Is Racism Over Yet?

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So why don't you tell us why you stay, shitskin?

Because I don't need to.
You don't tell us because you're full of shit.

Tell me why you are still here since you don't like living around people of color so much. Why don't you go find an all white country to live in?
Who says I live around "people of color?" I generally avoid shitskins and negrohoods like the plague, and if my area ever becomes a negrohood, I'd certainly move.

This country is your neighborhood and blacks live in it. So move.
My neighborhood is my neighborhood. It's not the whole country, idiot! What white country is there that has no blacks, no muslim migrants, and doesn't divert its resources to support those chimps?

That's a ratio. He was incarcerated when they were covering that in his negrohood's local school.

Moreover, it explained, “the rate of white-on-white violent crime (12.0 per 1,000) was about four times higher than black-on-white violent crime (3.1 per 1,000).


Your link doesn't even work.

The link to the article worked just fine for me.
Well it's asking me for a username and password. Why don't you download it and upload it here?

No, you got what you're going to get. Use your superior white boy mind and figure it out.

Why would I apply any effort to support your argument? This is the lack of personal responsibility typically exhibited by dumb shitskins like you.
Because I don't need to.
You don't tell us because you're full of shit.

Tell me why you are still here since you don't like living around people of color so much. Why don't you go find an all white country to live in?
Who says I live around "people of color?" I generally avoid shitskins and negrohoods like the plague, and if my area ever becomes a negrohood, I'd certainly move.

This country is your neighborhood and blacks live in it. So move.
My neighborhood is my neighborhood. It's not the whole country, idiot! What white country is there that has no blacks, no muslim migrants, and doesn't divert its resources to support those chimps?

Moreover, it explained, “the rate of white-on-white violent crime (12.0 per 1,000) was about four times higher than black-on-white violent crime (3.1 per 1,000).


Your link doesn't even work.

The link to the article worked just fine for me.
Well it's asking me for a username and password. Why don't you download it and upload it here?

No, you got what you're going to get. Use your superior white boy mind and figure it out.

Why would I apply any effort to support your argument? This is the lack of personal responsibility typically exhibited by dumb shitskins like you.

Whites really need not talk about things they don't take. Like personal responsibility;. You are mentally deficient boy. Plain and simple. You're a dumb ass white dude with psychosis.

Now of course we are not going to have anything close to a rational discussion over what is sad in this video. As long as it's about white failure we can't because whites can't accept they have failed. And if you don't think so I am going to present a lesson to you guys very soon about how whites cannot face their own racial failure right here at USMB. And in that lesson you will see how whites are more than ready to discuss how non whites suck, but watch it change when the issue turns to white failure.

(X)Racism will never end until the day comes when we stop mixing the races together. Racism started in the states because of bringing in blacks from Africa. Mixing numerous races of people together will eventually lead to more racism. The white people in all the white Western countries in the world are starting to find this out. And if the day comes when white people become a minority in their own white countries well then they ain't see nothing yet pardner if they don't wake up to the threat. White people will find out what racism really is all about. But by then it will be too late for old whitey and white people will be forever screwed. There will be no place on earth where old whitey can call home anymore. Just ask the white people of South Africa and Rhodesia(Zimbabwe). They know what happens when you give up your power. Rapes and murders. But hey.

There is not white race. Whites are mutts, a mixture of other races. There is no pure white race.

There sure is an Aryan white race. Why do Jews and blacks keep attacking whites for being white if there are no true whites according to you? Who are they attacking then?

Now of course we are not going to have anything close to a rational discussion over what is sad in this video. As long as it's about white failure we can't because whites can't accept they have failed. And if you don't think so I am going to present a lesson to you guys very soon about how whites cannot face their own racial failure right here at USMB. And in that lesson you will see how whites are more than ready to discuss how non whites suck, but watch it change when the issue turns to white failure.

(X)Racism will never end until the day comes when we stop mixing the races together. Racism started in the states because of bringing in blacks from Africa. Mixing numerous races of people together will eventually lead to more racism. The white people in all the white Western countries in the world are starting to find this out. And if the day comes when white people become a minority in their own white countries well then they ain't see nothing yet pardner if they don't wake up to the threat. White people will find out what racism really is all about. But by then it will be too late for old whitey and white people will be forever screwed. There will be no place on earth where old whitey can call home anymore. Just ask the white people of South Africa and Rhodesia(Zimbabwe). They know what happens when you give up your power. Rapes and murders. But hey.

