Is racial supremacy ideology bad?

[Insert race here] supremacy is

  • Good

  • Bad

  • Good if it's white, bad otherwise

  • Good if it's black, bad otherwise

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I think its a wonderful idea in places like Somalia or Iceland but this is America. I believe in the idea of America. You come here (legally and obey and respect the rules) and it doesnt matter who you are, you can contribute, you can be great and so can your descendants

Problem is that years of self gratifying, grifting life long politicians have diluted the American dream for many... its not the citizens who have done this, but it's been the Washington mafia who has seized power for decades. By allowing rampant illegal immigration and other divisive things they have done, they turn us all against each other by race and ethnicity.
Most black people believe in racial superiority of whites. That’s why so many Africans flock to the US and Euro countries. They want some of that white privilege for themselves.

Take Biff_Poindexter, IM2 , Superbadbrutha . They won’t move to a black majority nation like Haiti or some country back in Africa, even though whites gave their ancestors the freedom to leave “racist” America. They could be back in Africa, living in a real black Wakanda type culture, speaking an African language and wearing traditional African clothing. Instead they choose to be serfs for the white man, wearing the white man’s clothes, speaking a white man’s language, and living in a white nation with laws based on old white European law. They are proof that white culture is superior.
I was born here. Why should I move? I don't believe in any superiority. This is not a white nation. But your racism is noted.
And if you look at the number of whites you will see the same number. Meanwhile between 3-7 million blacks have died from hypertension caused by the stress of having to deal with white racism.

It was an Asian who shot up a bunch of people at Va Tech. One of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history. It was an Asian who walked into a church this weekend and killed 6 other Asians. So shut the fuck up and go eat some fish head soup.
I was born here. Why should I move? I don't believe in any superiority. This is not a white nation. But your racism is noted.

Yea, why should you move out of a “racist” country that you constantly whine about? Why live in a 99% black African country?
Of course you should stay here, and enjoy the spoils whites have created. Who the hell would want to give up that gravy train for living with a bunch of third world Africans? You should be thankful your ancestors were sold into slavery by African tribesmen and brought to America, where they were clothed, fed, and taught a white man’s language. You are way better off teaching your kids to pretend to be civilized like white people than raising them in Africa. You are 100% correct.
Hey Biff anytime you have mass migration, which had never happened, at the levels of the USA you are going to have all kinds of groups of people hating each other, politicians stoking the fires, and all manner of ethnic strife. It sill happens in a lot of countries and regions around the world today.

CRT is garbage. And those same Marxists told blacks hey motherfucker don't even think about assimilating we need you out here doing ratchet chit to justify our existence. It's why W. Africans come to the USA and day 1 are already ahead.
You don't know what CRT is and the Critical White Supremacy we are taught is the garbage that has us at this point. The West Africans who come here are wealthy and on H1B visas. So you need to syop talking that dumbo white bullshit. In the past years more people are leaving America than immigrating to America.

As other Quorans here have correctly noted, available figures on American emigration are sparse since the U.S. State Department does not keep tabs on American expats, but in regard to the data that are available, if anything we’re seeing the opposite trend — with more Americans heading to Europe than the reverse — which my own research is strongly substantiating. I am a physician-researcher by profession but have also assembled a policy article on US emigration as a spin-off of public health studies I’d done years ago, and from my preliminary findings, a sample of which I will share here, there has in fact lately been substantially more American immigration to the more developed parts of Europe — western Europe, the Nordic countries, the central European plain — than the other way around.

Yea, why should you move out of a “racist” country that you constantly whine about? Why live in a 99% black African country?
Of course you should stay here, and enjoy the spoils whites have created. Who the hell would want to give up that gravy train for living with a bunch of third world Africans? You should be thankful your ancestors were sold into slavery by African tribesmen and brought to America, where they were clothed, fed, and taught a white man’s language. You are way better off teaching your kids to pretend to be civilized like white people than raising them in Africa. You are 100% correct.

And you whine about a government that has given your white ass everything. I have the same first amendment right your pasty white ass has and until my grievance is resolved, I am going to use it. So shut the fuck up.

The way we got here is not how you claim and Africans did not make slavery legal here. Don't you nabiscos get tired of repeating lies and excuses? Civilized like white people? Lol! Go see a shrink white boy, because whites like you have nothing to do with civilized.
And if you look at the number of whites you will see the same number. Meanwhile between 3-7 million blacks have died from hypertension caused by the stress of having to deal with white racism.

It was an Asian who shot up a bunch of people at Va Tech. One of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history. It was an Asian who walked into a church this weekend and killed 6 other Asians. So shut the fuck up and go eat some fish head soup.

Are you sooooooooooooo stupid that you don't realize that everyone knows you lie in every post.

Homicide trends in the United States - Bureau of Justice ...​ › content › pub › pdf › htius


by JA Fox · Cited by 563 — for blacks were more than 7 times higher the rates for whites. ... Approximately one-third of murder victims and almost half the offenders are under the age ...

“Table 2 below shows the African/European and Latin/European ratios for the combined violent crimes. A separate table for murder follows presently.”


