Is President Trump a Patriot?

Lets see, who takes the side of illegals who kill and rape thousands of American citizens? Not Trump. The entire Dem leadership sides with illegals plus a number of RINO's. There you have it, patriot vs traitor.

Kill and rape thousands?


That's right thousands, wake up.

Nope. You've been duped.

Rape Deniers: 9 Facts About Illegal Alien Crime The Media Covers Up | Breitbart
He's a much better patriot then some of the lefty loons on this board are. LOL
I believe every president we have ever had did what they did in what they viewed as the best interests of United States?

I believe that President Obama did what he believed was in the world's interest, not necessarily in our country's best interest. For example, the Paris Climate accord which placed much greater burdens on the U.S. than any other country.
Poorr example. Climate Change is a global problem that Obama recognized that to protect our interest, we needed a globasl solution.
Donald Trump is doing what is best for Donald Trump.

What has he done that did not advance his own interests?
He paraded world leaders in front of his members are his resorts.
He advertises his properties by constantly visiting them.
He saves millions in his tax cut.
He traded the One China policy for Trump's copyrights in China
He hired his own children instead of qualified people
He put his cronies on the cabinet.
He is buttering up Putin to lay groundwork for future Trump Towers in Russia.
Lets see, who takes the side of illegals who kill and rape thousands of American citizens? Not Trump. The entire Dem leadership sides with illegals plus a number of RINO's. There you have it, patriot vs traitor.
No one is for illegals. Illegals have a lower crime rate than Americans do.

Trump is using illegals to fire up his feeble minded base. Hell, the fat ass bastard import labor to work in his resorts & vineyards.
I believe every president we have ever had did what they did in what they viewed as the best interests of United States?

you should start a comedy club? best interests of the united states? try best interests of the bankers.:rolleyes: at least since 1913 anyways.If you dont know why the year 1913 was critical,well i cant help you on that one.
Does anyone here dispute that President Trump is doing what he believes to be in the best interests of United States?

If so, state your case.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. You only need to take a look at the spending and the War's to be able (if you to see the truth) to see who they all work for.

you nailed it,thats pretty much what i got done saying.
No one here...NO ONE...knows what Trump believes or why he does what he does. It is virtually impossible to know what someone else is thinking - especially when you have never even met them.

If you say are either an idiot and/or staggeringly ignorant on this subject.

Now...what do I believe that Trump's motives are for doing what he does?

I believe Trump is a man-child and that he has a very small understanding of life through his INCREDIBLY sheltered life (especially since college). I believe he does what he does because he is desperate to be liked/loved (which is why he surrounds himself with his family - even at work...a sure sign or insecurity and an inability to deal with the world in general).
He seems utterly paranoid about loyalty above all else. Above honor, above righteousness and above decency...he just demands blind loyalty. Again, a sure sign of emotional regression/weakness.
A truly strong man/woman can handle dealing with the world absolutely alone...with no support structure. Sure, they prefer the company of friends/loved ones. But it is not essential to their emotional well being (as it clearly is to Trump).

The upshot of all this is that I believe that Trump does not care about other people as much as he cares about how other people perceive him. The fact he apparently watches hours of TV news every day. The fact that he almost completely refuses to watch negative news reports about himself - will only watch good news. The fact he viciously attacks any news outlet/person who puts him down.
A strong man/woman would not care much what others think...especially people they do not know personally. They have their beliefs/code of honor...and they stand by them. They are strong inside and confident; when someone attacks them, it does not hurt them. They learn from it (if there is anything to learn from it) and move on. They do not feel pain or rage...they just blow it off.
Trump does not do this. When you attack him...he clearly seems to get hurt by it and than he gets FURIOUS. And he immediately seems to try to hurt the other a child in a schoolyard.

IMO, Donald Trump is a man-child. An insecure, lonely, unhappy man-child. I believe when he is in a good mood...he cares somewhat about the United States. But, when he is feeling badly (which I believe is most of the time), I don't think he gives a rat's buttocks about the United most children, he just wants to stop feeling bad...NOW. And like more vicious children, he will hurt/attack anyone he has to, to feel better about himself...probably because that is all he knows what to do.

