Is Putin disappointed with Trump? Putin answers that question...

Wow all of a sudden conservatives praise Russia and Putin? Looooooool
Russia that hacks Americans, annexes countries that are allies with the US...have spies in the USA, works against the interest of the


You should be pretty safe from hacking, Issa,
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Bro that was 15-17 years ago. Right now I am in a Grad program that is one of the top in the country.
So you are kid who knows it all because commie so called "professors" told you so. With age comes wisdom and you will realize in a few years (if you make the effort to think for yourself) that they had an agenda and led you by your nose (is you have a clue what that means)

Not a kid, and I keep up with more history and news than most.
Well, let's take your word for granted. Now your next step for development is starting to think for yourself. Discard all the propaganda and research subjects including the view points of the opposition also. (Those are harder and harder to find since Google started to censor all opposing views.) Then, you may learn something and will come to a different conclusion.

I do think for myself... and I will NEVER back Putin like some of you are in this thread.
Mr. Putin extended the hand of peace and Mr. Trump was ready to accept it since both of those leaders want their own countries proper and live in peace. Globalists did not like that idea since their plan is different. They want war for the sole purpose of filling their coffers with more money what they already amassed. Therefore, they do everything to prevent Mr. Trump to make peace and mutually fruitful economic relations with Russia.

Putin is a murderer and he buys slave labor from North Korea. Putin is a former KGB agent who has publicly said he likes Communism... yet he is still President of Russia. Who's buying the fake news around here?
Wow....pull up "Putin, Jailed Opponents" and the usual CFR controlled lamestream media is making those the Washington Compost, MSNBC, the NYT. If Putin has such a short leash on what goes on in his country who did they EVER get that information out??????


Dale the resident head of the conspiracy theory nut club is in a thread cradling Putin's balls and and saying reports of his hits on journalists and political opponents is fake news from the MSM.

You can't make this shit up if you tried. :uhoh3:

The fact that you suck (and swallow) anything the Operation Mockingbird media tells you is indicative of someone whose skill set only rated you a shit job paying 14 bucks an hour.


Bro that was 15-17 years ago. Right now I am in a Grad program that is one of the top in the country.

I guess better late than never to get your "career" started. Anyone that waits until their 40's to decide a career path can't be all that much "on the ball" and made some serious vocational decisions along the way. LMAO!!!

Yeah except most of my career is all on the same path. But hey, that doesn't fit your agenda so...

You just keep swinging on Putin's nuts and railing against the U.S., the same place where you brag about how much money you make here. You think you'd make that much in Russia?

Sure seems like a path to nowhere. Enforcing statutory/admiralty law? WOW! What a vision!

Who is railing against the people of America? Because I don't share your misguided views about Russia as you are incredibly ignorant? Save your queer talk for the bath houses you frequent, punkinpuss.

As far as me making a "living"? I can repair high speed electro-mechanical equipment using PLC programming and I can pretty much do that anywhere.

BTW, we are not paid in "money", we are paid in srip. Money actually has an intrinsic value. What we get (by moving this fiat currency) are what is called "debt notes" that loses purchasing power every single year via inflation...a hidden tax.

Any other questions?
Dale the resident head of the conspiracy theory nut club is in a thread cradling Putin's balls and and saying reports of his hits on journalists and political opponents is fake news from the MSM.

You can't make this shit up if you tried. :uhoh3:

The fact that you suck (and swallow) anything the Operation Mockingbird media tells you is indicative of someone whose skill set only rated you a shit job paying 14 bucks an hour.


Bro that was 15-17 years ago. Right now I am in a Grad program that is one of the top in the country.

I guess better late than never to get your "career" started. Anyone that waits until their 40's to decide a career path can't be all that much "on the ball" and made some serious vocational decisions along the way. LMAO!!!

Yeah except most of my career is all on the same path. But hey, that doesn't fit your agenda so...

You just keep swinging on Putin's nuts and railing against the U.S., the same place where you brag about how much money you make here. You think you'd make that much in Russia?

Sure seems like a path to nowhere. Enforcing statutory/admiralty law? WOW! What a vision!

Who is railing against the people of America? Because I don't share your misguided views about Russia as you are incredibly ignorant? Save your queer talk for the bath houses you frequent, punkinpuss.

As far as me making a "living"? I can repair high speed electro-mechanical equipment using PLC programming and I can pretty much do that anywhere.

