Is Putin disappointed with Trump? Putin answers that question...

If given the opportunity, I'd put a bullet in Putin's skull, and it would save thousands of innocent lives, and avenge thousands of other innocent people's deaths.

Hahaha....yet another low IQ idiot is spreading lies. You are mistaking Mr. Putin with the Communists entities who created the Gulag and murdered more than 30 million people in the former USSR.

No lies. He's jailed his political rivals, and he's killed others while also killing journalist that write anything negative about him.

You are confused about the country: it's in Ukraine the journalists who disagree with Kiev puppet regime, have been killed or brutally deported from Ukraine.

1. Oles Buzina' assassination was the third in a row of political killings in the last four days: Sergey Sukhobok (April 13); Oleg Kalashnikov (April 15); and Oles Buzina (April 16).
History of Ukraine Told by Assassinated Ukrainian Writer Oles Buzina
OHCHR | Statement by Ivan Šimonović, Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights, at the Conference on Journalists' Safety, Media Freedom and Pluralism in Times of Conflict, Vienna, 15 June 2015

3. As corruption and nepotism threaten the hope of Ukraine’s revolution, journalists are being told that they are helping the enemy just by doing their jobs.
Opinion | Ukraine Declares War on Journalism

The West Suppresses Report on Ukraine's Suppression of Journalists
4. Murdered: Lawyer for Russian fighter kidnapped, 'drugged, wired to a bomb' in Ukraine
Can you imagine what would happened if, in Russia, three opposition figures, a well-known writer and two politicians, were killed in the span of two days? We have a vague of idea of what that would look like, after the Western hysteria about Nemtsov.
History of Ukraine Told by Assassinated Ukrainian Writer Oles Buzina
5. Kiev Security Service of Ukraine detained Miroslava Berdnik – a blogger and journalist who has radical pro-Russian views. The corresponding information was spread by separatists in social networks,
SBU detained Miroslava Berdnik
Berdnik known for his Pro-Russian views. In its publications it actively criticizes the Ukrainian national movement, the events on independence and the policy of the Ukrainian authorities.She is also in favor of granting the Russian language the state status of Crimea’s separation from Ukraine and accession of Ukraine to Russia.

6. “After 20 hours detained in Kiev a military man arrived and put us on an airplane without explanations,” wrote Sastre. “They have treated us like criminals, the only thing missing is putting us in chains,” said Pampliega.

A massive leak of journalists’ personal data in 2016 added to concerns that Ukraine is reneging on promises to improve transparency in the wake of a 2013-14 pro-European uprising.

The Spanish Press Association (APM) called on the Spanish government to ask the Ukrainian authorities for an explanation over the two reporters.
Ukraine bars two Spanish journalists over war coverage

“They wrote untruthful articles, suggesting that Ukrainian Armed Forces allegedly shell civilian cities and villages,” SBU spokesperson Olena Hitlianska said
Two Spanish journalists barred from Ukraine | KyivPost
6. Ukraine's spy agency, the SBU, is systematically rounding up and torturing suspected rebel sympathizers, the United Nations has told The Times.

The UN report documents hundreds of cases of illegal detention, torture and ill-treatment of detainees — both by pro-Russian armed groups and by government agencies. As UNIAN reported earlier, on May 25, the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) suspended its visit to Ukraine after being denied access to places in several parts of the country where it suspected people were being deprived of their liberty by the SBU Security Service of Ukraine.
7. the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) suspended its visit to Ukraine after being denied access to places in several parts of the country where it suspected people were being deprived of their liberty by the SBU Security Service of Ukraine.
The Times: Kyiv allows torture and runs secret jails, says UN
8. Committee to Protect Journalists:

Politicians are creating a toxic atmosphere for the media by dividing Ukrainian journalists into patriotic and unpatriotic, when they should be encouraging a wide variety of viewpoints to inform the public.

