Is obama a socilist, or a fascist?

You are still not good at it. (1) Get reputable sources. (2) The claim about the Left was yours, so you tell us about it clearly with good evidence, or (3) you continue to fail.

In other words, he kicked your ass, so now you seek shelter in throwing feces, like a typical, feral baboon.

Another one of the far right loonies, who after election day, will never be a factory in the GOP again, thank heavens. :lol:
When are you going to use a source and your opinion is not a reputable source

Because (1) wikipedia is not reputable, and (2) he has define what is the Left and its components.

When he gets a reputable source to work with and fulfills his obligation to define and classifly the Left, I can respond. I will not do his work for him.
You are still not good at it. (1) Get reputable sources. (2) The claim about the Left was yours, so you tell us about it clearly with good evidence, or (3) you continue to fail.

In other words, he kicked your ass, so now you seek shelter in throwing feces, like a typical, feral baboon.

Another one of the far right loonies, who after election day, will never be a factory in the GOP again, thank heavens. :lol:

Jake and the others he keeps talking about
Another one of the far right loonies, who after election day, will never be a factory in the GOP again, thank heavens. :lol:

I suspect that your post might have made sense, had I consumed the massive quantity of alcohol that you have.....

Keep pounding that Maddog fakey, it's good for you...

You look funny in your poster of monkeys. You are nothing after the election. Shoot, you are nothing now except for keeping in practice of kicking your kind into the gutter.
Another one of the far right loonies, who after election day, will never be a factory in the GOP again, thank heavens. :lol:

I suspect that your post might have made sense, had I consumed the massive quantity of alcohol that you have.....

Keep pounding that Maddog fakey, it's good for you...

You look funny in your poster of monkeys. You are nothing after the election. Shoot, you are nothing now except for keeping in practice of kicking your kind into the gutter.

Can't think of something to say just take from another post. If I were you jokey I would stop and get some fresh materiel
"Leftists have always had difficulty getting too worked up over mass murder and political repression whenever the motivation for it is sufficiently "progressive." The 100 million corpses produced collectively by such prototypical twentieth-century left-wing statesmen as Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Kim Il Sung, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Mengistu Haile Mariam, and Fidel Castro have been given no candle light vigils, no star-studded Hollywood epics, no specially-colored lapel ribbons. Their killers, far more prodigious in homicide than Hitler ever was, are much less well-known than he; and the average college student, whose liberal professors take pains to keep their charges apprised of every shortage of toilet paper in Indonesian "sweat shops," is taught next to nothing about the crimes of Communism. Castro can, to this day, make a visit to New York in the knowledge that he will face nothing more threatening than a bear-hug from Rep. Charles Rangel -- unpleasant, to be sure, but nothing like the hand-cuffs and firing squad he deserves......"

The Mustache on the Left - TCS Daily
bigrebnc and LogikandReazon are the banner carriers this day for the far right wacks.

Good for grins and chuckles.
Sigh. I am disappointed in my fellow conservatives here who have allowed Jake to derail another good thread. I am more and more convinced he is paid to do that. I really REALLY wish more people wouldn't take the bait.
A community organizer, beggar and thief.

For whatever bleeding heart, ghetto causes he can dream up..................
Sigh. I am disappointed in my fellow conservatives here who have allowed Jake to derail another good thread. I am more and more convinced he is paid to do that. I really REALLY wish more people wouldn't take the bait.

Jake is incorrigible. Jake is a mistake.

I won't agree to that, but I think his (and several other's) mission is to make certain that no intelligent discussion is possible but to attract trolls and those who like the mudslinging to the thread, possibly to boost the post count. And actually, if that is everybody's cup of tea, so be it. I honestly don't see the fascination, but each to their own.

Oh well. That's my whine for the day. Carry on.
Sigh. I am disappointed in my fellow conservatives here who have allowed Jake to derail another good thread. I am more and more convinced he is paid to do that. I really REALLY wish more people wouldn't take the bait.

Jake is incorrigible. Jake is a mistake.

I won't agree to that, but I think his (and several other's) mission is to make certain that no intelligent discussion is possible but to attract trolls and those who like the mudslinging to the thread, possibly to boost the post count. And actually, if that is everybody's cup of tea, so be it. I honestly don't see the fascination, but each to their own.

Oh well. That's my whine for the day. Carry on.

And that's why I respect your cooler head Foxy.

I rarely these days write to that bad piece of data. You wind up in a vortex of circuliar logic with Fakey.
How to increase the value of USMB in under 120 seconds.

1. Go to "User CP"
2. Click on "Edit Ignore List"
3. In the text box, enter "JakeStarkey". The program will doublecheck that you meant that name.
4. Click the "Okay" button.
5. Enjoy the new and improved USMB.

He's not worth the attention.
Jake is incorrigible. Jake is a mistake.

I won't agree to that, but I think his (and several other's) mission is to make certain that no intelligent discussion is possible but to attract trolls and those who like the mudslinging to the thread, possibly to boost the post count. And actually, if that is everybody's cup of tea, so be it. I honestly don't see the fascination, but each to their own.

Oh well. That's my whine for the day. Carry on.

And that's why I respect your cooler head Foxy.

I rarely these days write to that bad piece of data. You wind up in a vortex of circuliar logic with Fakey.

You have to make a case, T, and you and the other extremist reactionary righties so rarely do, simply asserting that your assertions are asserting enough for proof.

Hint, they are not, and I will call that out every time you guys do it.

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