Is race relations something that can be really healed?

I am thankful for the positive energy
that every peace rally puts out
it really does help our old heads
and teach our youth what healing is all about
The luggage of Love , hey we can still pack
bring with you Joy , those things that we lack

Is race relations something that can really be healed
we can start with your talent and all that it reveals

Just last week I decided to put my words to some positive use , and construct a thread that promotes healing and unity. I was very surprised and pleased that a brother I thought was racist , a Black man, is actually rearing a White child! Judging by his words I have read so many times before, words of fighting and never backing down to the racism thrown at him, underneath those was an unknown story of Love that we did not know about. It really brought a smile to face, as I thought to myself, Wow- a Black Panther rearing a White child in his home.

Right here on this sight we have an unusual story of one way racism can really be healed ; - through our children!
I was listening to a program about Trumps age and how he was really too old to change his views on race. Which is why he rehashed his same views on the KKK and Alt Right that got him in trouble already. I also recently saw a banner in the stands of a sports game that read " Racism is as American as pie", or something along those lines until they removed it. I wonder if racism is so deeply inbred that we really can't change it, only tolerate it to some degrees?
Is racism a threat to the United states, or any other state for that matter.

Or has it become a beast that has enough support for it not to change? Racism is even behind North Korea's behavior; racism mixed with self survival is a deadly reality.
We live in system of white supremacy and that system.

A white supremacist ss a white person who participates directly or indirectly, consciously or sub-consciously, participates in mistreating individuals because they're not white

I believe all white people are white supremacist.

Why ?

Because I can't prove it.

There is not a list of who is and isn't a white supremacist. So I suspect that all white people are white supremacists.

Why ?

Because someone has to be white supremacist. Because white supremacy dominates the planet. White supremacy dominates me. White supremacy dominates the laws. White supremacy dominates the economics. White supremacy dominates everything.

Now my definition of white supremacy is the same as Gus T Renegade and Neely Fuller in that - White supremacy is a global system of people who classify themselves as white and are dedicated to mistreating/subjugating everyone they classify as not white for their (White people's) benefit.

I believe all white people practice that in their thought speech and actions. To be white in a system of white supremacy is a tremendous advantage. You as a white person are rewarded for practicing racism-white supremacy. In fact other white people assume other white people who they have never met are racist.

I would actually say it would be crazy for white people to give this up.

To be white is to be a racist white supremacist and if you're not ? Other white people will pull your coat and warn you of the dangers of not going along with the programme
Well White Supremacy , is White Supremacy, and sadly with some its more of a traditional ingrained habit of a hardcore belief system, as is the opposite with Black Supremacy which became ingrained in some Blacks who , like Whites, are gullible to " Super Ego in Culture" , yet in America the whole situation has historical implications where Blacks were forced to react to an attack on our culture that almost wiped out the pride of a people.

I agree that this Ego is very hard to give up, no matter what side of the field your on. If you investigate the root cause of racism, there is not just one race to blame, its the human race that bred racism. And I also agree that racism is practiced in the speech and actions of a people. So since its a problem within the human race, that makes it global, White people do not hold a monopoly on racism, nor does any individual race or culture.

So the healing has to be eventually global, and it can be passed from one healing person to another, starting with you and me!

And hey, one can just take a seat and do nothing but watch others do something, or one can do what little they can to throw a flower pedal on the grave of racism as you put it to rest in your life!
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Well White Supremacy , is White Supremacy, and sadly with some its more of a traditional ingrained habit of a hardcore belief system, as is the opposite with Black Supremacy which became ingrained in some Blacks who , like Whites, are gullible to " Super Ego in Culture" , yet in America the whole situation has historical implications where Blacks were forced to react to an attack on our culture that almost wiped out the pride of a people.
You're talking in cliches.

What culture ?
What attack have black people done to white people ? Where ? When ? How ? What you talking about ?

I agree that this Ego is very hard to give up, no matter what side of the field your on. If you investigate the root cause of racism, there is not just one race to blame, its the human race that bred racism.
Black people have done a thing to white people systematically.

Racism started with white people.

And I also agree that racism is practiced in the speech and actions of a people. So since its a problem within the human race, that makes it global, White people do not hold a monopoly on racism, nor does any individual race or culture.
Racism is a systematic way of harming people of another group and that requires power and systems and the collective agreement by that group to support and participate in the mistreatment of people outside that group

The only people on the planet who systematically exhibit these kind of behaviours toward people just because they look different (no matter where they go) from North America to Africa to New Zealand and Australia are white people.
[QUOTE="Paul Essien, post:. [/QUOTE]Black people have done a thing to white people systematically.

