Is obama a socilist, or a fascist?

“If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands.”
Douglas Adams

I have been around since Truman was in the White House. In all my years as a citizen I have NEVER heard one single liberal promote anything that even resembles eugenics or the concepts behind eugenics. 'The "interventions" advocated and practiced by eugenicists involved prominently the identification and classification of individuals and their families, including the poor, mentally ill, blind, deaf, developmentally disabled, promiscuous women, homosexuals and entire racial groups'

Yet, this board is infested with right wingers professing their social Darwinism on a daily basis and the concepts and mindset REQUIRED to consider something as radical as eugenics. 'The "interventions" advocated and practiced by eugenicists involved prominently the identification and classification of individuals and their families, including the poor, mentally ill, blind, deaf, developmentally disabled, promiscuous women, homosexuals and entire racial groups'.

Those are all groups liberals defend as having equal rights and liberals defend their protection, while conservatives would willingly identify and classify those people as 'others' dismissing them as being deserving of some form of exclusion, sanction or punishment.

MAn I just gave you an article from left wingers about after birth abortion, and I proved that ALL the major progressives were for eugenics, as well as Stalin, Hitler, Mao. Now you and you left wing buddies are claiming right wing progressivism, since I've proved how horrible they are and how you project social darwinsm to christian republicans, again I dont know of any that support eugenics or any of it's theories, can you find me some?
Owning you left wingers is so much fun, yeah I have to get evidence, but I do, you dont, sucks to support the side that supports eugenics and Mengela type medicine (death panels, after birth abortion, partial birth abortion, hell abortion at all, Again Sanger supported eugenics but thought Abortion was worse and didnt want to touch it. That shows you just how wrong you are.)

If you've been around for that long and not known it, then you need to wake up Rip Van Winkle.


United Methodist Church: An Apology for Support of Eugenics

The United Methodist Church has passed petition 81175 which expresses an apology for support of Eugenics

Ironically, as the Eugenics movement came to the United States, the churches, especially the Methodists, the Presbyterians, and the Episcopalians, embraced it.
Methodist churches around the country promoted the American Eugenics Society “Fitter Family Contests” wherein the fittest families were invariably fair skinned and well off. Methodist bishops endorsed one of the first books circulated to the US churches promoting eugenics. Unlike the battles over evolution and creationism, both conservative and progressive church leaders endorsed eugenics. The liberal Rev. Harry F. Ward, professor of Christian ethics and a founder of the Methodist Federation for Social Service, writing in Eugenics, the magazine of the American Eugenic Society, said that Christianity and Eugenics were compatible because both pursued the “challenge of removing the causes that produce the weak. Conservative Rev. Clarence True Wilson, the General Secretary of the Methodist Episcopal Board of Temperance, Prohibition and Public Morals, and the man chosen to debate Clarence Darrow after William Jennings Bryan’s death, believed that only the white Aryan race was the descendent of the lost tribes of Israel.

Ok, I stand corrected, progressive liberal mainstream protestands, belived in eugenics, I was wrong on the every christian thing. Atleast I'm intellectually honest unlike you and Starkey.
Progressivism has right wing as well as left wing forms, Foxfyre. Santorum fits your description quite well. He would have expanded government power to eliminate all abortion, for example, except in danger of life to mother, and there is question on how much he would have supported even that limitation.

Goddamit, it has taken me three years to educate you and I see that you have finally learned.


There you go bfgrn, You're buddy Starkey said it.......Again, I prove you wrong, I own you.

Ah, I see your EDS (extremist derangement syndrome), buckeye, is kicking in.

Everybody on the forum owns you, son.
MAn I just gave you an article from left wingers about after birth abortion, and I proved that ALL the major progressives were for eugenics, as well as Stalin, Hitler, Mao. Now you and you left wing buddies are claiming right wing progressivism, since I've proved how horrible they are and how you project social darwinsm to christian republicans, again I dont know of any that support eugenics or any of it's theories, can you find me some?
Owning you left wingers is so much fun, yeah I have to get evidence, but I do, you dont, sucks to support the side that supports eugenics and Mengela type medicine (death panels, after birth abortion, partial birth abortion, hell abortion at all, Again Sanger supported eugenics but thought Abortion was worse and didnt want to touch it. That shows you just how wrong you are.)

If you've been around for that long and not known it, then you need to wake up Rip Van Winkle.


