Is our country corrupt to the core (dumb question?)?

Money leads to power which is then used to accumulate even more of both.

All a person needs to do is follow the money, here, which leads to Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg and a network of other technocrats who are using their wealth and power, not just for personal gain, but to SHAPE CULTURE.

The corruption is not really limited to a national level even if one party is totally corrupt by way of serving the agenda.

Is our country corrupt to the core (dumb question?)?​

I believe the Federal Government is at least 90% corrupt, and I believe the citizens are more than 50% corrupt. Pure conjecture based on observation and speculation.
The Trump's get away with getting billions from the Saudi's.
So its no wonder that the Biden's can get a few million from other places.

Well, there's this story!

I hope all conservatives are following this story. I know the liberals are not because they watch lying cnn et al. You won't get this story THERE!

That said, however, some pundit or another has said that we will know when the DNC has rejected bidum when the liberal media start reporting on this..


The Biden administration (and make no mistake; Barack Obama behind the scenes) have turned this country into a Banana Republic.
The Trump's get away with getting billions from the Saudi's.
So its no wonder that the Biden's can get a few million from other places.

You idiots believe the stupidest shit imaginable. Have you even done one second of research into this claim? Apparently not loser.
The Trump's get away with getting billions from the Saudi's.
So its no wonder that the Biden's can get a few million from other places.
Oops ... you accidentally posted in the “Congress” section instead of the “Humor” section. Mods: Please move to the correct forum.
some of you who've paid attention long enough realize this is not the country you grew up in........ergo the OP's answer,,,,,~S~
Yeah, ever old generation says that fuckup.

People who live in America aren’t here to stop progress.

Say, can you post your criteria for people who can vote.
I can post what the criteria should be:

1) They should be able to answer 50 basic questions revolving around the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, the Founding Fathers, and general, American history.
2) They should provide a current and legal, photo ID.
3) They should be a certified, valid citizen of the USA.
4) They should have a stake in the USA (business owner, landowner, or employed worker/taxpayer).
5) They must not be a recipient of government handouts at the time of an election.
6) They must not have a current, felony record. I do believe that if someone commits a felony at some point in their life then prove that they've reformed their lives, that they should have voting rights restored as long as they are a productive member of society.
7) Their allegiance must be to the Constitutional Republic of America and no foreign interest or ideology.
I can post what the criteria should be:

1) They should be able to answer 50 basic questions revolving around the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, the Founding Fathers, and general, American history.
2) They should provide a current and legal, photo ID.
3) They should be a certified, valid citizen of the USA.
4) They should have a stake in the USA (business owner, landowner, or employed worker/taxpayer).
5) They must not be a recipient of government handouts at the time of an election.
6) They must not have a current, felony record. I do believe that if someone commits a felony at some point in their life then prove that they've reformed their lives, that they should have voting rights restored as long as they are a productive member of society.
7) Their allegiance must be to the Constitutional Republic of America and no foreign interest or ideology.
Hilarious fascist

That come from the white aryan nation of the republic.
Hilarious fascist

That come from the white aryan nation of the republic.
The Republic that you despise and seek to erode and destroy. You're a filthy Marxist to the core and an enemy of the people of the USA.
It's not a Dem or Con thing. The wealth transfer from the middle class to the super rich is bipartisan
The 'transfer' is from the middle class to the 'super rich' D.C. and yes, Democrats have persecuted the Negro.

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