of any elements which were dangerous to capitalism, such as the concept of class struggle, "the dictatorship of the proletariat" or worker control of the means of production.

Nazism was an ideology of wishing to have their cake and eat it too...


From the same source

Support of anti-Communists for Fascism and Nazism "Various right-wing politicians and political parties in Europe welcomed the rise of fascism and the Nazis out of an intense aversion towards Communism. According to them, Hitler was the savior of Western civilization and of capitalism against Bolshevism. Among these supporters in the 1920s and early 1930s was the Conservative Party in Britain. During the later 1930s and 1940s, the Nazis were supported by the Falange movement in Spain, and by political and military figures who would form the government of Vichy France. A Legion of French Volunteers against Bolshevism (LVF) and other anti-Soviet fighting formations, were formed. . . . The British Conservative party and the right-wing parties in France appeased the Nazi regime in the mid- and late-1930s, even though they had begun to criticise its totalitarianism. Some contemporary commentators suggested that these parties did in fact still support the Nazis."

Nazi Ideology


Yes, Chamberlain adopted appeasement, as many did- including Labour Party members who supported Chamberlain's Munich policy as well. Why? Because they hated Marxism- Churchill, another British conservative, took charge and called for war against the rise of Nazism. What was your point?
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My point was to look carefully at the sources.

Hitler was considered the savior of Western civilization and capitalism. No nationalization of industry happened. The uber capitalists were very happy with Herr Hitler.

And he had his SS murdered the homosexual leadership of the SA, where the seeds of socialism had existed. Not only did Hitler have SA socialists murdered, he had them and communists and all opponents murdered.
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Hitler was considered the savior of Western civilization and capitalism. No nationalization of industry happened. The uber capitalists were very happy with Herr Hitler.

And he had his SS murder the homosexual leadership of the SA, where the seeds of socialism had existed. Not only did Hitler have SA socialists murdered, he had them and communists and all opponents murdered.

11. Nationalization of industry
Internet History Sourcebooks
Yes, Hitler and Mussolini despised Socialism. Conservatives, of course, have attempted to rewrite history of late. After all, who'd want to be associated with those two?
Hitler and Mussolini despised Russia or any other ideology competing for power in Europe. Mussolini saw the trap Marxist socialism had built in; that if the State owns the means of production, any failure is the fault of the State.
By controlling the means of production from the sidelines through regulations, funding and compelling corporations to produce government "approved" products. they achieved the same goals but retained the corporations as scapegoats.
That is exactly the point I've made on the Leftist rainbow.

They only vary in HOW they achieve the same results: Totalitarian control of a collective which they (the enforcing power) are exempt from.

It's a return to Feudalism with a screwy concept of succession and facade of democracy.
Exactly, CON$ervoFascism is a return to Feudalism with corporations as the feudal lords!!! Corporatism under the facade of Capitalism.
Hitler was considered the savior of Western civilization and capitalism. No nationalization of industry happened. The uber capitalists were very happy with Herr Hitler.

And he had his SS murder the homosexual leadership of the SA, where the seeds of socialism had existed. Not only did Hitler have SA socialists murdered, he had them and communists and all opponents murdered.

11. Nationalization of industry
Internet History Sourcebooks

Did not happen.
Hitler was considered the savior of Western civilization and capitalism. No nationalization of industry happened. The uber capitalists were very happy with Herr Hitler.

And he had his SS murder the homosexual leadership of the SA, where the seeds of socialism had existed. Not only did Hitler have SA socialists murdered, he had them and communists and all opponents murdered.

11. Nationalization of industry
Internet History Sourcebooks

Did not happen.

Denial denial denial .:eusa_whistle:
My point was to look carefully at the sources.

Hitler was considered the savior of Western civilization and capitalism. No nationalization of industry happened. The uber capitalists were very happy with Herr Hitler.

And he had his SS murdered the homosexual leadership of the SA, where the seeds of socialism had existed. Not only did Hitler have SA socialists murdered, he had them and communists and all opponents murdered.

The "uber" capitalists were happy with Hitler, as were numerous people opposed to the growing threat of Marxism, until they understood more about his regime. Hitler was a mad man Jake- He murdered people for the color of their skin or the ancestry of their birth. AGAIN, your point?
My point was to look carefully at the sources.

