Is obama a socilist, or a fascist?

Because (1) wikipedia is not reputable, and (2) he has define what is the Left and its components.

When he gets a reputable source to work with and fulfills his obligation to define and classifly the Left, I can respond. I will not do his work for him.

Starkey is left wing hack. ive had more sources and he has none. He has nothing. Plus the jacobians and paris commune are pretty well know to people, except starkey once you own him with a post, it takes him hours to think of a reply and comes up with I disagree. He doesnt say his position because he has no clue

You have to define what you mean by the Left. You can't dump it all together for seventy years, and think that you have said anything sensible.

My position is very clear, right of center, a supporter of Romney, and opponent of the far right and libertarian factions in the GOP.

Jake, you can't possibly believe that the far right and libertarian factions in the GOP will not come with a Romney presidency? Romney believes the same things the far right and libertarian factions in the GOP believe.

Looks like we have another argument in which static analysis is being used rather than dynamic analysis.

"Medicare For All" won't work, the cost of providing care is too high.

As it is, right now, today.

But there are many ideas and strategies for reducing the net cost of care. However, and unfortunately, they come from both sides of the spectrum, and neither side is currently allowed to give a fucking inch. Examples:

Improved electronic medical records - The ability for any given provider to see a patient's entire history and situation in the stroke of a key would significantly reduce the need for diagnostic tests. Did you know that only about 14% of our health care system is fully set up on electronic medical record software?

Value-based insurance design - I've droned on about this before so I won't bore you with the details, but it has been conclusively shown in multiple studies that identifying the specific condition a patient has, providing free medication (oh no! socialism!) and basic education drastically reduces both emergency room and hospital visits

Tort Reform - A ridiculous amount of diagnostic testing is currently done to save a doctor's ass in the event of a lawsuit. A ridiculous amount of money is spent by providers on malpractice insurance. That would need to be addressed fully if we're serious about saving money

Culture Reform - America has, by far, the highest obesity, heart disease and death due to heart disease rates on the fucking planet. We're fat and lazy, and no elected politician has the balls to say so. Until we address obesity on a national and cultural level, we're fucked, and our costs of health care will remain artificially high

Just a few examples there. Medicare For All, right now? Too expensive. Medicare For All, after our hapless "leaders" have removed their heads from their asses and taken advantage of the myriad ideas and strategies for significantly reducing the cost of care? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that would work.

And, by the way, insurance companies play a key role in Medicare via Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplements. That doesn't have to change, and we can continue to have robust free market competition there.

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Starkey is left wing hack. ive had more sources and he has none. He has nothing. Plus the jacobians and paris commune are pretty well know to people, except starkey once you own him with a post, it takes him hours to think of a reply and comes up with I disagree. He doesnt say his position because he has no clue

You have to define what you mean by the Left. You can't dump it all together for seventy years, and think that you have said anything sensible.

My position is very clear, right of center, a supporter of Romney, and opponent of the far right and libertarian factions in the GOP.

Jake, you can't possibly believe that the far right and libertarian factions in the GOP will not come with a Romney presidency? Romney believes the same things the far right and libertarian factions in the GOP believe.

Your comment reveals that you do not know Romney or studied him for almost twenty years. He is taking the far right and the libertarian factions' votes, then he will toss them aside. Watch!
You have to define what you mean by the Left. You can't dump it all together for seventy years, and think that you have said anything sensible.

My position is very clear, right of center, a supporter of Romney, and opponent of the far right and libertarian factions in the GOP.

Jake, you can't possibly believe that the far right and libertarian factions in the GOP will not come with a Romney presidency? Romney believes the same things the far right and libertarian factions in the GOP believe.

Your comment reveals that you do not know Romney or studied him for almost twenty years. He is taking the far right and the libertarian factions' votes, then he will toss them aside. Watch!

Yea, America's problems are because we have too many teachers, firemen and policemen. Romney will turn America into Ireland and bring 14 percent unemployment, 30 percent youth unemployment and zero economic growth to our shores.

Wise up Jake. If you believe America needs austerity, then vote for Mitten. And if you believe that, then go find a doctor who practices blood letting.
Romney is the Antichrist for sure, bfgrn! (sarcasm)

You are going to be pleasantly surprised with President Romney.

The far right will hate him as he isolates it and the libertarian faction for several election cycles.
Romney is the Antichrist for sure, bfgrn! (sarcasm)

You are going to be pleasantly surprised with President Romney.

The far right will hate him as he isolates it and the libertarian faction for several election cycles.

