Is obama a socilist, or a fascist?

Comrade, get us some acceptable sources. I don't have to disprove anything that has not been adequately been evidenced and sourced. You can't use material like that without it being summarily thrown out. Try this in a college class and you will fail.

Not all teacher s have the same sourcing rules, I dont care what you say, prove to me the sources that are ok, you wont do that, because you cant
so the NY times and WaPO arent acceptable, got it.

All teachers have a common sourcing protocol, and WIKIPEDIA is not acceptable for academic and professional discussion, so the material in the sources can't be trusted. Did you check the NY Times and the WPO verbabim? Don't lie, you did not. Propaganda films are not acceptable.

This is what I mean about you far right extremists trying to rewrite American narrative mainstream history.

No go.

Look if you dont take 2 of the most liberal and largest newspapers in the us, I dont know what you want. I'm not gonna get an academic paper from Obama, because they are secured tighter than Fort knox. So you can bag on sources all you want, but all you do is carp and you dont have shit. You said the new left wasnt based on marxism, I still havent seen a source for that.

And lets face it, just go around believing the left in America has nothing to do with marxism, and go ahead and think the French Revolution was only about monarchy.

Maybe you agree with Ooh wthat JApan was gonna surrender in WW2 because of a 1905 treaty to end the Russo-Japaneese war.
They are quoted inside Wikipedia. That does not make the source acceptable. Wikipedia makes all the opinions and sources questionable.

Get reliable sources. Get mainstream, professional, objective sources. Do that, and I will debate item for item and source for source all day.

But I will not discuss premises without solid definitions and sources.
Hi, I'm a fag-hating right-wing Christian who thinks negroes are the cause of the global recession. But I can't possibly have any Nazi tendencies since we all know that "Nazi" is short for "National Socialist".

I am just too clever for you guys. Socialism is a lefty disease, and since Nazi has the word "socialism" in it, there is no way I could ever be mistaken for a Nazi.

So let's take a look at commies and nazis and examine just how alike they are so I can show you just how stupid you are.

If we look at the marxist movement, we find a lot of Jewish influence. You got your Moses Hess, the Jewish Bund, The Jewish Socialist Federation of America, Daniel Elbaum, Alexander Bittelman, Jay Lovestone...hell, I could go on and on all day with all the Jewish commies and socialists! There's jews a'poppin' everywhere.

And of course, the black power movement was motivated by marxism. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a commie. Everyone knows that.

Now let's talk a walk over her to the Nazis...

Hmmmm. Er, there do not appear to be any Jews over here. And what IS that smell in the air? And what's all this soot coming from that furnace over there?

And look! There are no blacks! And no mental defectives! And...ohmigod, no FAGS!!!! And the streets are clean and the trains run on time!

I clearly took a wrong turn somewhere when I was trying to find the liberal nazis. I stumbled into heaven by accident!
There is also no freedom of expression, self defence, due process, political voice, religion or business ownership for those who do not conform to the party line, and even that is tightly controlled. But the trains run on time because you won't be owning a car either.

Huh. Sounds oh so conservative. :rolleyes:

Who hates jews reflexively? Who thinks other races are inferior and need a helping hand from the government? Who thinks religious expression is dangerous in public? Who thinks that children who are inconvenient should be eliminated? Who thinks that the diet of it's citizens should be controlled by bureaucrats?

That doesn't sound conservative either. Sounds very communist/liberal/progressive/marxist/socialist/fascist to me. At least nowadays, the ecofascisti would use scrubbers on their ovens to keep the ash and particulate matter down.
"Maybe you agree with Ooh wthat JApan was gonna surrender in WW2 because of a 1905 treaty to end the Russo-Japaneese war."

As my opinion, Ooh is smoking crack. But more than that, I would have to see the sources.
Progressivism has right wing as well as left wing forms, Foxfyre. Santorum fits your description quite well. He would have expanded government power to eliminate all abortion, for example, except in danger of life to mother, and there is question on how much he would have supported even that limitation.

Goddamit, it has taken me three years to educate you and I see that you have finally learned.


There you go bfgrn, You're buddy Starkey said it.......Again, I prove you wrong, I own you.

You HUGE insecurity is becoming obsessive. Are you related to Jerry Sandusky?
There you go bfgrn, You're buddy Starkey said it.......Again, I prove you wrong, I own you.

You HUGE insecurity is becoming obsessive. Are you related to Jerry Sandusky?

Nope I'm not gay or a pedophile, liberals are though, plus there's nothing wrong with Jerry, it's genetic. ;)

Thanks for reinforcing your core beliefs that are the foundation of eugenics, social Darwinism and the first rule for atrocities to occur: the group to be sterilized or extinguished must be considered defective. It is the core of conservatism.

Liberal believe all people are created equal, deserve equal rights and respect. Conservatives believe in a hierarchy.
Lets see...hmmmm...

Obama bails out Goldman Sachs, GM, Solyndra, GE, Bank of America....this list is getting long.

Mussolini would be proud. He made it a policy to cover private risk with public funds. His buddies were guaranteed a profit. The citizens got the shaft.
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Obama is a center left technocrat.

No, he is no more a socialist or fascist than Romney.
Telling the truth is hackery?

You have been asked to define marxism several times, and you keep dodging.

The hack is you, my friend.
Telling the truth is hackery?

Are you calling me a "lair," Jakematters?

You have been asked to define marxism several times, and you keep dodging.

The hack is you, my friend.

I believe that was your question.

Tell you what Jakematters, I challenged that moron Catzshit to a debate on Marxism in the CDZ, she ran and hid (the closest to smart that she'll ever get) so I'll extend it to you.

Want to debate Marxism, Jakematters? Want to show off all 65 of your IQ points and your social promotion high school education?
You as a liar live in your lair, UncensoredHack? :lol:

You have been repeatedly asked if you can define Marxism and Socialism.

You can't.
You as a liar live in your lair, UncensoredHack? :lol:

You have been repeatedly asked if you can define Marxism and Socialism.

You can't.

Tell you what Jakematters, I challenged that moron Catzshit to a debate on Marxism in the CDZ, she ran and hid (the closest to smart that she'll ever get) so I'll extend it to you.

Want to debate Marxism, Jakematters? Want to show off all 65 of your IQ points and your social promotion high school education?

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