Racism started with white people.

Racism started with two people, one of them could have been White, the other may have been Black; we don't know? I could make a case that one of them may have been White, but just not today, at this moment , in this thread. If you would have caught me on another day, I would have railed on and on about White people. But I am off into another direction for this thread, looking for some hope that racism can be healed; some ideas from others to carry with me in my walk.

A few gems have already been planted by some. If we search our hearts for things we know can help, I think we will find those things to be far more powerful that hatred and negative feelings.

Planted underneath our racism, are the things that can uproot racism, we just have to weed them out!
As we approach a time period where less than 3% of the world's population has blue eyes ; Whites are a rare commodity. Both the geno and phenotype are endangered. Our non white "friends" obsess over our replacement. Thus breaking the Covenant. White Supremacy could be a close define ; White Resistance is more appropriate ; we're going to resist amalgamating and assimilating with the non white at each and every juncture. For White sovereignty , Whites need to self segregate ASAP.
As we approach a time period where less than 3% of the world's population has blue eyes ; Whites are a rare commodity. Both the geno and phenotype are endangered. Our non white "friends" obsess over our replacement. Thus breaking the Covenant. White Supremacy could be a close define ; White Resistance is more appropriate ; we're going to resist amalgamating and assimilating with the non white at each and every juncture. For White sovereignty , Whites need to self segregate ASAP.
Whites already do self segregate. What you talking about ?

~Bring it. The idea of warfare has changed. It's not like the 1850's where white Euro's had the advantage of gunpowder. Not you go on the net and learn how to create a bomb. Not to mention ISIS are hardly friends of the west.

So bring your fucking tough talk because we will fight you till hell freezes over and then we'll fight you on that fucking ice.
Mr. Essien. You just don't get it. No violence. Our race war is financial and social , and legislative. Whites need to divorce themselves in every sense from the non white. Simply put , we don't need you. Why waste our time with violence when we can just walk away?

No bombs just avoidance.
A few times people bring bad vibes to threads and they close the threads because of what these people gave birth to, so I hope that spirit does not win the day and ruin another effort for peace ; tough talk is the weaker, unity and healing is the stronger; yet the temptation between the two is like a powerful magnet that pulls at the inner self and opens doors to ignite our sometimes hidden pleasures;

some of us like how it feels to curse at others and let those words of resentment and anger just roll off their lips ; it pulls at you to stab at others and use your terms to hurt instead of heal. Is it a thin line between the two?

How often are we faced with that kind of choice? You know, help the person, or hurt them? Use your influence to rip and tear at others , or use your talents to bring out the best in others?
Inferior people will always be jealous of those ahead of them.
I was listening to a program about Trumps age and how he was really too old to change his views on race. Which is why he rehashed his same views on the KKK and Alt Right that got him in trouble already. I also recently saw a banner in the stands of a sports game that read " Racism is as American as pie", or something along those lines until they removed it. I wonder if racism is so deeply inbred that we really can't change it, only tolerate it to some degrees?
Is racism a threat to the United states, or any other state for that matter.

Or has it become a beast that has enough support for it not to change? Racism is even behind North Korea's behavior; racism mixed with self survival is a deadly reality.

Trump doesn't need to change his views on race.

The way to heal this nation's race relations is to stop mollycoddling the race mongers.

Who would think a race monger would get voted president?

Twice in 2008 and 2012. Who would have thought it could happen.
People wont let racism die. Look at the OP. Race is the only thing he talks about.
People can be so stupid.
People wont let racism die. Look at the OP. Race is the only thing he talks about.
People can be so stupid.

Well your right, I do write a lot about racism and Spirituality, because I think they are important. I think we need to come up with far more meaningful solutions to racism than we already do; it could be the death of us all. I am just wondering if its even possible.

Racism has a life of its own, but people still can do something about it, and I think we need to keep talking about it.

Racism has expanded beyond just color, people can hate you just for the culture your in, as one previous poster so well put it. I think some Koreans hate us just for being American. And if such a hate can be taught, then the solutions to it can be taught as well.

So teaching peaceful solutions can help heal racism. But teaching on a nation wide level

Step one, Call out those that falsely accuse innocent people of racism for partisan gain.