Hitler was considered the savior of Western civilization and capitalism. No nationalization of industry happened. The uber capitalists were very happy with Herr Hitler.

And he had his SS murdered the homosexual leadership of the SA, where the seeds of socialism had existed. Not only did Hitler have SA socialists murdered, he had them and communists and all opponents murdered.

The "uber" capitalists were happy with Hitler, as were numerous people opposed to the growing threat of Marxism, until they understood more about his regime. Hitler was a mad man Jake- He murdered people for the color of their skin or the ancestry of their birth. AGAIN, your point?

I refuse to believe Jake is as clueless as his posts. I still believe he plays devil's advocate here, but damn that must get really tedious after awhile.

Pure socialism takes complete control of the economy, generally through totalitarian means.

Facism, of which Hitler's Third Reich embraced, controlled the corporations by installing or controlling the CEO's/owners of those businesses. While the owners could still profit fro their businesses, they were required to use their property and production in the 'national interest' as dictated by the government authorities. Those who resisted were appropriated and run by the State. Pure socialism replaces the free market with a governent run economy. Facism gives the illusion of a free market capitalistic system but is setting and enforcing all prices and wages behind the scenes.
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Did not happen.

Denial denial denial .:eusa_whistle:

Yes, you are in denial. The sources clearly reveal that Hitler was the savior of capitalism, he killed the socialists in his party and elsewhere as possible, and did not nationalize industry.

Stop your denial.

you already let the cat out of the bag, remember this one?
Quote: Originally Posted by JakeStarkey
Of course it was socialist, you moron. Hitler destroyed it. Your error is that you try to suggest that what BHO and others are doing are SS like. That is stupid.
Your denial of historical facts hitler killed his political rivals

OK, you are beginning to get it. The socialists were rivals. He was not a socialist. He was a totalitarian. I am glad that you are understanding that he liked the capitalists and that he was considered the savior of capitalism.
My point was to look carefully at the sources.

Hitler was considered the savior of Western civilization and capitalism. No nationalization of industry happened. The uber capitalists were very happy with Herr Hitler.

And he had his SS murdered the homosexual leadership of the SA, where the seeds of socialism had existed. Not only did Hitler have SA socialists murdered, he had them and communists and all opponents murdered.

The "uber" capitalists were happy with Hitler, as were numerous people opposed to the growing threat of Marxism, until they understood more about his regime. Hitler was a mad man Jake- He murdered people for the color of their skin or the ancestry of their birth. AGAIN, your point?

That capitalists supported him and that socialists were killed by him. That is the point, and one the far right of American must understand. Many on this board have been having problems with that the last few years. But if they are shifting to the historical reality, then good by me.
My point was to look carefully at the sources.

Hitler was considered the savior of Western civilization and capitalism. No nationalization of industry happened. The uber capitalists were very happy with Herr Hitler.

And he had his SS murdered the homosexual leadership of the SA, where the seeds of socialism had existed. Not only did Hitler have SA socialists murdered, he had them and communists and all opponents murdered.

The "uber" capitalists were happy with Hitler, as were numerous people opposed to the growing threat of Marxism, until they understood more about his regime. Hitler was a mad man Jake- He murdered people for the color of their skin or the ancestry of their birth. AGAIN, your point?

I refuse to believe Jake is as clueless as his posts. I still believe he plays devil's advocate here, but damn that must get really tedious after awhile.

Pure socialism takes complete control of the economy, generally through totalitarian means.

Facism, of which Hitler's Third Reich embraced, controlled the corporations by installing or controlling the CEO's/owners of those businesses. While the owners could still profit fro their businesses, they were required to use their property and production in the 'national interest' as dictated by the government authorities. Those who resisted were appropriated and run by the State. Pure socialism replaces the free market with a governent run economy. Facism gives the illusion of a free market capitalistic system but is setting and enforcing all prices and wages behind the scenes.

You describe yourself perfectly, foxfyre. You are not clueless but playing a game. Hitler was not a socialist. He killed them. He played up to capitalists until he controlled them. Fascism, as practiced by Mussolini, for that matter, abhorred socialism.

We are now living in an economy that is fascistic, interaction of government and business. Both parties are fascist in that matter. Both parties are statist. The difference for me is that Romney will not playing hardcore leftist statist but will try to work as a right wing statist with businesses. That is one of the reasons I am voting for him.

