Is Putin disappointed with Trump? Putin answers that question...

Using Soros as your boogie man won't work. Only idiots are fooled by stories of his masterminding elections. Putin is far more dangerous to western democracies that Soros could ever be, because he has trolls like you doing his bidding.
Even the Netanyahu administration has admitted that Soros was/is a threat. You see, we keep up with news from around the world and don't feed on the teats of Globalist supported MSM. Soros is not a boogie man, he is for real. His subversive activities are recognized by foreign governments. Your comment makes no sense whatsoever.

And being a troll? Apparently you are one and shifting your doings to others, no?

Yeah, libs want you to believe Soros is a peace keeper.

I give you George Soros. A SS in the National Socialist German workers party. Nazi party. He served under Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler. He said it was the best time of his life. The destruction and agony around him was euphoric to him. And some of you think Trump is dangerous. Wow!
Tom Dogionne

Great response from Mr. Putin.

Great response from a great leader, not a Soros puppet, like mostly all EU "leaders" are.

Posted like a true Russian, who'd be sent to Siberia if he dared criticize his President. Liked by another paid Russian troll with nearly 20,000 posts in just over 2 1/2 years.

I post the truth. If you see me lying, point and prove it.

However there is a Ukrainian troll posting all kinds of BS with doubtful links all over USMB (269 post within one week!), you don't seem to mind it.

BTW, Siberia is pretty. Putin has spent a few days of his vacation fishing there.

Siberian vacation: Putin takes short break to spearfish, hike & sunbathe:

Putin is a murdering dictator with delusions of grandeur. He's distracting his people from his economic failures by seeking to rebuild the Soviet empire, but he needs to distract and disrupt governments in the NATO Alliance from his excursions into the Ukraine and elsewhere.

Using Soros as your boogie man won't work. Only idiots are fooled by stories of his masterminding elections. Putin is far more dangerous to western democracies that Soros could ever be, because he has trolls like you doing his bidding.

"Putin is a murdering dictator with delusions of grandeur. He's distracting his people from his economic failures by seeking to rebuild the Soviet empire, but he needs to distract and disrupt governments in the NATO Alliance from his excursions into the Ukraine and elsewhere."

Whoever at Talking Points Memo HQ dictated that for you to post, they need to shake the script up a little, it's getting too Broken Recordish :funnyface:
Great response from Mr. Putin.

Great response from a great leader, not a Soros puppet, like mostly all EU "leaders" are.

Posted like a true Russian, who'd be sent to Siberia if he dared criticize his President. Liked by another paid Russian troll with nearly 20,000 posts in just over 2 1/2 years.

"Liked by another paid Russian troll with nearly 20,000 posts in just over 2 1/2 years."

Hmmmm, are you referring to my darling defcon? Well if defcon was what you ridiculously state, which he isn't, but if he was then I can tell you The Kremlin would have sent an aeroplane to evacuate him and he wouldn't right now be sitting waiting for Hurricane Irma to hammer in as a Category 3.
So, if you had to, you guys would live in Russia before any country in the EU?

Stratford lives in Kiev so the answer is "Da".

I'm from Kievan Rus', ignorant liberal. Go educate yourself, there are a couple of links for you:

Kievan Rus' - Wikipedia

Kievan Rus facts, information, pictures | articles about Kievan Rus

your Mongol Ulus of Juchi has nothing to do with Kievan Rus´,

T. Snyder :

Karl Marx : "....The bloody mire of Mongolian slavery, not the rude glory of the Norman epoch, forms the cradle of Muscovy, and modern Russia is but a metamorphosis of Muscovy." Revelations of the Diplomatic History of the 18th Century by Karl Marx
If given the opportunity, I'd put a bullet in Putin's skull, and it would save thousands of innocent lives, and avenge thousands of other innocent people's deaths.

Using Soros as your boogie man won't work. Only idiots are fooled by stories of his masterminding elections. Putin is far more dangerous to western democracies that Soros could ever be, because he has trolls like you doing his bidding.
Even the Netanyahu administration has admitted that Soros was/is a threat. You see, we keep up with news from around the world and don't feed on the teats of Globalist supported MSM. Soros is not a boogie man, he is for real. His subversive activities are recognized by foreign governments. Your comment makes no sense whatsoever.

And being a troll? Apparently you are one and shifting your doings to others, no?

Yeah, libs want you to believe Soros is a peace keeper.