And this ^ is only a tip of the iceberg.
If given the opportunity, I'd put a bullet in Putin's skull, and it would save thousands of innocent lives, and avenge thousands of other innocent people's deaths.

Hahaha....yet another low IQ idiot is spreading lies. You are mistaking Mr. Putin with the Communists entities who created the Gulag and murdered more than 30 million people in the former USSR.

No lies. He's jailed his political rivals, and he's killed others while also killing journalist that write anything negative about him.

Wow....pull up "Putin, Jailed Opponents" and the usual CFR controlled lamestream media is making those the Washington Compost, MSNBC, the NYT. If Putin has such a short leash on what goes on in his country who did they EVER get that information out??????


It's not easy, given that he's murdered nearly 200 journalists so those that do get the word out are risking their own lives.

Depots and dictators hate a free press. That's why Trump us working so hard to turn people away from the MSM. They keep calling him on his bullshit.

"It's not easy, given that he's murdered nearly 200 journalists "

When did Vladimir Putin murder 200 journalists, you have just stated that Putin personally has murdered 200 journalists? What weapon? Gun? Or a candlestick in the Conservatory like with Col. Mustard? :poke:


OMG :omg:

If given the opportunity, I'd put a bullet in Putin's skull, and it would save thousands of innocent lives, and avenge thousands of other innocent people's deaths.

Hahaha....yet another low IQ idiot is spreading lies. You are mistaking Mr. Putin with the Communists entities who created the Gulag and murdered more than 30 million people in the former USSR.

No lies. He's jailed his political rivals, and he's killed others while also killing journalist that write anything negative about him.

Wow....pull up "Putin, Jailed Opponents" and the usual CFR controlled lamestream media is making those the Washington Compost, MSNBC, the NYT. If Putin has such a short leash on what goes on in his country who did they EVER get that information out??????


Dale the resident head of the conspiracy theory nut club is in a thread cradling Putin's balls and and saying reports of his hits on journalists and political opponents is fake news from the MSM.

You can't make this shit up if you tried. :uhoh3:

The fact that you suck (and swallow) anything the Operation Mockingbird media tells you is indicative of someone whose skill set only rated you a shit job paying 14 bucks an hour.


Bro that was 15-17 years ago. Right now I am in a Grad program that is one of the top in the country.
Russia has an insanely low life expectancy for men and a much higher one for women. So I guess if you're a man who doesn't drink himself into a coma every night, Russia's not so bad

You last visited Russia when? Unless you have experience of a nation should you comment about that nation from second source Propaganda Kool Aid MSM?

?? It's just a fact that men tend not to live very long in Russia. Sorry if that hurts your feelings, but numbers don't lie.

Putin has kicked out the Rothschild central bank and has gotten rid of the old oligarchs. He is encouraging his people to have children, gives them incentives like farm land. Putin is a thorn in the side of the globalist elites which is why he is demonized.

The Leftists and the Cuckservatives across the planet had no problem when it wasn't Russia, they supported the Soviet Union and supported International Communism and also worship still at the Devil's Altar and adhere to Marx, Lenin, Trotsky and use the modus operandi of that POS Saul Fucking Alinsky.

Now The Russian Federation is an Independent nation that has no time for Communist filth, the Leftists and the Cuckservatives don't like it.

Washington DC has put forward all the anti-Russian Propaganda because Russia refuses to bend over and become a Vassal of Washington DC and allow itself to be in the control of Neo-Conservatives and International Globalists who would rape it dry, who would demand Russia open up Siberia, that's the one thing the International Globalists have coveted for a very long time, even Stalin wouldn't agree to the rape of Siberia, for the minerals, the diamonds, the oil, the natural gas, the worlds biggest freshwater lake etc.

Washington DC liked Russia when that alcoholic idiot Boris Yeltsin was on the seat, because he allowed International Globalists to get involved with buying up things very cheap, Yeltsin put Russian Industry up for sale to those who's forebears historically hated Russia but worshipped at the Communist Altar and some of the descendants of the Original Bolsheviks themselves are Neo-Conservatives sitting in Washington DC.

