Is Putin disappointed with Trump? Putin answers that question...

So, if you had to, you guys would live in Russia before any country in the EU?

Half of Ukrainians would prefer to live in Russia (including myself) rather than in EU.

EU is pretty, but flooded with refugees/terrorists, who blow the people up or simply run them over with stolen trucks from time to time.

More crazy bullshit from our professional Russian poster.

Except Moscow and St.Pete, Russia is a near-third world shithole with rampant corruption.

Refugees and terrorists? Maybe you should stop watching so much Putinvision. That's not even addbig up to a 100th of all the problems in Russia.
Mr. Putin extended the hand of peace and Mr. Trump was ready to accept it since both of those leaders want their own countries proper and live in peace. Globalists did not like that idea since their plan is different. They want war for the sole purpose of filling their coffers with more money what they already amassed. Therefore, they do everything to prevent Mr. Trump to make peace and mutually fruitful economic relations with Russia.

Putin is a murderer and he buys slave labor from North Korea. Putin is a former KGB agent who has publicly said he likes Communism... yet he is still President of Russia. Who's buying the fake news around here?
Give me a break puppy. Former KGB agent is an old broken record. Our President the older Bush (A scumbag along with his son that is, the Bush crime family did more harm to our freedoms than all the presidents together before them.) was the Director of C.I.A. You just lost the KGB argument.

And you miss the point entirely. Congrats. Putin was a KGB agent under a totally different government under Communism. It's not even remotely the same with Bush.

Wanna bet? The CIA is every bit as disgusting as the KGB ever was. The difference is that the KGB has been dissolved while "The Company" aka CIA is still in existence and the most crucial arm of the Deep State.

As far as your prior post where you whine about getting busted on? If you can't take what you dish out? Then you need to actually attempt to debate and discuss instead of lamely insulting those that know infinitely more than you.

You think calling someone fat or gay is busting on them? That's just crazy...:uhoh3:

Ranks right up there with calling someone a cocksucker like you did, no? can't defeat me in a debate, "Chubs".....because you are a political infant and one of the prime examples of what is the "dumbed down populace".
I do think for myself... and I will NEVER back Putin like some of you are in this thread.
Mr. Putin extended the hand of peace and Mr. Trump was ready to accept it since both of those leaders want their own countries proper and live in peace. Globalists did not like that idea since their plan is different. They want war for the sole purpose of filling their coffers with more money what they already amassed. Therefore, they do everything to prevent Mr. Trump to make peace and mutually fruitful economic relations with Russia.

Putin is a murderer and he buys slave labor from North Korea. Putin is a former KGB agent who has publicly said he likes Communism... yet he is still President of Russia. Who's buying the fake news around here?
Give me a break puppy. Former KGB agent is an old broken record. Our President the older Bush (A scumbag along with his son that is, the Bush crime family did more harm to our freedoms than all the presidents together before them.) was the Director of C.I.A. You just lost the KGB argument.

And you miss the point entirely. Congrats. Putin was a KGB agent under a totally different government under Communism. It's not even remotely the same with Bush.

Wanna bet? The CIA is every bit as disgusting as the KGB ever was. The difference is that the KGB has been dissolved while "The Company" aka CIA is still in existence and the most crucial arm of the Deep State.

As far as your prior post where you whine about getting busted on? If you can't take what you dish out? Then you need to actually attempt to debate and discuss instead of lamely insulting those that know infinitely more than you.

I wouldn't have pegged you for a Russian troll but you're sure starting to sound like one. 16,000 posts in under two years. Most of them fruitier than a Christmas cake.
So, if you had to, you guys would live in Russia before any country in the EU?

Half of Ukrainians would prefer to live in Russia (including myself) rather than in EU.

EU is pretty, but flooded with refugees/terrorists, who blow the people up or simply run them over with stolen trucks from time to time.

More crazy bullshit from our professional Russian poster.

Except Moscow and St.Pete, Russia is a near-third world shithole with rampant corruption.

Refugees and terrorists? Maybe you should stop watching so much Putinvision.

