Is Racism Over Yet?

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My explanation is that you once again omit per capita statistics. "Whitey Bulger" is one guy out of tens of millions. I know why you don't post per capita statistics: because you don't want to debate the whole truth. No, you want to cherry-pick. It's the only way you have of making blacks look good.

And WTF does porn and the clothing industry have to do with what we're discussing? Just how stupid are you?
You can make statistics mean anything you want.

It's statistical fact that more people die in cars than are killed by Lions and Bears. That's a fact. Right ? So are cars more dangerous to humans than lions and bears because of that statistical fact ?

You can show stats all day, to you that may seem fair but in truth it's misleading. Especially when presented to people who already have certain stereotypes about blacks. It also has the effect of making crime a black thing (Which I could point all day that is not the care) which means little is done about it other than to hire more police and build more prisons.

The problem for you is that you have this overblown fear of black men. But black guys didn’t create and maintain the stereotype that it was our group that was big and bad and dangerous. It was whites.

So you're fearful of something that your people created.

If crime is being discussed it must be done so in it’s social context, not as straight forward numbers by rote. Anyone can look bad if these stats aren’t put into context. And people like to skew facts and present them so as to prove their point. If rattling off numbers with no context effects this, than this is what they do. Therein lies one of the problems with your argument besides being racist.
No white person is African.

And have you ever been to Zimbabwe of late ?



All built, designed and run by black people.
You have proof of that?
Not even going to rise to it.
1. Choice of drugs. For example, one of your links lists blacks (all high school seniors) to be more likely than whites (of the same group) to use inhalants.

2. Your inability to read. For example, the above link is strictly for high school seniors, 10th graders, and 8th graders, but you pass it off as evidence regarding an unqualified number of whites and blacks, the vast majority of whom are not in those grades.

3. Blacks are disproportionately/more likely to be expelled. In other words, they're getting high while not being students. If you expelled all blacks today, 0% would use drugs as students.
Most of the distributes and suppliers of the drugs aren’t black. That's where the real money is. The black criminals are nothing but bullet fodder and a source of income for those who gain jobs in the prisons.

The distributors live in communities divorced from the street level dealers. They're almost never caught. If a black dealer, goes down, there's always another to take their place.

For every white drug dealer they apprehend, 99% get away. Plus they're not stopped as much.

For every black criminal who is incarcerated, there is many more white ones walking free, or in rehab, as the notion here is that they don’t want to destroy a promising young person’s life.

Because of the socioeconomic deprivations of these black criminals, they will be hard pressed to find good legal representation. And in most cases we are not even talking about the hard stuff, like heroin, crack or cocaine, but marijuana – weed.

And even after they do their time they do not get to start over clean.

1) Pretty much no one will hire you.
2) Most professional licences are out of the question too.
3) For the first five years you cannot get public housing – just when you need it most.
4) You will never again get food stamps. And on and on.

Your life is messed up forever. So what becomes of them ? We already know : Within three years there is a 70% chance they'll be back in prison.

And all this is explained away by guys like you that blacks are just low IQ savages who can't do no good, and then endless stats about 'black crime' is churned out to people who already have preconceived ideas about black people.

You can't get statistics on the number of crimes committed by white or black people, only the number of arrests and convictions.

You cannot get statistics on which of the convicted people are guilty. We can only have the opinion of the court system as to their guilt and that opinion assumes guilt from the fact of conviction. Even if all convicted persons are guilty, black people get longer sentences.

Now of course we are not going to have anything close to a rational discussion over what is sad in this video. As long as it's about white failure we can't because whites can't accept they have failed. And if you don't think so I am going to present a lesson to you guys very soon about how whites cannot face their own racial failure right here at USMB. And in that lesson you will see how whites are more than ready to discuss how non whites suck, but watch it change when the issue turns to white failure.

(X)Racism will never end until the day comes when we stop mixing the races together. Racism started in the states because of bringing in blacks from Africa. Mixing numerous races of people together will eventually lead to more racism. The white people in all the white Western countries in the world are starting to find this out. And if the day comes when white people become a minority in their own white countries well then they ain't see nothing yet pardner if they don't wake up to the threat. White people will find out what racism really is all about. But by then it will be too late for old whitey and white people will be forever screwed. There will be no place on earth where old whitey can call home anymore. Just ask the white people of South Africa and Rhodesia(Zimbabwe). They know what happens when you give up your power. Rapes and murders. But hey.

There is not white race. Whites are mutts, a mixture of other races. There is no pure white race.

There sure is an Aryan white race. Why do Jews and blacks keep attacking whites for being white if there are no true whites according to you? Who are they attacking then?

Maybe slyhunter can explain that to you since he's the one who made the comment.