So...Romney is lying to get elected, and I should just trust him? Romney is saying let's do exactly what we did under the Bush administration and this time hope for different results.

It seems for you Romney IS Christ.
Romney is the Antichrist for sure, bfgrn! (sarcasm)

You are going to be pleasantly surprised with President Romney.

The far right will hate him as he isolates it and the libertarian faction for several election cycles.

So...Romney is lying to get elected, and I should just trust him? Romney is saying let's do exactly what we did under the Bush administration and this time hope for different results. It seems for you Romney IS Christ.

Romney is being a politician in a very corrupt time in the history of our Republic, and our GOP has a very corrupt far right. Get over it.
Romney is the Antichrist for sure, bfgrn! (sarcasm)

You are going to be pleasantly surprised with President Romney.

The far right will hate him as he isolates it and the libertarian faction for several election cycles.

So...Romney is lying to get elected, and I should just trust him? Romney is saying let's do exactly what we did under the Bush administration and this time hope for different results. It seems for you Romney IS Christ.

Romney is being a politician in a very corrupt time in the history of our Republic, and our GOP has a very corrupt far right. Get over it.

OK, then WHY validate our GOP's very corrupt far right? It makes NO sense at all. The 'solutions' Romney and the GOP offer will plunge this nation into a deep recession.

Romney has flipped flopped more than any 'politician' in this very corrupt time in the history of our Republic. He has no spine, he is a panderer.

So, I guess you believe in austerity and blood letting.
The place is a far right extremist journal that wishes to redefine the political and historical terms of Western culture. The above is an excellent example of it. Here is the front plant from its web site.

The Harvard Salient is a fortnightly journal of political thought. Naturally conservative but free from political allegiances, the Salient was founded in 1981 by Harvard students who sought to provide a journalistic alternative to a predominantly liberal campus press. Opportunities abound for writers, artists, photographers, production assistants, and advertising salesmen. The Salient's goal is to return to the Harvard campus, through thoughtful discourse, the ancient principles underpinning Western civilization: tradition, family, property, and respect for ordered liberty.

Harvard Salient

"The Myth" itself is a myth, but that is obvious. What is nice is that Harvard has its own extremist right wing voice. Good. No more carping about a left dominated educational and university universe.

The real point is that German conservatism, as a philosophy, of course adhered to legitimacy and traditional institutions, but the fact remains that conservatives and their parties and the corporations belied all that and supported Hitler.

The real point is that Romney and the mainstream Republican Party rejects the politics and philosophy of the far extremist right of political and cultural America. Our difference with German conservatism is that we won't let extremist reactionary right wing perversion corrupt the party.

Starkey stop bagging on people. You already said Nazis were socialists.....then you make the play that facism is right wing, because it;s conservative? I dont think he was that conservative.
you say leftwing politics has nothing to do with Marxism
you said the French Revolution didnt have communists
and I'm still waiting for your take on the left wing and what and who the "Rational" left are
But you say nothing, because you have nothing

I said Hitler killed the socialists in his party, so stop the typical right wing extremist lie.

Ok so Hitler was left wing for 14 years, then suddenly, he switched to right wing. I dont think so.

Fascism can be both right and left, Hitler's was right wing, and no one cares what you think.

Thank you, atleast you admit it can be left

I said the French Revolution was about the monarchy not economics.

Dumbass it was at first, they killed the king in 1792 and most of the high level aristocrats, BEFORE the Reign of Terror, Marx loved it so much he replicated the Paris commune (hint first one started in 1792 with the Jacobians) and why change the calander? You really dont know shit about the Revolution at all.