There is not white race. Whites are mutts, a mixture of other races. There is no pure white race.

There sure is an Aryan white race. Why do Jews and blacks keep attacking whites for being white if there are no true whites according to you? Who are they attacking then?

They're lying to themselves that they themselves are responsible for where they are at and where they are going. Laying false blames on "whites" is as stupid as blaming the Jews.
The FBI says whites commit more total crime.

Blacks commit more murders and more robberies, even though there are 5 times more whites.

There are 30 categories of crime recognized by the UCR. Blacks lead in 3 whites 27. OK? Whites have 15 times the wealth and more than 70 percent of the available resources to reduce or make crime negligible in their communities but still lead in crime. OK? Your argument is simply a racist lie.

There are 30 categories of crime recognized by the UCR. Blacks lead in 3 whites 27. OK?

Blacks lead in raw numbers in those 3 categories, despite there being 5 times more whites?

How do the black rates of the other 27, per 100,000 population, compare to the white rates?
Do you need me to define "rate"?

Nope Because I only use total crime numbers. In total number of crimes committed in those 27 categories whites led in crime.

So let me ask you: "Do more whites get shot by police than blacks?

Nope Because I only use total crime numbers.

Yes, we've all noticed that you don't understand what "rate" means.

I wonder if he really thinks he is winning this argument, or is just so invested in his racism that he CAN'T admit that he is stone cold busted?
Some 57 percent of crimes involving white victims were committed by white perpetrators, while only 15 percent were committed by blacks, and 11 percent by Hispanics. Black crime victims fell along similar racial lines, with 63 percent of the crimes committed by black perpetrators, while 11 percent were committed by whites, and 6.6 percent by Hispanics.

More stats that show blacks are disproportionately committing crimes.

Actually that's not what the stats show. You got a foot put up your racist ass and you can't accept the truth. You seem to have problems answering questions.

So let me ask you: "Do more whites get shot by police than blacks?

Actually that's not what the stats show.

Some 57 percent of crimes involving white victims were committed by white perpetrators, while only 15 percent were committed by blacks,

15 percent were committed by blacks, even though they are 12.6% of the population.

Your stats show blacks are overrepresented among these perps.

57 percent of crimes involving white victims were committed by white perpetrators, even though they are 72% of the population.

Your stats show whites are underrepresented among these perps.

Black crime victims fell along similar racial lines, with 63 percent of the crimes committed by black perpetrators, while 11 percent were committed by whites, and 6.6 percent by Hispanics.

63 percent of the crimes committed by black perpetrators, but only 12.6% of the population.

Your stats show blacks are overrepresented among these perps.

11 percent were committed by whites, but 72% of the population.

Your stats show whites are underrepresented among these perps.

That's my foot up your racist, math deficient ass.

Your dumb ass was shown statistics of crimes between people of the same race. Fucking idiot.

Vast majority of most crimes are committed by a person of the same race as the victim, Bureau of Justice Statistics reports.

Moreover, it explained, “the rate of white-on-white violent crime (12.0 per 1,000) was about four times higher than black-on-white violent crime (3.1 per 1,000).

Moreover, it explained, “the rate of white-on-white violent crime (12.0 per 1,000) was about four times higher than black-on-white violent crime (3.1 per 1,000).

Which in no way detracts from the fact that black perps are overrepresented.

Are you feeling okay? Now that both my boots are up your ass......

You can repeat that but the information doesn't represent what you say. But that's all part of your psychosis. You are a nutjob loon little boy. And that's all you are.


Get help.

White math be crazy!!!
Blacks commit more murders and more robberies, even though there are 5 times more whites.

There are 30 categories of crime recognized by the UCR. Blacks lead in 3 whites 27. OK? Whites have 15 times the wealth and more than 70 percent of the available resources to reduce or make crime negligible in their communities but still lead in crime. OK? Your argument is simply a racist lie.

There are 30 categories of crime recognized by the UCR. Blacks lead in 3 whites 27. OK?

Blacks lead in raw numbers in those 3 categories, despite there being 5 times more whites?

How do the black rates of the other 27, per 100,000 population, compare to the white rates?
Do you need me to define "rate"?

Nope Because I only use total crime numbers. In total number of crimes committed in those 27 categories whites led in crime.

So let me ask you: "Do more whites get shot by police than blacks?