BTW, we are not paid in "money", we are paid in srip. Money actually has an intrinsic value. What we get (by moving this fiat currency) are what is called "debt notes" that loses purchasing power every single year via inflation...a hidden tax.

Any other questions?

Based on ZERO facts, probably heard from liberal "independent" Media.

Looks like liberals live in a different country, not where other Americans live, in a parallel world, in Wonderland, next door to Alice.

Dale the resident head of the conspiracy theory nut club is in a thread cradling Putin's balls and and saying reports of his hits on journalists and political opponents is fake news from the MSM.

You can't make this shit up if you tried. :uhoh3:

The fact that you suck (and swallow) anything the Operation Mockingbird media tells you is indicative of someone whose skill set only rated you a shit job paying 14 bucks an hour.


Bro that was 15-17 years ago. Right now I am in a Grad program that is one of the top in the country.

I guess better late than never to get your "career" started. Anyone that waits until their 40's to decide a career path can't be all that much "on the ball" and made some serious vocational decisions along the way. LMAO!!!

Yeah except most of my career is all on the same path. But hey, that doesn't fit your agenda so...

You just keep swinging on Putin's nuts and railing against the U.S., the same place where you brag about how much money you make here. You think you'd make that much in Russia?

Sure seems like a path to nowhere. Enforcing statutory/admiralty law? WOW! What a vision!

Who is railing against the people of America? Because I don't share your misguided views about Russia as you are incredibly ignorant? Save your queer talk for the bath houses you frequent, punkinpuss.

As far as me making a "living"? I can repair high speed electro-mechanical equipment using PLC programming and I can pretty much do that anywhere.

BTW, we are not paid in "money", we are paid in srip. Money actually has an intrinsic value. What we get (by moving this fiat currency) are what is called "debt notes" that loses purchasing power every single year via inflation...a hidden tax.

Any other questions?

Same Blah blah blah blah blah answer from you. You wouldn't make as much anywhere in the world as you make from American companies, and you hate them for it. Sad.

And you can't even be an original troll. You call people you have no idea what they look like fat, or gay, or some other lame thing. Do you learn how to make fun of people hanging out on school playgrounds?
Wow all of a sudden conservatives praise Russia and Putin? Looooooool
Russia that hacks Americans, annexes countries that are allies with the US...have spies in the USA, works against the interest of the
Hahaha...look who showed up? An ignorant idiot who doesn't know the fact that the Cold War is over. Hacking has no evidence but there is evidence that an insider from the DNC leaked emails what the MSM is very quiet about. Spies are par for the course. Every country has spies. Israeli spies were busted in our Navy..hahahaha You need to get more creative than the stupidity what your masters gave you as talking points. What are the U.S. interests the Russians working against? Do not weasel your way out of it, answer the question with positive proof.
So you are kid who knows it all because commie so called "professors" told you so. With age comes wisdom and you will realize in a few years (if you make the effort to think for yourself) that they had an agenda and led you by your nose (is you have a clue what that means)

Not a kid, and I keep up with more history and news than most.
Well, let's take your word for granted. Now your next step for development is starting to think for yourself. Discard all the propaganda and research subjects including the view points of the opposition also. (Those are harder and harder to find since Google started to censor all opposing views.) Then, you may learn something and will come to a different conclusion.

I do think for myself... and I will NEVER back Putin like some of you are in this thread.
Mr. Putin extended the hand of peace and Mr. Trump was ready to accept it since both of those leaders want their own countries proper and live in peace. Globalists did not like that idea since their plan is different. They want war for the sole purpose of filling their coffers with more money what they already amassed. Therefore, they do everything to prevent Mr. Trump to make peace and mutually fruitful economic relations with Russia.

Putin is a murderer and he buys slave labor from North Korea. Putin is a former KGB agent who has publicly said he likes Communism... yet he is still President of Russia. Who's buying the fake news around here?
Give me a break puppy. Former KGB agent is an old broken record. Our President the older Bush (A scumbag along with his son that is, the Bush crime family did more harm to our freedoms than all the presidents together before them.) was the Director of C.I.A. You just lost the KGB argument.
Not a kid, and I keep up with more history and news than most.
Well, let's take your word for granted. Now your next step for development is starting to think for yourself. Discard all the propaganda and research subjects including the view points of the opposition also. (Those are harder and harder to find since Google started to censor all opposing views.) Then, you may learn something and will come to a different conclusion.