Yeah, the E.U is sunk in debt that it can never pay and they are intentionally bringing in military aged muslims. They have no sovereignty as a nation because the IMF (that owns the E.U) sets the rules for them. Russia was a victim of the banking oligarchs that funded the Bolshevik Revolution and if you don't know the story of how Trotsky was stopped in Canada with millions in gold that Woodrow Wilson intervened on the behalf of so he could continue on his way? Then you really need to STFU because your knowledge of history sucks ass.
Mr. Putin extended the hand of peace and Mr. Trump was ready to accept it since both of those leaders want their own countries proper and live in peace. Globalists did not like that idea since their plan is different. They want war for the sole purpose of filling their coffers with more money what they already amassed. Therefore, they do everything to prevent Mr. Trump to make peace and mutually fruitful economic relations with Russia.

Putin is a murderer and he buys slave labor from North Korea. Putin is a former KGB agent who has publicly said he likes Communism... yet he is still President of Russia. Who's buying the fake news around here?
Give me a break puppy. Former KGB agent is an old broken record. Our President the older Bush (A scumbag along with his son that is, the Bush crime family did more harm to our freedoms than all the presidents together before them.) was the Director of C.I.A. You just lost the KGB argument.

And you miss the point entirely. Congrats. Putin was a KGB agent under a totally different government under Communism. It's not even remotely the same with Bush.

Wanna bet? The CIA is every bit as disgusting as the KGB ever was. The difference is that the KGB has been dissolved while "The Company" aka CIA is still in existence and the most crucial arm of the Deep State.

As far as your prior post where you whine about getting busted on? If you can't take what you dish out? Then you need to actually attempt to debate and discuss instead of lamely insulting those that know infinitely more than you.

I wouldn't have pegged you for a Russian troll but you're sure starting to sound like one. 16,000 posts in under two years. Most of them fruitier than a Christmas cake.
Do all of you progressives have "Russian connection" on the brain 24/7? Lol
Actually it does, we have Verizon here… LOL
The coverage is great

Verizon is great said no American ever. Shittiest Internet ever according to my American friends. Service is worse than their internet.
Not here, because it's the only service. It's by far the best coverage in the northern plains.

Hunting season started this weekend, this is my wife in my backyard…

So I googled images under Badlands, Ivan. About halfway down the page I found your wife's "backyard picture".

Stalking the Badlands of North Dakota

Keep digging a bigger hole, Ivan!
That's my wife I sell firearms for a living…
She writes for Mossyoak... LOL

Sure she is. Lisa Jane Barron... is your wife? Gotcha.
I am having difficulties to keep with the flow of this thread. Intermittent blackouts hinder me to keep up with it. My fucking backup battery is dead so every time I have a blackout, my computer reboots.
So, if you had to, you guys would live in Russia before any country in the EU?

Half of Ukrainians would prefer to live in Russia (including myself) rather than in EU.

EU is pretty, but flooded with refugees/terrorists, who blow the people up or simply run them over with stolen trucks from time to time.

More crazy bullshit from our professional Russian poster.

Except Moscow and St.Pete, Russia is a near-third world shithole with rampant corruption.

Refugees and terrorists? Maybe you should stop watching so much Putinvision. That's not even addbig up to a 100th of all the problems in Russia.
You have been stuffed with Soros propaganda and fake news, which Soros owned Media has to invent every day because no way they are supposed to deliver even a ray of truth to you. They need to keep you deeply brainwashed and easy to manipulate for their bosses, the Deep State.
So, if you had to, you guys would live in Russia before any country in the EU?

Half of Ukrainians would prefer to live in Russia (including myself) rather than in EU.

EU is pretty, but flooded with refugees/terrorists, who blow the people up or simply run them over with stolen trucks from time to time.

More crazy bullshit from our professional Russian poster.

Except Moscow and St.Pete, Russia is a near-third world shithole with rampant corruption.

Refugees and terrorists? Maybe you should stop watching so much Putinvision.