United Methodist Church: An Apology for Support of Eugenics

The United Methodist Church has passed petition 81175 which expresses an apology for support of Eugenics

Ironically, as the Eugenics movement came to the United States, the churches, especially the Methodists, the Presbyterians, and the Episcopalians, embraced it.
Methodist churches around the country promoted the American Eugenics Society “Fitter Family Contests” wherein the fittest families were invariably fair skinned and well off. Methodist bishops endorsed one of the first books circulated to the US churches promoting eugenics. Unlike the battles over evolution and creationism, both conservative and progressive church leaders endorsed eugenics. The liberal Rev. Harry F. Ward, professor of Christian ethics and a founder of the Methodist Federation for Social Service, writing in Eugenics, the magazine of the American Eugenic Society, said that Christianity and Eugenics were compatible because both pursued the “challenge of removing the causes that produce the weak. Conservative Rev. Clarence True Wilson, the General Secretary of the Methodist Episcopal Board of Temperance, Prohibition and Public Morals, and the man chosen to debate Clarence Darrow after William Jennings Bryan’s death, believed that only the white Aryan race was the descendent of the lost tribes of Israel.

Ok, I stand corrected, progressive liberal mainstream protestands, belived in eugenics, I was wrong on the every christian thing. Atleast I'm intellectually honest unlike you and Starkey.

buckeyes' Extremist Derangement Syndrome has really kicked in today. :lol:
Goddamit, it has taken me three years to educate you and I see that you have finally learned.


There you go bfgrn, You're buddy Starkey said it.......Again, I prove you wrong, I own you.

Ah, I see your EDS (extremist derangement syndrome), buckeye, is kicking in.

Everybody on the forum owns you, son.

Sorry man, you've already been called out by more than me. You offer nothing but bullshit.

Is Marxism the basis of leftwing politics?
There you go bfgrn, You're buddy Starkey said it.......Again, I prove you wrong, I own you.

Ah, I see your EDS (extremist derangement syndrome), buckeye, is kicking in.

Everybody on the forum owns you, son.

Sorry man, you've already been called out by more than me. You offer nothing but bullshit. Is Marxism the basis of leftwing politics?

Once you give a full set of definitions acceptable to the mainstream defining Left, Center, Right, Marxism, Totalitarianism, Fascism, etc., then we can talk.

You have failed to do that, and until you do that, EDS Guy, you are fail.

United Methodist Church: An Apology for Support of Eugenics

The United Methodist Church has passed petition 81175 which expresses an apology for support of Eugenics

Ironically, as the Eugenics movement came to the United States, the churches, especially the Methodists, the Presbyterians, and the Episcopalians, embraced it.
Methodist churches around the country promoted the American Eugenics Society “Fitter Family Contests” wherein the fittest families were invariably fair skinned and well off. Methodist bishops endorsed one of the first books circulated to the US churches promoting eugenics. Unlike the battles over evolution and creationism, both conservative and progressive church leaders endorsed eugenics. The liberal Rev. Harry F. Ward, professor of Christian ethics and a founder of the Methodist Federation for Social Service, writing in Eugenics, the magazine of the American Eugenic Society, said that Christianity and Eugenics were compatible because both pursued the “challenge of removing the causes that produce the weak. Conservative Rev. Clarence True Wilson, the General Secretary of the Methodist Episcopal Board of Temperance, Prohibition and Public Morals, and the man chosen to debate Clarence Darrow after William Jennings Bryan’s death, believed that only the white Aryan race was the descendent of the lost tribes of Israel.

Ok, I stand corrected, progressive liberal mainstream protestands, belived in eugenics, I was wrong on the every christian thing. Atleast I'm intellectually honest unlike you and Starkey.

buckeyes' Extremist Derangement Syndrome has really kicked in today. :lol:

Wow I'm derranged for admitting I was wrong, no wonder you cant do it.
Voting for Romney does nothing of the sort.

That sounds like far left corruption to me when you demean the solid right of center in America.

Mark my words Jake. The centrist Republicans are being purged by the far right teabaggers, Grover Norqiust and the fundies. Ask Dick Lugar, Bruce Bartlett and David Frum.

You REALLY don't know what's going on, do you Jake???

How the GOP Purged Me
Progressivism has right wing as well as left wing forms, Foxfyre. Santorum fits your description quite well. He would have expanded government power to eliminate all abortion, for example, except in danger of life to mother, and there is question on how much he would have supported even that limitation.