Principal Dates and Time Line of the French Revolution

Second phase: Henceforth the struggle is between bourgeois and proletariat, rather than nobility and bourgeoisie. I WIN BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1st September 1792: General mobilisation, citizens sent to the front.
2nd September 1792: Danton instigates the massacre of about 1,200 Royalists held in Parisian prisons.
20th September 1792: French forces defeat the invading force at Valmy. Henceforth the Revolution would enjoy victory in its military conflicts.
21st September 1792: The Convention elected by the Legislative Assembly commences, abolishes monarchy; day one of the Republican Calendar.
19th November 1792: “Edict of Fraternity” offers aid to “subject peoples.”
11th December 1792: Trial of the king begins.
21st January 1793: Louis XVI executed.
1st February 1793: France declares war on Britain and Holland.
25th February 1793: Food riots in Paris.
6th April 1793: Committee of Public Safety established.
24th April 1793: Marat put on trial for complicity in September massacre but is acquitted.
4th May 1793: Maximum price of bread imposed.
27th May 1793: Uprising of Paris Commune against the Convention
2nd June 1793: Expulsion of the Girondists (the party of compromise) from all offices. The Commune of Paris becomes the centre of power.
24th June 1793: Jacobin Constitution accepted by the Convention.
13th July 1793: Marat, “the people’s friend,” murdered by Charlotte Corday.
17th July 1793: Corday executed amid popular outrage.
1st August 1793: Metric system of measures adopted.
23rd August 1793: Levée en masse (conscription) decreed.
4-5th September 1793: Popular riots in Paris.
17th September 1793: “Law of Suspects” initiates the Terror.
14th October 1793: Marie-Antoinette tried and executed.
23rd October 1793: Republican Calendar decreed.
24th October 1793: 22 Girondists tried and executed.
10th November 1793: Festival of Liberty and Reason.
24th March 1794: Robespierre, the Committee of Public Safety and Jacobin Club denounce the Hébertists and Dantonists on framed-up charges and execute all the popular leaders. Robespierre becomes virtually the dictator.
18th May 1794: Robespierre decreed the new religion of the Supreme Being.
8th June 1794: The day of inauguration of the Supreme Being.
10th June 1794: (22 Prairial) procedures for mass trial and execution implemented. Victims will go to the guillotine now in batches of 50 or 60 at a time. An estimated 2,750 are executed of whom the great majority are poor.
27th July 1794: (9th Thermidor) Convention calls for arrest of Robespierre. Robespierre attempts insurrection which flops, is arrested and executed. After about 150 of his supporters are done away with, the Terror is over.

You made all the silly statements about the Left without qualifying Who was What. That is your affirmative statement and I have no obligation to pull you out of your swamp.

God I LOVE owning your ASS!!!! (oh and it was a MARXIST website, not wikipedia. And that also is the root of the lefts disdain for the middle class (bourgeoisie) as they call them that in a backhanded manor without people knowing their being insulted.
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So...Romney is lying to get elected, and I should just trust him? Romney is saying let's do exactly what we did under the Bush administration and this time hope for different results. It seems for you Romney IS Christ.

Romney is being a politician in a very corrupt time in the history of our Republic, and our GOP has a very corrupt far right. Get over it.

OK, then WHY validate our GOP's very corrupt far right? It makes NO sense at all. The 'solutions' Romney and the GOP offer will plunge this nation into a deep recession.

Romney has flipped flopped more than any 'politician' in this very corrupt time in the history of our Republic. He has no spine, he is a panderer.

So, I guess you believe in austerity and blood letting.

yeah four years of Obama and still in recession, those policies are really really working. I owend you on the eugenics/abortion debate, I'll dance with you on taxes and economic policy.
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We need the Dems and their corrupt far left out of government.

Romney is going to make the far right cry like babies when he is done with them as well.
You see, buckeye, I am the boss and can do as I want. I have succeeded in our economic and business culture where you haven't.

That's your issue not mine. Your issue is to do what you boss wants and I suspect that it is not being on USMB when on the job. Word to the wise.
We need the Dems and their corrupt far left out of government.

Romney is going to make the far right cry like babies when he is done with them as well.

Far left Jake? You can't be serious. Can you give me some examples of 'far left' policies that came from this so called far left?
You see, buckeye, I am the boss and can do as I want. I have succeeded in our economic and business culture where you haven't.

That's your issue not mine. Your issue is to do what you boss wants and I suspect that it is not being on USMB when on the job. Word to the wise.

Oh well are you the cat's pajamas. I know many business owers and they actually work harder than the employees and dont have a lot of time for message boarding.

So you're a left wing buisness owner. hmmmm are you self loathing? do you really own a business? I mean you are a person that has said so many stupid an untruthful things in this thread alone.
Romney is being a politician in a very corrupt time in the history of our Republic, and our GOP has a very corrupt far right. Get over it.

OK, then WHY validate our GOP's very corrupt far right? It makes NO sense at all. The 'solutions' Romney and the GOP offer will plunge this nation into a deep recession.

Romney has flipped flopped more than any 'politician' in this very corrupt time in the history of our Republic. He has no spine, he is a panderer.

So, I guess you believe in austerity and blood letting.

yeah four years of Obama and still in recession, those policies are really really working. I owend you on the eugenics/abortion debate, I'll dance with you on taxes and economic policy.

What is it with you right wing turds? Are you THAT insecure that you have to claim faux victories? You never even responded to my last post. You right wing turds profess your social Darwinism every day on this board. Maybe you are just too obtuse to understand what social Darwinism is?

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