Is race relations something that can be really healed?

Racism is a systematic way of harming people of another group and that requires power and systems and the collective agreement by that group to support and participate in the mistreatment of people outside that group

The only people on the planet who systematically exhibit these kind of behaviours toward people just because they look different (no matter where they go) from North America to Africa to New Zealand and Australia are white people.
That's an incredibly stupid statement.

Racism exists in all racial groups and on all continents. Maybe it's just part of our ancient self-preservation instincts. Look at how the Japanese feel about outsiders, the French, the Chinese, Africans. Look at what some Africans and their governents (such as they are) are doing to white people. Racism is everywhere.

BLM and its idiotic followers, the stupid riots, crime, looting, destruction of businesses and neighborhoods, etc., and the dumb-asses in the NFL who are expressing their hate of America, white people, and making their imbecilic accusations about their fucking "oppression" — all these things have combined to remind many people of the valid reasons they have for wanting nothing to do with black people.

BLM and the NFL whiners are not helping blacks. They are convincing many people that blacks should not be trusted, or hired, or rented to. Who wants to be around a bunch of whiners and troublemakers.

The only solutions I see to our racial animosities is total segregation. The sooner, the better.
I believe that some people make what I call "God Almighty" statements, and others make "I feel" statements. Yours are most often the God Almighty type that are spoken with such arrogance that they leave little room for someone to respond with how they feel about the issues you raise.

Princeton University President, Christopher Eisgruber recently told the entering class of students: "The art of disagreement is not only about confrontation, but also about learning. It requires that we defend our views, and at the same time, consider, whether our views might be mistaken."
Inferior people will always be jealous of those ahead of them.
I don't believe there are any inferior people.
A sure sign that you are one...
I believe there are people who may be in inferior positions, inferior economic status and class, perhaps less educated and less successful than others. But I do not believe that makes them inferior people. I believe God created us all in his image. I do not believe he created some superior humans and some inferior ones.

Plus, as Stephen Hawking said, "While there is life, there is hope." A life is not over until it's over and there is always the chance things will change for any individual. I know of a man who was an alcoholic living on the streets one day. He was approached by someone who believed in him, offered him a job, and today he is a magazine editor. I believe anyone can rise up.
Inferior people will always be jealous of those ahead of them.
I don't believe there are any inferior people.
I once thought that until I saw Vastator post. He proves that some people are inferior.
You’re easy prey; and I never tire of making an example out of you...
You won the internet. We both know you would blush a pinkish white in person and avert your eyes.
Inferior people will always be jealous of those ahead of them.
I don't believe there are any inferior people.
I once thought that until I saw Vastator post. He proves that some people are inferior.
You’re easy prey; and I never tire of making an example out of you...
Why should anyone want to make prey of anyone else?
Its harmless. Hes on the internet where you can be a big time hunter if you imagine hard enough.
Inferior people will always be jealous of those ahead of them.
I don't believe there are any inferior people.
I once thought that until I saw Vastator post. He proves that some people are inferior.
You’re easy prey; and I never tire of making an example out of you...
Why should anyone want to make prey of anyone else?
It’s what apex predators, and alpha males do to betas, and protohumans...
Inferior people will always be jealous of those ahead of them.
I don't believe there are any inferior people.
As individuals, some people are smarter, better looking... Ex: retarded people are inferior in any measurement, intelligence, strength, beauty...

As races, among the 3 major races, Whites are first, Asians are second and Blacks are third. Just look at each of their civilizations: Africa is a mess, Asia is about a half way mess, and western society is the least messed up, and people from Africa and Asia are trying to get here, not the other way around.
Inferior people will always be jealous of those ahead of them.
I don't believe there are any inferior people.
As individuals, some people are smarter, better looking... Ex: retarded people are inferior in any measurement, intelligence, strength, beauty...

As races, among the 3 major races, Whites are first, Asians are second and Blacks are third. Just look at each of their civilizations: Africa is a mess, Asia is about a half way mess, and western society is the least messed up, and people from Africa and Asia are trying to get here, not the other way around.
And who decided who is first, second and third??

Western society the least messed up??? Really, we are the ones who just had the worst mass shooting in our history. I wonder why other countries would want to be like us.

And, I haven't heard anyone use the word retarded for ages. I do not believe that people with less of what we usually consider intelligence are inferior - they are just different. They have many redeeming qualities of love and friendliness which put those of us who consider ourselves normal to shame. And beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. I have seen women who have outward physical beauty, but when they open their mouths and spit out their hatred and foul language, become ugly. Others who have less of what we consider beautiful bodily traits, are often gifted with beautiful spirits.
Inferior people will always be jealous of those ahead of them.
I don't believe there are any inferior people.
As individuals, some people are smarter, better looking... Ex: retarded people are inferior in any measurement, intelligence, strength, beauty...

