Is obama a socilist, or a fascist?

Socialism is ALWAYS democratic, communism NEVER. Peoples' factory is communist, and every respected academic and political expert believes "Liberal Fascism" is "absolute drivel" (The Economist).

Pub dupes is perfect. Read the book.

Both communism and fascism are totalitarian; Fascism by definition, communism in practice. They remain direct opposites in their inherent policies; fascists demand state control, communists allege state control will end eventually. It never happens; still, NATIONAL socialism is much different that INTERNATIONAL socialism, few on the right have read enough to understand theory vs. practice, or the translation of the actual words. Socialism in much of Europe does not mean what it does in the US; conservatives are thrilled the NEW DEMOCRACY party won in Greece. Yet the word democracy is derided as applied to the US. That should give those posters a clue, but it has thus far escaped their notice.

Even look at practice, the means and intended goal of state control is fascism and communism is very different. Communism features state ownership toward the ends of promoting the interests of common laborers. Fascism leaves industries under private ownership and those owners keep collecting the profits on their enterprise, as long as they make the output the state desires.
Socialism is ALWAYS democratic, communism NEVER. Peoples' factory is communist, and every respected academic and political expert believes "Liberal Fascism" is "absolute drivel" (The Economist).

Pub dupes is perfect. Read the book.

Both communism and fascism are totalitarian; Fascism by definition, communism in practice. They remain direct opposites in their inherent policies; fascists demand state control, communists allege state control will end eventually. It never happens; still, NATIONAL socialism is much different that INTERNATIONAL socialism, few on the right have read enough to understand theory vs. practice, or the translation of the actual words. Socialism in much of Europe does not mean what it does in the US; conservatives are thrilled the NEW DEMOCRACY party won in Greece. Yet the word democracy is derided as applied to the US. That should give those posters a clue, but it has thus far escaped their notice.

I Agree Peach, but you'll have some dipshit say communism isnt about government control. It's utopian socialism, which is what conservatives call anarchy (or chaos) so they will never have utopian socialism, so in practive it is heavy government control, which is facism, hell you could even put monarchy in that, Stalin and Hitler were virtual kings. People call facism corporate control, but I really dont think Hilter, Franco, or Musulini allowed anyone but themselves control. For example if Hitler tells BMW we want to build tanks in your factory and they dont want to, I think we know who wins that battle (hint: it's not BMW)
You are confusing the terms, TGG. Obama is not a socialist, you are not a mainstream American who understands economics and our history. That is very, very clear. And you gave a very clear answer to why BHO is not a crony socialist. You hung yourself with your own words.

Don't worry. Romney is going to win.

And he won't listen to your silliness anymore seriously than anyone else.

Do you ever say anything? All you do is snipe other peoples comments, how about explaining your positions, oh I guess you dont have any?
That's a brand new "theory" for dupes only. Do some research and you won't be so damn confused. All the socialists Hitler killed in Europe will not be amused. Getit?

Franco you dont know shit. First Hitler hated SLAVS, more than even Jews, IMAGINE THAT. HE also thought Britain would help him since they were Anglo-saxons. But the point is yes, Nazis hate communists, but they were virtually the same. SS hated the SA and guess what they were virtually the same and on the Night of the Long Knives, the SS with Hitler wiped out the SA and Hitler had Rohm killed. Even though the SS killed the SA it doesnt mean they were vastly different, just like when Nazis kill commies or vice versa.
You are confusing the terms, TGG. Obama is not a socialist, you are not a mainstream American who understands economics and our history. That is very, very clear. And you gave a very clear answer to why BHO is not a crony socialist. You hung yourself with your own words.

Don't worry. Romney is going to win.

And he won't listen to your silliness anymore seriously than anyone else.

Do you ever say anything? All you do is snipe other peoples comments, how about explaining your positions, oh I guess you dont have any?

You, GoneBezerk, and Ernie have to learn how to do this.

One: make an assertion.

Two: give solid evidence.

Three: make an emphatic conclusion of significance.

Then, anyone can make a solid effort to refute it and add new material.

Stupid assertions, far right or far left, don't float, simply get sunk.

