Is Racism Over Yet?

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Blacks in Africa are in start position progressive as black American and they fighting racists weren't really if they don't.
Good at impulse control, understanding complex consequences, planning for the future, etc...
OK. So if as you say white people are good at "impulse control, understanding complex consequences, planning for the future"

How do you explain white people who do stuff like this ?





  • White people are more likely to use heavier drugs than black people that is.according to data
  • White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose (Heroin) and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women
  • Can you explain how way more white women smoke cigarettes while pregnant, a rate that is way higher than the rate for black women ?
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain how whites were more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month ? Among younger whites the problem is even worse.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive ?
  • Can you explain how Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students
  • Can you explain how white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ? And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?
  • Can you explain to me how that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks
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The cops are not ignoring reports about white criminals, because they are white.
Blacks are committing crime at a higher rate.
Do you believe that racism exists ?
I assume that government officials compile stats in such a way as to try to hide how badly their government policies have failed.
TO do that, they UNDERPLAY, to the extent they can, the role of minorities in our crime rates.
We are not talking about minorities. Minorities include women, gays and they are just as white supremacist as white men. We are just talking about black people.

1. Yes racism exists.

2. Which does not change the fact of blacks committing crime at higher rates.

3. Your obsession with "white supremacy" is noted.

White commit more crime. It's just time you faced that fact. If Adrian Peterson gets 2,000 on 1,000 carries and I get 700 yards on 200 carries who is has the most yards?

This is me laughing at your lack of math.

The cops are not ignoring reports about white criminals, because they are white.
Blacks are committing crime at a higher rate.
Do you believe that racism exists ?
I assume that government officials compile stats in such a way as to try to hide how badly their government policies have failed.
TO do that, they UNDERPLAY, to the extent they can, the role of minorities in our crime rates.
We are not talking about minorities. Minorities include women, gays and they are just as white supremacist as white men. We are just talking about black people.

1. Yes racism exists.

2. Which does not change the fact of blacks committing crime at higher rates.

3. Your obsession with "white supremacy" is noted.

White commit more crime. It's just time you faced that fact. If Adrian Peterson gets 2,000 on 1,000 carries and I get 700 yards on 200 carries who is has the most yards?
If you score 100 times out of 100,000,000,000 attempts throwing a basketball and a pro basketball player scores 10 times out of 10, who is the better player? You because you scored more?

Is he incredibly stupid, or incredibly self deluded?
Is he incredibly stupid, or incredibly self deluded?
The past and present and future of black people concern me the most and in that history white people are the main evil. I don't care what happens to white people the way you do and I don't expect or think you care what happens to black people the way I do.
Is he incredibly stupid, or incredibly self deluded?
The past and present and future of black people concern me the most and in that history white people are the main evil. I don't care what happens to white people the way you do and I don't expect or think you care what happens to black people the way I do.

I was referring to IM2.

He pretends to not understand simple math.

YOur racism and hatred is easy to see, and you do not need to spell it out for us.

Your assumption that I don't care about my fellow Americans who are black, is incorrect.

Loving Drizzy Drake's new video. I did not realize that Drake had black militancy in him. "God plan" = Black people gods children. Sending coded messages in this video. Black people helping each other. I love the way he only focused on black people and helping and he did not give directly a penny to white people in the video. They are the people who get everything and have a whole system to support them. Don't get me wrong Drake like all black people is still under the system of white supremacy. But still very good video. Been at number one for 4 weeks

Loving Drizzy Drake's new video. I did not realize that Drake had black militancy in him. "God plan" = Black people gods children. Sending coded messages in this video. Black people helping each other. I love the way he only focused on black people and helping and he did not give directly a penny to white people in the video. They are the people who get everything and have a whole system to support them. Don't get me wrong Drake like all black people is still under the system of white supremacy. But still very good video. Been at number one for 4 weeks

YOu are a self deluded fool.
No white person is African.

And have you ever been to Zimbabwe of late ?



All built, designed and run by black people.

And this despite white supremacists (Of course) trying to sabotage their economy.

Have to say, those building don't look very nice... or safe.

Even the palm trees look like their dying.

As for 100,000,000,000,000 Zimby dollar bill, I bet it couldn't buy me a glass of water. Clean water that is, if there even is any in Africa.
That's just


I think what whites fear most is that many of them know, on some deep buried level, that if they were in our position, they would feel a murderous rage.

