Is Officer Wilson Expendable?

As the original narratives suggesting that a "a gentle giant" was gunned down in cold blood/ shot in the back/ shot while having his hands up in surrender become more and more dubious, do you think that Officer Wilson should be sacrificed in order to keep peace and "heal" the pulsating wound that has become race relations in America today?

A loaded question perhaps, So let's ask it like this:

Should society in general and the justice system specifically lower their standards for conviction to be sure to appease those outraged by the shooting of Brown, or should the rule of law prevail given that the chances for an indictment or especially a conviction are rather remote?
Let's go back to days of lynching while we're at it...

Nice little package. Maybe I should find a bow to put on the top. Officer Wilson had every right to use deadly force.

I'm sure that will be a comfort to him when he's in prison for the rest of his life for violating Brown's civil rights.

Sorry. Won't happen. He did not violate anyone's civil rights when he is following the law,
Sorry, gonna happen.

A big old federal boot is going to squash this POS.
[]The question is, Little Joe, would you lower the standards of indictment and conviction to ensure them, especially with your certainty?

Not the right question.

The right question is, do we hold police officers to a higher standard in the use of deadly force? He's a trained peace officer, and he should be able to handle a suspect without resorting to deadly force.
So yes. Rather perverse given that they're not vigilantes and are sent in harms way to protect the public.

You're a pretty disturbed guy.
I'm a vet, duh!
Thank you (and all vets) for your service. I miss the days when random people would routinely thank people in military uniform walking in airports and other public places. Many of us still have manners and are grateful that you serve so I may pursue my personal goals.
[]The question is, Little Joe, would you lower the standards of indictment and conviction to ensure them, especially with your certainty?

Not the right question.

The right question is, do we hold police officers to a higher standard in the use of deadly force? He's a trained peace officer, and he should be able to handle a suspect without resorting to deadly force.
So yes. Rather perverse given that they're not vigilantes and are sent in harms way to protect the public.

You're a pretty disturbed guy.

No, I just don't want my cops breaking the law.

You wingnuts complain about big government all the time. Here's a case where government abused its authority. Not by pushing cows off federal land or holding up an application for a tax exemption. An officer of the law shot a citizen six times in a non-lethal situation.

Or are you all for abusive government when they are keeping the darkies in line?
Let's go back to days of lynching while we're at it...

Lynching sucks when you are at the end of the rope, eh?

We have people in prison for life for stealing slices of pizza.

They need to make an example of Wilson so the NEXT cop thinks twice about escalating a situation.

You're such a fucking tool.
[]The question is, Little Joe, would you lower the standards of indictment and conviction to ensure them, especially with your certainty?

Not the right question.

The right question is, do we hold police officers to a higher standard in the use of deadly force? He's a trained peace officer, and he should be able to handle a suspect without resorting to deadly force.
So yes. Rather perverse given that they're not vigilantes and are sent in harms way to protect the public.

You're a pretty disturbed guy.

No, I just don't want my cops breaking the law.

You wingnuts complain about big government all the time. Here's a case where government abused its authority. Not by pushing cows off federal land or holding up an application for a tax exemption. An officer of the law shot a citizen six times in a non-lethal situation.

Or are you all for abusive government when they are keeping the darkies in line?

Here's an example of a rush to judgment.

The cop has already been convicted and you want to sacrifice him to appease the mob.

Nice little package. Maybe I should find a bow to put on the top. Officer Wilson had every right to use deadly force.

I'm sure that will be a comfort to him when he's in prison for the rest of his life for violating Brown's civil rights.
I think Brown's fist repeatedly violated Wilson's face.

Really? Where's the medical report that backs that up? Because they are already walking back the claim that Wilson's "orbital bone" was fractured. Where are the Zimmerman like pictures of his owies?
[]The question is, Little Joe, would you lower the standards of indictment and conviction to ensure them, especially with your certainty?

Not the right question.

The right question is, do we hold police officers to a higher standard in the use of deadly force? He's a trained peace officer, and he should be able to handle a suspect without resorting to deadly force.
So yes. Rather perverse given that they're not vigilantes and are sent in harms way to protect the public.

You're a pretty disturbed guy.

No, I just don't want my cops breaking the law.

You wingnuts complain about big government all the time. Here's a case where government abused its authority. Not by pushing cows off federal land or holding up an application for a tax exemption. An officer of the law shot a citizen six times in a non-lethal situation.

Or are you all for abusive government when they are keeping the darkies in line?

A 6'4, 300 pound man who has already caused significant damage is lethal. You sir are an idiot if you think a person cant' be beat to death.

Nice little package. Maybe I should find a bow to put on the top. Officer Wilson had every right to use deadly force.

I'm sure that will be a comfort to him when he's in prison for the rest of his life for violating Brown's civil rights.
I think Brown's fist repeatedly violated Wilson's face.

Really? Where's the medical report that backs that up? Because they are already walking back the claim that Wilson's "orbital bone" was fractured. Where are the Zimmerman like pictures of his owies?
Provide a link for the walk back.

I cannot believe you actually had the sense to vote Republican at one time. Your arguments are based on pure emotion. And I bet you believe that violating the cops rights is justified.

Judging by eye-witnesses and forensics Michael Brown attacked a police officer after committing a robbery and was shot and killed. Justice has been served, and as long as you and the rest of the mob aren't allowed to rig the investigation, it will prove to be the case most likely

Here's an example of a rush to judgment.

The cop has already been convicted and you want to sacrifice him to appease the mob.

Brown is dead. Wilson killed him. He was unarmed and not an immediate threat.

And, yes, I want him convicted so the next bully with a badge and a gun thinks twice about it.
Prove it.

Here's an example of a rush to judgment.

The cop has already been convicted and you want to sacrifice him to appease the mob.

Brown is dead. Wilson killed him. He was unarmed and not an immediate threat.

And, yes, I want him convicted so the next bully with a badge and a gun thinks twice about it.

If the man was in fear for his life, he did what he was supposed to.

You show me a cop that does this:

show me this:

or this:

and I will be right up front screaming at the injustice.

Here's an example of a rush to judgment.

The cop has already been convicted and you want to sacrifice him to appease the mob.

Brown is dead. Wilson killed him. He was unarmed and not an immediate threat.

And, yes, I want him convicted so the next bully with a badge and a gun thinks twice about it.
For someone who'has likely got his ass kicked countless times, both literally and figuratively, saying things like someone unarmed cannot pose a serious threat is probably why it got kicked in the first place.

You are painfully stupid.

Here's an example of a rush to judgment.

The cop has already been convicted and you want to sacrifice him to appease the mob.

Brown is dead. Wilson killed him. He was unarmed and not an immediate threat.

And, yes, I want him convicted so the next bully with a badge and a gun thinks twice about it.
Did your parents feed you with a slingshot when you were a baby?

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