You have been sunk all day.
That's a brand new "theory" for dupes only. Do some research and you won't be so damn confused. All the socialists Hitler killed in Europe will not be amused. Getit?

Franco you dont know shit. First Hitler hated SLAVS, more than even Jews, IMAGINE THAT. HE also thought Britain would help him since they were Anglo-saxons. But the point is yes, Nazis hate communists, but they were virtually the same. SS hated the SA and guess what they were virtually the same and on the Night of the Long Knives, the SS with Hitler wiped out the SA and Hitler had Rohm killed. Even though the SS killed the SA it doesnt mean they were vastly different, just like when Nazis kill commies or vice versa.

buckeye's ignorance shows. Hitler hated all opponents: commies, socialists, democrats, jews particularly, slavs as much or more, but most of all he hated those who tried to control him.

The SA was the nest of socialists led by a homosexual elite under Rohm. The SS was used to destroy the socialists and homosexuals in the party.

You don't have the knowledge or ability to use knowledge to nuance the Nazi narrative.
That's a brand new "theory" for dupes only. Do some research and you won't be so damn confused. All the socialists Hitler killed in Europe will not be amused. Getit?

Franco you dont know shit. First Hitler hated SLAVS, more than even Jews, IMAGINE THAT. HE also thought Britain would help him since they were Anglo-saxons. But the point is yes, Nazis hate communists, but they were virtually the same. SS hated the SA and guess what they were virtually the same and on the Night of the Long Knives, the SS with Hitler wiped out the SA and Hitler had Rohm killed. Even though the SS killed the SA it doesnt mean they were vastly different, just like when Nazis kill commies or vice versa.

buckeye's ignorance shows. Hitler hated all opponents: commies, socialists, democrats, jews particularly, slavs as much or more, but most of all he hated those who tried to control him.

The SA was the nest of socialists led by a homosexual elite under Rohm. The SS was used to destroy the socialists and homosexuals in the party.

You don't have the knowledge or ability to use knowledge to nuance the Nazi narrative.

Uh wrongo steveo. IN Practice, tell me the differece between the SS and SA? Both were made of ruthless killers, the SS started out as bodyguard and grew so large it had it's own military units. And yes the SA were led by Rohm, which I pointed out and yes he was gayer than Barney Frank. The SA was the original power of the Nazis and YOU called them socialists, so the NAZIS walked right into that one.
And you look at the highlighted point, so you're saying I was correct, EXCEPT I didnt put in people who tried to control him, I think that's a given, did I HAVE to state that? I mean you call me wrong and then pretty much verify everything I say. AWESOME
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Franco you dont know shit. First Hitler hated SLAVS, more than even Jews, IMAGINE THAT. HE also thought Britain would help him since they were Anglo-saxons. But the point is yes, Nazis hate communists, but they were virtually the same. SS hated the SA and guess what they were virtually the same and on the Night of the Long Knives, the SS with Hitler wiped out the SA and Hitler had Rohm killed. Even though the SS killed the SA it doesnt mean they were vastly different, just like when Nazis kill commies or vice versa.

buckeye's ignorance shows. Hitler hated all opponents: commies, socialists, democrats, jews particularly, slavs as much or more, but most of all he hated those who tried to control him.

The SA was the nest of socialists led by a homosexual elite under Rohm. The SS was used to destroy the socialists and homosexuals in the party.

You don't have the knowledge or ability to use knowledge to nuance the Nazi narrative.

Uh wrongo steveo. IN Practice, tell me the differece between the SS and SA? Both were made of ruthless killers, the SS started out as bodyguard and grew so large it had it's own military units. And yes the SA were led by Rohm, which I pointed out and yes he was gayer than Barney Frank. The SA was the original power of the Nazis and YOU called them socialists, so the NAZIS walked right into that one.
And you look at the highlighted point, so you're saying I was correct, EXCEPT I didnt put in people who tried to control him, I think that's a given, did I HAVE to state that? I mean you call me wrong and then pretty much verify everything I say. AWESOME

You simply can't tell the As from the Bs. The SA was not subservient to Hitler. The SS were his slaves to control. He used the SS to destroy the SA socialiist and homosexual influence and opposition to his goals.

You need to read and think before demonstrating your ignorance.