I think on a level that is so buried in whites deep-subconscious, they are aware of the violence, it takes to keep a system going that they receive collective privileges from.

As much you wanna talk a black crime stats, deep down, you know that Black rage is justified. What you’re afraid of isn’t called reverse racism. What you’re afraid of is called karma.

If the shoe was on the other foot white people would have a murderous rage towards rage. That's y say "Black people are the most violent" that's just projection because you know it's white who have been

My father always said the meanest people on Earth were White People. Others can be evil for a time but they can’t keep up the murderous rage.
White people will kill and kill until the streets run red with blood. When you look at the history of white people it's almost like they are products of what is known as INVOLUTION. It’s the opposite of EVOLUTION.

Not me saying black crime rates are higher, it's the FBI.

I think what whites fear most is that many of them know, on some deep buried level, that if they were in our position, they would feel a murderous rage.

Yeah, that's awful. So why do I deserve a bashing?
Try to be specific.

The FBI says whites commit more total crime.

Blacks commit more murders and more robberies, even though there are 5 times more whites.

There are 30 categories of crime recognized by the UCR. Blacks lead in 3 whites 27. OK? Whites have 15 times the wealth and more than 70 percent of the available resources to reduce or make crime negligible in their communities but still lead in crime. OK? Your argument is simply a racist lie.

There are 30 categories of crime recognized by the UCR. Blacks lead in 3 whites 27. OK?

Blacks lead in raw numbers in those 3 categories, despite there being 5 times more whites?

How do the black rates of the other 27, per 100,000 population, compare to the white rates?
Do you need me to define "rate"?

Nope Because I only use total crime numbers. In total number of crimes committed in those 27 categories whites led in crime.

So let me ask you: "Do more whites get shot by police than blacks?
Not me saying black crime rates are higher, it's the FBI.

I think what whites fear most is that many of them know, on some deep buried level, that if they were in our position, they would feel a murderous rage.

Yeah, that's awful. So why do I deserve a bashing?
Try to be specific.

The FBI says whites commit more total crime.

Blacks commit more murders and more robberies, even though there are 5 times more whites.

There are 30 categories of crime recognized by the UCR. Blacks lead in 3 whites 27. OK? Whites have 15 times the wealth and more than 70 percent of the available resources to reduce or make crime negligible in their communities but still lead in crime. OK? Your argument is simply a racist lie.

There are 30 categories of crime recognized by the UCR. Blacks lead in 3 whites 27. OK?

Blacks lead in raw numbers in those 3 categories, despite there being 5 times more whites?

How do the black rates of the other 27, per 100,000 population, compare to the white rates?
Do you need me to define "rate"?

Nope Because I only use total crime numbers. In total number of crimes committed in those 27 categories whites led in crime.

So let me ask you: "Do more whites get shot by police than blacks?

Nope Because I only use total crime numbers.

Yes, we've all noticed that you don't understand what "rate" means.
There are plenty alive, however, that were born into American Apartheid known as "Jim Crow". I guess you all are waiting for all of them to die off so you can then say....."There is not a black alive today who lived under Jim Crow".

You got a several decades to go before you can say that.....

I fully suspect that your children and grandchildren will still be spewing the same victim BS at that time. The people who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow had a legitimate right to complain and feel like victims. The rest of you are just using those issues as an excuse.

So what are you willing to do for the millions of people, still living, who were stunted by Jim Crow, since they have a legitimate gripe?

They have a legitimate gripe against the people and politicians who created and enforced Jim Crow. They should take up their complaint with the DNC, since it was the Democrat party that ran the South as their own fiefdom for decades. No one else. I only take responsibility for any ills that I may have inflicted on others.

No the gripe is against the American government at the federal,state and local levels at a minimum. And you republicans really need to stop lying to yourselves. The republican party had the Lilly white movement which was aimed a denying blacks rights and representation. Jim crow was not relegated only to the south, it was in the north, and west too.

It certainly was.
So what are you willing to do for the millions of people, still living, who were stunted by Jim Crow, since they have a legitimate gripe?

They have a legitimate gripe against the people and politicians who created and enforced Jim Crow. They should take up their complaint with the DNC, since it was the Democrat party that ran the South as their own fiefdom for decades. No one else. I only take responsibility for any ills that I may have inflicted on others.

