Is obama a socilist, or a fascist?

The material is typical of the far right, tell a lie when they have no evidence. Our Democratic Party in America (t belongs to the America people as much as the Republican Party does) is not marxist, and those who say so are out of touch with political and historical tried and true definitions and the American narrative. However, Texanmike did practice below the great Nazi tactic of lying through his teeth.

Texanmike writes, "Well I agree that Jake is uniformed, he told me the left didnt have a philosphy based on Marxism, even lefties admit that. But Obama is not center or center right. All those programs and money he has spent. The Healthcare bill, the auto bailout and OWNING GM, nah....that's left wing, maybe not kook single payer stuff, but still left wing."
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I thought one of the Republican goals was to make Obama into a Nazi? It seemed the Republicans have been working and spending time trying to make Hitler into a liberal and ultimately into a Democrat with the final goal of convincing their follwers that Obama and Hitler were one and the same.
It seemed the Obama is a communist thing didn't gel, but Republicans are flexible, socialist or fascist, whatever people will believe.
I still think the big-ear thing had more traction, however.
Regent, you mistake a far right extremist faction and its goals for that of the Republican Party.

Romney's nomination will be an outright rejection of that extremist faction's attempt to rewrite the American narrative.
I thought one of the Republican goals was to make Obama into a Nazi?

They discovered they didn't have to make him into a National Socialist. He already was one.
Hi, I'm a fag-hating right-wing Christian who thinks negroes are the cause of the global recession. But I can't possibly have any Nazi tendencies since we all know that "Nazi" is short for "National Socialist".

I am just too clever for you guys. Socialism is a lefty disease, and since Nazi has the word "socialism" in it, there is no way I could ever be mistaken for a Nazi.

So let's take a look at commies and nazis and examine just how alike they are so I can show you just how stupid you are.

If we look at the marxist movement, we find a lot of Jewish influence. You got your Moses Hess, the Jewish Bund, The Jewish Socialist Federation of America, Daniel Elbaum, Alexander Bittelman, Jay Lovestone...hell, I could go on and on all day with all the Jewish commies and socialists! There's jews a'poppin' everywhere.

And of course, the black power movement was motivated by marxism. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a commie. Everyone knows that.

Now let's talk a walk over her to the Nazis...

Hmmmm. Er, there do not appear to be any Jews over here. And what IS that smell in the air? And what's all this soot coming from that furnace over there?

And look! There are no blacks! And no mental defectives! And...ohmigod, no FAGS!!!! And the streets are clean and the trains run on time!

I clearly took a wrong turn somewhere when I was trying to find the liberal nazis. I stumbled into heaven by accident!
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I thought one of the Republican goals was to make Obama into a Nazi?

They discovered they didn't have to make him into a National Socialist. He already was one.

But can we trust Hitler to be a socialist just because he used the NAZI party label? A lot of people, maybe even some Republicans, didn't seem to trust Hitler or even what Hitler said during his reign? Is Hitler now to be trusted just because Republicans say Hitler could not tell a lie? Gets confusing, and all those books about Hitler and that period seem to say Hitler only used the NAZI party to gain power, and then, during the night of the long knives Hitler treated the socialists rather badly.
The material is typical of the far right, tell a lie when they have no evidence. Our Democratic Party in America (t belongs to the America people as much as the Republican Party does) is not marxist, and those who say so are out of touch with political and historical tried and true definitions and the American narrative. However, Texanmike did practice below the great Nazi tactic of lying through his teeth.

Texanmike writes, "Well I agree that Jake is uniformed, he told me the left didnt have a philosphy based on Marxism, even lefties admit that. But Obama is not center or center right. All those programs and money he has spent. The Healthcare bill, the auto bailout and OWNING GM, nah....that's left wing, maybe not kook single payer stuff, but still left wing."

so a major advisor to the President, wasnt a democrat?
Van Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
, but that by August of that year (1992) he was a communist.