Nope Because I only use total crime numbers.

Yes, we've all noticed that you don't understand what "rate" means.

I wonder if he really thinks he is winning this argument, or is just so invested in his racism that he CAN'T admit that he is stone cold busted?

Every time I think, "He can't be that stupid", he says something stupid.........
Blacks commit more murders and more robberies, even though there are 5 times more whites.

There are 30 categories of crime recognized by the UCR. Blacks lead in 3 whites 27. OK? Whites have 15 times the wealth and more than 70 percent of the available resources to reduce or make crime negligible in their communities but still lead in crime. OK? Your argument is simply a racist lie.

There are 30 categories of crime recognized by the UCR. Blacks lead in 3 whites 27. OK?

Blacks lead in raw numbers in those 3 categories, despite there being 5 times more whites?

How do the black rates of the other 27, per 100,000 population, compare to the white rates?
Do you need me to define "rate"?

Nope Because I only use total crime numbers. In total number of crimes committed in those 27 categories whites led in crime.

So let me ask you: "Do more whites get shot by police than blacks?

Nope Because I only use total crime numbers.

Yes, we've all noticed that you don't understand what "rate" means.

I wonder if he really thinks he is winning this argument, or is just so invested in his racism that he CAN'T admit that he is stone cold busted?

I won the argument. You can't provide evidence of any national policy of discrimination against whites and that other idiot can't even read.
There are 30 categories of crime recognized by the UCR. Blacks lead in 3 whites 27. OK? Whites have 15 times the wealth and more than 70 percent of the available resources to reduce or make crime negligible in their communities but still lead in crime. OK? Your argument is simply a racist lie.

There are 30 categories of crime recognized by the UCR. Blacks lead in 3 whites 27. OK?

Blacks lead in raw numbers in those 3 categories, despite there being 5 times more whites?

How do the black rates of the other 27, per 100,000 population, compare to the white rates?
Do you need me to define "rate"?

Nope Because I only use total crime numbers. In total number of crimes committed in those 27 categories whites led in crime.

So let me ask you: "Do more whites get shot by police than blacks?

Nope Because I only use total crime numbers.

Yes, we've all noticed that you don't understand what "rate" means.

I wonder if he really thinks he is winning this argument, or is just so invested in his racism that he CAN'T admit that he is stone cold busted?

Every time I think, "He can't be that stupid", he says something stupid.........

So let me ask you: "Do more whites get shot by police than blacks?

Now of course we are not going to have anything close to a rational discussion over what is sad in this video. As long as it's about white failure we can't because whites can't accept they have failed. And if you don't think so I am going to present a lesson to you guys very soon about how whites cannot face their own racial failure right here at USMB. And in that lesson you will see how whites are more than ready to discuss how non whites suck, but watch it change when the issue turns to white failure.

(X)Racism will never end until the day comes when we stop mixing the races together. Racism started in the states because of bringing in blacks from Africa. Mixing numerous races of people together will eventually lead to more racism. The white people in all the white Western countries in the world are starting to find this out. And if the day comes when white people become a minority in their own white countries well then they ain't see nothing yet pardner if they don't wake up to the threat. White people will find out what racism really is all about. But by then it will be too late for old whitey and white people will be forever screwed. There will be no place on earth where old whitey can call home anymore. Just ask the white people of South Africa and Rhodesia(Zimbabwe). They know what happens when you give up your power. Rapes and murders. But hey.

There is not white race. Whites are mutts, a mixture of other races. There is no pure white race.

There sure is an Aryan white race. Why do Jews and blacks keep attacking whites for being white if there are no true whites according to you? Who are they attacking then?

Maybe slyhunter can explain that to you since he's the one who made the comment.

Now of course we are not going to have anything close to a rational discussion over what is sad in this video. As long as it's about white failure we can't because whites can't accept they have failed. And if you don't think so I am going to present a lesson to you guys very soon about how whites cannot face their own racial failure right here at USMB. And in that lesson you will see how whites are more than ready to discuss how non whites suck, but watch it change when the issue turns to white failure.