Yeah, the E.U is sunk in debt that it can never pay and they are intentionally bringing in military aged muslims. They have no sovereignty as a nation because the IMF (that owns the E.U) sets the rules for them. Russia was a victim of the banking oligarchs that funded the Bolshevik Revolution and if you don't know the story of how Trotsky was stopped in Canada with millions in gold that Woodrow Wilson intervened on the behalf of so he could continue on his way? Then you really need to STFU because your knowledge of history sucks ass.

Not even sure where to begin replying to this bag of crazy.

Russia was not a victim of anything it's people could not fix in 100 years. And even IF it's somehow not-Russia-fault's a still a shithole that can't hold a candle to quality of life in most EU countries, no matter who you blame for it.
The far left does not have a clue what real leadership looks like.

Remember Obama appeased the Russians for the sake Iran and allowed them to be become a dominate world power again.

Remember the far left will deny their own history and rewrite as needed to fit their religious agenda.
Obama put sanctions on Russia due to Crimea takeover. You can blame US oil companies for helping Russia.
So, if you had to, you guys would live in Russia before any country in the EU?

Half of Ukrainians would prefer to live in Russia (including myself) rather than in EU.

EU is pretty, but flooded with refugees/terrorists, who blow the people up or simply run them over with stolen trucks from time to time.

More crazy bullshit from our professional Russian poster.

Except Moscow and St.Pete, Russia is a near-third world shithole with rampant corruption.

Refugees and terrorists? Maybe you should stop watching so much Putinvision. That's not even addbig up to a 100th of all the problems in Russia.
You have been stuffed with Soros propaganda and fake news, which Soros owned Media has to invent every day because no way they are supposed to deliver even a ray of truth to you. They need to keep you deeply brainwashed and easy to manipulate for their bosses, the Deep State.

Dumabass, I lived for over a decade in Russia....are you going to try to claim Soros implanted that memory into my head?
So, if you had to, you guys would live in Russia before any country in the EU?

Half of Ukrainians would prefer to live in Russia (including myself) rather than in EU.

EU is pretty, but flooded with refugees/terrorists, who blow the people up or simply run them over with stolen trucks from time to time.

More crazy bullshit from our professional Russian poster.

Except Moscow and St.Pete, Russia is a near-third world shithole with rampant corruption.

Refugees and terrorists? Maybe you should stop watching so much Putinvision. That's not even addbig up to a 100th of all the problems in Russia.
You have been stuffed with Soros propaganda and fake news, which Soros owned Media has to invent every day because no way they are supposed to deliver even a ray of truth to you. They need to keep you deeply brainwashed and easy to manipulate for their bosses, the Deep State.

Dumabass, I lived for over a decade in Russia....are you going to try to claim Soros implanted that memory into my head?
How many years ago? Russia in 00-s was a lot different comparing to Russia in 90-s (it was just a disaster under Yeltsin whom the West loved for keeping mess in Russia).
And modern Russia is a lot different to what it was 10 or 20 years ago.

Soros is trying to do his best to affect Russia, no question. So far Russia may be the only obstacle to his world's power.
If I were "self employed", I'd spend my time trolling for more customers. Instead you're makes 40+ posts a day to a message board. Obsess much?

In another thread you indicated total ignorance of the dangers of hurricanes but talked about extreme cold and blizzards. You said you lived in an isolated area.

That's a pretty sophisticated system for some guy living in the isolated Midwest.

Your story just doesn't add up Ivan.
Actually it does, we have Verizon here… LOL
The coverage is great

Verizon is great said no American ever. Shittiest Internet ever according to my American friends. Service is worse than their internet.
Not here, because it's the only service. It's by far the best coverage in the northern plains.

Hunting season started this weekend, this is my wife in my backyard…

So I googled images under Badlands, Ivan. About halfway down the page I found your wife's "backyard picture".

Stalking the Badlands of North Dakota

Keep digging a bigger hole, Ivan!
That's my wife I sell firearms for a living…
She writes for Mossyoak... LOL
If I were "self employed", I'd spend my time trolling for more customers. Instead you're makes 40+ posts a day to a message board. Obsess much?