Let him/her go ahead, make his/her day.
My explanation is that you once again omit per capita statistics. "Whitey Bulger" is one guy out of tens of millions. I know why you don't post per capita statistics: because you don't want to debate the whole truth. No, you want to cherry-pick. It's the only way you have of making blacks look good.

And WTF does porn and the clothing industry have to do with what we're discussing? Just how stupid are you?
You can make statistics mean anything you want.

It's statistical fact that more people die in cars than are killed by Lions and Bears. That's a fact. Right ? So are cars more dangerous to humans than lions and bears because of that statistical fact ?
Didn't we talk about this already? I suspect people killed by lions and bears are fewer than the people killed in car crashes because bears and lions are encountered far less often than cars.

But here's the question: since negroes in the USA are such a small percentage (a minority) of the population, and therefore encountered far less frequently than whites, how come they commit more murders than whites, the majority? Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Blacks were the offenders 2,934 times vs 2,897 for whites. Now if lions were as rare in the USA as they are and cars are as common as they are, with lions being responsible for MORE deaths than cars, what would you say about lions? That they're VERY dangerous compared to cars.
You can show stats all day, to you that may seem fair but in truth it's misleading. Especially when presented to people who already have certain stereotypes about blacks. It also has the effect of making crime a black thing (Which I could point all day that is not the care) which means little is done about it other than to hire more police and build more prisons.

The problem for you is that you have this overblown fear of black men. But black guys didn’t create and maintain the stereotype that it was our group that was big and bad and dangerous. It was whites.

So you're fearful of something that your people created.

If crime is being discussed it must be done so in it’s social context, not as straight forward numbers by rote. Anyone can look bad if these stats aren’t put into context. And people like to skew facts and present them so as to prove their point. If rattling off numbers with no context effects this, than this is what they do. Therein lies one of the problems with your argument besides being racist.

The only person trying to mislead is YOU!

No white person is African.

And have you ever been to Zimbabwe of late ?



All built, designed and run by black people.
You have proof of that?
Not even going to rise to it.

I expected no more from you.

1. Choice of drugs. For example, one of your links lists blacks (all high school seniors) to be more likely than whites (of the same group) to use inhalants.

2. Your inability to read. For example, the above link is strictly for high school seniors, 10th graders, and 8th graders, but you pass it off as evidence regarding an unqualified number of whites and blacks, the vast majority of whom are not in those grades.

3. Blacks are disproportionately/more likely to be expelled. In other words, they're getting high while not being students. If you expelled all blacks today, 0% would use drugs as students.
Most of the distributes and suppliers of the drugs aren’t black.
What kinds of drugs? Legal ones? Illegal ones? And what does it have to do with what we are arguing? Whites are intelligent enough to make many drugs, so I'm not surprise they distribute them.
That's where the real money is. The black criminals are nothing but bullet fodder and a source of income for those who gain jobs in the prisons.
Silly negro! Those jobs take away from the economy by requiring that much of the available labor to be allocated to prison management. It does us whites no good to need to run a negro adult daycare center.
The distributors live in communities divorced from the street level dealers. They're almost never caught. If a black dealer, goes down, there's always another to take their place.

For every white drug dealer they apprehend, 99% get away. Plus they're not stopped as much.
First of all, prove it. Secondly, WTF does this have to do with our discussion?

I said: whites are "Good at impulse control, understanding complex consequences, planning for the future, etc..."
For every black criminal who is incarcerated, there is many more white ones walking free, or in rehab, as the notion here is that they don’t want to destroy a promising young person’s life.

Because of the socioeconomic deprivations of these black criminals, they will be hard pressed to find good legal representation. And in most cases we are not even talking about the hard stuff, like heroin, crack or cocaine, but marijuana – weed.

And even after they do their time they do not get to start over clean.

1) Pretty much no one will hire you.
2) Most professional licences are out of the question too.
3) For the first five years you cannot get public housing – just when you need it most.
4) You will never again get food stamps. And on and on.
Who the fuck is gonna hire you anyway except some government job made to keep shitskins employed or the NFL that doesn't care if their players are pieces of shit? Given how dumb you are and totally incapable of understanding simple things like basic statistics, I'm pretty sure jobs requiring thinking are out of the question for you.
Your life is messed up forever. So what becomes of them ? We already know : Within three years there is a 70% chance they'll be back in prison.
Is it the bad white cops planting evidence on unemployed blacks again?
And all this is explained away by guys like you that blacks are just low IQ savages who can't do no good, and then endless stats about 'black crime' is churned out to people who already have preconceived ideas about black people.

You can't get statistics on the number of crimes committed by white or black people, only the number of arrests and convictions.

