Is obama a socilist, or a fascist?

Representative Broun, 10th Congressional District Georgia, calls BS on that.

He knows that Mars and Earth are no more than 9.000 years old.
But they have the moves...

Obama is just a boy from Kenya who is trying hard to make it in the socialist world. He's not even a good socialist.
:lol: You don't have what it takes here, do you? Go back to pleasuring your male customers.

Jakematters, the cowardly cocksucker, still hiding in shame and fear..

Yeah, you have no ability to debate. You're just a paid troll from the DNC.

Election 2012: Chavez win is good news for Obama

election 2012October 8, 2012
By: Sahit MujaSubscribe

Chavez endorses Obama. "Mitt Romney is the extremist and Barack Obama is a good guy"according to Venezuelan socialist left-wing anti U.S. dictator Hugo Chavez. Chavez is referring to Obama as “a good guy.”

The government spending, minimum wage hikes, and improved access to domestic credit created an increase in consumption which combined with supply problems to cause higher inflation to 28% in 2011.( This reminds me of Obama's policies and accomplishments).

He has severely weakened Venezuelan political institutions. He believes that separation of powers weakens the (his) state. He has corrupted the Venezuelan judiciary.

Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez has created self serving militias aimed at protecting the "revolution" and handed out thousands of arms to it. He has propped up the Cuban regime with an annual subsidy of $3.2 billion dollars .

President Hugo Chavez's subsidy for Caribbean countries like Nicaragua causes the Venezuelan treasury huge cash losses ($6.2 billion in 2011 and $6.7 billion (projected) in 2012). After 14 years of his rule, millions of Venezuelans are still living in abject poverty.

Some of Obama's records have been released -

A 23 million unemployed - 44 straight months of 8+% unemployment and 47 million on food stamps . The Black poverty at record highs, middle class has lost 1/3 of its net worth. - Black youth unemployment over 50%. Hispanic unemployment at 10.3%.

Illegals set to receive $7 billion. - Food prices up more than 25%. Gas prices DOUBLED. Worst job creation record since 1945. - Worst economic recovery in 75 years. Average household income DECLINE $4,300.

Health insurance INCREASES $1,500 under Obama. Only President to have US credit downgraded – now twice!! - Over 100 million people on some form of means tested welfare. - $6 trillion added to our deb, more than all presidents combined.


Election 2012: Chavez win is good news for Obama - New York economy and politics |
?!?! Fascism is neither right nor left. It's what happens when you go too far either way, so far that left and right meet in the middle of mutual insanity. Nowadays, no one in the Democratic party is in any danger of getting that extreme, as the "left" part of the Democratic party is centrist, and the "right" part of it will always slam up against the Republicans. Of course, there are Republicans that are getting dangerously extreme. I suppose there are probably some communists about too, and communism is a sure road to fascism.
but this is so stupid I cannot take it seriously;-)
the US government does not own the means of production. Don't know what that would have to do with insurance if it did (means of production, historically, not having much to do with such a service).

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