The good thing about this is I do not think Trump has a vicious agenda for America or the world. The bad thing is - when push comes to shove, when he is feeling REALLY hurt/attacked - I don't think he much cares what happens to America or the world. He just wants to stop feeling bad NOW.
Sure then there will be no military to defend our nation, no navy to keep the seas safe, and no roads to drive on. Go for it fool.

We don't need to be the policemen of the world. When's the last time we had a declaration of war, anyway? Hm? When? All it's accomplishing is a systematic erosion of liberties here at home.

Bring our troops home and build more bases here. That's real national defense. And that's real national defense spending.

All taxes accomplish is paying the interest on the treasury notes, aka, unnecessary national debt that the Fed is generating.

And the federal government shouldn't t]be in the business of subsidizing highways. They're crushing the market's incentive to develop transit. Heck, the federal government is the reason the highway system has become the monstrocity that it has. They spend more than they make, the bridges are still crumbling, and they're killing competition.

Taxers go to pay the interest on the Treasury Note they're buying and selling back and forth.

You took him to school major BIG TIME. Having the fucking IRS all it does is not only everything you mentioned, but also aides our fucking corrupt government into going over to other countries putting military bases in every country around the world when we have no business being there. Leave these other countries the hell alone and stop being the big bully on the block. Bring all these military bases back home to the states where they BELONG.:mad:
Real patriotism is a willingness to challenge the government when it's wrong.

Like when it holds up tax exempt status of conservative organizations?

Abolish the IRS. How do you like them apples? Thief.

any TRUE american patriot would agree to that. Thats why Trump has proven to this point he is no different than Bush or Obama.Just doing whats best for the bankers instead of serving the people like he is SUPPOSE to.
“Is President Trump a Patriot?”


Trump’s attacks on the rule of law, our democratic institutions, and a free press are not the acts of a patriot.
The press has not been free in a long time, they are controlled by liberals that hate this country and want to turn it into a socialist paradise. Most of our Democratic institutions have been corrupted by obama and his cronies. The FBI and Justice Department have been corrupted by the deep state swamp rats and no longer follow the rule of law. Trump attacks what is corrupt and it makeing the deep state panic. Our government needs a good housecleaning and Trump is our Mr Clean God Bless Mr Trump. Trump is putting himself and family through a shitstorm he could have avoided by not running for President. He is already wealthy and could have just relax and play golf for the rest of his life but being a Patriot he had to do what is necessary to save our country the socialist agenda obama and hillary were trying to impose. Patriots do what Patriots gotta do.
“Is President Trump a Patriot?”


Trump’s attacks on the rule of law, our democratic institutions, and a free press are not the acts of a patriot.
The press has not been free in a long time, they are controlled by liberals that hate this country and want to turn it into a socialist paradise. Most of our Democratic institutions have been corrupted by obama and his cronies. The FBI and Justice Department have been corrupted by the deep state swamp rats and no longer follow the rule of law. Trump attacks what is corrupt and it makeing the deep state panic. Our government needs a good housecleaning and Trump is our Mr Clean God Bless Mr Trump. Trump is putting himself and family through a shitstorm he could have avoided by not running for President. He is already wealthy and could have just relax and play golf for the rest of his life but being a Patriot he had to do what is necessary to save our country the socialist agenda obama and hillary were trying to impose. Patriots do what Patriots gotta do.
All media is owned by conservative people.
Who owns America?

America, an aquarium made and maintained by special narrow interests.

So you think you live in freedom and democracy... Who keeps repeating that mantra?

Don't be suckered in by such talk as the media being liberal.

Who owns the media?

Who owns CNN? or MSNBC? ABC?

So ya think we have a "free press" eh? Check out who owns who, and WHO owns WHAT you THINK...

