Is political humor ethical at all?

1) There's nothing funny about politics, at least not this election.
(see harmless political humor)
2) it's unethical when it slanders and intends to do so in propaganda or manipulative way.

Ethical humor would be harmless humor like the very last post on my thread title
"Would women still flock to churches if Jesus looked like Danny DeVito"
In it is a harmless comparison to a Jesus Iconograph, it does not slander or manipulate Trump, it just points out a noticable trsit that 8s noticable in the iconograph which makes it harmlessly funny. He himself would laugh at it, so that is my take on the difference between ethical and unethical political humor.
-signed lessons on Jewish Humor 101.
I heartily agree. I think it's definitely unethical to use something that is meant to be lighthearted as a tool for more sinister motives.

I agree and no greater example then that which was done in the name of religion masking a political subversive act.
Today's Satanist use humor-satire and mockery as an emulation impersonation of the RCC while mocking their rituals and line of command, nothing is believed in it, everything is a bastardized version mocking Christianity and faith to be funny.
Now take that concept and look at what the Biblical era satanist were doing in the same manner.
Look a what Rome was doing in forming it's one world religion combining all cultures faiths, including the sun worship and mystery Babylon mythologies into one.
In doing so they often were bastardizing their precepts & mocking the cultures, even blaming them for losing favor with their gods as to why they were defeated, then claiming Rome the new authority. One Political horn [power] hiding behind the second (religious) horn hence the Scarlet color (Romes color) 2 horn devil symbol.
So when creating the mask for Baal they needed to squelch the Jewish revolts and thus used a Jewish face to the icon to bring Jews to Baal. Where the true mockery is found is in creating the character through all the Harlots of the Bible, then using the Mother Harlot and venerating her to add salt to this wound.
This is why John calls it the Harlot Church.
They again mocked the whole thing by chosing the new name for this compilation figure & thus called it IESous (the swine) because swines are forbidden.
But it gets worse, they also call him the scarab (dung beetle) who rolls the bull dung to bigger and bigger balls of dung, this mocks the verse on not building your house
out of dung for it can not stand the test of time. Adversary nature does not stop there, the mockery is in bastardizing the Mikvah into a dirty river, making the incest birth story and cannibal eucharist mocking the Temple rituals imperspnating the Temple priests and processions but with their mockery twists like brining the Forbidden Asherah and Persian pillars, placing churches over tombs and the circus.
Demonizing king Herod with the tall tale of killing babies sounds like propaganda Hamas would use. But the punch line was at the end of the satanist joke by the Romans, as all punch lines sit at the end they lay it out in the open, Rev 22:16 Jesus is Saying he is Lucifer (morning star) the son of Baal, the one in Canaanite mythology of the dying god whereby the son must die to surpass his father Baal on the throne.
Note just as today's satanist do everything twisted opposite on spite, you'll notice all 10 basic simple commands are broken by the Church setting up of the idol to replace the Hebrew God. And that's why you need to come to the idol instead of to the non anthropromorphic God of Abraham, because they are not the same, and why they never mention who the church is calling Father.
So the political joke that went to far caused thousands of wars and over 50 million murders. We can conclude then that the Jesus created image is one really bad joke.
Most political humor is liberals making fun of conservatives. (Maher, Oliver, Stewart, the list goes on) This is because conservatives are really easy to make fun of. Just look at Trump! Endless material on that guy. Hillary is a boring liar and turd so nothing funny there
Most political humor is liberals making fun of conservatives. (Maher, Oliver, Stewart, the list goes on) This is because conservatives are really easy to make fun of. Just look at Trump! Endless material on that guy. Hillary is a boring liar and turd so nothing funny there
Plus with the long list of mysterious deaths surrounding her, they are affraid to touch her.
*NOW IF that wasn't true it would be unethical to say even to get a laugh.
However, the sad fact is it's very frightfully true and more frightful that the media is silent about it.
Most political humor is liberals making fun of conservatives. (Maher, Oliver, Stewart, the list goes on) This is because conservatives are really easy to make fun of. Just look at Trump! Endless material on that guy. Hillary is a boring liar and turd so nothing funny there
While I understand your sentiment, I don't think that you fully realize the danger of making a joke out of such a serious matter.
Most political humor is liberals making fun of conservatives. (Maher, Oliver, Stewart, the list goes on) This is because conservatives are really easy to make fun of. Just look at Trump! Endless material on that guy. Hillary is a boring liar and turd so nothing funny there
Plus with the long list of mysterious deaths surrounding her, they are affraid to touch her.
*NOW IF that wasn't true it would be unethical to say even to get a laugh.
However, the sad fact is it's very frightfully true and more frightful that the media is silent about it.
It's true. Hillary Clinton has a small army of contract killers. Over the years (Including just recently) she has had several Americans murdered who have said negative things about her or who have crossed her in some way. With one phone call, she can dispatch a contract killer and she has done this many times. Donald Trump has a similar arrangement but he only kills women who have rejected him, not other politicians. Each time Hillary has someone killed, she giggles uncontrollably and then throws a champagne and chocolate truffle party on the White House lawn. Some of her many victims have been: Paul Wellstone, Fred Thompson, El Duce from the Mentors, Lee Khan Yew, Edward Brooke, Edward Koch, C. Edward Koop and that DNC kid who leaked the emails to Julian.
Most political humor is liberals making fun of conservatives. (Maher, Oliver, Stewart, the list goes on) This is because conservatives are really easy to make fun of. Just look at Trump! Endless material on that guy. Hillary is a boring liar and turd so nothing funny there
While I understand your sentiment, I don't think that you fully realize the danger of making a joke out of such a serious matter.
I realize the danger of what I and others are doing and it stings when people point it out. Hiding deep within me is a river of shame shrouded in a fog of denial that allows my conscious mind to keep going.
I saw this ad listed below. It's pretty funny.