Bill Ayers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In an interview published in 1995, Ayers characterized his political beliefs at that time and in the 1960s and 1970s: "I am a radical, Leftist, small 'c' communist ... [Laughs] Maybe I'm the last communist who is willing to admit it. [Laughs] We have always been small 'c' communists in the sense that we were never in the Communist party and never Stalinists. The ethics of communism still appeal to me. I don't like Lenin as much as the early Marx. I also like Henry David Thoreau, Mother Jones and Jane Addams [...]".[

Barack Obama And His Marxist Friends And Family
[ame=]From Barack Obama's own words - He Searched out Marxist (Communist) Professors in college - YouTube[/ame]
Obama Choses His Marxist/Radical Friends Carefully… « Purple People Vote
Buckeyes deserves a thanks here from all of us who are supporting Romney in trying to remove this perversion from the party. The far right is trying to revise political and historical tried and true definitions and the American narrative. His two wikipedia sources and the video are excellent attempts of a Nazi-like behavior of the far right extremists, so I thank Buckeyes for that exposure. Such sources are not accepted by academic and objective professionals and scholars.

Now, Buckeyes, see if you can find sources objective and evidentiary that will stand up to the scrutiny of examination.
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The material is typical of the far right, tell a lie when they have no evidence. Our Democratic Party in America (t belongs to the America people as much as the Republican Party does) is not marxist, and those who say so are out of touch with political and historical tried and true definitions and the American narrative. However, Texanmike did practice below the great Nazi tactic of lying through his teeth.

Texanmike writes, "Well I agree that Jake is uniformed, he told me the left didnt have a philosphy based on Marxism, even lefties admit that. But Obama is not center or center right. All those programs and money he has spent. The Healthcare bill, the auto bailout and OWNING GM, nah....that's left wing, maybe not kook single payer stuff, but still left wing."

I do think the democrats are fans of marxism, they dont condemn it as a horrible ideology. The right does condem fascism, marxism, socialism, ect.....hmmmm

Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Soviet Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yep it looks like Stalin was "caught"off gaurd by the Nazi attack, and he was looking to sign a pact with the Axis....hmmmmmmm Yeah they just couldnt get along, except Hitler hated slavs as much as jews and wanted them neutralized (kinda like what he did to the SA anyone else he saw as a threat)

And you lefties miss the point, in PRACTICE the USSR and NAZI Germany were the same. You had a dictator with all the power and the rest of the people had no power. You had more affulent society in Germany (PROBABLY due to the private property allowed, imagine that!)
I thought one of the Republican goals was to make Obama into a Nazi?

They discovered they didn't have to make him into a National Socialist. He already was one.

But can we trust Hitler to be a socialist just because he used the NAZI party label? A lot of people, maybe even some Republicans, didn't seem to trust Hitler or even what Hitler said during his reign? Is Hitler now to be trusted just because Republicans say Hitler could not tell a lie? Gets confusing, and all those books about Hitler and that period seem to say Hitler only used the NAZI party to gain power, and then, during the night of the long knives Hitler treated the socialists rather badly.
Look at his professed policies he supported.

1. Eugenics and national healthcare. Both of these are foundational beliefs of liberals and democrats. Who should be born to when are you no longer useful to what you can eat and how you live your life and kill the undesirables.

2. Big government. Government was involved in every part of life regulating us from cradle to grave.

3. Identity politics. Gotta have scapegoats to blame for the nation's problems by group.

4. Gun control. Can't have an armed populace.

But these are just a few things and are relatively academic. How many things to your run of the mill average democrats agree with these? Try most of them. Oh sure they disagree with how fast we should achieve these goals, but they are still the same goals.

Deny it all you want. History rebukes you every time.
You and Big Fitz are not a mainstream Republicans and can't discuss what Republicans approve/disapprove much less the Democrats.

You do act like a fascist, though, with your distortion and rat telling.
Hi, I'm a fag-hating right-wing Christian who thinks negroes are the cause of the global recession. But I can't possibly have any Nazi tendencies since we all know that "Nazi" is short for "National Socialist".

I am just too clever for you guys. Socialism is a lefty disease, and since Nazi has the word "socialism" in it, there is no way I could ever be mistaken for a Nazi.

So let's take a look at commies and nazis and examine just how alike they are so I can show you just how stupid you are.

If we look at the marxist movement, we find a lot of Jewish influence. You got your Moses Hess, the Jewish Bund, The Jewish Socialist Federation of America, Daniel Elbaum, Alexander Bittelman, Jay Lovestone...hell, I could go on and on all day with all the Jewish commies and socialists! There's jews a'poppin' everywhere.