In another thread you indicated total ignorance of the dangers of hurricanes but talked about extreme cold and blizzards. You said you lived in an isolated area.

That's a pretty sophisticated system for some guy living in the isolated Midwest.

Your story just doesn't add up Ivan.
Actually it does, we have Verizon here… LOL
The coverage is great

Verizon is great said no American ever. Shittiest Internet ever according to my American friends. Service is worse than their internet.
Not here, because it's the only service. It's by far the best coverage in the northern plains.

Hunting season started this weekend, this is my wife in my backyard…

So I googled images under Badlands, Ivan. About halfway down the page I found your wife's "backyard picture".

Stalking the Badlands of North Dakota

Keep digging a bigger hole, Ivan!
That's my wife I sell firearms for a living…
She writes for Mossyoak... LOL

Really?? Your "wife", Lisa Barron, works for Deer Hunter magazine, and lives with her husband in Texas. There was a nice picture of the happy couple. with a brace of pheasants they shot with bows and arrows.

You look really apple cheeked and young for a guy who's close to 50. In fact, I would have sworn you're both under 30 from your picture. Lisa graduated university in 2009.

How long did you live in New York, where you got married?

Give it up Ivan. You're caught.
Actually it does, we have Verizon here… LOL
The coverage is great

Verizon is great said no American ever. Shittiest Internet ever according to my American friends. Service is worse than their internet.
Not here, because it's the only service. It's by far the best coverage in the northern plains.

Hunting season started this weekend, this is my wife in my backyard…

So I googled images under Badlands, Ivan. About halfway down the page I found your wife's "backyard picture".

Stalking the Badlands of North Dakota

Keep digging a bigger hole, Ivan!
That's my wife I sell firearms for a living…
She writes for Mossyoak... LOL
Actually it does, we have Verizon here… LOL
The coverage is great

Verizon is great said no American ever. Shittiest Internet ever according to my American friends. Service is worse than their internet.
Not here, because it's the only service. It's by far the best coverage in the northern plains.

Hunting season started this weekend, this is my wife in my backyard…

So I googled images under Badlands, Ivan. About halfway down the page I found your wife's "backyard picture".

Stalking the Badlands of North Dakota

Keep digging a bigger hole, Ivan!
That's my wife I sell firearms for a living…
She writes for Mossyoak... LOL

Really?? Your "wife", Lisa Barron, works for Deer Hunter magazine, and lives with her husband in Texas. There was a nice picture of the happy couple. with a brace of pheasants they shot with bows and arrows.

You look really apple cheeked and young for a guy who's close to 50. In fact, I would have sworn you're both under 30 from your picture. Lisa graduated university in 2009.

How long did you live in New York, where you got married?

Give it up Ivan. You're caught.
That picture was from 2014, how do you think I met her? Lol
How many years ago? Russia in 00-s was a lot different comparing to Russia in 90-s (it was just a disaster under Yeltsin whom the West loved for keeping mess in Russia).
And modern Russia is a lot different to what it was 10 or 20 years ago.

:rolleyes: Does anyone believe this clown?

This is Russia in a nutshell:

The economic development of the country has been uneven geographically with the Moscow region contributing a very large share of the country's GDP.[60] There has been a substantial rise in wealth inequality in Russia since 1990 (far more than China and other Eastern European countries).[61][62]Credit Suisse has described Russian wealth inequality as so extreme compared to other countries that it "deserves to be placed in a separate category."[62][63] One study estimates that "the wealth held offshore by rich Russians is about three times larger than official net foreign reserves, and is comparable in magnitude to total household financial assets held in Russia."[61]

Economy of Russia - Wikipedia

A corrupt shithole ruled by oligarchs who make out like bandits while common man lives in near poverty.
Last edited:
Last 4 or 5 pages have gotten WAYYY too personal for a Politics thread. Thread is near closing with all the personal exchanges. Not gonna thoroughly clean it. But if you get a "post deletion alert" --- you need to get BACK on the OP topic. Or you'll be warned and thread banned.. .

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