17 Hot Celebrties With The Biggest Melons In Hollywood!

They're not beating around the bush here
Yeah well I don't think Katie Perry's hooters are on the ballot.
Well take that British guy. You know, glasses, snaggleteeth, I can't really remember his name. But his whole show, while perhaps humorous, is in the purest sense of the word biased and dedicated to winning over people to one side of the political spectrum. The average person, being unable to see through or even consider the possibility of propaganda or lies being shown on television to persuade them, would be totally defenseless against this kind of molding.

You must be talking about John Oliver. I like him, he's funny. Can you point out any of his lies?
Well take that British guy. You know, glasses, snaggleteeth, I can't really remember his name. But his whole show, while perhaps humorous, is in the purest sense of the word biased and dedicated to winning over people to one side of the political spectrum. The average person, being unable to see through or even consider the possibility of propaganda or lies being shown on television to persuade them, would be totally defenseless against this kind of molding.

So you actually think minds are passive sponges that simply accept whatever they're told without question? And it's just a matter of who gets to that mind first?


That could make a good argument for not letting children go to church. lol
Well take that British guy. You know, glasses, snaggleteeth, I can't really remember his name. But his whole show, while perhaps humorous, is in the purest sense of the word biased and dedicated to winning over people to one side of the political spectrum. The average person, being unable to see through or even consider the possibility of propaganda or lies being shown on television to persuade them, would be totally defenseless against this kind of molding.

So you actually think minds are passive sponges that simply accept whatever they're told without question? And it's just a matter of who gets to that mind first?


That could make a good argument for not letting children go to church. lol
You mean a good argument for making children go to church being unethical. I'm not arguing legality. Unfortunately our constitution apparently permits lying, deceit, and bribery but I'm saying that it's definitely unethical.
Well take that British guy. You know, glasses, snaggleteeth, I can't really remember his name. But his whole show, while perhaps humorous, is in the purest sense of the word biased and dedicated to winning over people to one side of the political spectrum. The average person, being unable to see through or even consider the possibility of propaganda or lies being shown on television to persuade them, would be totally defenseless against this kind of molding.

So you actually think minds are passive sponges that simply accept whatever they're told without question? And it's just a matter of who gets to that mind first?


That could make a good argument for not letting children go to church. lol
You mean a good argument for making children go to church being unethical. I'm not arguing legality. Unfortunately our constitution apparently permits lying, deceit, and bribery but I'm saying that it's definitely unethical.

So, who's your beef with and why? It appears that you've focused on John Oliver as one of the comedians you feel are unethical. Care to be specific?
Well take that British guy. You know, glasses, snaggleteeth, I can't really remember his name. But his whole show, while perhaps humorous, is in the purest sense of the word biased and dedicated to winning over people to one side of the political spectrum. The average person, being unable to see through or even consider the possibility of propaganda or lies being shown on television to persuade them, would be totally defenseless against this kind of molding.

So you actually think minds are passive sponges that simply accept whatever they're told without question? And it's just a matter of who gets to that mind first?