1652726672677.png population arrested for serious crime at a rate nearly 12 times that of the white.
In Washington, DC......the rate is 20 times.
Don't forget....the Democrat LATimes says the Right has "repeatedly twisted crime statistics to portray Black people as more violent than whites — a theme for white supremacists."

Any who are simply bursting with the desire to explain why they cannot accept the data, or need to explain why said data should not be reported or relevant, please vent when you feel necessary.

I’m betting that Democrat voters will feel that even commenting on…..or having to admit having read the above….will cost them their Liberal credentials…well….that is a very real problem for you and for the nation.
And if you look at the number of whites you will see the same number. Meanwhile between 3-7 million blacks have died from hypertension caused by the stress of having to deal with white racism.

It was an Asian who shot up a bunch of people at Va Tech. One of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history. It was an Asian who walked into a church this weekend and killed 6 other Asians. So shut the fuck up and go eat some fish head soup.
Fact facts: at some point black folks will realize that Judas Goats like you are leading them to slaughter.


And the blame must be shared with the Democrats/Liberals have caused this, largely by
a. abandoning marriage and normalizing out of wedlock births
b. removing punishments for lawlessness as though all black Americans are criminals.
c. never criticizing the psychopathologies that too many black youth mirror.
d. demanding that thugs and criminals be kept in government school.
e. lying about police and whites in general.
It's more a matter of a cognitive inferiority of a large group that spawned from sub-Saharan Africa whose evidence in universal.

In other words, the homo sapiens species is one of the dumbest members of the animal kingdom, as evidenced by widespread ecologically destructive habits? I had no idea you had so much in common with the eco cultists.
In other words, the homo sapiens species is one of the dumbest members of the animal kingdom, as evidenced by widespread ecologically destructive habits? I had no idea you had so much in common with the eco cultists.
Do you honestly think that the dumbest member of the animal kingdom could destroy the environment?

It's a bit like saying blacks are smarter than the Germans because they couldn't kill 6 million in Rwanda.

Look, I am to old for this shit.
labeling some one as bad evil or stupid because of their political party is simplistic. This all out hate over what party you belong to is tearing our country apart. People who vote party over ability makes no sense. As if by magic that makes you a better or more able person to do a job. We have been trading back & forth every 4 to 8 years. There is no magic in party labels.
Your opinion is what it is. Let's talk about it. Show me yours and I'll show you mine. But if you're not willing to vote and take a stand for whatever your opinion is, you're a coward.
Racism is the ultimate expression of Identity Politics. It's small people, hoping that they can feel bigger my claiming racial affiliation.
I was born here. Why should I move? I don't believe in any superiority. This is not a white nation. But your racism is noted.
But we are a culture with all combined. Most people that have come here adjusted. Distinct from other parts of the world. All that adjust improve their chances for a good life immensely. Progs want different cultures everywhere to divide us. And they have succeeded.
labeling some one as bad evil or stupid because of their political party is simplistic. This all out hate over what party you belong to is tearing our country apart. People who vote party over ability makes no sense. As if by magic that makes you a better or more able person to do a job. We have been trading back & forth every 4 to 8 years. There is no magic in party labels.

Here's evil and stupid:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?
Are you sooooooooooooo stupid that you don't realize that everyone knows you lie in every post.

Homicide trends in the United States - Bureau of Justice ... › content › pub › pdf › htius


by JA Fox · Cited by 563 — for blacks were more than 7 times higher the rates for whites. ... Approximately one-third of murder victims and almost half the offenders are under the age ...

“Table 2 below shows the African/European and Latin/European ratios for the combined violent crimes. A separate table for murder follows presently.”


View attachment 645443 population arrested for serious crime at a rate nearly 12 times that of the white.
In Washington, DC......the rate is 20 times.
Don't forget....the Democrat LATimes says the Right has "repeatedly twisted crime statistics to portray Black people as more violent than whites — a theme for white supremacists."

Any who are simply bursting with the desire to explain why they cannot accept the data, or need to explain why said data should not be reported or relevant, please vent when you feel necessary.

I’m betting that Democrat voters will feel that even commenting on…..or having to admit having read the above….will cost them their Liberal credentials…well….that is a very real problem for you and for the nation.
Once again you're wrong. When you look at murder, blacks do not commit 7 times the number of whites. Now look Kung fool, all your blaming democrats for being racists while you're a republican posting racism just shows your retardation. In America whites are arrested way more, so don't cherry-pick trying to build your strawman.
But we are a culture with all combined. Most people that have come here adjusted. Distinct from other parts of the world. All that adjust improve their chances for a good life immensely. Progs want different cultures everywhere to divide us. And they have succeeded.
That's a lie. Stop telling it.
Fact facts: at some point black folks will realize that Judas Goats like you are leading them to slaughter.


And the blame must be shared with the Democrats/Liberals have caused this, largely by
a. abandoning marriage and normalizing out of wedlock births
b. removing punishments for lawlessness as though all black Americans are criminals.
c. never criticizing the psychopathologies that too many black youth mirror.
d. demanding that thugs and criminals be kept in government school.
e. lying about police and whites in general.
At some point, you'll join the 75 percent of Asians who are democrats.

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