Is obama a socilist, or a fascist?

Define marxism, Uncensored. Define it.

You're a coward, Jakematters.

Not a coward. Just somebody probably paid to make Obama look good or derail any threads that might make Obama look less than good. (I wish I could find a job like that for somebody other than Obama.) He won't respond to anything you ask of him but he will keep asking the same questions so long as they are effective in derailing the discussion. Otherwise he resorts to personal insults designed to start a food fight.

It is futile to answer his questions though. I used to take that bait. I've provided detailed definitions for socialism and Marxism probably several times over now and none were ever acknowledged. The definitions were ignored and were followed by more personal insults.

The scroll wheel on your mouse is the best remedy for all that. He's basically a good guy who is doing what he has to do. :)
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Foxfyre has used terms and theories that are not consistent with the narrative and acceptable terminology. bripat has that problem. So does Uncensored. Political Chic is trying to create a rep in the world of la la.

When people start yo-yo history and theory out of what really happened and what words really mean, I won't play. Why give the semblance of respect to wacky stuff?

Some of these crazees will tell you Washington was really a libertarian, or insist that libertarians are classical liberals. Image that.
Oh, I am not paid by anyone to post here. :lol:

But thanks for the back hand compliment.
Foxfyre has used terms and theories that are not consistent with the narrative and acceptable terminology. bripat has that problem. So does Uncensored. Political Chic is trying to create a rep in the world of la la.

When people start yo-yo history and theory out of what really happened and what words really mean, I won't play. Why give the semblance of respect to wacky stuff?

Some of these crazees will tell you Washington was really a libertarian, or insist that libertarians are classical liberals. Image that.

Yes we will, because that is exactly what they were as we have shown from credible history sources numerous times. Credible history sources that you hold in such disdain but have never once rebutted.

We also take the definitions of socialism and Marxism--you know, those definitions that you so sneer at--right of the dictionary and encyclopdia, and you have never rebutted a single one of those either.

But you still refer to us as the clueless ones. But oh well.
I respect your decency, kindness, and sweet spirit. Not only to a 'renegade Republican' but to a lefty liberal also, I am sure you are the fount of Christian mercy. Howeve,r no, you are not using credible sources to reach credible solutions.

Have the last word on this, please.

ps: but . . . I will read if you clearly, using reputable definitions and terminology, show us how Obama, or Romney, for that matter, is a socialist or a marxist. Uncensored won't take up the challenge.

Foxfyre has used terms and theories that are not consistent with the narrative and acceptable terminology. bripat has that problem. So does Uncensored. Political Chic is trying to create a rep in the world of la la.

When people start yo-yo history and theory out of what really happened and what words really mean, I won't play. Why give the semblance of respect to wacky stuff?

Some of these crazees will tell you Washington was really a libertarian, or insist that libertarians are classical liberals. Image that.

Yes we will, because that is exactly what they were as we have shown from credible history sources numerous times. Credible history sources that you hold in such disdain but have never once rebutted.

We also take the definitions of socialism and Marxism--you know, those definitions that you so sneer at--right of the dictionary and encyclopdia, and you have never rebutted a single one of those either.

But you still refer to us as the clueless ones. But oh well.
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I respect your decency, kindness, and sweet spirit. Not only to a 'renegade Republican' but to a lefty liberal also, I am sure you are the fount of Christian mercy. Howeve,r no, you are not using credible sources to reach credible solutions.

Have the last word on this, please.

ps: but . . . I will read if you clearly, using reputable definitions and terminology, show us how Obama, or Romney, for that matter, is a socialist or a marxist. Uncensored won't take up the challenge.

Foxfyre has used terms and theories that are not consistent with the narrative and acceptable terminology. bripat has that problem. So does Uncensored. Political Chic is trying to create a rep in the world of la la.

When people start yo-yo history and theory out of what really happened and what words really mean, I won't play. Why give the semblance of respect to wacky stuff?

Some of these crazees will tell you Washington was really a libertarian, or insist that libertarians are classical liberals. Image that.

Yes we will, because that is exactly what they were as we have shown from credible history sources numerous times. Credible history sources that you hold in such disdain but have never once rebutted.

We also take the definitions of socialism and Marxism--you know, those definitions that you so sneer at--right of the dictionary and encyclopdia, and you have never rebutted a single one of those either.

But you still refer to us as the clueless ones. But oh well.

I've done that too, Jake, for your benefit. And you blew that off too. So I can appreciate Uncensored not taking up an exercise in futility. But thanks for the kind words. I love you too. Just not your professed politics. :)
You did not give credible, objective evidence. That's the point. The far right and the libertarians want to revise terms, definitions, and narratives along the John Oliver "but I can change that" methodology: simply say Obama is a socialist and keep repeating it without any objective proof.
You SAY that I did not give credible, objective evidence, even though I did. And since you were totally unable to show how my evidence was not credible or objective and have never offered a shred of your own evidence in rebuttal, I will stand by my original opinion. You are not interested in anything other than disrupting the thread. And that's okay. Everybody has to have a hobby.
I SAY you did not, because you did not.

Wacko sources are wacko sources.
Where are rdweeb, lakhota, luddly and TDM?. I can't believe the race card hasn't been proudly plopped down on the table here.

Socialist or Fascist?


So, this is a bait thread?

If it is, it just caught Bill & Hillary. Fascist Bastards.
What Brother Sowell is not telling you is the whole story of fascism in the 1930s and in fact tells an untruth. He writes, "It was in the 1930s, when ugly internal and international actions by Hitler and Mussolini repelled the world, that the left distanced themselves from fascism and its Nazi offshoot -- and verbally transferred these totalitarian dictatorships to the right, saddling their opponents with these pariahs."