This is why there is all the anti-Russia, anti-Putin Propaganda because Russia refuses to become a Vassal State and Putin isn't a Yeltsin.

Exactly! Putin was a traitor to communism and the leftard clown posse will never forgive him for it.

Putin is the only leader of a big country who kicked out Soros NGO's from it and doesn't allow Soros puppets to rule his country like EU and unfortunately USA (but Trump is fighting against him too).

That's why there is so much of lies spread about those two by Soros owned Media.

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Great response from Mr. Putin.

Great response from a great leader, not a Soros puppet, like mostly all EU "leaders" are.

Posted like a true Russian, who'd be sent to Siberia if he dared criticize his President. Liked by another paid Russian troll with nearly 20,000 posts in just over 2 1/2 years.

I post the truth. If you see me lying, point and prove it.

However there is a Ukrainian troll posting all kinds of BS with doubtful links all over USMB (269 post within one week!), you don't seem to mind it.

BTW, Siberia is pretty. Putin has spent a few days of his vacation fishing there.

Siberian vacation: Putin takes short break to spearfish, hike & sunbathe:

The "Ukrainian troll" is posting anti-Putin propaganda. Unlike you, Lucy Hamilton, and the other Troll Farmers, who worship the murderous runt.

Thanks for the shirtless pictures. Always good to see a flabby old man pretend he's a stud. Only in his dreams.

You guys call the people from many different countries Russian trolls: from Russia, USA, Ukraine, Austria, tinydancer from Canada, Bleipriester from Germany, etc. You are actually flattering Putin for having his "agents" (translation: those who like Russia and Putin) all over the world. Putin is REALLY powerful according to you, hateful ignorants.
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If given the opportunity, I'd put a bullet in Putin's skull, and it would save thousands of innocent lives, and avenge thousands of other innocent people's deaths.

Hahaha....yet another low IQ idiot is spreading lies. You are mistaking Mr. Putin with the Communists entities who created the Gulag and murdered more than 30 million people in the former USSR.

No lies. He's jailed his political rivals, and he's killed others while also killing journalist that write anything negative about him.

Wow....pull up "Putin, Jailed Opponents" and the usual CFR controlled lamestream media is making those the Washington Compost, MSNBC, the NYT. If Putin has such a short leash on what goes on in his country who did they EVER get that information out??????


It's not easy, given that he's murdered nearly 200 journalists so those that do get the word out are risking their own lives.

Depots and dictators hate a free press. That's why Trump us working so hard to turn people away from the MSM. They keep calling him on his bullshit.

Yet another few sentences of stupidity from you.

You don't have the slightest fucking clue.......your jaw-dropping ignorance absolutely astounds me and you are not worth the effort to give you the history lesson you need.

Mr. Dale things could have been different if his owner would have flead and wormed him every three months :smoke:
Great response from Mr. Putin.

Great response from a great leader, not a Soros puppet, like mostly all EU "leaders" are.

Posted like a true Russian, who'd be sent to Siberia if he dared criticize his President. Liked by another paid Russian troll with nearly 20,000 posts in just over 2 1/2 years.

How much does Putin pay the two of you to post his propaganda and lies?
How much influence does Putin have over Trump.
Hahaha....yet another low IQ idiot is spreading lies. You are mistaking Mr. Putin with the Communists entities who created the Gulag and murdered more than 30 million people in the former USSR.

No lies. He's jailed his political rivals, and he's killed others while also killing journalist that write anything negative about him.

Wow....pull up "Putin, Jailed Opponents" and the usual CFR controlled lamestream media is making those the Washington Compost, MSNBC, the NYT. If Putin has such a short leash on what goes on in his country who did they EVER get that information out??????


Dale the resident head of the conspiracy theory nut club is in a thread cradling Putin's balls and and saying reports of his hits on journalists and political opponents is fake news from the MSM.

