Is obama a socilist, or a fascist?

Hitler, like all CON$ervoFascists, was a NATIONALIST, a NATIONAL Socialist. Hitler believed in German Exceptionalism just like today's CON$ervoFascists believe in American Exceptionalism. CON$ervoFascists and Nazis are twin sisters.

I am not sure there is a medication for what you suffer from- perhaps a good colonic?

Free Market Conservatism is NOTHING like National Socialism- no matter how many times you say it is.
There is no such thing as "free market" CON$ervatism, there is only CON$ervoFascistic monopoly.
LOL... yeah... little miss Johnny come lately.
Hitler had the socialist leadership of the SA murdered: fact.

Hitler was made dictator by a coalition of Nazi and right wing groups in the Reichstag: fact.

American politics, left and right, when having government and businesses to cooperate at the expense of workers, is fascist: fact.

The extremist right wingers in this thread lie when they say they are mainstream conservatives: fact.

Hitler the dictator did what all dictators do kill all political rivals; if he was anti socialist why didn't he call all socialist in Germany like he tried with the jew?
Hitler was proud to call himself a National Socialist. Every time the word Nazi was used, that's what was said.
The Far Left and Fascism

"The argumentum ad Hitlerum has always been the first refuge of the moral and political ignoramus: "You don't approve of [welfare, sodomy, dope-smoking, Federal student loans, or whatever else a right to which the speaker considers the most precious]? You're a f***ing Nazi!" It rarely gets more sophisticated than that. The international Communist movement, however, which included a great many pseudo-intellectuals of Soros-like talents, had in its day slightly more subtle, if equally disreputable, grounds for making use of the ploy. Given that the Soviet Union had been, during World War II, one of the enemies of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, Communists could pass themselves off as paradigmatic anti-fascists; and from there it was, for them, but a short step to concluding that any enemy of such paradigmatic anti-fascists must himself be a paradigmatic fascist. Of course, these inferences are utterly fallacious; but one needs, perhaps, the average Communist's three brain cells to make them, rather than the two brain cells that suffice for the campus stoner to infer that anyone who wants to take his bong from him simply must have a well-thumbed copy of Mein Kampf hidden under the mattress.

The tendency of Nation-magazine style Leftists reliably to lapse into the fascist/right-winger comparison is in part a holdover from this hoary Communist tactic, a nervous tic that an old fellow-traveler can find it hard to lose even fifteen years after the collapse of the Evil Empire. What the comparison conveniently forgets is the alliance that existed between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union before Hitler decided to betray Stalin, the Leftist dictator whose example had taught him so much about concentration camps and secret police. It forgets too the actual history of the development of fascist and National Socialist ideology, which had everything to do with developments in the socialist tradition in political thought, and absolutely nothing to do with the intellectual currents that gave rise to contemporary conservatism. But then, from Lenin and Stalin onward, the Left has been very good at airbrushing over any evidence of its true history, intellectual and otherwise.

It is a scandal that one has constantly to remind people of a fact that should be common knowledge: that Mussolini was for years a prominent socialist intellectual and publicist, as much a man of the Left as Noam Chomsky..."

The Mustache on the Left - TCS Daily
Hitler had the socialist leadership of the SA murdered: fact.

Hitler was made dictator by a coalition of Nazi and right wing groups in the Reichstag: fact.

American politics, left and right, when having government and businesses to cooperate at the expense of workers, is fascist: fact.

The extremist right wingers in this thread lie when they say they are mainstream conservatives: fact.

Hitler the dictator did what all dictators do kill all political rivals; if he was anti socialist why didn't he call all socialist in Germany like he tried with the jew?
Hitler was proud to call himself a National Socialist. Every time the word Nazi was used, that's what was said.
Hitler like all dictators used socialism to enslave the people.
Hitler had the socialist leadership of the SA murdered: fact.

Stalin had the socialist leadership of the USSR murdered: Fact.

Hitler was made dictator by a coalition of Nazi and right wing groups in the Reichstag: fact.

Stalin was made dictator by edict of Lenin: Fact.

American politics, left and right, when having government and businesses to cooperate at the expense of workers, is fascist: fact.

Obamacare is the most blatant example of corporate and governmental power structures merging: Fact.

The extremist right wingers in this thread lie when they say they are mainstream conservatives: fact.

The sycophant leftists in this thread lie to mask the connection they have with fascism: fact.
Hitler like all dictators used socialism to enslave the people.

Your hero Adolph did no such thing. But you worship his strategy of the Big Lie and practice it all the time.

The difference is that you are not any good at it.
There is no such thing as "free market" CON$ervatism, there is only CON$ervoFascistic monopoly.

It's entertaining to watch you melt down in full panic, edtheliar.

Bah. It's about as entertaining as watching a street corner tinfoil hat wearing ranter with a sandwichboard so covered with insane 'facts' that you can't read them anymore from any angle.
Hitler like all dictators used socialism to enslave the people.

Your hero Adolph did no such thing. But you worship his strategy of the Big Lie and practice it all the time.

The difference is that you are not any good at it.

jakes in melt down mode, you can tell this when he says hitler was your hero. :badgrin:
Hitler like all dictators used socialism to enslave the people.

Your hero Adolph did no such thing. But you worship his strategy of the Big Lie and practice it all the time.

The difference is that you are not any good at it.