I give you George Soros. A SS in the National Socialist German workers party. Nazi party. He served under Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler. He said it was the best time of his life. The destruction and agony around him was euphoric to him. And some of you think Trump is dangerous. Wow!
Tom Dogionne

Soros was 3 when Hitler came to power and 8 when WWII started. He was 14 when the war ended. Far too young for the SS. Care to try another set of lies?
Great response from Mr. Putin.

Great response from a great leader, not a Soros puppet, like mostly all EU "leaders" are.

Posted like a true Russian, who'd be sent to Siberia if he dared criticize his President. Liked by another paid Russian troll with nearly 20,000 posts in just over 2 1/2 years.

"Liked by another paid Russian troll with nearly 20,000 posts in just over 2 1/2 years."

Hmmmm, are you referring to my darling defcon? Well if defcon was what you ridiculously state, which he isn't, but if he was then I can tell you The Kremlin would have sent an aeroplane to evacuate him and he wouldn't right now be sitting waiting for Hurricane Irma to hammer in as a Category 3.

Unfortunately Kremlin doesn't even know about our existence.

I just love Russia, love Putin and if somebody doesn't it's their problem, not mine.

As for Defcon, we really are worrying about him being under Irma threat.
So, if you had to, you guys would live in Russia before any country in the EU?

Stratford lives in Kiev so the answer is "Da".

I'm from Kievan Rus', ignorant liberal. Go educate yourself, there are a couple of links for you:

Kievan Rus' - Wikipedia

Kievan Rus facts, information, pictures | articles about Kievan Rus

your Mongol Ulus of Juchi has nothing to do with Kievan Rus´,

T. Snyder :

Karl Marx : "....The bloody mire of Mongolian slavery, not the rude glory of the Norman epoch, forms the cradle of Muscovy, and modern Russia is but a metamorphosis of Muscovy." Revelations of the Diplomatic History of the 18th Century by Karl Marx

"Karl Marx : "....The bloody mire of Mongolian slavery, not the rude glory of the Norman epoch, forms the cradle of Muscovy, and modern Russia is but a metamorphosis of Muscovy." Revelations of the Diplomatic History of the 18th Century by Karl Marx"

So not only an incoherent Ukranian Troll Boi, a Communist incoherent Ukranian Troll Boi.
So, if you had to, you guys would live in Russia before any country in the EU?

Stratford lives in Kiev so the answer is "Da".

I'm from Kievan Rus', ignorant liberal. Go educate yourself, there are a couple of links for you:

Kievan Rus' - Wikipedia

Kievan Rus facts, information, pictures | articles about Kievan Rus

your Mongol Ulus of Juchi has nothing to do with Kievan Rus´,

T. Snyder :

Karl Marx : "....The bloody mire of Mongolian slavery, not the rude glory of the Norman epoch, forms the cradle of Muscovy, and modern Russia is but a metamorphosis of Muscovy." Revelations of the Diplomatic History of the 18th Century by Karl Marx

Stick that Ukrainian propaganda into your Nazi butt. According to it Ukrainians are the first people on the Earth. :lmao:
Great response from Mr. Putin.

Great response from a great leader, not a Soros puppet, like mostly all EU "leaders" are.

Posted like a true Russian, who'd be sent to Siberia if he dared criticize his President. Liked by another paid Russian troll with nearly 20,000 posts in just over 2 1/2 years.

"Liked by another paid Russian troll with nearly 20,000 posts in just over 2 1/2 years."

Hmmmm, are you referring to my darling defcon? Well if defcon was what you ridiculously state, which he isn't, but if he was then I can tell you The Kremlin would have sent an aeroplane to evacuate him and he wouldn't right now be sitting waiting for Hurricane Irma to hammer in as a Category 3.

Unfortunately Kremlin doesn't even know about our existence.

I just love Russia, love Putin and if somebody doesn't it's their problem, not mine.

As for Defcon, we really are worrying about him being under Irma threat.

"As for Defcon, we really are worrying about him being under Irma threat."

I am getting ready right now to personally deal with that bitch Irma :Boom2:
So, if you had to, you guys would live in Russia before any country in the EU?
Nothing is wrong with living in Russia, I would have no problem with it at all. Patriotism keeps Russia strong.

Russia has an insanely low life expectancy for men and a much higher one for women. So I guess if you're a man who doesn't drink himself into a coma every night, Russia's not so bad

You last visited Russia when? Unless you have experience of a nation should you comment about that nation from second source Propaganda Kool Aid MSM?

?? It's just a fact that men tend not to live very long in Russia. Sorry if that hurts your feelings, but numbers don't lie.