GENERAL ELECTRIC --(donated 1.1 million to GW Bush for his 2000 election campaign)

Television Holdings:
* NBC: includes 13 stations, 28% of US households.
* NBC Network News: The Today Show, Nightly News with Tom Brokaw, Meet the Press, Dateline NBC, NBC News at Sunrise.
* CNBC business television; MSNBC 24-hour cable and Internet news service (co-owned by NBC and Microsoft); Court TV (co-owned with Time Warner), Bravo (50%), A&E (25%), History Channel (25%).
The "MS" in MSNBC means microsoft. The same Microsoft that donated 2.4 million to get GW bush elected.

Other Holdings:
* GE Consumer Electronics.
* GE Power Systems: produces turbines for nuclear reactors and power plants.
* GE Plastics: produces military hardware and nuclear power equipment.
* GE Transportation Systems: runs diesel and electric trains.

Westinghouse Electric Company, part of the Nuclear Utilities Business Group of British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL)
whos #1 on the Board of Directors? None other than:
Frank Carlucci (of the CARLYLE Group)

Television Holdings:
* CBS: includes 14 stations and over 200 affiliates in the US.
* CBS Network News: 60 minutes, 48 hours, CBS Evening News with Dan Rather, CBS Morning News, Up to the Minute.
* Country Music Television, The Nashville Network, 2 regional sports networks.
* Group W Satellite Communications.
Other Holdings:
* Westinghouse Electric Company: provides services to the nuclear power industry.
* Westinghouse Government Environmental Services Company: disposes of nuclear and hazardous wastes. Also operates 4 government-owned nuclear power plants in the US.
* Energy Systems: provides nuclear power plant design and maintenance.
================================================== ==============
Television Holdings:
* Paramount Television, Spelling Television, MTV, VH-1, Showtime, The Movie Channel, UPN (joint owner), Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, Sundance Channel (joint owner), Flix.
* 20 major market US stations.
Media Holdings:
* Paramount Pictures, Paramount Home Video, Blockbuster Video, Famous Players Theatres, Paramount Parks.
* Simon & Schuster Publishing.
DISNEY / ABC / CAP (donated 640 thousand to GW's 2000 campaign)
Television Holdings:
* ABC: includes 10 stations, 24% of US households.
* ABC Network News: Prime Time Live, Nightline, 20/20, Good Morning America.
* ESPN, Lifetime Television (50%), as well as minority holdings in A&E, History Channel and E!
* Disney Channel/Disney Television, Touchtone Television.
Media Holdings:
* Miramax, Touchtone Pictures.
* Magazines: Jane, Los Angeles Magazine, W, Discover.
* 3 music labels, 11 major local newspapers.
* Hyperion book publishers.
* Infoseek Internet search engine (43%).
Other Holdings:
* Sid R. Bass (major shares) crude oil and gas.
* All Disney Theme Parks, Walt Disney Cruise Lines.
================================================== ====

TIME-WARNER TBS - AOL (donated 1.6 million to GW's 2000 campaign)
America Online (AOL) acquired Time Warner–the largest merger in corporate history.
Television Holdings:
* CNN, HBO, Cinemax, TBS Superstation, Turner Network Television, Turner Classic Movies, Warner Brothers Television, Cartoon Network, Sega Channel, TNT, Comedy Central (50%), E! (49%), Court TV (50%).
* Largest owner of cable systems in the US with an estimated 13 million subscribers.
Media Holdings:
* HBO Independent Productions, Warner Home Video, New Line Cinema, Castle Rock, Looney Tunes, Hanna-Barbera.
* Music: Atlantic, Elektra, Rhino, Sire, Warner Bros. Records, EMI, WEA, Sub Pop (distribution) = the world’s largest music company.
* 33 magazines including Time, Sports Illustrated, People, In Style, Fortune, Book of the Month Club, Entertainment Weekly, Life, DC Comics (50%), and MAD Magazine.
Other Holdings:
* Sports: The Atlanta Braves, The Atlanta Hawks, World Championship Wrestling.
================================================== =====
NEWS CORPORATION LTD. / FOX NETWORKS (Rupert Murdoch) (donations see bottom note)
Television Holdings:
* Fox Television: includes 22 stations, 50% of US households.
* Fox International: extensive worldwide cable and satellite networks include British Sky Broadcasting (40%); VOX, Germany (49.9%); Canal Fox, Latin America; FOXTEL, Australia (50%); STAR TV, Asia; IskyB, India; Bahasa Programming Ltd., Indonesia (50%); and News Broadcasting, Japan (80%).
* The Golf Channel (33%).
* Twentieth Century Fox, Fox Searchlight.
* 132 newspapers (113 in Australia alone) including the New York Post, the London Times and The Australian.
* 25 magazines including TV Guide and The Weekly Standard.
* HarperCollins books.
* Sports: LA Dodgers, LA Kings, LA Lakers, National Rugby League.
* Ansett Australia airlines, Ansett New Zealand airlines.
* Rupert Murdoch: Board of Directors, Philip Morris (USA).