As races, among the 3 major races, Whites are first, Asians are second and Blacks are third. Just look at each of their civilizations: Africa is a mess, Asia is about a half way mess, and western society is the least messed up, and people from Africa and Asia are trying to get here, not the other way around.
And who decided who is first, second and third??

Western society the least messed up??? Really, we are the ones who just had the worst mass shooting in our history. I wonder why other countries would want to be like us.

And, I haven't heard anyone use the word retarded for ages. I do not believe that people with less of what we usually consider intelligence are inferior - they are just different. They have many redeeming qualities of love and friendliness which put those of us who consider ourselves normal to shame. And beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. I have seen women who have outward physical beauty, but when they open their mouths and spit out their hatred and foul language, become ugly. Others who have less of what we consider beautiful bodily traits, are often gifted with beautiful spirits.
That's what most physically unattractive people say...
Inferior people will always be jealous of those ahead of them.
I don't believe there are any inferior people.
As individuals, some people are smarter, better looking... Ex: retarded people are inferior in any measurement, intelligence, strength, beauty...

As races, among the 3 major races, Whites are first, Asians are second and Blacks are third. Just look at each of their civilizations: Africa is a mess, Asia is about a half way mess, and western society is the least messed up, and people from Africa and Asia are trying to get here, not the other way around.
And who decided who is first, second and third??

Western society the least messed up??? Really, we are the ones who just had the worst mass shooting in our history. I wonder why other countries would want to be like us.

And, I haven't heard anyone use the word retarded for ages. I do not believe that people with less of what we usually consider intelligence are inferior - they are just different. They have many redeeming qualities of love and friendliness which put those of us who consider ourselves normal to shame. And beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. I have seen women who have outward physical beauty, but when they open their mouths and spit out their hatred and foul language, become ugly. Others who have less of what we consider beautiful bodily traits, are often gifted with beautiful spirits.
That's what most physically unattractive people say...
No, that's what most people more into the spiritual than the physical say, because that's more important and more lasting.
How is it more important? Moreover how do you intend to demonstrate it exists at all, much less be "more lasting"?
Inferior people will always be jealous of those ahead of them.
I don't believe there are any inferior people.
As individuals, some people are smarter, better looking... Ex: retarded people are inferior in any measurement, intelligence, strength, beauty...

As races, among the 3 major races, Whites are first, Asians are second and Blacks are third. Just look at each of their civilizations: Africa is a mess, Asia is about a half way mess, and western society is the least messed up, and people from Africa and Asia are trying to get here, not the other way around.
And who decided who is first, second and third??

Western society the least messed up??? Really, we are the ones who just had the worst mass shooting in our history. I wonder why other countries would want to be like us.

And, I haven't heard anyone use the word retarded for ages. I do not believe that people with less of what we usually consider intelligence are inferior - they are just different. They have many redeeming qualities of love and friendliness which put those of us who consider ourselves normal to shame. And beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. I have seen women who have outward physical beauty, but when they open their mouths and spit out their hatred and foul language, become ugly. Others who have less of what we consider beautiful bodily traits, are often gifted with beautiful spirits.
The US is not "western society", plenty of western countries are nice places to live, Canada, Sweden, Denmark...
How is it more important? Moreover how do you intend to demonstrate it exists at all, much less be "more lasting"?
I don't need to demonstrate it exists. I believe in the spiritual world and have personally seen and experienced more evidence for it than I have against it, but that's perhaps for another forum.
How is it more important? Moreover how do you intend to demonstrate it exists at all, much less be "more lasting"?
I don't need to demonstrate it exists. I believe in the spiritual world and have personally seen and experienced more evidence for it than I have against it, but that's perhaps for another forum.
You do if you expect anyone to take your rebuttal seriously.
How is it more important? Moreover how do you intend to demonstrate it exists at all, much less be "more lasting"?
I don't need to demonstrate it exists. I believe in the spiritual world and have personally seen and experienced more evidence for it than I have against it, but that's perhaps for another forum.
You do if you expect anyone to take your rebuttal seriously.
Do you honestly think anyone is concerned with what you do or do not take seriously?
I was listening to a program about Trumps age and how he was really too old to change his views on race. Which is why he rehashed his same views on the KKK and Alt Right that got him in trouble already. I also recently saw a banner in the stands of a sports game that read " Racism is as American as pie", or something along those lines until they removed it. I wonder if racism is so deeply inbred that we really can't change it, only tolerate it to some degrees?
Is racism a threat to the United states, or any other state for that matter.

Or has it become a beast that has enough support for it not to change? Racism is even behind North Korea's behavior; racism mixed with self survival is a deadly reality.
Today I was reminded of a video I watched last year. It was an African American guest on C-span, Heather McGhee. A white guy called in and asked an question about what he could do as in individual to help make things better. Her response was terrific with very specific suggestions, and today I understand they are friends and making the talk show rounds together.

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