Putin has kicked out the Rothschild central bank and has gotten rid of the old oligarchs. He is encouraging his people to have children, gives them incentives like farm land. Putin is a thorn in the side of the globalist elites which is why he is demonized.
So, if you had to, you guys would live in Russia before any country in the EU?

Stratford lives in Kiev so the answer is "Da".

I'm from Kievan Rus', ignorant liberal. Go educate yourself, there are a couple of links for you:

Kievan Rus' - Wikipedia

Kievan Rus facts, information, pictures | articles about Kievan Rus

your Mongol Ulus of Juchi has nothing to do with Kievan Rus´,

T. Snyder :

Karl Marx : "....The bloody mire of Mongolian slavery, not the rude glory of the Norman epoch, forms the cradle of Muscovy, and modern Russia is but a metamorphosis of Muscovy." Revelations of the Diplomatic History of the 18th Century by Karl Marx

"Karl Marx : "....The bloody mire of Mongolian slavery, not the rude glory of the Norman epoch, forms the cradle of Muscovy, and modern Russia is but a metamorphosis of Muscovy." Revelations of the Diplomatic History of the 18th Century by Karl Marx"

So not only an incoherent Ukranian Troll Boi, a Communist incoherent Ukranian Troll Boi.

me , or your role model Putler?

Using Soros as your boogie man won't work. Only idiots are fooled by stories of his masterminding elections. Putin is far more dangerous to western democracies that Soros could ever be, because he has trolls like you doing his bidding.
Even the Netanyahu administration has admitted that Soros was/is a threat. You see, we keep up with news from around the world and don't feed on the teats of Globalist supported MSM. Soros is not a boogie man, he is for real. His subversive activities are recognized by foreign governments. Your comment makes no sense whatsoever.

And being a troll? Apparently you are one and shifting your doings to others, no?

Yeah, libs want you to believe Soros is a peace keeper.

I give you George Soros. A SS in the National Socialist German workers party. Nazi party. He served under Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler. He said it was the best time of his life. The destruction and agony around him was euphoric to him. And some of you think Trump is dangerous. Wow!
Tom Dogionne

Soros was 3 when Hitler came to power and 8 when WWII started. He was 14 when the war ended. Far too young for the SS. Care to try another set of lies?

12 y.o. kids have been fighting against Hitler in Russia. So, I suppose, same thing can be true for Nazi troops. He may have served Hitler a year or two, but have served Hitler and that's what matters.
Great response from Mr. Putin.

Great response from a great leader, not a Soros puppet, like mostly all EU "leaders" are.

Posted like a true Russian, who'd be sent to Siberia if he dared criticize his President. Liked by another paid Russian troll with nearly 20,000 posts in just over 2 1/2 years.

I post the truth. If you see me lying, point and prove it.

However there is a Ukrainian troll posting all kinds of BS with doubtful links all over USMB (269 post within one week!), you don't seem to mind it.

BTW, Siberia is pretty. Putin has spent a few days of his vacation fishing there.

Siberian vacation: Putin takes short break to spearfish, hike & sunbathe:

Putin is a murdering dictator with delusions of grandeur. He's distracting his people from his economic failures by seeking to rebuild the Soviet empire, but he needs to distract and disrupt governments in the NATO Alliance from his excursions into the Ukraine and elsewhere.

Using Soros as your boogie man won't work. Only idiots are fooled by stories of his masterminding elections. Putin is far more dangerous to western democracies that Soros could ever be, because he has trolls like you doing his bidding.

HOLY shit! If there is a propagandist on this thread and spewer of utter bullshit? It's the "knows nothing" dragon "lady".

Either that or she is unbelievably stupid, ignorant or both.
So, if you had to, you guys would live in Russia before any country in the EU?

Stratford lives in Kiev so the answer is "Da".

I'm from Kievan Rus', ignorant liberal. Go educate yourself, there are a couple of links for you:

Kievan Rus' - Wikipedia

Kievan Rus facts, information, pictures | articles about Kievan Rus

your Mongol Ulus of Juchi has nothing to do with Kievan Rus´,

T. Snyder :

Karl Marx : "....The bloody mire of Mongolian slavery, not the rude glory of the Norman epoch, forms the cradle of Muscovy, and modern Russia is but a metamorphosis of Muscovy." Revelations of the Diplomatic History of the 18th Century by Karl Marx

"Karl Marx : "....The bloody mire of Mongolian slavery, not the rude glory of the Norman epoch, forms the cradle of Muscovy, and modern Russia is but a metamorphosis of Muscovy." Revelations of the Diplomatic History of the 18th Century by Karl Marx"

So not only an incoherent Ukranian Troll Boi, a Communist incoherent Ukranian Troll Boi.

me , or your role model Putler?