Step two, educate idiots like Mickiel that equate race and culture.
As we approach a time period where less than 3% of the world's population has blue eyes ; Whites are a rare commodity. Both the geno and phenotype are endangered. Our non white "friends" obsess over our replacement. Thus breaking the Covenant. White Supremacy could be a close define ; White Resistance is more appropriate ; we're going to resist amalgamating and assimilating with the non white at each and every juncture. For White sovereignty , Whites need to self segregate ASAP.
That because whites are recessive and a mutation. You cant stop it. Mother Nature is trying to correct her mistake and thats why youre an endangered species.
Is race relations something that can really be healed? Oh what a question we all should realize, the things which bother mankind can grow faster and further than we think in the wrong ways if we do not work together on them.

Political parties are setting the wrong examples to the people , they can't even work together. Don't you let that happen to the races or our future is in serious trouble.
Mr. Essien. You just don't get it. No violence. Our race war is financial and social , and legislative. Whites need to divorce themselves in every sense from the non white. Simply put , we don't need you. Why waste our time with violence when we can just walk away?

No bombs just avoidance.
Why dont you do that then? The last time you avoided non whites you regressed back into a caveman like stupor Blacks had to rescue you from. Trust me if you self segregate no one will make the mistake of rescuing your race again. The truth is that your race needs help. Thats why you fight so hard to insert yourself into every civilization.
Mr. Essien. You just don't get it. No violence. Our race war is financial and social , and legislative. Whites need to divorce themselves in every sense from the non white. Simply put , we don't need you. Why waste our time with violence when we can just walk away?

No bombs just avoidance.
Why dont you do that then? The last time you avoided non whites you regressed back into a caveman like stupor Blacks had to rescue you from. Trust me if you self segregate no one will make the mistake of rescuing your race again. The truth is that your race needs help. Thats why you fight so hard to insert yourself into every civilization.

We are way pass that now, all races are implanted into each other, well at least most races are. Its now a common thing and I think a good thing which tends to help lean toward unity. And most races are inter breeding , so new breeds are being introduced into our up and down war with racism. And we old heads just can't stuff them on any side, so in that I see a chance for a new unity to emerge from a new faction; our lust leads to new layers of young bricks being laid at the foundation of the future. Bricks with the strength of both genes , bricks without the weakness of straw, ( Straw man arguments.).

This new faction will effect new social change, but it needs time to grow and loosen our old grip on the steering wheel, as it is destined to drive us into some awesome change. This is another way that race relations can be healed.
Racism is a systematic way of harming people of another group and that requires power and systems and the collective agreement by that group to support and participate in the mistreatment of people outside that group

The only people on the planet who systematically exhibit these kind of behaviours toward people just because they look different (no matter where they go) from North America to Africa to New Zealand and Australia are white people.
That's an incredibly stupid statement.

Racism exists in all racial groups and on all continents. Maybe it's just part of our ancient self-preservation instincts. Look at how the Japanese feel about outsiders, the French, the Chinese, Africans. Look at what some Africans and their governents (such as they are) are doing to white people. Racism is everywhere.

BLM and its idiotic followers, the stupid riots, crime, looting, destruction of businesses and neighborhoods, etc., and the dumb-asses in the NFL who are expressing their hate of America, white people, and making their imbecilic accusations about their fucking "oppression" — all these things have combined to remind many people of the valid reasons they have for wanting nothing to do with black people.

BLM and the NFL whiners are not helping blacks. They are convincing many people that blacks should not be trusted, or hired, or rented to. Who wants to be around a bunch of whiners and troublemakers.

The only solutions I see to our racial animosities is total segregation. The sooner, the better.
Racism is a systematic way of harming people of another group and that requires power and systems and the collective agreement by that group to support and participate in the mistreatment of people outside that group

The only people on the planet who systematically exhibit these kind of behaviours toward people just because they look different (no matter where they go) from North America to Africa to New Zealand and Australia are white people.
In his Study of History, Volume 1, Arnold Toynbee has shown how race feeling has become a principality and power and a dominion, as a consequence of Western civilization over the face of the earth since the fifteenth century.

He points out that in all the countries of this expansion where White people from Western Europe have settled “cheek by jowl” with representatives of other races, there are three elements in the situation which between them go far toward accounting for the strength and virulence of Western race feeling in our time.

First, the white people have established an ascendancy over the people of other races with whom they have come to share their new homes.

Secondly, these white masters have almost everywhere abused their power in some way and in some degree.

Thirdly, they are haunted by a perpetual fear that someday the positions may be reversed; that by weight of superior numbers or by more successful adaptation to the local climate or by ability to survive in a lower level of subsistence or by readiness to do harder physical or intellectual work, the Man of Color may eventually bring the white man’s ascendancy to an end and perhaps even establish an ascendancy of his own over the white man.

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