You cannot get statistics on which of the convicted people are guilty. We can only have the opinion of the court system as to their guilt and that opinion assumes guilt from the fact of conviction. Even if all convicted persons are guilty, black people get longer sentences.

Here's what I see: you're incapable of even comprehending the statistics you posted. Even the fact that you posted them makes little sense since here you are bitching and moaning about statistics being imperfect (and presumably useless) but at the same time you copy and paste your battery of links that you don't understand. Furthermore you can't even stay on topic, since I fail to see how much of what you're posting deals with the topic we're discussing (quoted for you above). In other words, you can't even keep up with a simple online argument long enough to not go off on a tangent. You know what all of that tells me? That you're an idiot. It's the same feeling I get when I communicate with the other shitskins on this board: idiots who don't understand simple things like math and statistics even when you lay it out for them as simply as humanly possible. Since you reject the genetics argument, do tell me, how did the "opinion of the court system" make you this stupid?
Nope Because I only use total crime numbers. In total number of crimes committed in those 27 categories whites led in crime.

So let me ask you: "Do more whites get shot by police than blacks?

Nope Because I only use total crime numbers.

Yes, we've all noticed that you don't understand what "rate" means.

I wonder if he really thinks he is winning this argument, or is just so invested in his racism that he CAN'T admit that he is stone cold busted?

I won the argument. You can't provide evidence of any national policy of discrimination against whites and that other idiot can't even read.

Your repeated stonewalling as you have been shown hard documented evidence of nation wide discrimination, just reveals you to be completely dishonest and a bad person.

Nah,you never showed a national policy of racial discrimination against whites. And it's because you can't due to the fact there is none.
What's the point of showing you anything? You'll just ignore it. He may as well try teaching a roach to play chess.

Now of course we are not going to have anything close to a rational discussion over what is sad in this video. As long as it's about white failure we can't because whites can't accept they have failed. And if you don't think so I am going to present a lesson to you guys very soon about how whites cannot face their own racial failure right here at USMB. And in that lesson you will see how whites are more than ready to discuss how non whites suck, but watch it change when the issue turns to white failure.

(X)Racism will never end until the day comes when we stop mixing the races together. Racism started in the states because of bringing in blacks from Africa. Mixing numerous races of people together will eventually lead to more racism. The white people in all the white Western countries in the world are starting to find this out. And if the day comes when white people become a minority in their own white countries well then they ain't see nothing yet pardner if they don't wake up to the threat. White people will find out what racism really is all about. But by then it will be too late for old whitey and white people will be forever screwed. There will be no place on earth where old whitey can call home anymore. Just ask the white people of South Africa and Rhodesia(Zimbabwe). They know what happens when you give up your power. Rapes and murders. But hey.

There is not white race. Whites are mutts, a mixture of other races. There is no pure white race.

There sure is an Aryan white race. Why do Jews and blacks keep attacking whites for being white if there are no true whites according to you? Who are they attacking then?

They're lying to themselves that they themselves are responsible for where they are at and where they are going. Laying false blames on "whites" is as stupid as blaming the Jews.

Dumb ass you're the one who said whites were mutts. On top of that we can blame whites and we have a good 2.5 centuries of laws, court decisions and policies hat support what we say. What do you white racists have ? Nothing. A bunch of lies you racists repeat over and over in forums.

Whites are a mixture of other races. What other people call them doesn't change that fact.
I for one am Iroquois, German, Irish, and Italian. ie. mutt.
Mathematics. The fact of the matter is that the number of violent crimes committed has very little to do with the number of articles Paul Essien can link to in a single post.
Mathmatics ?

I notice how you don't even whisper the word crime. And yet, from 1920’s up to early 1990’s white rime was the absolutely biggest crime in the USA and one of the biggest in the world.

If we think that at its peak Mafia Cosa Nostra alone had some 3000 to 4000 members (in 1980’s FBI estimated the number of members around 2300), we know that out of that number most guys had killed at least one individual. They had to. You do not enter this organisation without participating in a murder and in the past the requirement was actual murder. In order to become a made member, a made guy in Cosa Nostra, you had to kill someone by your own hands. Later it became enough to participate in murder, chop up the body, help to kill the victim by holding etc. or setting up the actual murder. But in the earlier times you personally had to kill someone.

That alone puts the number of their murder victims in thousands.

Even when some members did not personally killed anybody, others did by dozens. In Cosa Nostra there were dozens of guys who killed up twenty guys and many who had killed even more than that. And that number is just their murders and just by the italia-namerican organized crime. This does not include murders committed by their associates and non members who were and are involved in that business.

Other mobs, jewish and irish and mixed, were and are part of the organized crime too. Just check out bostonian irish Whitey Bulger. How many guys he personally killed? Not to mention those legendary guys in Murder Inc. who killed guys by dozens. Philip Strauss alone was convicted with 58 murders the cops knew and he was suspected from as many more.