Hitler destroyed the socialist base in his party: end of any point you have, son.

buckeye's ignorance shows. Hitler hated all opponents: commies, socialists, democrats, jews particularly, slavs as much or more, but most of all he hated those who tried to control him.

The SA was the nest of socialists led by a homosexual elite under Rohm. The SS was used to destroy the socialists and homosexuals in the party.

You don't have the knowledge or ability to use knowledge to nuance the Nazi narrative.

Uh wrongo steveo. IN Practice, tell me the differece between the SS and SA? Both were made of ruthless killers, the SS started out as bodyguard and grew so large it had it's own military units. And yes the SA were led by Rohm, which I pointed out and yes he was gayer than Barney Frank. The SA was the original power of the Nazis and YOU called them socialists, so the NAZIS walked right into that one.
And you look at the highlighted point, so you're saying I was correct, EXCEPT I didnt put in people who tried to control him, I think that's a given, did I HAVE to state that? I mean you call me wrong and then pretty much verify everything I say. AWESOME

You simply can't tell the As from the Bs. The SA was not subservient to Hitler. The SS were his slaves to control. He used the SS to destroy the SA socialiist and homosexual influence and opposition to his goals.

You need to read and think before demonstrating your ignorance.

Hitler destroyed the socialist base in his party: end of any point you have, son.
Ok so you're saying the SA was socialist and NAZIS, and they were destroyed because Hitler feared their power and didnt want Rohm or the SA to control the party. YOU ARE CORRECT and I've never said anything against it, BUT what I did say is the SA and the SS were basically the same, which is stormtroopers (They actually called the SA that), killers at the pleasure of Hitler, yes the SA were under Rohm and that's why Hiter had him killed. Now the next thing I ask is since we've established the SA was the power of the NAZIS from about 1920-1934, Hitler had effective control in 1933 as Hindenburg's chancellor. But in those years then the NAZI were SOCIALIST, hence National Socialist Workers Party. Hitler became increasingly tyrannical, but the philosphy was pretty much the same. The governement would control most everything and it did. Again what person or corporation would oppose him? If they did, they were dead, as you put it he didnt like competition. So how was he different from Stalin? They both controlled the countries with an iron fist through the political apperatus and the military, any political threat would be killed. the only real difference was that in NAZI Germany, you had some private property, but in reality, if the Nazis wanted it, do you really think you could keep it?
Of course it was socialist, you moron. Hitler destroyed it. Your error is that you try to suggest that what BHO and others are doing are SS like. That is stupid.
Of course it was socialist, you moron. Hitler destroyed it. Your error is that you try to suggest that what BHO and others are doing are SS like. That is stupid.

Dumbass, I didnt say anything like Obama, I jumped in this thread to set the record straight about fascists, socialist, ect.
Yeah I do think they're pretty much the same, but what the hell, I do think Obama is an admirer of socialism, he's not doing what the SA did, no. But he does champion alot of their ideas and I think they suck. And those ideas incorporate the Government telling you what to do (cant buy an incandecent light bulb, which is cheap and most people can afford, or in California they want the govt to control you tstat, of couse only when it's "necessary". stuff like that is pretty much socialist, facist, communist, whatever label you want)

The other issue is the second amendment, which is in the Constitution, because the Founders didnt want another British are comming moment as well as you could say, they wanted the citizens to fight back if the government gets out of control, in fact they say IN the Constitution to scrap the government if it becomes tyranical. And while I dont own a firearm, I certainly support the right to do so. What's funny is the liberals say the Supreme Court makes the final say, yet on gun control they continue to try and implement thier unconstitutional laws, even when struck down
Is obama a socilist, or a fascist?

Fascists and socialists are BOTH government supremacists. Their difference is in the degree of control.

Socialists control all the means of production.

Fascists, allow private ownership of property but under heavy government regulation.

According to the Communist Manifesto, fascism was intended to be an interim process towards socialism

"The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state…"

Is obama a socilist, or a fascist?

Fascists and socialists are BOTH government supremacists. Their difference is in the degree of control.

Socialists control all the means of production.

Fascists, allow private ownership of property but under heavy government regulation.