You are the one posting Karl Marx quotes.
So, if you had to, you guys would live in Russia before any country in the EU?

Stratford lives in Kiev so the answer is "Da".

I'm from Kievan Rus', ignorant liberal. Go educate yourself, there are a couple of links for you:

Kievan Rus' - Wikipedia

Kievan Rus facts, information, pictures | articles about Kievan Rus

your Mongol Ulus of Juchi has nothing to do with Kievan Rus´,

T. Snyder :

Karl Marx : "....The bloody mire of Mongolian slavery, not the rude glory of the Norman epoch, forms the cradle of Muscovy, and modern Russia is but a metamorphosis of Muscovy." Revelations of the Diplomatic History of the 18th Century by Karl Marx

Stick that Ukrainian propaganda into your Nazi butt. According to it Ukrainians are the first people on the Earth. :lmao:

, the successor of Mongol Empire - YouTube

A history programme filmed by NHK Japan.

English translation:

0:02 The Golden Horde in Russia was the longest lasting regime of the four Mongolian Khanates, however the internal conflicts weakened Golden Horde in 15th century. then, an empire centered in Moscow started its rise, Russian Empire, was like a brother to the Horde.

0:28 Uspensky sobor, Cathedral of the Dormition in Russia. The place of the Russian enthronement ceremony. The influence of 250 years Mongol domination was there.

0:36 An era of Ivan IV (1530-84), about 1/3 of the Russian aristocracy was the blood-line from Mongol.

1:02 To fight with the outer-power of Mongol (Crimean Khanate), he began with making the aristocracy as an ally. He did one curious plan.

1:32 He resigned his throne to Simeon Bekbulatovich who was a direct descendant of Genghis Khan.

2:14 Ivan succeeded getting the inner-power of Mongol. The next year, he went back to the state by given back from Simeon.

2:38 By the ceremony, Ivan IV became a successor of Mongol, strengthened its power to have Russia.

2:56 The Russia Empire expanded to Siberia and Central Asia by using the authority of Mongol.

3:29 Unlike the faded Kiev, the new power Moscow rose.

3:50 Ivan I (?-1340) approached Hahn & got a right to rule Rus. Moscow was developed dramatically in his days.

4:09 In 12nd century before Mongol entered, Moscow was a small village in woods. The center of it [Kremlin] was a simple wooden fort.

4:31 During Ivan I, the development increased dramatically. The wooden became stone etc, 2/3 scale of today was seen.

4:56 Moscow achieved wealth and power under the Mongols. Kremlin grew with it. In 15th century, the scale was nearly today. It's been the center of Russian Politics, Military affairs and Economy. Some say, that the word "Kremlin" was from the Mongolian word "Klemm", which means "fortress".

5:38 Ironically, Kremlin and today's center "Moscow" were developed under the power of Mongol.

5:56 Many churches of Russian Orthodox Church in Kremlin were started to be built during the days of Ivan I. The days under Mongol, also the days that the Russian Orthodox Church developed.

6:31 Russian Orthodox Church prayed for Hahn & was given the special right "Tax Free". When Mongol entered, the abbey was less than 100. It became 270 after it. Mongol took in [Moscow & Russian Orthodox Church] and progressed its force on Rus.

7:11 It didn't reach the north-west at first. It gradually went in. Moscow & Russian Orthodox Church helped it. There was a symbolic event in Pskov in 1327. One of the feudal lords in Rus ran into Pskov, on a charge of rising in revolt against Mongol.

8:08 According to the Russian chronicle, he was an influential person as a rival with Ivan I. His name was Aleksandr. Khan of Mongolia made the allied forces with Ivan I of Moscow & went Pskov. The people of Pskov took a posture to fight to support Aleksandr. At the very moment about to fight, a surprising thing happened. The Russian Orthodox Church took sides with pagan, Mongol. It expelled Aleksandr and people of Pskov. It had an overwhelming effect. Aleksandr had to escape further from Pskov.

8:58 Moscow & Russian Orthodox Church cooperated with Mongolia. 2 big power that led Russia later, increased its power in the Tatar-Mongol Yoke.

9:18 Karl Marx (1818-83) said like this, "Moscow, promoted under Mongol-Tatar. The bloody dishonor of the Mongol slavery became the cradle of Moscow. The current Russia is an extension of it".