Add to this the drug trade which they controlled pretty much from 1930’s untill 1990’s. How many people died during those decades from over doses and other drug related reasons? Thousands at least. The drug trade by white organized crime litterally destroyed dozens of black neighborhoods all across the USA from New York to Detroit, to Chicago to LA. And that was nothing? Nothing criminal? How many victims that had? Hundreds of thousands.

Add to that the massive commercial thievery, lone sharking, gambling, numbers, prostitution, porn, labour unions, corruption of polticians, judges, judicial systems in several cities, Hollywood (via Sidney Korshak and his pals), and forgery, robberies, transportation, fashion industry, clothing industry, waste management etc.

It is very funny how all you promoting the idea of black criminality and violence somehow forget all of that.

What's your explanation for that ?
I don't think Hitler considered Italians as being white?
Against whites?

There is no such thing as racism to white people.

Although a blk person in an authority position can discriminate against a white person, this kind of thing rarely happens because

A) Blk ppl in authority positions are very rare.
B) And even when you do find a black person in authority, there are authorities above those black ppl who are white, and who would not stand any racism to whites
C) Even when a black person sat on top of a power structure (as with President Obama), he was not truly free to do anything to oppress white people (even were wanted), given his own need to attract white support in order to win election or pass any of his policy agenda. Ulti

There are no institutional structures in the U.S. in which black people of color exercise final and controlling authority: not in the school systems, labor market, justice system, housing markets, financial markets, or media. As such, the ability of black folks to oppress white people simply does not exist.
Nope Because I only use total crime numbers.

Yes, we've all noticed that you don't understand what "rate" means.

I wonder if he really thinks he is winning this argument, or is just so invested in his racism that he CAN'T admit that he is stone cold busted?

I won the argument. You can't provide evidence of any national policy of discrimination against whites and that other idiot can't even read.

Your repeated stonewalling as you have been shown hard documented evidence of nation wide discrimination, just reveals you to be completely dishonest and a bad person.

Nah,you never showed a national policy of racial discrimination against whites. And it's because you can't due to the fact there is none.
What's the point of showing you anything? You'll just ignore it. He may as well try teaching a roach to play chess.

I've showed him plenty of times. He pretends to not understand the concept of proportions.
I've only replied to the most important points you made because majority of it was over-emotional waffling on your part.
Didn't we talk about this already? I suspect people killed by lions and bears are fewer than the people killed in car crashes because bears and lions are encountered far less often than cars.
You are all about the stats. Right ? The stats show that more people die in cars than are killed by lions and bears. Is that true or false ?
But here's the question: since negroes in the USA are such a small percentage (a minority) of the population, and therefore encountered far less frequently than whites, how come they commit more murders than whites, the majority? Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Blacks were the offenders 2,934 times vs 2,897 for whites. Now if lions were as rare in the USA as they are and cars are as common as they are, with lions being responsible for MORE deaths than cars, what would you say about lions? That they're VERY dangerous compared to cars.
The FBI (Where you got those stats from) is a branch of white supremacy. They have illegally sabotaged & assassinated every black leader from Garvey to MLK

The FBI have a history with black people of
  • Planting false stories in the press.
  • Planting false witnesses in court trials.
  • Sending false letters to create distrust and division among leaders.
  • Planting informers everywhere and then falsely named others as informers.
  • Got people fired at work.
  • Breaking up marriages.
  • Breaking into people’s houses to search them.
  • Arresting leaders for minor traffic violations.
  • Framing people for murder and other false charges – to lock them up or at least keep them tied up in court till something stuck.
  • Committing murder.
They killed Fred Hampton (A black panther leader in Chicago) That was proved in court.


They had the Chicago police break down his door in the middle of the night and gun him down. The FBI had been keeping a file on him even before he joined the Panthers.

They framed Geronimo Pratt (Below) for murder


And they made sure one of his defence lawyers was an FBI informer

Panthers secretly working for the FBI talked about the FBI blowing up department stores and giving the police an excuse to arrest top panthers and throw them in prison.

The press and the police did the FBI’s bidding. The Panthers found much of its leadership killed, sent to prison or driven out of the country.

Dick Gregory was such a powerful opponent against systematic racism, J. Edgar Hoover ordered the FBI to use the mafia to murder him.


And J Edgar Hoover was a cross dressing gay man who hated black people and he had a lover was one of his top FBI Agents. The FBI wrote an anonymous letter to him, encouraging him to kill himself ?

Or how about MKULTRA and those deeds? FBN and CIA connections with international crime syndicates and co-operation to bring in tons of drugs for the consumption of inner city blacks.