According to the Communist Manifesto, fascism was intended to be an interim process towards socialism

"The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state…"


well said, I couldnt have said it any simpler and effective
Where are rdweeb, lakhota, luddly and TDM?. I can't believe the race card hasn't been proudly plopped down on the table here.

Socialist or Fascist?


The idea that he is either just shows how dumb some of you really are. The rabid right has taken over the Republican Party and forced all moderates out. The effects of this will be felt for a very long time. The more this goes on, the less relevance the Republican Party will have in the long run.
Where are rdweeb, lakhota, luddly and TDM?. I can't believe the race card hasn't been proudly plopped down on the table here.

Socialist or Fascist?


The idea that he is either just shows how dumb some of you really are. The rabid right has taken over the Republican Party and forced all moderates out. The effects of this will be felt for a very long time. The more this goes on, the less relevance the Republican Party will have in the long run.

Wait a second, I'm far right and I would never say that about Sowell. I think his point was to see if those libtards would call Dr Sowell a facist. He's a awesome man. He was a marxist in his early years, but when he worked for the Department of Labor, he saw how little the government cared about the poor. He saw checks, but no caring and eventually became a conservative. So anyone wants to fuck with Sowell I will kick ass!
One of many definitions, none of which mention Left-Wing ideology at all.

Take another civics class, dumb fucks.

World English Dictionary
fascism (ˈfæʃɪzəm)

— n
1. any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism, such as German National Socialism; any right-wing nationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian and hierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed to democracy and liberalism
2. any ideology, movement, programme, tendency, etc, that may be characterized as right-wing, chauvinist, authoritarian, etc
3. prejudice in relation to the subject specified: body fascism

[C20: from Italian fascismo , from fascio political group, from Latin fascis bundle; see fasces ]
Fascism | Define Fascism at
Part of the absolute control of CON$ervoFascism is control of the meanings of words. CON$ervoFascism must control everything!!!

October 11, 2011
RUSH: * I've often said, I said last week he who controls the definition of words, the meaning of words, controls the debate.* He who controls the language controls the debate.*

“Words build bridges into unexplored regions.”
― Adolf Hitler
One of many definitions, none of which mention Left-Wing ideology at all.

Take another civics class, dumb fucks.

World English Dictionary
fascism (ˈfæʃɪzəm)

— n
1. any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism, such as German National Socialism; any right-wing nationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian and hierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed to democracy and liberalism
2. any ideology, movement, programme, tendency, etc, that may be characterized as right-wing, chauvinist, authoritarian, etc
3. prejudice in relation to the subject specified: body fascism

[C20: from Italian fascismo , from fascio political group, from Latin fascis bundle; see fasces ]
Fascism | Define Fascism at
Part of the absolute control of CON$ervoFascism is control of the meanings of words. CON$ervoFascism must control everything!!!

October 11, 2011
RUSH: * I've often said, I said last week he who controls the definition of words, the meaning of words, controls the debate.* He who controls the language controls the debate.*

“Words build bridges into unexplored regions.”
― Adolf Hitler
So is this why the word "Cool" when used towards Obama is suddenly racist after 4 years of it being a compliment?

What a disingenuous fucktard.
One of many definitions, none of which mention Left-Wing ideology at all.

Take another civics class, dumb fucks.

World English Dictionary
fascism (ˈfæʃɪzəm)

— n
1. any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism, such as German National Socialism; any right-wing nationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian and hierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed to democracy and liberalism
2. any ideology, movement, programme, tendency, etc, that may be characterized as right-wing, chauvinist, authoritarian, etc
3. prejudice in relation to the subject specified: body fascism

[C20: from Italian fascismo , from fascio political group, from Latin fascis bundle; see fasces ]
Fascism | Define Fascism at
Part of the absolute control of CON$ervoFascism is control of the meanings of words. CON$ervoFascism must control everything!!!

October 11, 2011
RUSH: * I've often said, I said last week he who controls the definition of words, the meaning of words, controls the debate.* He who controls the language controls the debate.*

“Words build bridges into unexplored regions.”
― Adolf Hitler

Sorry, but you're wrong. Tell me the difference between Hitler, Musulini and Stalin. hint: NOTHING (and dont answer something gay like date of birth)

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