You can't make this shit up if you tried. :uhoh3:

The fact that you suck (and swallow) anything the Operation Mockingbird media tells you is indicative of someone whose skill set only rated you a shit job paying 14 bucks an hour.


Bro that was 15-17 years ago. Right now I am in a Grad program that is one of the top in the country.

I guess better late than never to get your "career" started. Anyone that waits until their 40's to decide a career path can't be all that much "on the ball" and made some serious vocational decisions along the way. LMAO!!!
Great response from Mr. Putin.

Great response from a great leader, not a Soros puppet, like mostly all EU "leaders" are.

Posted like a true Russian, who'd be sent to Siberia if he dared criticize his President. Liked by another paid Russian troll with nearly 20,000 posts in just over 2 1/2 years.
Elections have consequences, even in all 57 states and under sniper fire... Live with that snowflake
Hahaha....yet another low IQ idiot is spreading lies. You are mistaking Mr. Putin with the Communists entities who created the Gulag and murdered more than 30 million people in the former USSR.

No lies. He's jailed his political rivals, and he's killed others while also killing journalist that write anything negative about him.

Wow....pull up "Putin, Jailed Opponents" and the usual CFR controlled lamestream media is making those the Washington Compost, MSNBC, the NYT. If Putin has such a short leash on what goes on in his country who did they EVER get that information out??????


Dale the resident head of the conspiracy theory nut club is in a thread cradling Putin's balls and and saying reports of his hits on journalists and political opponents is fake news from the MSM.

You can't make this shit up if you tried. :uhoh3:

The fact that you suck (and swallow) anything the Operation Mockingbird media tells you is indicative of someone whose skill set only rated you a shit job paying 14 bucks an hour.


Bro that was 15-17 years ago. Right now I am in a Grad program that is one of the top in the country.
So you are kid who knows it all because commie so called "professors" told you so. With age comes wisdom and you will realize in a few years (if you make the effort to think for yourself) that they had an agenda and led you by your nose (is you have a clue what that means)
No lies. He's jailed his political rivals, and he's killed others while also killing journalist that write anything negative about him.

Wow....pull up "Putin, Jailed Opponents" and the usual CFR controlled lamestream media is making those the Washington Compost, MSNBC, the NYT. If Putin has such a short leash on what goes on in his country who did they EVER get that information out??????


Dale the resident head of the conspiracy theory nut club is in a thread cradling Putin's balls and and saying reports of his hits on journalists and political opponents is fake news from the MSM.

You can't make this shit up if you tried. :uhoh3:

The fact that you suck (and swallow) anything the Operation Mockingbird media tells you is indicative of someone whose skill set only rated you a shit job paying 14 bucks an hour.


Bro that was 15-17 years ago. Right now I am in a Grad program that is one of the top in the country.

I guess better late than never to get your "career" started. Anyone that waits until their 40's to decide a career path can't be all that much "on the ball" and made some serious vocational decisions along the way. LMAO!!!

Yeah except most of my career is all on the same path. But hey, that doesn't fit your agenda so...

You just keep swinging on Putin's nuts and railing against the U.S., the same place where you brag about how much money you make here. You think you'd make that much in Russia?
No lies. He's jailed his political rivals, and he's killed others while also killing journalist that write anything negative about him.

Wow....pull up "Putin, Jailed Opponents" and the usual CFR controlled lamestream media is making those the Washington Compost, MSNBC, the NYT. If Putin has such a short leash on what goes on in his country who did they EVER get that information out??????


Dale the resident head of the conspiracy theory nut club is in a thread cradling Putin's balls and and saying reports of his hits on journalists and political opponents is fake news from the MSM.

You can't make this shit up if you tried. :uhoh3:

The fact that you suck (and swallow) anything the Operation Mockingbird media tells you is indicative of someone whose skill set only rated you a shit job paying 14 bucks an hour.