That started in the 1940’s and devastated whole cities eventually. A book about that and the whole war on drugs by Douglas Valentine: The Strength of the Wolf: The secret history of America’s war on drugs.

Even today the FBI has just released BIE (Black Identity Extremists). Another crock of B.S

Their objective is to murder innocent black people and use this BIE thing to kill even more of us. So when black folks protest or file citizen complaints about illegal searches and seizures, police theft of property, police violence in the form of needless beatings and brutality; cases of blatant police disrespect for the dignity of black people and actual state-sanctioned murders by police, their names will be placed on the terrorist watch list by the FBI.

So black people are being extreme if we hate or distrust an institution brimming with white supremacists.

And that's your source ?
Is it the bad white cops planting evidence on unemployed blacks again?
You have the New Jersey chiefs of police wanting to kill all black people and the Philly Police Union president call BLM activists "Wild Animals" or Cali Police sympathizing with white supremacist and Sheriff Scott Israel in Florida getting caught entrapping 18 black people in 2016 (0 white people,) but is more recently accused of directing deputies to put on ski masks & bust up a venue repeatedly on hip hop nights


These are chiefs of police and sheriffs saying and doing this and the chief of a police union

These are guys with power and muscle who can easily wreck black person life. This is why I laugh when guys like you and ptbw forever, Correll or Mudda or Slyhunter try and prove black racism.

So yes I think them planting evidence, creating bogus stats about black people and framing black people would not be a far stretch and these are just the ones who have been "outed" there are no doubt scores of other chiefs of police who think just like them and think like you, but have not openly shown themselves
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Against whites?

There is no such thing as racism to white people.

Although a blk person in an authority position can discriminate against a white person, this kind of thing rarely happens because

A) Blk ppl in authority positions are very rare.
B) And even when you do find a black person in authority, there are authorities above those black ppl who are white, and who would not stand any racism to whites
C) Even when a black person sat on top of a power structure (as with President Obama), he was not truly free to do anything to oppress white people (even were wanted), given his own need to attract white support in order to win election or pass any of his policy agenda. Ulti

There are no institutional structures in the U.S. in which black people of color exercise final and controlling authority: not in the school systems, labor market, justice system, housing markets, financial markets, or media. As such, the ability of black folks to oppress white people simply does not exist.
Then why can't we say ****** in public but you can say Cracker? (even this site is discriminating against whites by not **** out Cracker but they did **** out nig.ger.)
Then how come we can't have a White College Fund or a National White person Appreciation month or a NAWP?
Then why is it ok to have White people free zones but not have black people free zones?
I've only replied to the most important points you made because majority of it was over-emotional waffling on your part.
Didn't we talk about this already? I suspect people killed by lions and bears are fewer than the people killed in car crashes because bears and lions are encountered far less often than cars.
You are all about the stats. Right ? The stats show that more people die in cars than are killed by lions and bears. Is that true or false ?
You're asking me? It's your statistic so why don't you prove it? In any case, it wouldn't surprise me.
But here's the question: since negroes in the USA are such a small percentage (a minority) of the population, and therefore encountered far less frequently than whites, how come they commit more murders than whites, the majority? Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Blacks were the offenders 2,934 times vs 2,897 for whites. Now if lions were as rare in the USA as they are and cars are as common as they are, with lions being responsible for MORE deaths than cars, what would you say about lions? That they're VERY dangerous compared to cars.
The FBI (Where you got those stats from) is a branch of white supremacy. They have illegally sabotaged & assassinated every black leader from Garvey to MLK

The FBI have a history with black people of
  • Planting false stories in the press.
  • Planting false witnesses in court trials.
  • Sending false letters to create distrust and division among leaders.
  • Planting informers everywhere and then falsely named others as informers.
  • Got people fired at work.
  • Breaking up marriages.
  • Breaking into people’s houses to search them.
  • Arresting leaders for minor traffic violations.
  • Framing people for murder and other false charges – to lock them up or at least keep them tied up in court till something stuck.
  • Committing murder.
They killed Fred Hampton (A black panther leader in Chicago) That was proved in court.


They had the Chicago police break down his door in the middle of the night and gun him down. The FBI had been keeping a file on him even before he joined the Panthers.

They framed Geronimo Pratt (Below) for murder


And they made sure one of his defence lawyers was an FBI informer

Panthers secretly working for the FBI talked about the FBI blowing up department stores and giving the police an excuse to arrest top panthers and throw them in prison.

The press and the police did the FBI’s bidding. The Panthers found much of its leadership killed, sent to prison or driven out of the country.

Dick Gregory was such a powerful opponent against systematic racism, J. Edgar Hoover ordered the FBI to use the mafia to murder him.


And J Edgar Hoover was a cross dressing gay man who hated black people and he had a lover was one of his top FBI Agents. The FBI wrote an anonymous letter to him, encouraging him to kill himself ?

