Is Officer Wilson Expendable?


Provide a link for the walk back.

Why, will you actually admit I'm right if I do.

CNN source 8216 unequivocally 8217 disputes report that Ferguson officer suffered broken bone

“The officer, Darren Wilson, did go the hospital after the altercation and the shooting death of Michael Brown,” Lemon reported, based on the source’s claims. “He did have X-rays done, he had a swollen face, but the X-rays for a broken or a torn eye socket came back negative.”
“That source says it is not true at all, he did not have a torn eye socket,” Lemon continued, “and so, he’s saying that unequivocally — he unequivocally denies that, saying that it did not happen, but he did have a swollen face, he did go for X-rays.”

I cannot believe you actually had the sense to vote Republican at one time. Your arguments are based on pure emotion. And I bet you believe that violating the cops rights is justified.

Yeah, I get pretty emotional when people's greed fuck up my life. I should have turned on Bush and the GOP when the fucked up Iraq or Katrina.

And I think putting bully killer cops in prison is justified.

Judging by eye-witnesses and forensics Michael Brown attacked a police officer after committing a robbery and was shot and killed. Justice has been served, and as long as you and the rest of the mob aren't allowed to rig the investigation, it will prove to be the case most likely

Eyewitnesses have said he had his hands up. forensics would seem to back that up.

Did the store report a robbery? Oh, wait, they didn't.

Ferguson Store Owner Says He Doesn 8217 t Believe That 8217 s Mike Brown On Surveillance Video
Man. We just need to wait. It SEEMS like Brown wrestled with Wilson, got the better of it and for some reason looked to be coming back for more. Did he fall into a verbal trap and got himself shot when he should have kept running? Maybe. I guess Wilson could have fired a warning shot and said "stop or I'll shoot" Poor fool Brown if he stolped and charged after assaulting an officer.

Oh well. Time will tell. Moderation until then folks.
Let's go back to days of lynching while we're at it...

Lynching sucks when you are at the end of the rope, eh?

We have people in prison for life for stealing slices of pizza.

They need to make an example of Wilson so the NEXT cop thinks twice about escalating a situation.

Oh yes, Jerry Dewayne Williams, a career criminal who strong armed a little boy's lunch because he could. After all, he was bigger and stronger, he could take the kid's lunch. The same way Michael Brown could take those cigars.

Don't worry, this lifelong career criminal was released by a liberal sympathetic judge. He went on to beat up his girlfriend and try an armed robbery on her. He's still out, living off his mother. He complains that he can't break the law any more. Then he will go to prison for life. Can't you feel sorry for this poor man whose complaint is he can't be a criminal any more. They should have locked him up for life the first time. Momma isn't going to live forever.

The goodwill of black people isn't going to be bought with Officer Wilson's life. There will be another victim of black violence who fights back. And another after that. Has any of the knock out victims bought peace? They don't fight back. It hasn't helped.

Provide a link for the walk back.

Why, will you actually admit I'm right if I do.

CNN source 8216 unequivocally 8217 disputes report that Ferguson officer suffered broken bone

“The officer, Darren Wilson, did go the hospital after the altercation and the shooting death of Michael Brown,” Lemon reported, based on the source’s claims. “He did have X-rays done, he had a swollen face, but the X-rays for a broken or a torn eye socket came back negative.”
“That source says it is not true at all, he did not have a torn eye socket,” Lemon continued, “and so, he’s saying that unequivocally — he unequivocally denies that, saying that it did not happen, but he did have a swollen face, he did go for X-rays.”

I cannot believe you actually had the sense to vote Republican at one time. Your arguments are based on pure emotion. And I bet you believe that violating the cops rights is justified.

Yeah, I get pretty emotional when people's greed fuck up my life. I should have turned on Bush and the GOP when the fucked up Iraq or Katrina.

And I think putting bully killer cops in prison is justified.

Judging by eye-witnesses and forensics Michael Brown attacked a police officer after committing a robbery and was shot and killed. Justice has been served, and as long as you and the rest of the mob aren't allowed to rig the investigation, it will prove to be the case most likely

Eyewitnesses have said he had his hands up. forensics would seem to back that up.