What happened was this: the German fascists and the Italian fascists beat, tortured, imprisoned the socialists in their parties. Of course the surviving socialists and the lefties left in the world wanted no part of the murderous thugs that happily allied themselves with the corporate interests in their countries.

In other words the lefties in Italy and Germany got used up by the fascist crazees, just like some of conservatives in America are getting used now and maybe used up later by the crazy far right wing.

Where are rdweeb, lakhota, luddly and TDM?. I can't believe the race card hasn't been proudly plopped down on the table here.

Socialist or Fascist?


So, this is a bait thread?

If it is, it just caught Bill & Hillary. Fascist Bastards.
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You SAY that I did not give credible, objective evidence, even though I did. And since you were totally unable to show how my evidence was not credible or objective and have never offered a shred of your own evidence in rebuttal, I will stand by my original opinion. You are not interested in anything other than disrupting the thread. And that's okay. Everybody has to have a hobby.

but expect to see more of their kind and their radical ideas
and poor attempts to disrupt threads...
until Papa Obama loses this election to Romney.

History is not their forte
Just poor attempts to rewrite it ...
They tend to be 'falsifiers', as you can see here
where one got caught in the act...

The Night of the Long Knives, where Fascists killed Fascists
Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact
Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Soviet Union
Soviet Union invaded Poland from the East
Soviets killed more innocent people than Nazi Germany, ever did

History, like Truth, is the worst enemy of the Left and their sub par side kicks
concern trolls

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When you far right sillies post credible sources, then we can have an adult discussions.

That goes for you, Neo, far more than Foxfyre.

Night of the Long Knives when the corporatist fascists killed the socialist, homosexual leadership of the SA?

You SAY that I did not give credible, objective evidence, even though I did. And since you were totally unable to show how my evidence was not credible or objective and have never offered a shred of your own evidence in rebuttal, I will stand by my original opinion. You are not interested in anything other than disrupting the thread. And that's okay. Everybody has to have a hobby.

but expect to see more of their kind and their radical ideas
and poor attempts to disrupt threads...
until Papa Obama loses this election to Romney.

History is not their forte
Just poor attempts to rewrite it ...
They tend to be 'falsifiers', as you can see here
where one got caught in the act...

The Night of the Long Knives, where Fascists killed Fascists
Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact
Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Soviet Union
Soviet Union invaded Poland from the East
Soviets killed more innocent people than Nazi Germany, ever did

History, like Truth, is the worst enemy of the Left and their sub par side kicks
concern trolls

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That difference is a deal breaker. A fascist is a progressive right wing statist corporatist.

Is obama a socilist, or a fascist?

Just so you know a FASCIST is a socialist.

The ONLY difference being that a socialist wants all the means of prodution owned by the state while a fascist allows private ownership but under heavy government control.

Is obama a socilist, or a fascist?

Just so you know a FASCIST is a socialist.

The ONLY difference being that a socialist wants all the means of prodution owned by the state while a fascist allows private ownership but under heavy government control.


"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions."

They are all creatures of the left
Statists who need gov't and put state above the individual

The Progressive movement on the left has always tried to hide from this
just like they try to hide from the legacy of the racist and eugenics founding of Planned Parenthood and Sanger
They even try to hide from the fact that the Night of the Long Knives was also used against Conservatives viewed as not trustworthy.

Fascism defined:
"It is simply collectivism freed from all traces of an individualist tradition which might hamper its realization"

Truth, like History, is the worst enemy of the left and their sub par sidekicks, concern trolls
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You SAY that I did not give credible, objective evidence, even though I did. And since you were totally unable to show how my evidence was not credible or objective and have never offered a shred of your own evidence in rebuttal, I will stand by my original opinion. You are not interested in anything other than disrupting the thread. And that's okay. Everybody has to have a hobby.

but expect to see more of their kind and their radical ideas
and poor attempts to disrupt threads...
until Papa Obama loses this election to Romney.

History is not their forte
Just poor attempts to rewrite it ...
They tend to be 'falsifiers', as you can see here
where one got caught in the act...

The Night of the Long Knives, where Fascists killed Fascists
Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact
Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Soviet Union
Soviet Union invaded Poland from the East
Soviets killed more innocent people than Nazi Germany, ever did

History, like Truth, is the worst enemy of the Left and their sub par side kicks
concern trolls


It is true that the godless Russians, emulating the very worst of Marxism, did murder many millions. Depending on what historical source you consult, the U.S.S.R murdered between 20 and 80+ million or more people. Would Hitler, who embraced a doctrine of facism that differed from Marxism in that the government controlled the economy rather than owning it, have done as much violence had he not been stopped? That is difficult to say, but he sured seemed to be well on his way.

One has to give Eisenhower his props for holding together such a diverse coalition of Allies whether that meant soothing the egos of prima donna generals or appeasing Russian sensibilities in a tenuous and uneasy alliance. There is no denying however, that at least in Europe, those of the Axis who surrendered scrambled to surrender to us rather than to anybody else. And that included the Germans. That alone says a great deal about America and Americans.

I have often wondered how much differently the war would have gone if say General Patton had been the allied commander rather than Eisenhower. Once Germany surrendered, and since we were already there, he proposed that we should go ahead and take out the Russians while we had the chance. One can only wonder that if he had his way, and had prevailed, how many million lives would have been saved. But I digress.

There simply is no nation that exists that has adopted Marxist concepts that has not severely suppressed human rights and that has not engaged in terror, torture, and murder to do it. If for no other reason, that should be sufficient to keep Americans alert, wise, and resistant to Marxist concepts. And that is a big reason many regard Obama, who has embraced some Marxist concepts, warily.

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