Or how about MKULTRA and those deeds? FBN and CIA connections with international crime syndicates and co-operation to bring in tons of drugs for the consumption of inner city blacks.

That started in the 1940’s and devastated whole cities eventually. A book about that and the whole war on drugs by Douglas Valentine: The Strength of the Wolf: The secret history of America’s war on drugs.

Even today the FBI has just released BIE (Black Identity Extremists). Another crock of B.S

Their objective is to murder innocent black people and use this BIE thing to kill even more of us. So when black folks protest or file citizen complaints about illegal searches and seizures, police theft of property, police violence in the form of needless beatings and brutality; cases of blatant police disrespect for the dignity of black people and actual state-sanctioned murders by police, their names will be placed on the terrorist watch list by the FBI.

So black people are being extreme if we hate or distrust an institution brimming with white supremacists.

And that's your source ?
If the FBI is such a bad source, then why did you use it in post #15 of thread ANOTHER black hate crime?

o--but that's all we hear from the blacks--''they shot him because he was black''--that's all we've heard for the last 2 years---HEADLINE NEWS--and it's nothing but crap!!

however--you are truly a DUMBASS if you think he didn't hate them
please tell me he didn't hate them--and you are surely a DUMBASS

and his race is BLACK and they are WHITE
Look at the FBI's data on hate crime and you see who is doing the hating.

The number of hate crimes committed in 2009 against different groups in America according to the FBI:
  • 2724 black
  • 1415 gay, lesbian, bisexual
  • 964 Jewish
  • 654 Hispanic
  • 652 white
  • 147 Asian/Pacific Islander
  • 128 Muslim
  • 84 American Indian/Alaskan Native
  • 55 Catholic
  • 40 Protestant
  • 21 straight
  • 10 atheist, agnostic
In the 63% of cases where the police know who did it:
  • 1503 white on black
  • 304 black on white
  • 11 black on Asian
  • 10 Asian on black
According to the FBI whites commit x5 more hate crimes to black people. Than black people do to white people.

I say you're full of shit in your claim that the FBI is unreliable. You have no qualms about using them as a source when it suits you.

Is it the bad white cops planting evidence on unemployed blacks again?
You have the New Jersey chiefs of police wanting to kill all black people and the Philly Police Union president call BLM activists "Wild Animals" or Cali Police sympathizing with white supremacist and Sheriff Scott Israel in Florida getting caught entrapping 18 black people in 2016 (0 white people,) but is more recently accused of directing deputies to put on ski masks & bust up a venue repeatedly on hip hop nights


These are chiefs of police and sheriffs saying and doing this and the chief of a police union

These are guys with power and muscle who can easily wreck black person life. This is why I laugh when guys like you and ptbw forever, Correll or Mudda or Slyhunter try and prove black racism.

So yes I think them planting evidence, creating bogus stats about black people and framing black people would not be a far stretch and these are just the ones who have been "outed" there are no doubt scores of other chiefs of police who think just like them and think like you, but have not openly shown themselves
You think that based on the FBI investigation?

Nucera also “instructed police officers to bring canines to certain games and position the canine vehicles at the entrance to the gymnasium in order to intimidate African American patrons,” according to the FBI.

I thought you didn't trust them, so why trust a source quoting them?

You're not just turd-colored, you're utterly full of shit!
The violent crimes listed by the FBI would fit my definition.
So when white people had “urban renewal” in the 1950s and 1960s and hundreds of thousands of blk homes were destroyed to make way for office buildings, shopping centers and parking lots.

that's not violence. to you. right ?

And few of the property destroyed was replaced and blk families to rely on crowded apartments, living with relatives, or run-down public housing.

When white-run banks redlined black communities, refusing to loan money to any businesses or individuals within the borders of those communities, no matter their individual credit worthiness, the effect was as destructive to neighborhood well-being as any riot.

that's not violence. to you. right ?

When banks continue to refuse loans in such places, only to turn around and grant the very same loans through their subsidiaries known as sub-prime lenders, and in the process charge 3-5 times higher interest than would be allowed through the bank itself, the effect on black people is economic violence.

that's not violence. to you. right ?

When black children in extreme poverty test positive for elevated levels of lead in their blood, all because they have been exposed to lead paint in old.

that's not violence. to you. right ?

When the government strip mines uranium on Native American soil, inflating the cancer rate among Navajo, the result is death

that's not violence. to you. right ?

When white doctors routinely under-diagnose blk patients with serious illnesses; or fail to recommend the same medical interventions as they do for white patients, even when they present the same symptoms, have the same kind of insurance, and come from the same economic background, thousands of black lives.

that's not violence. to you. right ?