*(Phillip Morris donated 2.9 million to George W Bush in 2000)*

In 1983, 50 corporations controlled the vast majority of all news media in the U.S. At the time, Ben Bagdikian was called "alarmist" for pointing this out in his book, The Media Monopoly.

In his 4th edition, published in 1992, he wrote "in the U.S., fewer than two dozen of these extraordinary creatures own and operate 90% of the mass media" -- controlling almost all of America's newspapers, magazines, TV and radio stations, books, records, movies, videos, wire services and photo agencies.

He predicted then that eventually this number would fall to about half a dozen companies.

This was greeted with skepticism at the time. When the 6th edition of The Media Monopoly was published in 2000, the number had fallen to six.

Since then, there have been more mergers and the scope has expanded to include new media like the Internet market. More than 1 in 4 Internet users in the U.S. now log in with AOL Time-Warner, the world's largest media corporation.

In 2004, Bagdikian's revised and expanded book, The New Media Monopoly, shows that ONLY 5 HUGE CORPORATIONS -- TIME WARNER, DISNEY, Murdoch's NEWS CORPORATION, BERTELSMANN of Germany, and VIACOM (formerly CBS) -- now CONTROL MOST of the MEDIA INDUSTRY in the U.S. GENERAL ELECTRIC'S NBC is a close sixth.

The MEDIA AQUARIUM is now OWNED by a very close knit circle to SUBTLY shape public opinion without the public knowing that it's happening. It's all orchestrated to throw wool in the minds of the aquarium population... to make it look 'freedom' and 'democracy' are at it's best in America... with many colorful characters parading in the circus for making this grand illusion... of freedom and democracy possible.

Los Angeles Independent Media Center

Original article is at Who owns CNN? or MSNBC? ABC? : LA IMC Print comments.

Who owns CNN? or MSNBC? ABC?
by systemfailure Wednesday, Apr. 09, 2003 at 1:43 AM

So ya think we have a "free press" eh? Check out who owns who, and who owns what you think.......

GENERAL ELECTRIC --(donated 1.1 million to GW Bush for his 2000 election campaign)

Television Holdings:
* NBC: includes 13 stations, 28% of US households.
* NBC Network News: The Today Show, Nightly News with Tom Brokaw, Meet the Press, Dateline NBC, NBC News at Sunrise.
* CNBC business television; MSNBC 24-hour cable and Internet news service (co-owned by NBC and Microsoft); Court TV (co-owned with Time Warner), Bravo (50%), A&E (25%), History Channel (25%).
The "MS" in MSNBC
means microsoft
The same Microsoft that donated 2.4 million to get GW bush elected.

Other Holdings:
* GE Consumer Electronics.
* GE Power Systems: produces turbines for nuclear reactors and power plants.
* GE Plastics: produces military hardware and nuclear power equipment.
* GE Transportation Systems: runs diesel and electric trains.