9:48 The Mother Capital of Rus (Kiev) was shadowed. The region "Ukraine" was born under Mongolian days. The origin was "outside" to mean "Frontier".

9:49 An Ukraine man talking, "If you look at Russians, you will see Mongol features on thier faces, Mongols and Russians were mixed with each others, Russians are not Slavic..."

10:39 The old city Krakow, Ukraine. There's a festival carried out every year in June. The starring figure is a man wearing a costume of the Mongolian General + riding on the horse.He walks dancing in a parade with an orchestra, all day long. He taps people on the shoulder with a wooden hammer. A happiness is said to visit by it.
So, if you had to, you guys would live in Russia before any country in the EU?

Stratford lives in Kiev so the answer is "Da".

I'm from Kievan Rus', ignorant liberal. Go educate yourself, there are a couple of links for you:

Kievan Rus' - Wikipedia

Kievan Rus facts, information, pictures | articles about Kievan Rus

your Mongol Ulus of Juchi has nothing to do with Kievan Rus´,

T. Snyder :

Karl Marx : "....The bloody mire of Mongolian slavery, not the rude glory of the Norman epoch, forms the cradle of Muscovy, and modern Russia is but a metamorphosis of Muscovy." Revelations of the Diplomatic History of the 18th Century by Karl Marx

"Karl Marx : "....The bloody mire of Mongolian slavery, not the rude glory of the Norman epoch, forms the cradle of Muscovy, and modern Russia is but a metamorphosis of Muscovy." Revelations of the Diplomatic History of the 18th Century by Karl Marx"

So not only an incoherent Ukranian Troll Boi, a Communist incoherent Ukranian Troll Boi.

me , or your role model Putler?


Kissing Korean leader is not a crime (if the picture is even real and not photo-shopped). Selling NK engines for the rockets through black market IS a crime.

North Korea’s success in testing an intercontinental ballistic missile that appears able to reach the United States was made possible by black-market purchases of powerful rocket engines probably from a Ukrainian factory. Government investigators and experts have focused their inquiries on a missile factory in Dnipro, Ukraine.

Experts believe it is the most likely source of the engines that in July powered the two ICBM tests, which were the first to suggest that North Korea has the range, if not necessarily the accuracy or warhead technology, to threaten American cities.
North Korea’s Missile Success Is Linked to Ukrainian Plant, Investigators Say

Official Kiev already called NYT a Kremlin agent. Just like liberals are calling us on this thread. :lmao:
Great response from Mr. Putin.

Great response from a great leader, not a Soros puppet, like mostly all EU "leaders" are.

Posted like a true Russian, who'd be sent to Siberia if he dared criticize his President. Liked by another paid Russian troll with nearly 20,000 posts in just over 2 1/2 years.
True Russian is correct, that would be a patriot, being sent to Siberia is incorrect. Being a Russian troll is incorrect if you looked at my posts related to hurricane Irma you would see where I am from but it exceeds your abilities you low IQ imbecile.

Briefly Off Topic in an Emergency:

They say the storm surge is now beginning, they didn't say where, is it reaching you yet?
If given the opportunity, I'd put a bullet in Putin's skull, and it would save thousands of innocent lives, and avenge thousands of other innocent people's deaths.

Hahaha....yet another low IQ idiot is spreading lies. You are mistaking Mr. Putin with the Communists entities who created the Gulag and murdered more than 30 million people in the former USSR.
Stratford lives in Kiev so the answer is "Da".

I'm from Kievan Rus', ignorant liberal. Go educate yourself, there are a couple of links for you:

Kievan Rus' - Wikipedia

Kievan Rus facts, information, pictures | articles about Kievan Rus

your Mongol Ulus of Juchi has nothing to do with Kievan Rus´,

T. Snyder :

Karl Marx : "....The bloody mire of Mongolian slavery, not the rude glory of the Norman epoch, forms the cradle of Muscovy, and modern Russia is but a metamorphosis of Muscovy." Revelations of the Diplomatic History of the 18th Century by Karl Marx

yes, cos you guys are Marxists - Stalinists, pic. from heart of Muscovy





"Karl Marx : "....The bloody mire of Mongolian slavery, not the rude glory of the Norman epoch, forms the cradle of Muscovy, and modern Russia is but a metamorphosis of Muscovy." Revelations of the Diplomatic History of the 18th Century by Karl Marx"

So not only an incoherent Ukranian Troll Boi, a Communist incoherent Ukranian Troll Boi.

me , or your role model Putler?


You are the one posting Karl Marx quotes.

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