Is Obama already the greatest President of all time?

Thanks to the mass worship of Obama, the thought that he should even be in the category of "good" Presidents is with us forever. He is certainly not the best ever. He's not even been a good one. As a matter of fact, he is the equivalent of a shitstain on American politics. He is a goddamned Marxist asshole that weaseled his way into the office solely because he is a smooth talking, accomplished liar....and a black man.
Thanks to the mass worship of Obama, the thought that he should even be in the category of "good" Presidents is with us forever. He is certainly not the best ever. He's not even been a good one. As a matter of fact, he is the equivalent of a shitstain on American politics. He is a goddamned Marxist asshole that weaseled his way into the office solely because he is a smooth talking, accomplished liar....and a black man.

Tell us how BHO is a "Marxist". You don't even know what the term means.
preventing a World Wide Depression and enacting National Healthcare Reform, goes a long way ...
preventing a World Wide Depression and enacting National Healthcare Reform, goes a long way ...

preventing a WORLD WIDE depression.?
Obama must be superman

and enacting a reform against the will people that is going to FINE them if they don't conform to it, is nothing to crow over

I don't think Obama will be much loved after people find out everything that is coming their way AFTER he leaves office.

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