(X)Racism will never end until the day comes when we stop mixing the races together. Racism started in the states because of bringing in blacks from Africa. Mixing numerous races of people together will eventually lead to more racism. The white people in all the white Western countries in the world are starting to find this out. And if the day comes when white people become a minority in their own white countries well then they ain't see nothing yet pardner if they don't wake up to the threat. White people will find out what racism really is all about. But by then it will be too late for old whitey and white people will be forever screwed. There will be no place on earth where old whitey can call home anymore. Just ask the white people of South Africa and Rhodesia(Zimbabwe). They know what happens when you give up your power. Rapes and murders. But hey.

There is not white race. Whites are mutts, a mixture of other races. There is no pure white race.

There sure is an Aryan white race. Why do Jews and blacks keep attacking whites for being white if there are no true whites according to you? Who are they attacking then?

They're lying to themselves that they themselves are responsible for where they are at and where they are going. Laying false blames on "whites" is as stupid as blaming the Jews.

Dumb ass you're the one who said whites were mutts. On top of that we can blame whites and we have a good 2.5 centuries of laws, court decisions and policies hat support what we say. What do you white racists have ? Nothing. A bunch of lies you racists repeat over and over in forums.
There are 30 categories of crime recognized by the UCR. Blacks lead in 3 whites 27. OK?

Blacks lead in raw numbers in those 3 categories, despite there being 5 times more whites?

How do the black rates of the other 27, per 100,000 population, compare to the white rates?
Do you need me to define "rate"?

Nope Because I only use total crime numbers. In total number of crimes committed in those 27 categories whites led in crime.

So let me ask you: "Do more whites get shot by police than blacks?

Nope Because I only use total crime numbers.

Yes, we've all noticed that you don't understand what "rate" means.

I wonder if he really thinks he is winning this argument, or is just so invested in his racism that he CAN'T admit that he is stone cold busted?

Every time I think, "He can't be that stupid", he says something stupid.........

So let me ask you: "Do more whites get shot by police than blacks?

Crazy math!!!
Mathematics. The fact of the matter is that the number of violent crimes committed has very little to do with the number of articles Paul Essien can link to in a single post.
Mathmatics ?

I notice how you don't even whisper the word crime. And yet, from 1920’s up to early 1990’s white rime was the absolutely biggest crime in the USA and one of the biggest in the world.

If we think that at its peak Mafia Cosa Nostra alone had some 3000 to 4000 members (in 1980’s FBI estimated the number of members around 2300), we know that out of that number most guys had killed at least one individual. They had to. You do not enter this organisation without participating in a murder and in the past the requirement was actual murder. In order to become a made member, a made guy in Cosa Nostra, you had to kill someone by your own hands. Later it became enough to participate in murder, chop up the body, help to kill the victim by holding etc. or setting up the actual murder. But in the earlier times you personally had to kill someone.

That alone puts the number of their murder victims in thousands.

Even when some members did not personally killed anybody, others did by dozens. In Cosa Nostra there were dozens of guys who killed up twenty guys and many who had killed even more than that. And that number is just their murders and just by the italia-namerican organized crime. This does not include murders committed by their associates and non members who were and are involved in that business.

Other mobs, jewish and irish and mixed, were and are part of the organized crime too. Just check out bostonian irish Whitey Bulger. How many guys he personally killed? Not to mention those legendary guys in Murder Inc. who killed guys by dozens. Philip Strauss alone was convicted with 58 murders the cops knew and he was suspected from as many more.

Add to this the drug trade which they controlled pretty much from 1930’s untill 1990’s. How many people died during those decades from over doses and other drug related reasons? Thousands at least. The drug trade by white organized crime litterally destroyed dozens of black neighborhoods all across the USA from New York to Detroit, to Chicago to LA. And that was nothing? Nothing criminal? How many victims that had? Hundreds of thousands.

Add to that the massive commercial thievery, lone sharking, gambling, numbers, prostitution, porn, labour unions, corruption of polticians, judges, judicial systems in several cities, Hollywood (via Sidney Korshak and his pals), and forgery, robberies, transportation, fashion industry, clothing industry, waste management etc.

It is very funny how all you promoting the idea of black criminality and violence somehow forget all of that.

What's your explanation for that ?
Mathematics. The fact of the matter is that the number of violent crimes committed has very little to do with the number of articles Paul Essien can link to in a single post.
Mathmatics ?

I notice how you don't even whisper the word crime. And yet, from 1920’s up to early 1990’s white rime was the absolutely biggest crime in the USA and one of the biggest in the world.

