Is obama a socilist, or a fascist?

You see, buckeye, I am the boss and can do as I want. I have succeeded in our economic and business culture where you haven't.

That's your issue not mine. Your issue is to do what you boss wants and I suspect that it is not being on USMB when on the job. Word to the wise.

Oh well are you the cat's pajamas. I know many business owers and they actually work harder than the employees and dont have a lot of time for message boarding.

So you're a left wing buisness owner. hmmmm are you self loathing? do you really own a business? I mean you are a person that has said so many stupid an untruthful things in this thread alone.

I am a right of center successful business owner while you are a far right reactionary slacker stealing your boss's time.

The difference between us: I tell the truth.
"When fascism comes to will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." Sinclair Lewis

It is always fascinating how the right wing conservatives are able to use a few pejorative labels as substitutes for thought and knowledge. No need to think, simply label someone, devil, Satan, witch, liberal, fascist, communist, Marxist, or evil and the conservative feels they have actually said something. Their lack of knowledge is simply astounding but then complicated thought is much too difficult for them.

RP - Stalin called his system democratic, do you think it was? Nazism is simply a more virulent form of fascism. It is of the right or conservative side of the political spectrum as it opposes liberalism and the individual and praises the nation and corporatism. Nationalism and corporatism are still evident today on the right in the conservative side of the republican party, and their opposition to several initiatives that support people. The conservatives object to anything that that helps the working person over the corporation, notice only their constant defense of walmart and their dislike of Unions.

This topic comes all the time as conservatives are unable to face the radical demonic side of their ideology. The following is a re-post as the right hides from itself once again. A serious question is when you really don't understand politics or political systems how is it you can understand anything. No wonder Bush Jr and Reagan failed the country so badly.

More below for the interested reader.

'Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes. Britt found 14 defining characteristics common to each:'

1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism - Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays."  Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

“It was in the third period–after 1929–that the true significance of fascism became apparent...Until then fascism had been hardly more than a trait in Italy’s authoritarian government...It now emerged as an alternative solution of the problem of industrial society. Germany took the lead in a revolution of European scope...” The Contemporary Condition: What Was Fascism?

The Contemporary Condition: Aspirational Fascism

Eco - "Eternal Fascism: 14 Ways of Looking at a Blackshirt"
"When fascism comes to will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." Sinclair Lewis

It is always fascinating how the right wing conservatives are able to use a few pejorative labels as substitutes for thought and knowledge. No need to think, simply label someone, devil, Satan, witch, liberal, fascist, communist, Marxist, or evil and the conservative feels they have actually said something. Their lack of knowledge is simply astounding but then complicated thought is much too difficult for them.

RP - Stalin called his system democratic, do you think it was? Nazism is simply a more virulent form of fascism. It is of the right or conservative side of the political spectrum as it opposes liberalism and the individual and praises the nation and corporatism. Nationalism and corporatism are still evident today on the right in the conservative side of the republican party, and their opposition to several initiatives that support people. The conservatives object to anything that that helps the working person over the corporation, notice only their constant defense of walmart and their dislike of Unions.

This topic comes all the time as conservatives are unable to face the radical demonic side of their ideology. The following is a re-post as the right hides from itself once again. A serious question is when you really don't understand politics or political systems how is it you can understand anything. No wonder Bush Jr and Reagan failed the country so badly.

More below for the interested reader.

'Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes. Britt found 14 defining characteristics common to each:'

1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism - Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays." *Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

“It was in the third period–after 1929–that the true significance of fascism became apparent...Until then fascism had been hardly more than a trait in Italy’s authoritarian government...It now emerged as an alternative solution of the problem of industrial society. Germany took the lead in a revolution of European scope...” The Contemporary Condition: What Was Fascism?

The Contemporary Condition: Aspirational Fascism

Eco - "Eternal Fascism: 14 Ways of Looking at a Blackshirt"

You are aware that being 'wrapped in the flag' and 'carrying the cross etc.' are the flags, slogans, and emblems representing the would be facist regime and not the nationalist emblems? That facism requires tearing down all existing loyalties so that the new regime can be installed? One of the tactics to install facism is to make nationalist displays such as flag waving and patriotic symbolism and existing cherished institutions appear to be flawed and symptomatic of all that is wrong that facism will correct.
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Please give sources and samples of that in Europe during the 1920s and 1930s, please. This is the first I have heard of that practice, and I would like to study it. Fascism does, of course, glorify the state through war and conquest, enshrine the leaders as demi-gods, and uses great excess of uniforms and symbols and displays.

I don't thin Bush was a fascist, but I can remember the fascist-like glorification of him early after 9-11 that equated him with Churchill. That particular tactic came to an end with the cartoon of a child-sized Bush in sailor pant running along between and holding the hands of Churchill and FDR.