It sounds like someone is butthurt that we've got all the funny. Lol

Anyhoot, I hear that Rush Limbaugh is a comedian. Is that true? I never have listened to him.
Well take that British guy. You know, glasses, snaggleteeth, I can't really remember his name. But his whole show, while perhaps humorous, is in the purest sense of the word biased and dedicated to winning over people to one side of the political spectrum. The average person, being unable to see through or even consider the possibility of propaganda or lies being shown on television to persuade them, would be totally defenseless against this kind of molding.

So you actually think minds are passive sponges that simply accept whatever they're told without question? And it's just a matter of who gets to that mind first?


That could make a good argument for not letting children go to church. lol
You mean a good argument for making children go to church being unethical. I'm not arguing legality. Unfortunately our constitution apparently permits lying, deceit, and bribery but I'm saying that it's definitely unethical.

So, who's your beef with and why? It appears that you've focused on John Oliver as one of the comedians you feel are unethical. Care to be specific?
My beef is with political humor in general. John Oliver was merely an example. My beef with them comes as a result of the fact that I find their behavior to be unethical and morally bankrupt. They reduce serious matters to a joke and then use cunning to lure unwitting people to one side or the other side of the political spectrum. Political discourse is a serious matter and there's a lot at stake. This is not a joke. Someone who watches X's show is likely going to hold X's view. Now, are they entitled to that view? Yes. Does that view hold merit? Maybe, maybe not. But often what these shows can do is they will foster a mindset in which any kind of dissenting opinion, left wing or right wing, is written of guessed it...a joke.
Well take that British guy. You know, glasses, snaggleteeth, I can't really remember his name. But his whole show, while perhaps humorous, is in the purest sense of the word biased and dedicated to winning over people to one side of the political spectrum. The average person, being unable to see through or even consider the possibility of propaganda or lies being shown on television to persuade them, would be totally defenseless against this kind of molding.

So you actually think minds are passive sponges that simply accept whatever they're told without question? And it's just a matter of who gets to that mind first?


That could make a good argument for not letting children go to church. lol
You mean a good argument for making children go to church being unethical. I'm not arguing legality. Unfortunately our constitution apparently permits lying, deceit, and bribery but I'm saying that it's definitely unethical.

So, who's your beef with and why? It appears that you've focused on John Oliver as one of the comedians you feel are unethical. Care to be specific?
My beef is with political humor in general. John Oliver was merely an example. My beef with them comes as a result of the fact that I find their behavior to be unethical and morally bankrupt. They reduce serious matters to a joke and then use cunning to lure unwitting people to one side or the other side of the political spectrum. Political discourse is a serious matter and there's a lot at stake. This is not a joke. Someone who watches X's show is likely going to hold X's view. Now, are they entitled to that view? Yes. Does that view hold merit? Maybe, maybe not. But often what these shows can do is they will foster a mindset in which any kind of dissenting opinion, left wing or right wing, is written of guessed it...a joke.

So don't watch it.
So you actually think minds are passive sponges that simply accept whatever they're told without question? And it's just a matter of who gets to that mind first?


That could make a good argument for not letting children go to church. lol
You mean a good argument for making children go to church being unethical. I'm not arguing legality. Unfortunately our constitution apparently permits lying, deceit, and bribery but I'm saying that it's definitely unethical.

So, who's your beef with and why? It appears that you've focused on John Oliver as one of the comedians you feel are unethical. Care to be specific?
My beef is with political humor in general. John Oliver was merely an example. My beef with them comes as a result of the fact that I find their behavior to be unethical and morally bankrupt. They reduce serious matters to a joke and then use cunning to lure unwitting people to one side or the other side of the political spectrum. Political discourse is a serious matter and there's a lot at stake. This is not a joke. Someone who watches X's show is likely going to hold X's view. Now, are they entitled to that view? Yes. Does that view hold merit? Maybe, maybe not. But often what these shows can do is they will foster a mindset in which any kind of dissenting opinion, left wing or right wing, is written of guessed it...a joke.

So don't watch it.

It's not nearly that simple when we have elections and nationwide laws upon which people are supposed to vote. I can't just go "well this law was passed as a result of people being misinformed I think I just won't follow it." I'll get arrested, and maybe jailed. I think you're missing the big picture here that political comedy shows, and the media as a whole are abusing their power and influence. And while I can turn them off and rise above all that, so many others can't and that's a problem that affects the country. That means you, your friends, your family, me, my friends, my family, everyone. I can't just turn off the rest of the country and "not watch."
I don't know, what about this:

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