When companies that pollute in white communities receive fines from the EPA that are WAY than the fines received for polluting in black communities.

that's not violence. to you. right ?

Let's talk about the mafia.

There has never been any rule in sicilian mafia that bans killing of women and children. If they have to be murdered, then they have to be. It doesn’t matter how young a child is or who the woman is, if they are the ones who have to be killed, they will be. As a matter of fact, sicilian mafia has killed numerous women and children in the past.

It cracks me up that white people think black people dont know about their crimes. white people will kidnap your child, rape him, kill him, film the whole thing then sell it to other white people. all you have to do is watch cable to see the crimes that white people do. these crimes dont get put on the six of clock news. cold case files, forensic files, court tv, discovery id, wicked attraction

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2. I don't know if whites are superior to black people. Not in muscle mass. Not in sports.
You can believe anything you wish and it shows in your responses.

But when you start to make statements about certain scientific things, it would be good to know what one is talking about. Like the simple basics of the evolution theory.

Something as major as an additional pair of muscles to increase black people muscle mass would have required major evolutionary changes. Or a loss of a pair of muscles, since all humans evolved from a common ancestor.

In order for black people to have "extra muscle mass" from other human beings there would have to be fixed genetic differences between races.

Meaning a clear break

This seems like a speciation level difference, such as "Blacks" having a gene for X and no one else. This is absolutely clearly not the case.

It's fairly predictable that you said or hinted that black people are physically more capable "Look at the NBA" you will no doubt say. OK if that's true, then why don't blacks dominate volleyball the same way ? You need to be able to jump at that. Right ?

And if black people are so naturally good at basketball then why don't African nations like Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast dominate international dominate basketball comps ? They're pure black with little white admixture in them and according to you blackness and sporting ability go hand in hand then why are African teams so average ?

Why aren't all championship high jumpers black ?
  • Every player who has ever won an NHL scoring title is white.
  • Every Olympic weightlifting record is held by a caucasian.
  • All championship speed skaters are white.
  • Every major league pitcher who has ever won 300 games is white.
  • Almost all Olympic champions rowers and kayakers are white,
I don't believe that whites are physically advantaged in shooting, hockey pucks, lifting barbells, skating, or rowing. Do you ?

There are actually very good reasons why track and field and boxing events are dominated the way they are; because that's who trains and competes in them. Boxing is generally for people who have limited opportunities. Racism limits your opportunities.

And yes Africans have been ahead of the rest of the world in long distance training methods for thirty years; it's no surprise they dominate the competitions.

If people from a geographic region of Africa are the world's champion sprinters and a different group of people from a geographic region of Africa are the world's champion marathon runners and both are alleged to be part of some specific "race" you have just argued against sprinting or distance running as being a "racial" characteristic. Since the two groups you tried to put into one "race" have contradictory abilities.

This is Simone Manuel


She is the the fastest female swimmer in the world.

She is the current 100m Olympic and world champion and this despite the fact that participation rates in swimming for black people are very low. She opened up a can of whoop-ass on the Becky's and Amy's and the Chinese and Australians.

This is Simone Biles


She is the best gymnast in the world and said by many experts to be the greatest of time and this despite the fact that participation rates in gymnastics for black people are very low. Simone Biles crushed the white competition in a sport that is usually dominated by Eastern Europeans and the Chinese.

This is Lewis Hamilton


He is the current Formula one driving champion and has won that title 3 times out of the last four years and this despite the fact that participation rates in Formula one for black people are very low.

White people just need to stay out of our way and watch more and more of us break your little records and set our own.

White people know that Black people can be great scientists, economists, attorneys and anything else. That is the reason predominantly Black school districts are under-funded, under-staffed with inexperienced teachers, denied books, microscopes and other lab equipment, and put hazardous waste near black schools, cut art and music classes, sports teams and sometimes hot meals in a cafeteria.

They want a social system where Black people are handicapped by lack of education and opportunity that our only options are flipping burgers or in prison and then white people try to ‘scientifically’ prove that the effects of their own racism are actually due to innate deficiencies of those they’ve praticing there racism on.

Black people can do fine in any pursuit once even a single rusty hole appears in the steel obstacles put in our way.