No the gripe is against the American government at the federal,state and local levels at a minimum. And you republicans really need to stop lying to yourselves. The republican party had the Lilly white movement which was aimed a denying blacks rights and representation. Jim crow was not relegated only to the south, it was in the north, and west too.
None in the "east" or did you forget that direction?

I counted that with the north. But the reality is Jim Crow was national.

True. My grandfather once told me "Anywhere south of Canada may as well be in Alabama"......I didn't really understand what he meant until years later.

And he damn sure was right.
The FBI says whites commit more total crime.

Blacks commit more murders and more robberies, even though there are 5 times more whites.

There are 30 categories of crime recognized by the UCR. Blacks lead in 3 whites 27. OK? Whites have 15 times the wealth and more than 70 percent of the available resources to reduce or make crime negligible in their communities but still lead in crime. OK? Your argument is simply a racist lie.

There are 30 categories of crime recognized by the UCR. Blacks lead in 3 whites 27. OK?

Blacks lead in raw numbers in those 3 categories, despite there being 5 times more whites?

How do the black rates of the other 27, per 100,000 population, compare to the white rates?
Do you need me to define "rate"?

Nope Because I only use total crime numbers. In total number of crimes committed in those 27 categories whites led in crime.

So let me ask you: "Do more whites get shot by police than blacks?

Nope Because I only use total crime numbers.

Yes, we've all noticed that you don't understand what "rate" means.

Oh, I know full well about rates chump. And you are about to get your punk white ass schooled about rates.

So let me ask you: "Do more whites get shot by police than blacks?

Answer the question if you have the balls.
No white person is African.

And have you ever been to Zimbabwe of late ?



All built, designed and run by black people.

And this despite white supremacists (Of course) trying to sabotage their economy.

Have to say, those building don't look very nice... or safe.

Even the palm trees look like their dying.

As for 100,000,000,000,000 Zimby dollar bill, I bet it couldn't buy me a glass of water. Clean water that is, if there even is any in Africa.

.You just can't take it can you son.
Vast majority of most crimes are committed by a person of the same race as the victim, Bureau of Justice Statistics reports.

White supremacists frequently like to manipulate crime statistics in order to claim that nonwhite minorities, particularly African-Americans, are far more crime-prone and the source of most violent crime against whites. Indeed, it is a core belief that this is the case, and many white nationalist ideologues — including politician and pundit Patrick Buchanan, Jared Taylor of American Renaissance, and the Council of Conservative Citizens — all have made considerable hay out of proffering “studies” laden with risibly bad statistics and other evidence to make their case.

The BJS study demonstrates plainly that this is simply not the case. Some 57 percent of crimes involving white victims were committed by white perpetrators, while only 15 percent were committed by blacks, and 11 percent by Hispanics. Black crime victims fell along similar racial lines, with 63 percent of the crimes committed by black perpetrators, while 11 percent were committed by whites, and 6.6 percent by Hispanics.

Overall, the BJS reported, “the percentage of intraracial [that is, same-race] victimization was higher than the percentage of interracial victimization for all types of violent crime except robbery.”

Moreover, it explained, “the rate of white-on-white violent crime (12.0 per 1,000) was about four times higher than black-on-white violent crime (3.1 per 1,000). The rate of black-on-black crime (16.5 per 1,000) was more than five times higher than white-on-black violent crime (2.8 per 1,000). The rate of Hispanic-on-Hispanic crime (8.3 per 1,000) was about double the rate of white-on-Hispanic (4.1 per 1,000) and black-on-Hispanic (4.2 per 1,000) violent crime.”

White supremacists' favorite myths about black crime rates take another hit from BJS study
Blacks commit more murders and more robberies, even though there are 5 times more whites.

There are 30 categories of crime recognized by the UCR. Blacks lead in 3 whites 27. OK? Whites have 15 times the wealth and more than 70 percent of the available resources to reduce or make crime negligible in their communities but still lead in crime. OK? Your argument is simply a racist lie.

There are 30 categories of crime recognized by the UCR. Blacks lead in 3 whites 27. OK?

Blacks lead in raw numbers in those 3 categories, despite there being 5 times more whites?