I am concerned about the fascist relationship of government and business in both Bush and Obama's terms as well.
Marxism, Communism and Progressivism are the ideologies of dependency, thievery, deconstruction, experimentation, social engineering, mindless interventionism, identity/race mongering, spending, corruption, lies and HOPE...

That really "Forward"
Marxism, Communism and Progressivism are the ideologies of dependency, thievery, deconstruction, experimentation, social engineering, mindless interventionism, identity/race mongering, spending, corruption, lies and HOPE...

That really "Forward"

All socialist, Marxist, 'progressive' regimes are based on one fundamental concept: that government knows what is best for the people than the people who are governed know what is best. And all are seemingly based on the premise that unless government controls the society and orders its structure, those who are evil in society will screw over everybody else. Those who seek the power are portrayed as the concerned, compassionate, caring messiah raised up to save the people from the corruption and evil among them and the one annointed to transform the nation into a much better place.
Progressivism has right wing as well as left wing forms, Foxfyre. Santorum fits your description quite well. He would have expanded government power to eliminate all abortion, for example, except in danger of life to mother, and there is question on how much he would have supported even that limitation.
Progressivism has right wing as well as left wing forms, Foxfyre. Santorum fits your description quite well. He would have expanded government power to eliminate all abortion, for example, except in danger of life to mother, and there is question on how much he would have supported even that limitation.

Goddamit, it has taken me three years to educate you and I see that you have finally learned.

Marxists, socialism? Pub dupe idiocy. It's another Pub World Depression- How bout a Jobs Act or ANYTHING, a-holes. Voodoo for 30 years infrastructure is falling apart...
Marxists, socialism? Pub dupe idiocy. It's another Pub World Depression- How bout a Jobs Act or ANYTHING, a-holes. Voodoo for 30 years infrastructure is falling apart...

You confuse the extremist far right and the libertarians as being the GOP: they are not, just some goof balls. The same as they hard core lefties beyond the Democratic norm.

Neither set of extremists have much to offer America in a positive sense.
"When fascism comes to will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." Sinclair Lewis

It is always fascinating how the right wing conservatives are able to use a few pejorative labels as substitutes for thought and knowledge. No need to think, simply label someone, devil, Satan, witch, liberal, fascist, communist, Marxist, or evil and the conservative feels they have actually said something. Their lack of knowledge is simply astounding but then complicated thought is much too difficult for them.

RP - Stalin called his system democratic, do you think it was? Nazism is simply a more virulent form of fascism. It is of the right or conservative side of the political spectrum as it opposes liberalism and the individual and praises the nation and corporatism. Nationalism and corporatism are still evident today on the right in the conservative side of the republican party, and their opposition to several initiatives that support people. The conservatives object to anything that that helps the working person over the corporation, notice only their constant defense of walmart and their dislike of Unions.

This topic comes all the time as conservatives are unable to face the radical demonic side of their ideology. The following is a re-post as the right hides from itself once again. A serious question is when you really don't understand politics or political systems how is it you can understand anything. No wonder Bush Jr and Reagan failed the country so badly.

More below for the interested reader.

'Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes. Britt found 14 defining characteristics common to each:'

1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism - Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays." *Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

“It was in the third period–after 1929–that the true significance of fascism became apparent...Until then fascism had been hardly more than a trait in Italy’s authoritarian government...It now emerged as an alternative solution of the problem of industrial society. Germany took the lead in a revolution of European scope...” The Contemporary Condition: What Was Fascism?

The Contemporary Condition: Aspirational Fascism

Eco - "Eternal Fascism: 14 Ways of Looking at a Blackshirt"

You are aware that being 'wrapped in the flag' and 'carrying the cross etc.' are the flags, slogans, and emblems representing the would be facist regime and not the nationalist emblems? That facism requires tearing down all existing loyalties so that the new regime can be installed? One of the tactics to install facism is to make nationalist displays such as flag waving and patriotic symbolism and existing cherished institutions appear to be flawed and symptomatic of all that is wrong that facism will correct.
Nope, he meant what he said. Extreme nationalism is a trait of right wing extremism.
"When fascism comes to will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." Sinclair Lewis

It is always fascinating how the right wing conservatives are able to use a few pejorative labels as substitutes for thought and knowledge. No need to think, simply label someone, devil, Satan, witch, liberal, fascist, communist, Marxist, or evil and the conservative feels they have actually said something. Their lack of knowledge is simply astounding but then complicated thought is much too difficult for them.

RP - Stalin called his system democratic, do you think it was? Nazism is simply a more virulent form of fascism. It is of the right or conservative side of the political spectrum as it opposes liberalism and the individual and praises the nation and corporatism. Nationalism and corporatism are still evident today on the right in the conservative side of the republican party, and their opposition to several initiatives that support people. The conservatives object to anything that that helps the working person over the corporation, notice only their constant defense of walmart and their dislike of Unions.