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I've only replied to the most important points you made because majority of it was over-emotional waffling on your part.
Didn't we talk about this already? I suspect people killed by lions and bears are fewer than the people killed in car crashes because bears and lions are encountered far less often than cars.
You are all about the stats. Right ? The stats show that more people die in cars than are killed by lions and bears. Is that true or false ?
But here's the question: since negroes in the USA are such a small percentage (a minority) of the population, and therefore encountered far less frequently than whites, how come they commit more murders than whites, the majority? Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Blacks were the offenders 2,934 times vs 2,897 for whites. Now if lions were as rare in the USA as they are and cars are as common as they are, with lions being responsible for MORE deaths than cars, what would you say about lions? That they're VERY dangerous compared to cars.
The FBI (Where you got those stats from) is a branch of white supremacy. They have illegally sabotaged & assassinated every black leader from Garvey to MLK

The FBI have a history with black people of
  • Planting false stories in the press.
  • Planting false witnesses in court trials.
  • Sending false letters to create distrust and division among leaders.
  • Planting informers everywhere and then falsely named others as informers.
  • Got people fired at work.
  • Breaking up marriages.
  • Breaking into people’s houses to search them.
  • Arresting leaders for minor traffic violations.
  • Framing people for murder and other false charges – to lock them up or at least keep them tied up in court till something stuck.
  • Committing murder.
They killed Fred Hampton (A black panther leader in Chicago) That was proved in court.


They had the Chicago police break down his door in the middle of the night and gun him down. The FBI had been keeping a file on him even before he joined the Panthers.

They framed Geronimo Pratt (Below) for murder


And they made sure one of his defence lawyers was an FBI informer

Panthers secretly working for the FBI talked about the FBI blowing up department stores and giving the police an excuse to arrest top panthers and throw them in prison.

The press and the police did the FBI’s bidding. The Panthers found much of its leadership killed, sent to prison or driven out of the country.

Dick Gregory was such a powerful opponent against systematic racism, J. Edgar Hoover ordered the FBI to use the mafia to murder him.


And J Edgar Hoover was a cross dressing gay man who hated black people and he had a lover was one of his top FBI Agents. The FBI wrote an anonymous letter to him, encouraging him to kill himself ?

Or how about MKULTRA and those deeds? FBN and CIA connections with international crime syndicates and co-operation to bring in tons of drugs for the consumption of inner city blacks.

That started in the 1940’s and devastated whole cities eventually. A book about that and the whole war on drugs by Douglas Valentine: The Strength of the Wolf: The secret history of America’s war on drugs.

Even today the FBI has just released BIE (Black Identity Extremists). Another crock of B.S

Their objective is to murder innocent black people and use this BIE thing to kill even more of us. So when black folks protest or file citizen complaints about illegal searches and seizures, police theft of property, police violence in the form of needless beatings and brutality; cases of blatant police disrespect for the dignity of black people and actual state-sanctioned murders by police, their names will be placed on the terrorist watch list by the FBI.

So black people are being extreme if we hate or distrust an institution brimming with white supremacists.

And that's your source ?
Is it the bad white cops planting evidence on unemployed blacks again?
You have the New Jersey chiefs of police wanting to kill all black people and the Philly Police Union president call BLM activists "Wild Animals" or Cali Police sympathizing with white supremacist and Sheriff Scott Israel in Florida getting caught entrapping 18 black people in 2016 (0 white people,) but is more recently accused of directing deputies to put on ski masks & bust up a venue repeatedly on hip hop nights


These are chiefs of police and sheriffs saying and doing this and the chief of a police union

These are guys with power and muscle who can easily wreck black person life. This is why I laugh when guys like you and ptbw forever, Correll or Mudda or Slyhunter try and prove black racism.

So yes I think them planting evidence, creating bogus stats about black people and framing black people would not be a far stretch and these are just the ones who have been "outed" there are no doubt scores of other chiefs of police who think just like them and think like you, but have not openly shown themselves

That sheriff has a deputy with strong connections to CAIR, he runs the local CAIR.
Sheriff Scott Israel & Nezar Hamze of Hamas/CAIR
CAIR leader Nezar Hamze is now a Deputy Sheriff at the Broward Sheriff’s Office (BSO), Sheriff Scott Israel appeared on WFTL-Fort Lauderdale’s Joyce Kaufman radio show to discuss the matter. On the show, Israel made a number of weak excuses as to why this has taken place. The following report will challenge these excuses, in an effort to expose this wrongdoing.
I wonder if he really thinks he is winning this argument, or is just so invested in his racism that he CAN'T admit that he is stone cold busted?

I won the argument. You can't provide evidence of any national policy of discrimination against whites and that other idiot can't even read.

Your repeated stonewalling as you have been shown hard documented evidence of nation wide discrimination, just reveals you to be completely dishonest and a bad person.

Nah,you never showed a national policy of racial discrimination against whites. And it's because you can't due to the fact there is none.
What's the point of showing you anything? You'll just ignore it. He may as well try teaching a roach to play chess.

I've showed him plenty of times. He pretends to not understand the concept of proportions.

You haven't shown squat. Because you can't show squat. What you say isn't happening and does not exist.
If someone hates another person because of their skin color I think we should start calling that insanity, instead of racism. Or evil
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