Is our media nothing but a propaganda machine?


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
As I read the Washington Post Russian "Hacking" of the power grid story and it's subsequent retraction, I was so reminded of the Bush era yellowcake uranium story it was uncanny...and it led to questions once again whether our media is nothing more than a government propaganda machine.

Was this article run at the behest of the government?

Did no one at the Washington Post...these so-called professional journalists...think a little independent investigation was in order? How about all the bastions of journalism that ran with versions of the same story based on the Washington Post?

It's like one giant media organism without individual parts, reporting exactly what the other parts present as facts within moments of each other, without any fact checking whatsoever.

It's a sad state of affairs, and it leads one inextricably to the question...who can you trust?

So that is the premise of this the media nothing but a propaganda tool, and whom do you trust, if anyone...
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For the record, I was completely taken in by the yellowcake and WMD stories, because at that time I trusted the government, intelligence agencies and the media, when they were all saying the same thing to be telling the truth...which is likely why I am so skeptical now.

I know you all think it's because Obama...but believe me, once you've been burned, you come away with an extremely cynical perspective that lies about Benghazi only reinforced.
Modern media is bleeding money. The two exceptions are Reuters and Bloomberg because they lease out stock terminals at 10k and 25k respectively.
500 tons of uranium shipped from Iraq, Pentagon says -

U.S. Secretly Takes Yellowcake From Iraq

For the record, I was completely taken in by the yellowcake and WMD stories, because at that time I trusted the government, intelligence agencies and the media, when they were all saying the same thing to be telling the truth...which is likely why I am so skeptical now.

I know you all think it's because Obama...but believe me, once you've been burned, you come away with an extremely cynical perspective that lies about Benghazi only reinforced.
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So that is the premise of this the media nothing but a propaganda tool, and whom do you trust, if anyone...
Yes, without question.

If you want to read an investigative journalist I would suggest Robert Parry at Consortium News.
Is fox news, right wing radio and your blogs nothing more then a propaganda machine? You don't like anyone that disagrees with you and want us all silenced...You're a fascist.

This post says a lot more about you than it does about me. Heal thyself physician.. The post is about the media, of which Fox News is a party.
Journalistic integrity is now an oxymoron. If cable news or printed media gets a juicy story, it is reported with minimal if any vetting. Or worse yet, they know full well what the facts are and deliberately misrepresent the story. Case in point, Michael Brown and Officer Darren Wilson.
As I read the Washington Post Russian "Hacking" of the power grid story and it's subsequent retraction, I was so reminded of the Bush era yellowcake uranium story it was uncanny...and it led to questions once again whether our media is nothing more than a government propaganda machine.

Was this article run at the behest of the government?

Did no one at the Washington Post...these so-called professional journalists...think a little independent investigation was in order? How about all the bastions of journalism that ran with versions of the same story based on the Washington Post?

It's like one giant media organism without individual parts, reporting exactly what the other parts present as facts within moments of each other, without any fact checking whatsoever.

It's a sad state of affairs, and it leads one inextricably to the question...who can you trust?

So that is the premise of this the media nothing but a propaganda tool, and whom do you trust, if anyone...
I don't believe the Fed's control any of the media.

But there are hawks running some of the media and if they want to try to propagandize you they will.

Propaganda was essentially born during WW1 and most governments used it then. If you disagreed with them you got arrested -- ask Bertrand Russell (well you can't really ask him -- he died back in 1970).
For the record, I was completely taken in by the yellowcake and WMD stories, because at that time I trusted the government, intelligence agencies and the media, when they were all saying the same thing to be telling the truth...which is likely why I am so skeptical now.

I know you all think it's because Obama...but believe me, once you've been burned, you come away with an extremely cynical perspective that lies about Benghazi only reinforced.
I was never fooled.

On principle I felt "W" Bush should have kept his eye on UBL. UBL was the real villain.

I could see thru "W" and through Cheney and their lies.

Those 2 morons never fooled me for one second.
Journalistic integrity is now an oxymoron. If cable news or printed media gets a juicy story, it is reported with minimal if any vetting. Or worse yet, they know full well what the facts are and deliberately misrepresent the story. Case in point, Michael Brown and Officer Darren Wilson.
Not only is integrity lacking but even competence is lacking and ineptitude rules the media.
As I read the Washington Post Russian "Hacking" of the power grid story and it's subsequent retraction, I was so reminded of the Bush era yellowcake uranium story it was uncanny...and it led to questions once again whether our media is nothing more than a government propaganda machine.

Was this article run at the behest of the government?

Did no one at the Washington Post...these so-called professional journalists...think a little independent investigation was in order? How about all the bastions of journalism that ran with versions of the same story based on the Washington Post?