I do think for myself... and I will NEVER back Putin like some of you are in this thread.
Mr. Putin extended the hand of peace and Mr. Trump was ready to accept it since both of those leaders want their own countries proper and live in peace. Globalists did not like that idea since their plan is different. They want war for the sole purpose of filling their coffers with more money what they already amassed. Therefore, they do everything to prevent Mr. Trump to make peace and mutually fruitful economic relations with Russia.

Putin is a murderer and he buys slave labor from North Korea. Putin is a former KGB agent who has publicly said he likes Communism... yet he is still President of Russia. Who's buying the fake news around here?
Give me a break puppy. Former KGB agent is an old broken record. Our President the older Bush (A scumbag along with his son that is, the Bush crime family did more harm to our freedoms than all the presidents together before them.) was the Director of C.I.A. You just lost the KGB argument.

And you miss the point entirely. Congrats. Putin was a KGB agent under a totally different government under Communism. It's not even remotely the same with Bush.
Well, let's take your word for granted. Now your next step for development is starting to think for yourself. Discard all the propaganda and research subjects including the view points of the opposition also. (Those are harder and harder to find since Google started to censor all opposing views.) Then, you may learn something and will come to a different conclusion.

I do think for myself... and I will NEVER back Putin like some of you are in this thread.
Mr. Putin extended the hand of peace and Mr. Trump was ready to accept it since both of those leaders want their own countries proper and live in peace. Globalists did not like that idea since their plan is different. They want war for the sole purpose of filling their coffers with more money what they already amassed. Therefore, they do everything to prevent Mr. Trump to make peace and mutually fruitful economic relations with Russia.

Putin is a murderer and he buys slave labor from North Korea. Putin is a former KGB agent who has publicly said he likes Communism... yet he is still President of Russia. Who's buying the fake news around here?
Give me a break puppy. Former KGB agent is an old broken record. Our President the older Bush (A scumbag along with his son that is, the Bush crime family did more harm to our freedoms than all the presidents together before them.) was the Director of C.I.A. You just lost the KGB argument.

And you miss the point entirely. Congrats. Putin was a KGB agent under a totally different government under Communism. It's not even remotely the same with Bush.

Here is a little lesson about KGB for ignorant libs.

I do think for myself... and I will NEVER back Putin like some of you are in this thread.
Mr. Putin extended the hand of peace and Mr. Trump was ready to accept it since both of those leaders want their own countries proper and live in peace. Globalists did not like that idea since their plan is different. They want war for the sole purpose of filling their coffers with more money what they already amassed. Therefore, they do everything to prevent Mr. Trump to make peace and mutually fruitful economic relations with Russia.

Putin is a murderer and he buys slave labor from North Korea. Putin is a former KGB agent who has publicly said he likes Communism... yet he is still President of Russia. Who's buying the fake news around here?
Give me a break puppy. Former KGB agent is an old broken record. Our President the older Bush (A scumbag along with his son that is, the Bush crime family did more harm to our freedoms than all the presidents together before them.) was the Director of C.I.A. You just lost the KGB argument.

And you miss the point entirely. Congrats. Putin was a KGB agent under a totally different government under Communism. It's not even remotely the same with Bush.

Here is a little lesson about KGB for ignorant libs.

View attachment 148571

Blah blah blah blah. Of course you are going to say the KGB aren't bad guys. :rofl:
Mr. Putin extended the hand of peace and Mr. Trump was ready to accept it since both of those leaders want their own countries proper and live in peace. Globalists did not like that idea since their plan is different. They want war for the sole purpose of filling their coffers with more money what they already amassed. Therefore, they do everything to prevent Mr. Trump to make peace and mutually fruitful economic relations with Russia.

Putin is a murderer and he buys slave labor from North Korea. Putin is a former KGB agent who has publicly said he likes Communism... yet he is still President of Russia. Who's buying the fake news around here?
Give me a break puppy. Former KGB agent is an old broken record. Our President the older Bush (A scumbag along with his son that is, the Bush crime family did more harm to our freedoms than all the presidents together before them.) was the Director of C.I.A. You just lost the KGB argument.

And you miss the point entirely. Congrats. Putin was a KGB agent under a totally different government under Communism. It's not even remotely the same with Bush.

Here is a little lesson about KGB for ignorant libs.