And of course, the black power movement was motivated by marxism. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a commie. Everyone knows that.

Now let's talk a walk over her to the Nazis...

Hmmmm. Er, there do not appear to be any Jews over here. And what IS that smell in the air? And what's all this soot coming from that furnace over there?

And look! There are no blacks! And no mental defectives! And...ohmigod, no FAGS!!!! And the streets are clean and the trains run on time!

I clearly took a wrong turn somewhere when I was trying to find the liberal nazis. I stumbled into heaven by accident!

you realize at that time commie unions were segregated and were hostile to jews, blacks and other groups, because most of those people believe in eugenics AND they were democrats OR progressive republicans, who supported jim crow and yeah....segregation.

And speaking of why are alot of leftwing blacks so anti jew? The Jews helped them out and now they are hated by the black community.
Buckeyes deserves a thanks here from all of us who are supporting Romney in trying to remove this perversion from the party. The far right is trying to revise political and historical tried and true definitions and the American narrative. His two wikipedia sources and the video are excellent attempts of a Nazi-like behavior of the far right extremists, so I thank Buckeyes for that exposure. Such sources are not excepted by academic and objective professionals and scholars.

Now, Buckeyes, see if you can find sources objective and evidentiary that will stand up to the scrutiny of examination.

well comrade, give me a list of "approved" sources and what acadmic, you mean one that Bill Ayers would approve of?
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No, comrade, you have to provide acceptable sources, not anyone else.

wiikipedia is not acceptable, because anybody (including you and me can change it). Videos that are not primary in nature are propaganda by fiat.

Get to it now. We are waiting for acceptable sources.
Archived-Articles: On Bill Ayers and small 'c' communists

No Regrets for a Love Of Explosives - In a Memoir of Sorts, a War Protester Talks of Life With the Weathermen -
He describes the typical safe house: there were usually books by Malcolm X and Ho Chi Minh, and Che Guevara's picture in the bedroom
Obama campaign aides said the Ayers relationship had been greatly exaggerated by opponents to smear the candidate. Backtracking are we?

Obama and Ayers Pushed Radicalism On Schools -

In works like "City Kids, City Teachers" and "Teaching the Personal and the Political," Mr. Ayers wrote that teachers should be community organizers dedicated to provoking resistance to American racism and oppression. His preferred alternative? "I'm a radical, Leftist, small 'c' communist

Jujst a couple of articles, I suppose you dont like these sources either
No, comrade, you have to provide acceptable sources, not anyone else.

wiikipedia is not acceptable, because anybody (including you and me can change it). Videos that are not primary in nature are propaganda by fiat.

Get to it now. We are waiting for acceptable sources.

Dude I've given you tons of different sources and if wikipedia is so bad, just prove it wrong, it cant be that hard for a genius like you. I mean after all you said their was no connection between marxism and th french revolution. you were wrong. "You said the american left isnt based on marxism, what's it based on? Lenninism (hint its a form of marxism), and you said nazis had nothing to do with socialists, yet you admit the bulk of the years in the nazi party, they were led by socialists (SA)
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Comrade, get us some acceptable sources. I don't have to disprove anything that has not been adequately been evidenced and sourced. You can't use material like that without it being summarily thrown out. Try this in a college class and you will fail.
Comrade, get us some acceptable sources. I don't have to disprove anything that has not been adequately been evidenced and sourced. You can't use material like that without it being summarily thrown out. Try this in a college class and you will fail.

Not all teacher s have the same sourcing rules, I dont care what you say, prove to me the sources that are ok, you wont do that, because you cant
so the NY times and WaPO arent acceptable, got it.
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Comrade, get us some acceptable sources. I don't have to disprove anything that has not been adequately been evidenced and sourced. You can't use material like that without it being summarily thrown out. Try this in a college class and you will fail.

Not all teacher s have the same sourcing rules, I dont care what you say, prove to me the sources that are ok, you wont do that, because you cant
so the NY times and WaPO arent acceptable, got it.

All teachers have a common sourcing protocol, and WIKIPEDIA is not acceptable for academic and professional discussion, so the material in the sources can't be trusted. Did you check the NY Times and the WPO verbabim? Don't lie, you did not. Propaganda films are not acceptable.

This is what I mean about you far right extremists trying to rewrite American narrative mainstream history.

No go.

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