It's like one giant media organism without individual parts, reporting exactly what the other parts present as facts within moments of each other, without any fact checking whatsoever.

It's a sad state of affairs, and it leads one inextricably to the question...who can you trust?

So that is the premise of this the media nothing but a propaganda tool, and whom do you trust, if anyone...
critical reasoning should be a requirement.
As I read the Washington Post Russian "Hacking" of the power grid story and it's subsequent retraction, I was so reminded of the Bush era yellowcake uranium story it was uncanny...and it led to questions once again whether our media is nothing more than a government propaganda machine.

Was this article run at the behest of the government?

Did no one at the Washington Post...these so-called professional journalists...think a little independent investigation was in order? How about all the bastions of journalism that ran with versions of the same story based on the Washington Post?

It's like one giant media organism without individual parts, reporting exactly what the other parts present as facts within moments of each other, without any fact checking whatsoever.

It's a sad state of affairs, and it leads one inextricably to the question...who can you trust?

So that is the premise of this the media nothing but a propaganda tool, and whom do you trust, if anyone...

Why not look yp this word and then read up on the history of the word.
The word is; “Lügenpresse”
Here are some links. Notice how history is repeating itself?
Donald Trump Supporters Are Using a Nazi Word to Attack Journalists
The 'Worst' German Word of the Year
Pretty soon, the easily manipulated, will be wearing Brown Shirts and screaming "Heil Trump". It's the next logical step.
As I read the Washington Post Russian "Hacking" of the power grid story and it's subsequent retraction, I was so reminded of the Bush era yellowcake uranium story it was uncanny...and it led to questions once again whether our media is nothing more than a government propaganda machine.

Was this article run at the behest of the government?

Did no one at the Washington Post...these so-called professional journalists...think a little independent investigation was in order? How about all the bastions of journalism that ran with versions of the same story based on the Washington Post?

It's like one giant media organism without individual parts, reporting exactly what the other parts present as facts within moments of each other, without any fact checking whatsoever.

It's a sad state of affairs, and it leads one inextricably to the question...who can you trust?

So that is the premise of this the media nothing but a propaganda tool, and whom do you trust, if anyone...

Why not look yp this word and then read up on the history of the word.
The word is; “Lügenpresse”
Here are some links. Notice how history is repeating itself?
Donald Trump Supporters Are Using a Nazi Word to Attack Journalists
The 'Worst' German Word of the Year
Pretty soon, the easily manipulated, will be wearing Brown Shirts and screaming "Heil Trump". It's the next logical step.

"Never question the media because Hitler." Got it.
Once you've got everyone distrusting the media, then it takes only a little push if you can give them something that they feel like they can trust.

In Trump's case, he's got Breitbart to be his propaganda arm, because one of their main people is now in his cabinet. Once he gets people to trust Breitbart, then it's simple to manipulate the public. Why? Nobody trusts the media anymore, or, if it's something they don't like (but true), they will point to all the other times that particular news outlet got something wrong.

Just around 6 months or so, Breitbart is gonna be his main media outlet, just like FOX News was the media outlet of the Republican party for the past few years.
Once you've got everyone distrusting the media, then it takes only a little push if you can give them something that they feel like they can trust.

In Trump's case, he's got Breitbart to be his propaganda arm, because one of their main people is now in his cabinet. Once he gets people to trust Breitbart, then it's simple to manipulate the public. Why? Nobody trusts the media anymore, or, if it's something they don't like (but true), they will point to all the other times that particular news outlet got something wrong.

Just around 6 months or so, Breitbart is gonna be his main media outlet, just like FOX News was the media outlet of the Republican party for the past few years.

Breitbart has a lot of work to do to achieve a "trusted" rating from me, and we're on the same team. Caught them more than once twisting a story. Never read them.
Once you've got everyone distrusting the media, then it takes only a little push if you can give them something that they feel like they can trust.

In Trump's case, he's got Breitbart to be his propaganda arm, because one of their main people is now in his cabinet. Once he gets people to trust Breitbart, then it's simple to manipulate the public. Why? Nobody trusts the media anymore, or, if it's something they don't like (but true), they will point to all the other times that particular news outlet got something wrong.

Just around 6 months or so, Breitbart is gonna be his main media outlet, just like FOX News was the media outlet of the Republican party for the past few years.

Breitbart has a lot of work to do to achieve a "trusted" rating from me, and we're on the same team. Caught them more than once twisting a story. Never read them.

Give it time, you've gotta discredit all the other American news agencies first, THEN you can start building up confidence in your own particular media brand.

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