But to the real point: we are not going back to small time government, we are not going to allow libertarian nonsense to run our government and society, and we are not going to allow the very far right militia to run anything.

You guys are clueless if you think any of that will ever happen.

You are out of the mainstream, and you have to come back to it, not it come to you.
Denial denial denial .:eusa_whistle:

Yes, you are in denial. The sources clearly reveal that Hitler was the savior of capitalism, he killed the socialists in his party and elsewhere as possible, and did not nationalize industry.

Stop your denial.

you already let the cat out of the bag, remember this one?
Quote: Originally Posted by JakeStarkey
Of course it was socialist, you moron. Hitler destroyed it. Your error is that you try to suggest that what BHO and others are doing are SS like. That is stupid.

You are deliberately out of context, which is unethical. What I wrote was about the SA leadership and its followers, along with the homosexuality rife in it. Hitler killed the socialists.

Stop your lying and denying.
Hitler and Mussolini despised Russia or any other ideology competing for power in Europe. Mussolini saw the trap Marxist socialism had built in; that if the State owns the means of production, any failure is the fault of the State.
By controlling the means of production from the sidelines through regulations, funding and compelling corporations to produce government "approved" products. they achieved the same goals but retained the corporations as scapegoats.
That is exactly the point I've made on the Leftist rainbow.

They only vary in HOW they achieve the same results: Totalitarian control of a collective which they (the enforcing power) are exempt from.

It's a return to Feudalism with a screwy concept of succession and facade of democracy.
Exactly, CON$ervoFascism is a return to Feudalism with corporations as the feudal lords!!! Corporatism under the facade of Capitalism.
Leftist Rainbow for the thinking challenged.

Liberalism = Progressivism = Socialism = Marxism = Communism = Fascism

They are all with the same goal in mind. They vary only in how to reach that same goal.

Do you see Individual freedom in there at all? Do you see low government involvement? Do you see free entertprise or capitalism?

No. You don't. It's Neo-Feudalism. Replace the Noble class with "The Party" and then change the lines of succession. But in this Godless place, there will be no Clergy to help temper the out of control hubris and will of the Party over the peasantry. The only rich will be the Party faithful. Anyone who dares accumulate wealth and is not a Party member will be stripped of it and probably imprisoned or killed for it.
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Yes, you are in denial. The sources clearly reveal that Hitler was the savior of capitalism, he killed the socialists in his party and elsewhere as possible, and did not nationalize industry.

Stop your denial.

you already let the cat out of the bag, remember this one?
Quote: Originally Posted by JakeStarkey
Of course it was socialist, you moron. Hitler destroyed it. Your error is that you try to suggest that what BHO and others are doing are SS like. That is stupid.

You are deliberately out of context, which is unethical. What I wrote was about the SA leadership and its followers, along with the homosexuality rife in it. Hitler killed the socialists.

Stop your lying and denying.

jokey how about you stop lying
Your denial of historical facts hitler killed his political rivals

OK, you are beginning to get it. The socialists were rivals. He was not a socialist. He was a totalitarian. I am glad that you are understanding that he liked the capitalists and that he was considered the savior of capitalism.

hitler was a socialist that got rid of his socialist rivals
The far right critters like buckeye and bigrebnc keep lying.

Their own evidence shows that Hitler was the hero of western capitalism.

Hitler killed the socialists.

The far right freaks can increase text size all they want, which does not change the truth.

The far right freaks are wrong. The truth is that Hitler was not a socialist. The truth is they would flunk a college class on Nazism and Germany if they tried this nonsense.

End of story, far right crazees.
Sorry, but you're wrong. Tell me the difference between Hitler, Musulini and Stalin. hint: NOTHING (and dont answer something gay like date of birth)
There is no difference between those three Gods of CON$ervoFascism. They were all united by their hatred of Marxism.

"In the years 1913 and 1914, I… expressed the conviction that the question of the future of the German nation was the question of destroying Marxism."
- Adolf Hitler

"The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength by the mass of numbers and their dead weight."
-Adolf Hitler

“Socialism is a fraud, a comedy, a phantom, a blackmail.”
*Benito Mussolini
Yes, Hitler and Mussolini despised Socialism.



Hitler was the head of a political party. In English, it was called the National Socialist German Workers Party, or "Nazi Party" for short.


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