Starkey, you still havent given me the "rational left" as you call it. What is the basis of this group and who are the members?
You still havent told me the philosophical underpinings of the American left, as you said it was not Marx, so i'm still waiting.
And look what I have here Communists in the French Revolution....who knew?
The Commune of Paris - definition of The Commune of Paris by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
Paris Commune - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I and I REALLY REALLY like this part of it
As the situation deteriorated further, a section of the Council won a vote (opposed by bookbinder Eugène Varlin, an associate of Mikhail Bakunin and correspondent of Karl Marx, and by other radicals) for the creation of a "Committee of Public Safety," modelled on the Jacobin organ with the same title that was formed in 1792. Its powers were extensive and ruthless in theory, but in practice it was ineffective.
Is it possible that Hitler lied, that he did an unethical thing when using the Nazi socialist party for his own ends? This from one of the better histories of the period, William Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich:
"But Hitler had contrary thoughts. For him the Nazi socialist slogans had been merely propaganda, means of winning over the masses on his way to power."
But that is only one small bit of the evidence that Hitler only used the socialist movement to gain power. "The night of the long knives" is one of the acts. There is no shortage of histories of the Hitler period, nor of books on political ideologies.
Is it possible that Hitler lied, that he did an unethical thing when using the Nazi socialist party for his own ends? This from one of the better histories of the period, William Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich:
"But Hitler had contrary thoughts. For him the Nazi socialist slogans had been merely propaganda, means of winning over the masses on his way to power."
But that is only one small bit of the evidence that Hitler only used the socialist movement to gain power. "The night of the long knives" is one of the acts. There is no shortage of histories of the Hitler period, nor of books on political ideologies.

Hitler was a dictator that used socialism. Just like any other dictator has done.
Is it possible that Hitler lied, that he did an unethical thing when using the Nazi socialist party for his own ends? This from one of the better histories of the period, William Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich:
"But Hitler had contrary thoughts. For him the Nazi socialist slogans had been merely propaganda, means of winning over the masses on his way to power."
But that is only one small bit of the evidence that Hitler only used the socialist movement to gain power. "The night of the long knives" is one of the acts. There is no shortage of histories of the Hitler period, nor of books on political ideologies.
So you're pointing out that Hitler had very typical Orwellian doublethink commonly seen in those who agree with socialism? No surprise there.
Hitler like all dictators used socialism to enslave the people.

Your hero Adolph did no such thing. But you worship his strategy of the Big Lie and practice it all the time.

The difference is that you are not any good at it.

Starkey, you still havent given me the "rational left" as you call it. What is the basis of this group and who are the members?
You still havent told me the philosophical underpinings of the American left, as you said it was not Marx, so i'm still waiting.
And look what I have here Communists in the French Revolution....who knew?
The Commune of Paris - definition of The Commune of Paris by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
Paris Commune - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I and I REALLY REALLY like this part of it
As the situation deteriorated further, a section of the Council won a vote (opposed by bookbinder Eugène Varlin, an associate of Mikhail Bakunin and correspondent of Karl Marx, and by other radicals) for the creation of a "Committee of Public Safety," modelled on the Jacobin organ with the same title that was formed in 1792. Its powers were extensive and ruthless in theory, but in practice it was ineffective.

You are still not good at it. (1) Get reputable sources. (2) The claim about the Left was yours, so you tell us about it clearly with good evidence, or (3) you continue to fail.
Is it possible that Hitler lied, that he did an unethical thing when using the Nazi socialist party for his own ends? This from one of the better histories of the period, William Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich:
"But Hitler had contrary thoughts. For him the Nazi socialist slogans had been merely propaganda, means of winning over the masses on his way to power."
But that is only one small bit of the evidence that Hitler only used the socialist movement to gain power. "The night of the long knives" is one of the acts. There is no shortage of histories of the Hitler period, nor of books on political ideologies.

Such it is which all who would be dictator, whether intended to be benevolent or not. Unless the dictator has the power and military strength at his comand to take over and subject a country by pure force, he will need charisma, an illusion of 'messiahship', and great oratory. Then, when such gifted person is identified and intended to be raised up. . . .

All such would be dictators, must demonize something or somebody to unify enough people against a common enemy, and

All such would be dictators must convince the rest of the people that he cares about them more than anybody else and has their best interests at heart, and

All such would be dictators must convince the charmed and enthralled masses that what he does is a necessary element of creating a better, more fair, more just, more prosperous nation for them.

In order to do that, a lot of lies are necessary. If the lies are skillful enough and the would be dictator is able to control the message to drill them into the hearts and minds of the gullible, they then will reject any questions or concerns others might have about him and blindly defend him against all criticism. They will often be willing to attack and demonize all who presume to challenge their new messiah. It often takes a number of years to elevate a would be dictator to the level that he is able to seize all the power.

Once the people reallize they have been screwed, it will be too late for them to change their minds and reject the dictator.
Last edited:
Your hero Adolph did no such thing. But you worship his strategy of the Big Lie and practice it all the time.

The difference is that you are not any good at it.

Starkey, you still havent given me the "rational left" as you call it. What is the basis of this group and who are the members?
You still havent told me the philosophical underpinings of the American left, as you said it was not Marx, so i'm still waiting.
And look what I have here Communists in the French Revolution....who knew?
The Commune of Paris - definition of The Commune of Paris by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
Paris Commune - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I and I REALLY REALLY like this part of it
As the situation deteriorated further, a section of the Council won a vote (opposed by bookbinder Eugène Varlin, an associate of Mikhail Bakunin and correspondent of Karl Marx, and by other radicals) for the creation of a "Committee of Public Safety," modelled on the Jacobin organ with the same title that was formed in 1792. Its powers were extensive and ruthless in theory, but in practice it was ineffective.

You are still not good at it. (1) Get reputable sources. (2) The claim about the Left was yours, so you tell us about it clearly with good evidence, or (3) you continue to fail.

When are you going to use a source and your opinion is not a reputable source
You are still not good at it. (1) Get reputable sources. (2) The claim about the Left was yours, so you tell us about it clearly with good evidence, or (3) you continue to fail.

In other words, he kicked your ass, so now you seek shelter in throwing feces, like a typical, feral baboon.

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