Did the store report a robbery? Oh, wait, they didn't.

Ferguson Store Owner Says He Doesn 8217 t Believe That 8217 s Mike Brown On Surveillance Video

CNN failed to identify the source. So it's horseshit.

Forensics showed his arms were down. Multiple witnesses said MB was beating on the officer in the car and the gun went off. Then when Wilson told him to freeze he taunted the officer and then bumbling-rushed him and was shot several times before coming to rest 3 feet in front of him

Oh yes, Jerry Dewayne Williams, a career criminal who strong armed a little boy's lunch because he could. After all, he was bigger and stronger, he could take the kid's lunch. The same way Michael Brown could take those cigars.

Don't worry, this lifelong career criminal was released by a liberal sympathetic judge. He went on to beat up his girlfriend and try an armed robbery on her. He's still out, living off his mother. He complains that he can't break the law any more. Then he will go to prison for life. Can't you feel sorry for this poor man whose complaint is he can't be a criminal any more. They should have locked him up for life the first time. Momma isn't going to live forever.

The goodwill of black people isn't going to be bought with Officer Wilson's life. There will be another victim of black violence who fights back. And another after that. Has any of the knock out victims bought peace? They don't fight back. It hasn't helped.

if we put as much effort into providing jobs as we do for locking people up, maybe we wouldn't have such a crime problem. Sorry, can't see how locking up 2 million people for smoking weed and stealing pizza is doing us any good as a country.

I'm not looking to win the "Good Will" of black folks. I'm looking to make sure the next police officer doesn't fire 11 times into a busy street when confronted with a mouthy kid.

A 6'4, 300 pound man who has already caused significant damage is lethal. You sir are an idiot if you think a person cant' be beat to death.

again, where are the medical records to back that up? The Police are already walkingback the claim bones were broken.

Do you deny that Wilson suffered a fractured eye socket? Unfortunately we won't see the report until after the Grand Jury reviews it.

Fact is, a person can kill with their bare hands.
CNN failed to identify the source. So it's horseshit.

Forensics showed his arms were down. Multiple witnesses said MB was beating on the officer in the car and the gun went off. Then when Wilson told him to freeze he taunted the officer and then bumbling-rushed him and was shot several times before coming to rest 3 feet in front of him

Um, shouldn't it be on Wilson to prove he did have a fracture, and not CNN to prove he didn't?

On a similar note if the gun went off in the car, and presumably this was not one of the SIX shot that hit Brown, shouldn't we have pictures of damage inside the police car to back that up?

A 6'4, 300 pound man who has already caused significant damage is lethal. You sir are an idiot if you think a person cant' be beat to death.

again, where are the medical records to back that up? The Police are already walkingback the claim bones were broken.

Do you deny that Wilson suffered a fractured eye socket? Unfortunately we won't see the report until after the Grand Jury reviews it.

Fact is, a person can kill with their bare hands.

See my earelier post. The Police are walking back the eye socket claim.

A 6'4, 300 pound man who has already caused significant damage is lethal. You sir are an idiot if you think a person cant' be beat to death.

again, where are the medical records to back that up? The Police are already walkingback the claim bones were broken.

Do you deny that Wilson suffered a fractured eye socket? Unfortunately we won't see the report until after the Grand Jury reviews it.

Fact is, a person can kill with their bare hands.

See my earelier post. The Police are walking back the eye socket claim.
You do realize you're setting yourself up to look even more idiotic than you did with Zimmerman. Pathology is not an excuse for stupidity.

A 6'4, 300 pound man who has already caused significant damage is lethal. You sir are an idiot if you think a person cant' be beat to death.

again, where are the medical records to back that up? The Police are already walkingback the claim bones were broken.

Do you deny that Wilson suffered a fractured eye socket? Unfortunately we won't see the report until after the Grand Jury reviews it.

Fact is, a person can kill with their bare hands.

See my earelier post. The Police are walking back the eye socket claim.

Forgive me if I don't take your word for it.

Link to the police walking it back.

A 6'4, 300 pound man who has already caused significant damage is lethal. You sir are an idiot if you think a person cant' be beat to death.

again, where are the medical records to back that up? The Police are already walkingback the claim bones were broken.

