Is Putin Well?

It's funny how you mention idiots after getting schooled on your retarded comment of how I should "worry about the brain-dead rapist you put in the White House in 2020".

You can't even admit you were wrong..

And, no, I'm not projecting when I call you an ignorant fuck. That's because you're an ignorant fuck...
A friend of mine floated a theory last night.

He said it wouldn't surprise him if Putin has some sort of terminal condition, and is doing all of this out of some ill-placed concern for his legacy.

I'm not sure I really agree with that, as I think if Putin were terminally ill and wanted to go out with a bang, that there'd be more spectacular ways of doing it.

I do, though see how it could be plausible. The guy's insane, and he doesn't look well...
I have noticed Putin has that 'Moon Face' that people on steroids like prednisone get. Could be a sign of treatment for a serious illness.
It's funny how you mention idiots after getting schooled
I was schooled?
on your retarded comment
^ Bigoted.
of how I should "worry about the brain-dead rapist you put in the White House in 2020".
Well, you're such an idiot that I figured you must be a Democrat.
You can't even admit you were wrong..
It's irrelevant.
And, no, I'm not projecting when I call you an ignorant fuck.
^ Still projecting.
That's because you're an ignorant fuck...
^ See above.
I think he's insane...
You cant think he is insane based on a botched military operation. No one made the insanity claim until he started doing poorly. Up until the moment he attacked, everyone thought he was doing what Russian leaders normally do.

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