If we think that at its peak Mafia Cosa Nostra alone had some 3000 to 4000 members (in 1980’s FBI estimated the number of members around 2300), we know that out of that number most guys had killed at least one individual. They had to. You do not enter this organisation without participating in a murder and in the past the requirement was actual murder. In order to become a made member, a made guy in Cosa Nostra, you had to kill someone by your own hands. Later it became enough to participate in murder, chop up the body, help to kill the victim by holding etc. or setting up the actual murder. But in the earlier times you personally had to kill someone.

That alone puts the number of their murder victims in thousands.

Even when some members did not personally killed anybody, others did by dozens. In Cosa Nostra there were dozens of guys who killed up twenty guys and many who had killed even more than that. And that number is just their murders and just by the italia-namerican organized crime. This does not include murders committed by their associates and non members who were and are involved in that business.

Other mobs, jewish and irish and mixed, were and are part of the organized crime too. Just check out bostonian irish Whitey Bulger. How many guys he personally killed? Not to mention those legendary guys in Murder Inc. who killed guys by dozens. Philip Strauss alone was convicted with 58 murders the cops knew and he was suspected from as many more.

Add to this the drug trade which they controlled pretty much from 1930’s untill 1990’s. How many people died during those decades from over doses and other drug related reasons? Thousands at least. The drug trade by white organized crime litterally destroyed dozens of black neighborhoods all across the USA from New York to Detroit, to Chicago to LA. And that was nothing? Nothing criminal? How many victims that had? Hundreds of thousands.

Add to that the massive commercial thievery, lone sharking, gambling, numbers, prostitution, porn, labour unions, corruption of polticians, judges, judicial systems in several cities, Hollywood (via Sidney Korshak and his pals), and forgery, robberies, transportation, fashion industry, clothing industry, waste management etc.

It is very funny how all you promoting the idea of black criminality and violence somehow forget all of that.

What's your explanation for that ?

There are 30 categories of crime recognized by the UCR. Blacks lead in 3 whites 27. OK? Whites have 15 times the wealth and more than 70 percent of the available resources to reduce or make crime negligible in their communities but still lead in crime. OK? Your argument is simply a racist lie.

There are 30 categories of crime recognized by the UCR. Blacks lead in 3 whites 27. OK?

Blacks lead in raw numbers in those 3 categories, despite there being 5 times more whites?

How do the black rates of the other 27, per 100,000 population, compare to the white rates?
Do you need me to define "rate"?

Nope Because I only use total crime numbers. In total number of crimes committed in those 27 categories whites led in crime.

So let me ask you: "Do more whites get shot by police than blacks?

Nope Because I only use total crime numbers.

Yes, we've all noticed that you don't understand what "rate" means.

I wonder if he really thinks he is winning this argument, or is just so invested in his racism that he CAN'T admit that he is stone cold busted?

I won the argument. You can't provide evidence of any national policy of discrimination against whites and that other idiot can't even read.
You can't name a single policy that doesn't discriminate in favor of blacks.
You've already proven in your last post that you are incapable of understanding statistics, so why should we trust your post here?

Mathematics. The fact of the matter is that the number of violent crimes committed has very little to do with the number of articles Paul Essien can link to in a single post.
Mathmatics ?

I notice how you don't even whisper the word crime. And yet, from 1920’s up to early 1990’s white rime was the absolutely biggest crime in the USA and one of the biggest in the world.

If we think that at its peak Mafia Cosa Nostra alone had some 3000 to 4000 members (in 1980’s FBI estimated the number of members around 2300), we know that out of that number most guys had killed at least one individual. They had to. You do not enter this organisation without participating in a murder and in the past the requirement was actual murder. In order to become a made member, a made guy in Cosa Nostra, you had to kill someone by your own hands. Later it became enough to participate in murder, chop up the body, help to kill the victim by holding etc. or setting up the actual murder. But in the earlier times you personally had to kill someone.

That alone puts the number of their murder victims in thousands.

Even when some members did not personally killed anybody, others did by dozens. In Cosa Nostra there were dozens of guys who killed up twenty guys and many who had killed even more than that. And that number is just their murders and just by the italia-namerican organized crime. This does not include murders committed by their associates and non members who were and are involved in that business.

Other mobs, jewish and irish and mixed, were and are part of the organized crime too. Just check out bostonian irish Whitey Bulger. How many guys he personally killed? Not to mention those legendary guys in Murder Inc. who killed guys by dozens. Philip Strauss alone was convicted with 58 murders the cops knew and he was suspected from as many more.