View attachment 148571

Blah blah blah blah. Of course you are going to say the KGB aren't bad guys. :rofl:
And you libs always protect terrorists and stand with those who create them, finance them and supply them with American weapons.


The CIA has been coordinating weapon deliveries on the Turkey-Syria border, German journalist Jurgen Todenhofer, who recently spoke with a Jabhat al-Nusra commander, said. He added that the US knows that the weapons it delivers to rebels end up with terrorists.

‘US knows weapons sent to Syrian rebels end up with terrorists’ – German journo to RT
Putin is a murderer and he buys slave labor from North Korea. Putin is a former KGB agent who has publicly said he likes Communism... yet he is still President of Russia. Who's buying the fake news around here?
Give me a break puppy. Former KGB agent is an old broken record. Our President the older Bush (A scumbag along with his son that is, the Bush crime family did more harm to our freedoms than all the presidents together before them.) was the Director of C.I.A. You just lost the KGB argument.

And you miss the point entirely. Congrats. Putin was a KGB agent under a totally different government under Communism. It's not even remotely the same with Bush.

Here is a little lesson about KGB for ignorant libs.

View attachment 148571

Blah blah blah blah. Of course you are going to say the KGB aren't bad guys. :rofl:
And you libs always protect terrorists and stand with those who create them, finance them and supply them with American weapons.

View attachment 148575

I'm not a Lib. :lmao:
Wow all of a sudden conservatives praise Russia and Putin? Looooooool
Russia that hacks Americans, annexes countries that are allies with the US...have spies in the USA, works against the interest of the
Hahaha...look who showed up? An ignorant idiot who doesn't know the fact that the Cold War is over. Hacking has no evidence but there is evidence that an insider from the DNC leaked emails what the MSM is very quiet about. Spies are par for the course. Every country has spies. Israeli spies were busted in our Navy..hahahaha You need to get more creative than the stupidity what your masters gave you as talking points. What are the U.S. interests the Russians working against? Do not weasel your way out of it, answer the question with positive proof.

No that's a story planted by the Trump administration to deflect attention from the hackers Putin hired to hack the RNC and the DNC.

Donnie did his best to bend over for your boss and lift sanctions but Congress wasn't buying it and tied his hands.

Meuller's closing in on the money laundering scheme too. This is all going to blow up in Putin's face real soon. Hope you guys have other skills to market.
Wow all of a sudden conservatives praise Russia and Putin? Looooooool
Russia that hacks Americans, annexes countries that are allies with the US...have spies in the USA, works against the interest of the
Hahaha...look who showed up? An ignorant idiot who doesn't know the fact that the Cold War is over. Hacking has no evidence but there is evidence that an insider from the DNC leaked emails what the MSM is very quiet about. Spies are par for the course. Every country has spies. Israeli spies were busted in our Navy..hahahaha You need to get more creative than the stupidity what your masters gave you as talking points. What are the U.S. interests the Russians working against? Do not weasel your way out of it, answer the question with positive proof.

No that's a story planted by the Trump administration to deflect attention from the hackers Putin hired to hack the RNC and the DNC.

Donnie did his best to bend over for your boss and lift sanctions but Congress wasn't buying it and tied his hands.

Meuller's closing in on the money laundering scheme too. This is all going to blow up in Putin's face real soon. Hope you guys have other skills to market.
Present any sane evidence or shut up.
17 intelligent agencies couldn't find one slight evidence to present.

Megyn Kelly: But all 17 of the United States’ intelligence agencies have concluded the Russians did interfere with our election, Are they all wrong?

Vladimir Putin: Have you read these reports?

Megyn Kelly: I have read the non-classified version.

Vladimir Putin: A non-classified version means no version. Now you also say, “a non-classified version.” I have read these reports. There is nothing specific in these reports. There is only supposition and inference in those reports. That is it. To reiterate, this is bringing domestic political squabbles in the US out into the world arena. It is an attempt to address a domestic political issues with foreign policy tools.

This is detrimental, damaging to international relations, the global economy, security issues and the fight against terrorism. It is simply harmful. Somebody is behind this. The people who engage in this nonsense also initiate such reports. I think this needs to come to an end, and the sooner, the better. It is necessary to begin normal cooperation.

Megyn Kelly: They say it is the forensics, it’s the digital fingerprints, it’s the IP addresses, the malware, the encryption keys, the specific pieces of code – that all of them, all of them, point to Russia and none of them points to anyone other than Russia.