This topic comes all the time as conservatives are unable to face the radical demonic side of their ideology. The following is a re-post as the right hides from itself once again. A serious question is when you really don't understand politics or political systems how is it you can understand anything. No wonder Bush Jr and Reagan failed the country so badly.

More below for the interested reader.

'Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes. Britt found 14 defining characteristics common to each:'

1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism - Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays." *Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

“It was in the third period–after 1929–that the true significance of fascism became apparent...Until then fascism had been hardly more than a trait in Italy’s authoritarian government...It now emerged as an alternative solution of the problem of industrial society. Germany took the lead in a revolution of European scope...” The Contemporary Condition: What Was Fascism?

The Contemporary Condition: Aspirational Fascism

Eco - "Eternal Fascism: 14 Ways of Looking at a Blackshirt"

You are aware that being 'wrapped in the flag' and 'carrying the cross etc.' are the flags, slogans, and emblems representing the would be facist regime and not the nationalist emblems? That facism requires tearing down all existing loyalties so that the new regime can be installed? One of the tactics to install facism is to make nationalist displays such as flag waving and patriotic symbolism and existing cherished institutions appear to be flawed and symptomatic of all that is wrong that facism will correct.
Nope, he meant what he said. Extreme nationalism is a trait of right wing extremism.

also a trait of the right is small govt, which is NOT fascism
Marxism, Communism and Progressivism are the ideologies of dependency, thievery, deconstruction, experimentation, social engineering, mindless interventionism, identity/race mongering, spending, corruption, lies and HOPE...

That really "Forward"

All socialist, Marxist, 'progressive' regimes are based on one fundamental concept: that government knows what is best for the people than the people who are governed know what is best. And all are seemingly based on the premise that unless government controls the society and orders its structure, those who are evil in society will screw over everybody else. Those who seek the power are portrayed as the concerned, compassionate, caring messiah raised up to save the people from the corruption and evil among them and the one annointed to transform the nation into a much better place.

Under Marxian communism there is no taxes and no government.
The USSR did not have a government?

Dang! All that money we spent on NATO was wasted.

Russia never got to Marxist communism. Once they got to the part that private property was confiscated and the central government was totally in control, those in power were too addicted to the power, prestige, and personal wealth to ever move beyond that point. Even if Marx's vision of a communist utopia was possible, no government, once it has totalitarian powers, ever voluntarily give it up.
No nation has ever practiced Marxian communism. The USSR never did, and in fact, dropped the whole idea in the Twenties. The USSR had a totalitarian political system with some sort of economic system, probably the closest name was State Capitalism.
The real threat of the word communism has been to appeal to people to revolt and that became a form of old fashioned imperialism and that imperialism was the threat to the US. If the so called communist nations formed an alliance under imperialist dictators it could mean problems. The word communism was also useful as a political scare word to frighten people.
You confuse the extremist far right and the libertarians as being the GOP: they are not, just some goof balls. The same as they hard core lefties beyond the Democratic norm.

Neither set of extremists have much to offer America in a positive sense.

Talking to yourself again, Fakey?

Remind others when you speak just how shallow and worthless are your alternatives. Slink away, little coward extremist.
When are you going to use a source and your opinion is not a reputable source

Because (1) wikipedia is not reputable, and (2) he has define what is the Left and its components.

When he gets a reputable source to work with and fulfills his obligation to define and classifly the Left, I can respond. I will not do his work for him.

I gave you, I have owend you on so many of these issues more than the democrats owned slaves in the 19th century.
Hitler had the socialist leadership of the SA murdered: fact.

Stalin had the socialist leadership of the USSR murdered: Fact.

Hitler was made dictator by a coalition of Nazi and right wing groups in the Reichstag: fact.

Stalin was made dictator by edict of Lenin: Fact.

American politics, left and right, when having government and businesses to cooperate at the expense of workers, is fascist: fact.

Obamacare is the most blatant example of corporate and governmental power structures merging: Fact.

The extremist right wingers in this thread lie when they say they are mainstream conservatives: fact.

The sycophant leftists in this thread lie to mask the connection they have with fascism: fact.

Uncensored I love your posts man, put em side by side and Hiter=Stalin, Nazis=COmmunism, I love how the left puts it in the righ becuase of private property, so I guess France And Sweeden and the rest of European Socialism=right wing to these guys, what clowns and I love that I have owned Fakey Jakey who has no evidence, as well as the other clown rfc or whatever
I showed eugenics were progressives, now they're talking right wing progressives, LOLOLOLOL These guys are so owned.

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