Westinghouse Electric Company, part of the Nuclear Utilities Business Group of British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL)
whos #1 on the Board of Directors? None other than:
Frank Carlucci (of the Carlyle Group)

Television Holdings:
* CBS: includes 14 stations and over 200 affiliates in the US.
* CBS Network News: 60 minutes, 48 hours, CBS Evening News with Dan Rather, CBS Morning News, Up to the Minute.
* Country Music Television, The Nashville Network, 2 regional sports networks.
* Group W Satellite Communications.
Other Holdings:
* Westinghouse Electric Company: provides services to the nuclear power industry.
* Westinghouse Government Environmental Services Company: disposes of nuclear and hazardous wastes. Also operates 4 government-owned nuclear power plants in the US.
* Energy Systems: provides nuclear power plant design and maintenance.
Television Holdings:
* Paramount Television, Spelling Television, MTV, VH-1, Showtime, The Movie Channel, UPN (joint owner), Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, Sundance Channel (joint owner), Flix.
* 20 major market US stations.
Media Holdings:
* Paramount Pictures, Paramount Home Video, Blockbuster Video, Famous Players Theatres, Paramount Parks.
* Simon & Schuster Publishing.
DISNEY / ABC / CAP (donated 640 thousand to GW's 2000 campaign)
Television Holdings:
* ABC: includes 10 stations, 24% of US households.
* ABC Network News: Prime Time Live, Nightline, 20/20, Good Morning America.
* ESPN, Lifetime Television (50%), as well as minority holdings in A&E, History Channel and E!
* Disney Channel/Disney Television, Touchtone Television.
Media Holdings:
* Miramax, Touchtone Pictures.
* Magazines: Jane, Los Angeles Magazine, W, Discover.
* 3 music labels, 11 major local newspapers.
* Hyperion book publishers.
* Infoseek Internet search engine (43%).
Other Holdings:
* Sid R. Bass (major shares) crude oil and gas.
* All Disney Theme Parks, Walt Disney Cruise Lines.

TIME-WARNER TBS - AOL (donated 1.6 million to GW's 2000 campaign)
America Online (AOL) acquired Time Warner–the largest merger in corporate history.
Television Holdings:
* CNN, HBO, Cinemax, TBS Superstation, Turner Network Television, Turner Classic Movies, Warner Brothers Television, Cartoon Network, Sega Channel, TNT, Comedy Central (50%), E! (49%), Court TV (50%).
* Largest owner of cable systems in the US with an estimated 13 million subscribers.
Media Holdings:
* HBO Independent Productions, Warner Home Video, New Line Cinema, Castle Rock, Looney Tunes, Hanna-Barbera.
* Music: Atlantic, Elektra, Rhino, Sire, Warner Bros. Records, EMI, WEA, Sub Pop (distribution) = the world’s largest music company.
* 33 magazines including Time, Sports Illustrated, People, In Style, Fortune, Book of the Month Club, Entertainment Weekly, Life, DC Comics (50%), and MAD Magazine.
Other Holdings:
* Sports: The Atlanta Braves, The Atlanta Hawks, World Championship Wrestling.
NEWS CORPORATION LTD. / FOX NETWORKS (Rupert Murdoch) (donations see bottom note)
Television Holdings:
* Fox Television: includes 22 stations, 50% of US households.
* Fox International: extensive worldwide cable and satellite networks include British Sky Broadcasting (40%); VOX, Germany (49.9%); Canal Fox, Latin America; FOXTEL, Australia (50%); STAR TV, Asia; IskyB, India; Bahasa Programming Ltd., Indonesia (50%); and News Broadcasting, Japan (80%).
* The Golf Channel (33%).
* Twentieth Century Fox, Fox Searchlight.
* 132 newspapers (113 in Australia alone) including the New York Post, the London Times and The Australian.
* 25 magazines including TV Guide and The Weekly Standard.
* HarperCollins books.
* Sports: LA Dodgers, LA Kings, LA Lakers, National Rugby League.
* Ansett Australia airlines, Ansett New Zealand airlines.
* Rupert Murdoch: Board of Directors, Philip Morris (USA).

*(Phillip Morris donated 2.9 million to George W Bush in 2000)*
What ever Trump thinks is best for America, is always closely tied to what Trump thinks is best for Trump.

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