Vladimir Putin: What fingerprints? IP addresses can be simply made up. Do you know how many such specialists there are? They will make it look like it was sent from your home address by your children – your three-year old kid, they will organise everything to look like it was your three-year old daughter who carried out the attack. There are such IT specialists in the world today and they can arrange anything and then blame it on whoever.

This is no proof. It is an attempt to lay the blame at someone else’s door. This is not our problem. The problem is in US politics. That is the problem. Trump’s team proved more capable during the election campaign. At times, I actually thought the man was overdoing it, really. That is true. However, it turned out that he was right, that he found a key to those social groups and voters’ groups that he had bet on, and they came out and voted for him.

The other team lost. They are reluctant to acknowledge the mistake.
Does it really matter who revealed it? They should have apologised to the public and they should have said before resigning, “We will not repeat these mistakes.” But what did they do? They said, “We are not to blame. It is the Russians.” What have the Russians got to do with it? Did the Russians engage in pushing through one Democratic Party candidate to the detriment of another candidate? Whatever the case might be, we did not do it. They were the ones who did it. Enough. (Applause.)
St Petersburg International Economic Forum plenary meeting

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Well, let's take your word for granted. Now your next step for development is starting to think for yourself. Discard all the propaganda and research subjects including the view points of the opposition also. (Those are harder and harder to find since Google started to censor all opposing views.) Then, you may learn something and will come to a different conclusion.

I do think for myself... and I will NEVER back Putin like some of you are in this thread.
Mr. Putin extended the hand of peace and Mr. Trump was ready to accept it since both of those leaders want their own countries proper and live in peace. Globalists did not like that idea since their plan is different. They want war for the sole purpose of filling their coffers with more money what they already amassed. Therefore, they do everything to prevent Mr. Trump to make peace and mutually fruitful economic relations with Russia.

Putin is a murderer and he buys slave labor from North Korea. Putin is a former KGB agent who has publicly said he likes Communism... yet he is still President of Russia. Who's buying the fake news around here?
Give me a break puppy. Former KGB agent is an old broken record. Our President the older Bush (A scumbag along with his son that is, the Bush crime family did more harm to our freedoms than all the presidents together before them.) was the Director of C.I.A. You just lost the KGB argument.

And you miss the point entirely. Congrats. Putin was a KGB agent under a totally different government under Communism. It's not even remotely the same with Bush.
Of course not puppy. Bush was the head of CIA while Mr. Putin was a colonel. I think you can see the difference. Being an officer or being the "
Wow all of a sudden conservatives praise Russia and Putin? Looooooool
Russia that hacks Americans, annexes countries that are allies with the US...have spies in the USA, works against the interest of the
Hahaha...look who showed up? An ignorant idiot who doesn't know the fact that the Cold War is over. Hacking has no evidence but there is evidence that an insider from the DNC leaked emails what the MSM is very quiet about. Spies are par for the course. Every country has spies. Israeli spies were busted in our Navy..hahahaha You need to get more creative than the stupidity what your masters gave you as talking points. What are the U.S. interests the Russians working against? Do not weasel your way out of it, answer the question with positive proof.

No that's a story planted by the Trump administration to deflect attention from the hackers Putin hired to hack the RNC and the DNC.

Donnie did his best to bend over for your boss and lift sanctions but Congress wasn't buying it and tied his hands.

Meuller's closing in on the money laundering scheme too. This is all going to blow up in Putin's face real soon. Hope you guys have other skills to market.
Provide some evidence troll.
The far left does not have a clue what real leadership looks like.

Remember Obama appeased the Russians for the sake Iran and allowed them to be become a dominate world power again.

Remember the far left will deny their own history and rewrite as needed to fit their religious agenda.
30,000 posts on this board in under 2 years! How do you do that? I'm retired and spend way more time on this board than I should and I have fewer than 10,000 posts in 5 years. But you, Stratford, Lucy Hamilton, Dale Smith, Marion Morrison, and a few others are posting more than 10,000 times a year. And you all joined the board in 2015 or 2016.

That works out to more than 25 posts a day, 365 days a year. How do I get me a job at the troll farm?
I'm self-employed, have been for 20+ years.
When I'm sitting here waiting for customers I have a monitor on the wall here and all I have to do is speak to it…

If I were "self employed", I'd spend my time trolling for more customers. Instead you're makes 40+ posts a day to a message board. Obsess much?