Bro that was 15-17 years ago. Right now I am in a Grad program that is one of the top in the country.
So you are kid who knows it all because commie so called "professors" told you so. With age comes wisdom and you will realize in a few years (if you make the effort to think for yourself) that they had an agenda and led you by your nose (is you have a clue what that means)

Not a kid, and I keep up with more history and news than most.
Wow....pull up "Putin, Jailed Opponents" and the usual CFR controlled lamestream media is making those the Washington Compost, MSNBC, the NYT. If Putin has such a short leash on what goes on in his country who did they EVER get that information out??????


Dale the resident head of the conspiracy theory nut club is in a thread cradling Putin's balls and and saying reports of his hits on journalists and political opponents is fake news from the MSM.

You can't make this shit up if you tried. :uhoh3:

The fact that you suck (and swallow) anything the Operation Mockingbird media tells you is indicative of someone whose skill set only rated you a shit job paying 14 bucks an hour.


Bro that was 15-17 years ago. Right now I am in a Grad program that is one of the top in the country.
So you are kid who knows it all because commie so called "professors" told you so. With age comes wisdom and you will realize in a few years (if you make the effort to think for yourself) that they had an agenda and led you by your nose (is you have a clue what that means)

Not a kid, and I keep up with more history and news than most.
Well, let's take your word for granted. Now your next step for development is starting to think for yourself. Discard all the propaganda and research subjects including the view points of the opposition also. (Those are harder and harder to find since Google started to censor all opposing views.) Then, you may learn something and will come to a different conclusion.
If given the opportunity, I'd put a bullet in Putin's skull, and it would save thousands of innocent lives, and avenge thousands of other innocent people's deaths.

Hahaha....yet another low IQ idiot is spreading lies. You are mistaking Mr. Putin with the Communists entities who created the Gulag and murdered more than 30 million people in the former USSR.

No lies. He's jailed his political rivals, and he's killed others while also killing journalist that write anything negative about him.
How is it different from Merkel? She is imprisoning political dissidents over there. I am not changing the subject, I just don't see you condemning her. How about investigative journalists being killed here in the U.S.? Not changing subject but I don't see you worrying about that. On the other hand, I don't not know if it is true what you are stating about Mr. Putin.

You don't know if it is true?

No, I don't. I live here and not there. MSM is lying always so we never know what is true and what is a lie anymore.

I'm not sure about MSM, but look what I found out about MSNBS (shouldn't be too different to MSM).

MSNBC = Massive Soros Bulsh*t Spreading Cable Network (same letters in different order).
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Dale the resident head of the conspiracy theory nut club is in a thread cradling Putin's balls and and saying reports of his hits on journalists and political opponents is fake news from the MSM.

You can't make this shit up if you tried. :uhoh3:

The fact that you suck (and swallow) anything the Operation Mockingbird media tells you is indicative of someone whose skill set only rated you a shit job paying 14 bucks an hour.


Bro that was 15-17 years ago. Right now I am in a Grad program that is one of the top in the country.
So you are kid who knows it all because commie so called "professors" told you so. With age comes wisdom and you will realize in a few years (if you make the effort to think for yourself) that they had an agenda and led you by your nose (is you have a clue what that means)

Not a kid, and I keep up with more history and news than most.
Well, let's take your word for granted. Now your next step for development is starting to think for yourself. Discard all the propaganda and research subjects including the view points of the opposition also. (Those are harder and harder to find since Google started to censor all opposing views.) Then, you may learn something and will come to a different conclusion.

I do think for myself... and I will NEVER back Putin like some of you are in this thread.
The fact that you suck (and swallow) anything the Operation Mockingbird media tells you is indicative of someone whose skill set only rated you a shit job paying 14 bucks an hour.