How do the black rates of the other 27, per 100,000 population, compare to the white rates?
Do you need me to define "rate"?

Nope Because I only use total crime numbers. In total number of crimes committed in those 27 categories whites led in crime.

So let me ask you: "Do more whites get shot by police than blacks?

Nope Because I only use total crime numbers.

Yes, we've all noticed that you don't understand what "rate" means.

Oh, I know full well about rates chump. And you are about to get your punk white ass schooled about rates.

So let me ask you: "Do more whites get shot by police than blacks?

Answer the question if you have the balls.

Oh, I know full well about rates chump.

So you know black rates of crime are higher. Excellent!!
Vast majority of most crimes are committed by a person of the same race as the victim, Bureau of Justice Statistics reports.

White supremacists frequently like to manipulate crime statistics in order to claim that nonwhite minorities, particularly African-Americans, are far more crime-prone and the source of most violent crime against whites. Indeed, it is a core belief that this is the case, and many white nationalist ideologues — including politician and pundit Patrick Buchanan, Jared Taylor of American Renaissance, and the Council of Conservative Citizens — all have made considerable hay out of proffering “studies” laden with risibly bad statistics and other evidence to make their case.

The BJS study demonstrates plainly that this is simply not the case. Some 57 percent of crimes involving white victims were committed by white perpetrators, while only 15 percent were committed by blacks, and 11 percent by Hispanics. Black crime victims fell along similar racial lines, with 63 percent of the crimes committed by black perpetrators, while 11 percent were committed by whites, and 6.6 percent by Hispanics.

Overall, the BJS reported, “the percentage of intraracial [that is, same-race] victimization was higher than the percentage of interracial victimization for all types of violent crime except robbery.”

Moreover, it explained, “the rate of white-on-white violent crime (12.0 per 1,000) was about four times higher than black-on-white violent crime (3.1 per 1,000). The rate of black-on-black crime (16.5 per 1,000) was more than five times higher than white-on-black violent crime (2.8 per 1,000). The rate of Hispanic-on-Hispanic crime (8.3 per 1,000) was about double the rate of white-on-Hispanic (4.1 per 1,000) and black-on-Hispanic (4.2 per 1,000) violent crime.”

White supremacists' favorite myths about black crime rates take another hit from BJS study

Some 57 percent of crimes involving white victims were committed by white perpetrators, while only 15 percent were committed by blacks, and 11 percent by Hispanics. Black crime victims fell along similar racial lines, with 63 percent of the crimes committed by black perpetrators, while 11 percent were committed by whites, and 6.6 percent by Hispanics.

More stats that show blacks are disproportionately committing crimes.
Good at impulse control, understanding complex consequences, planning for the future, etc...
OK. So if as you say white people are good at "impulse control, understanding complex consequences, planning for the future"

How do you explain white people who do stuff like this ?
Mathematics. The fact of the matter is that the number of violent crimes committed has very little to do with the number of articles Paul Essien can link to in a single post.
  • White people are more likely to use heavier drugs than black people that is.according to data
  • White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose (Heroin) and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women
  • Can you explain how Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?
Could be because the blacks are incarcerated at higher rates. Can't drive drunk, or sober, if you're in prison.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
1. Choice of drugs. For example, one of your links lists blacks (all high school seniors) to be more likely than whites (of the same group) to use inhalants.

2. Your inability to read. For example, the above link is strictly for high school seniors, 10th graders, and 8th graders, but you pass it off as evidence regarding an unqualified number of whites and blacks, the vast majority of whom are not in those grades.

3. Blacks are disproportionately/more likely to be expelled. In other words, they're getting high while not being students. If you expelled all blacks today, 0% would use drugs as students.
See incarcerations above.
Intentionally vomiting and keeping your weight down requires more self-control, not less. Are you agreeing with me now?
Nothing is coming up from your link.
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
Where do you see that?
It takes planning and money to hook up with multiple sexual partners.
  • Can you explain how white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ? And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?
Humans are well-known to use tools, while shitskins rely on brute physical strength. I fail to see the connection between carrying a weapon and not having impulse control.
Personal responsibility. You fail, you fall on your sword. Takes self-control to commit suicide. Plus many shitskins commit officer-assisted suicide, which I suspect is not included in those figures.

And why are you linking to statistics? I thought you rejected them on the grounds that they are unproven.
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