Do you deny that Wilson suffered a fractured eye socket? Unfortunately we won't see the report until after the Grand Jury reviews it.

Fact is, a person can kill with their bare hands.

See my earelier post. The Police are walking back the eye socket claim.

Forgive me if I don't take your word for it.

Link to the police walking it back.

Go to the top of his page- there's a link.

See my earelier post. The Police are walking back the eye socket claim.
You do realize you're setting yourself up to look even more idiotic than you did with Zimmerman. Pathology is not an excuse for stupidity.[/QUOTE]

Only people who looked idiotic with Zimmerman was all you guys who made the wife-beating killer into a hero.
Man. We just need to wait. It SEEMS like Brown wrestled with Wilson, got the better of it and for some reason looked to be coming back for more. Did he fall into a verbal trap and got himself shot when he should have kept running? Maybe. I guess Wilson could have fired a warning shot and said "stop or I'll shoot" Poor fool Brown if he stolped and charged after assaulting an officer.

Oh well. Time will tell. Moderation until then folks.

Police do not fire warning shots. Only stupid people would suggest such a retarded thing.

See my earelier post. The Police are walking back the eye socket claim.
You do realize you're setting yourself up to look even more idiotic than you did with Zimmerman. Pathology is not an excuse for stupidity.

Only people who looked idiotic with Zimmerman was all you guys who made the wife-beating killer into a hero.[/QUOTE]

He was no hero. He was just a man that defended himself. You liberals pukes would love him had he been black and Martin been white.

See my earelier post. The Police are walking back the eye socket claim.
You do realize you're setting yourself up to look even more idiotic than you did with Zimmerman. Pathology is not an excuse for stupidity.

Only people who looked idiotic with Zimmerman was all you guys who made the wife-beating killer into a hero.[/QUOTE]
Way too late Joey. That bird has flown. Your lack of intelligence and insight has made you a laughingstock of this site, probably more so than Jake.
Railroading Wilson will have a dramatic effect on how cops do their jobs. Cops will stop being proactive. Crime will run rampant. Just watch.

A 6'4, 300 pound man who has already caused significant damage is lethal. You sir are an idiot if you think a person cant' be beat to death.

again, where are the medical records to back that up? The Police are already walkingback the claim bones were broken.

Do you deny that Wilson suffered a fractured eye socket? Unfortunately we won't see the report until after the Grand Jury reviews it.

Fact is, a person can kill with their bare hands.

See my earelier post. The Police are walking back the eye socket claim.
You used CNN who mentions an unnamed source.

They also brought forward a witness last week that proved not to be legit.

CNN has no credibility left.
Doesn't matter he wasn't armed, or was in retreat.

It should. If his life was not in immediate danger, if the kid was at a distance, then shooting him is murder. This really isn't complicated.
So if a guy is charging you you have to wait until he actually hits you before you defend yourself?

Well lets see now.

He could have -
Used his Taser
Used his Billy club.
Gotten back into his car and waited for backup.

you know, things he would have done with a WHITE suspect.
Woulda Coulda Shoulda

Typical arm chair quaretrback
He should be happy he took a violent criminal off the street.

Really who was more likely to harm someone, the cop or the criminal that already showed a penchant for violence?

Number of people killed by Officer Wilson -1
Number of people killed by Brown - 0

Sorry, pushing some asshole clerk is hardly a penchant for violence.

He didn't get himself killed because he stole cigars or shoved a clerk. And it's funny how you don't think the fucking criminal who stole someone else's property is the asshole.
CNN failed to identify the source. So it's horseshit.

Forensics showed his arms were down. Multiple witnesses said MB was beating on the officer in the car and the gun went off. Then when Wilson told him to freeze he taunted the officer and then bumbling-rushed him and was shot several times before coming to rest 3 feet in front of him

Um, shouldn't it be on Wilson to prove he did have a fracture, and not CNN to prove he didn't?

On a similar note if the gun went off in the car, and presumably this was not one of the SIX shot that hit Brown, shouldn't we have pictures of damage inside the police car to back that up?
If they have a trial.

I wonder why the grand jury hasn't announced their findings yet?

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