Add to this the drug trade which they controlled pretty much from 1930’s untill 1990’s. How many people died during those decades from over doses and other drug related reasons? Thousands at least. The drug trade by white organized crime litterally destroyed dozens of black neighborhoods all across the USA from New York to Detroit, to Chicago to LA. And that was nothing? Nothing criminal? How many victims that had? Hundreds of thousands.

Add to that the massive commercial thievery, lone sharking, gambling, numbers, prostitution, porn, labour unions, corruption of polticians, judges, judicial systems in several cities, Hollywood (via Sidney Korshak and his pals), and forgery, robberies, transportation, fashion industry, clothing industry, waste management etc.

It is very funny how all you promoting the idea of black criminality and violence somehow forget all of that.

What's your explanation for that ?
My explanation is that you once again omit per capita statistics. "Whitey Bulger" is one guy out of tens of millions. I know why you don't post per capita statistics: because you don't want to debate the whole truth. No, you want to cherry-pick. It's the only way you have of making blacks look good.

And WTF does porn and the clothing industry have to do with what we're discussing? Just how stupid are you?
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You don't tell us because you're full of shit.

Tell me why you are still here since you don't like living around people of color so much. Why don't you go find an all white country to live in?
Who says I live around "people of color?" I generally avoid shitskins and negrohoods like the plague, and if my area ever becomes a negrohood, I'd certainly move.

This country is your neighborhood and blacks live in it. So move.
My neighborhood is my neighborhood. It's not the whole country, idiot! What white country is there that has no blacks, no muslim migrants, and doesn't divert its resources to support those chimps?

Your link doesn't even work.

The link to the article worked just fine for me.
Well it's asking me for a username and password. Why don't you download it and upload it here?

No, you got what you're going to get. Use your superior white boy mind and figure it out.

Why would I apply any effort to support your argument? This is the lack of personal responsibility typically exhibited by dumb shitskins like you.

Whites really need not talk about things they don't take. Like personal responsibility;. You are mentally deficient boy. Plain and simple. You're a dumb ass white dude with psychosis.
I'm much smarter than you, you dumb shitskin.
There are 30 categories of crime recognized by the UCR. Blacks lead in 3 whites 27. OK? Whites have 15 times the wealth and more than 70 percent of the available resources to reduce or make crime negligible in their communities but still lead in crime. OK? Your argument is simply a racist lie.

There are 30 categories of crime recognized by the UCR. Blacks lead in 3 whites 27. OK?

Blacks lead in raw numbers in those 3 categories, despite there being 5 times more whites?

How do the black rates of the other 27, per 100,000 population, compare to the white rates?
Do you need me to define "rate"?

Nope Because I only use total crime numbers. In total number of crimes committed in those 27 categories whites led in crime.

So let me ask you: "Do more whites get shot by police than blacks?

Nope Because I only use total crime numbers.

Yes, we've all noticed that you don't understand what "rate" means.

I wonder if he really thinks he is winning this argument, or is just so invested in his racism that he CAN'T admit that he is stone cold busted?

I won the argument. You can't provide evidence of any national policy of discrimination against whites and that other idiot can't even read.

Your repeated stonewalling as you have been shown hard documented evidence of nation wide discrimination, just reveals you to be completely dishonest and a bad person.
Racism won't be over until blacks start loving blacks.
There are 30 categories of crime recognized by the UCR. Blacks lead in 3 whites 27. OK?

Blacks lead in raw numbers in those 3 categories, despite there being 5 times more whites?

How do the black rates of the other 27, per 100,000 population, compare to the white rates?
Do you need me to define "rate"?

Nope Because I only use total crime numbers. In total number of crimes committed in those 27 categories whites led in crime.

So let me ask you: "Do more whites get shot by police than blacks?

Nope Because I only use total crime numbers.

Yes, we've all noticed that you don't understand what "rate" means.

I wonder if he really thinks he is winning this argument, or is just so invested in his racism that he CAN'T admit that he is stone cold busted?

I won the argument. You can't provide evidence of any national policy of discrimination against whites and that other idiot can't even read.

Your repeated stonewalling as you have been shown hard documented evidence of nation wide discrimination, just reveals you to be completely dishonest and a bad person.

Nah,you never showed a national policy of racial discrimination against whites. And it's because you can't due to the fact there is none.
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