In another thread you indicated total ignorance of the dangers of hurricanes but talked about extreme cold and blizzards. You said you lived in an isolated area.

That's a pretty sophisticated system for some guy living in the isolated Midwest.

Your story just doesn't add up Ivan.
Actually it does, we have Verizon here… LOL
The coverage is great

Verizon is great said no American ever. Shittiest Internet ever according to my American friends. Service is worse than their internet.
Not here, because it's the only service. It's by far the best coverage in the northern plains.

Hunting season started this weekend, this is my wife in my backyard…
Cool! Fucking city dwellers wouldn't have a chance. Those are the ones supporting Globalists.
Wow all of a sudden conservatives praise Russia and Putin? Looooooool
Russia that hacks Americans, annexes countries that are allies with the US...have spies in the USA, works against the interest of the
Hahaha...look who showed up? An ignorant idiot who doesn't know the fact that the Cold War is over. Hacking has no evidence but there is evidence that an insider from the DNC leaked emails what the MSM is very quiet about. Spies are par for the course. Every country has spies. Israeli spies were busted in our Navy..hahahaha You need to get more creative than the stupidity what your masters gave you as talking points. What are the U.S. interests the Russians working against? Do not weasel your way out of it, answer the question with positive proof.

My pleasure....
The recent report from the intelligence at the Pentagon warned of Russia.
They annexed parts of US allies terroriteries
They assassinated oppositions in the Balkan who are allies to the US.
They are backing the Assad Regime.
General Mattis declares that Russia is the principal threat.
Show of force by flying their firejets close to US territories and allies skies.
When all the intelligence agencies warn of Russia whay higher power have to contradict them?
Well, let's take your word for granted. Now your next step for development is starting to think for yourself. Discard all the propaganda and research subjects including the view points of the opposition also. (Those are harder and harder to find since Google started to censor all opposing views.) Then, you may learn something and will come to a different conclusion.

I do think for myself... and I will NEVER back Putin like some of you are in this thread.
Mr. Putin extended the hand of peace and Mr. Trump was ready to accept it since both of those leaders want their own countries proper and live in peace. Globalists did not like that idea since their plan is different. They want war for the sole purpose of filling their coffers with more money what they already amassed. Therefore, they do everything to prevent Mr. Trump to make peace and mutually fruitful economic relations with Russia.

Putin is a murderer and he buys slave labor from North Korea. Putin is a former KGB agent who has publicly said he likes Communism... yet he is still President of Russia. Who's buying the fake news around here?
Give me a break puppy. Former KGB agent is an old broken record. Our President the older Bush (A scumbag along with his son that is, the Bush crime family did more harm to our freedoms than all the presidents together before them.) was the Director of C.I.A. You just lost the KGB argument.

And you miss the point entirely. Congrats. Putin was a KGB agent under a totally different government under Communism. It's not even remotely the same with Bush.

Wanna bet? The CIA is every bit as disgusting as the KGB ever was. The difference is that the KGB has been dissolved while "The Company" aka CIA is still in existence and the most crucial arm of the Deep State.

As far as your prior post where you whine about getting busted on? If you can't take what you dish out? Then you need to actually attempt to debate and discuss instead of lamely insulting those that know infinitely more than you.
I'm self-employed, have been for 20+ years.
When I'm sitting here waiting for customers I have a monitor on the wall here and all I have to do is speak to it…

If I were "self employed", I'd spend my time trolling for more customers. Instead you're makes 40+ posts a day to a message board. Obsess much?

In another thread you indicated total ignorance of the dangers of hurricanes but talked about extreme cold and blizzards. You said you lived in an isolated area.

That's a pretty sophisticated system for some guy living in the isolated Midwest.

Your story just doesn't add up Ivan.
Actually it does, we have Verizon here… LOL
The coverage is great

Verizon is great said no American ever. Shittiest Internet ever according to my American friends. Service is worse than their internet.
Not here, because it's the only service. It's by far the best coverage in the northern plains.

Hunting season started this weekend, this is my wife in my backyard…

So I googled images under Badlands, Ivan. About halfway down the page I found your wife's "backyard picture".

Stalking the Badlands of North Dakota

Keep digging a bigger hole, Ivan!
That's my wife I sell firearms for a living…
She writes for Mossyoak... LOL

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