Actually no there are progressives in both parties yet there is no conservative progressive....Conservatives believe in freedom and liberty where progressives do not.

Actually, you are allowed your opinion but not your own facts and definitions. Those are fixed. Yes, progressives exist in both parties. Some conservatives are statists wanting government to do certain things: limit abortions for instance.

Think carefully before posting, please.

Thats not opinion thats fact.
Voting for Romney does nothing of the sort.

That sounds like far left corruption to me when you demean the solid right of center in America.

Mark my words Jake. The centrist Republicans are being purged by the far right teabaggers, Grover Norqiust and the fundies. Ask Dick Lugar, Bruce Bartlett and David Frum. You REALLY don't know what's going on, do you Jake??? How the GOP Purged Me
Left Wing Extremism playing to the fears of the mainstream, are you?

The TP movement has had some local successes, but far fewer than last year.

Watch Romney does to the survivors of the TP in Congress after January. Either they support his programs, or he will go after their patronage and raise money against them in the next primaries.

Romney is not going to put with extremism of the left or the right.
Actually no there are progressives in both parties yet there is no conservative progressive....Conservatives believe in freedom and liberty where progressives do not.

Actually, you are allowed your opinion but not your own facts and definitions. Those are fixed. Yes, progressives exist in both parties. Some conservatives are statists wanting government to do certain things: limit abortions for instance. Think carefully before posting, please.
Thats not opinion thats fact.
Yes, I am posting facts while you wallow in opinion. Statism exists in the Republican party right.
Actually, you are allowed your opinion but not your own facts and definitions. Those are fixed. Yes, progressives exist in both parties. Some conservatives are statists wanting government to do certain things: limit abortions for instance. Think carefully before posting, please.
Thats not opinion thats fact.
Yes, I am posting facts while you wallow in opinion. Statism exists in the Republican party right.

The only fact you got is that your using English other wise your full of shit.
I keep hoping the smart ones here will stop responding to Jake so that we can get this thread back on track. He is intentionally derailing it and some of ya'll keep taking the bait.

It's an interesting topic. And in my opinion, if we don't thoroughly vet this President this time around--even the mainstream media admits that was not done in the last campaign--we get what we deserve come November.
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Thats not opinion thats fact.
Yes, I am posting facts while you wallow in opinion. Statism exists in the Republican party right.

The only fact you got is that your using English other wise your full of shit.

Says the one who can't tolerate actual definition and perceivable fact.

thanatos, you are wrong, but you will learn to live with the fact that your extremism on the far right is not mainstream Republican.
Yes, I am posting facts while you wallow in opinion. Statism exists in the Republican party right.

The only fact you got is that your using English other wise your full of shit.

Says the one who can't tolerate actual definition and perceivable fact.

thanatos, you are wrong, but you will learn to live with the fact that your extremism on the far right is not mainstream Republican.

Explain to me dumb ass how a people who wish to conserve liberty can be a progressive who wish to deny people liberty???????They are opposed idiot so there can not be a progressive conservative,.
The only fact you got is that your using English other wise your full of shit.

Says the one who can't tolerate actual definition and perceivable fact.

thanatos, you are wrong, but you will learn to live with the fact that your extremism on the far right is not mainstream Republican.

Explain to me dumb ass how a people who wish to conserve liberty can be a progressive who wish to deny people liberty???????They are opposed idiot so there can not be a progressive conservative,.

You misconstrue "freedom" and "liberty". Words have meanings. So look them up.
Says the one who can't tolerate actual definition and perceivable fact.

thanatos, you are wrong, but you will learn to live with the fact that your extremism on the far right is not mainstream Republican.

Explain to me dumb ass how a people who wish to conserve liberty can be a progressive who wish to deny people liberty???????They are opposed idiot so there can not be a progressive conservative,.

You misconstrue "freedom" and "liberty". Words have meanings. So look them up.

Yes I know and you progressives wish the end to both.
If you had said Marxist. I would have picked that, but you did not.

That was my first thought too. But you cannot move from capitalism, classical liberalism/modern American conservatism, and individual liberty to Marxist communism without first going through a socialist and then fascist phase.

In other words, socialist fascism is a critical phase on the path to achieve the complete government control that allows all concepts of individualism and property rights to be abolished and the presumed Marxist communist utopia to be achieved.
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