Bro that was 15-17 years ago. Right now I am in a Grad program that is one of the top in the country.
So you are kid who knows it all because commie so called "professors" told you so. With age comes wisdom and you will realize in a few years (if you make the effort to think for yourself) that they had an agenda and led you by your nose (is you have a clue what that means)

Not a kid, and I keep up with more history and news than most.
Well, let's take your word for granted. Now your next step for development is starting to think for yourself. Discard all the propaganda and research subjects including the view points of the opposition also. (Those are harder and harder to find since Google started to censor all opposing views.) Then, you may learn something and will come to a different conclusion.

I do think for myself... and I will NEVER back Putin like some of you are in this thread.

Who cares? Since you are a liberal you back Soros puppets.

Soros is an enemy of the mankind, Putin and Trump are his main enemies.

And the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Choose your side wisely.
Bro that was 15-17 years ago. Right now I am in a Grad program that is one of the top in the country.
So you are kid who knows it all because commie so called "professors" told you so. With age comes wisdom and you will realize in a few years (if you make the effort to think for yourself) that they had an agenda and led you by your nose (is you have a clue what that means)

Not a kid, and I keep up with more history and news than most.
Well, let's take your word for granted. Now your next step for development is starting to think for yourself. Discard all the propaganda and research subjects including the view points of the opposition also. (Those are harder and harder to find since Google started to censor all opposing views.) Then, you may learn something and will come to a different conclusion.

I do think for myself... and I will NEVER back Putin like some of you are in this thread.

Who cares? Since you are a liberal you back Soros puppets.

Obviously you people do because you have been arguing my view point for a couple pages now.
The fact that you suck (and swallow) anything the Operation Mockingbird media tells you is indicative of someone whose skill set only rated you a shit job paying 14 bucks an hour.


Bro that was 15-17 years ago. Right now I am in a Grad program that is one of the top in the country.
So you are kid who knows it all because commie so called "professors" told you so. With age comes wisdom and you will realize in a few years (if you make the effort to think for yourself) that they had an agenda and led you by your nose (is you have a clue what that means)

Not a kid, and I keep up with more history and news than most.
Well, let's take your word for granted. Now your next step for development is starting to think for yourself. Discard all the propaganda and research subjects including the view points of the opposition also. (Those are harder and harder to find since Google started to censor all opposing views.) Then, you may learn something and will come to a different conclusion.

I do think for myself... and I will NEVER back Putin like some of you are in this thread.
Mr. Putin extended the hand of peace and Mr. Trump was ready to accept it since both of those leaders want their own countries proper and live in peace. Globalists did not like that idea since their plan is different. They want war for the sole purpose of filling their coffers with more money what they already amassed. Therefore, they do everything to prevent Mr. Trump to make peace and mutually fruitful economic relations with Russia.
Bro that was 15-17 years ago. Right now I am in a Grad program that is one of the top in the country.
So you are kid who knows it all because commie so called "professors" told you so. With age comes wisdom and you will realize in a few years (if you make the effort to think for yourself) that they had an agenda and led you by your nose (is you have a clue what that means)

Not a kid, and I keep up with more history and news than most.
Well, let's take your word for granted. Now your next step for development is starting to think for yourself. Discard all the propaganda and research subjects including the view points of the opposition also. (Those are harder and harder to find since Google started to censor all opposing views.) Then, you may learn something and will come to a different conclusion.

I do think for myself... and I will NEVER back Putin like some of you are in this thread.
Mr. Putin extended the hand of peace and Mr. Trump was ready to accept it since both of those leaders want their own countries proper and live in peace. Globalists did not like that idea since their plan is different. They want war for the sole purpose of filling their coffers with more money what they already amassed. Therefore, they do everything to prevent Mr. Trump to make peace and mutually fruitful economic relations with Russia.

That war will hurt them too, but unlike us they will realize it after nothing can be played in reverse. They are just stupid pawns in dirty Globalists' hands and can't understand why the people like us don't want to be their pawns. Trump and Putin are not the pawns and hopefully will never be.

Wow all of a sudden conservatives praise Russia and Putin? Looooooool
Russia that hacks Americans, annexes countries that are allies with the US...have spies in the USA, works against the interest of the

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