Is Racism Over Yet?

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The cops are not ignoring reports about white criminals, because they are white.
Blacks are committing crime at a higher rate.
Do you believe that racism exists ?
I assume that government officials compile stats in such a way as to try to hide how badly their government policies have failed.
TO do that, they UNDERPLAY, to the extent they can, the role of minorities in our crime rates.
We are not talking about minorities. Minorities include women, gays and they are just as white supremacist as white men. We are just talking about black people.

1. Yes racism exists.

2. Which does not change the fact of blacks committing crime at higher rates.

3. Your obsession with "white supremacy" is noted.
Math is a black invention so we understand. You don't. The math is easy, the group with the most total is the one committing the most crime.

Check your premises on understanding math. You don't. Mere size of the group doesn't matter. It's the RATE at which something happens within that group. Without normalizing by population, you couldn't compare GDPs of countries or determine medical risks for particular behaviors. Couldn't even properly conduct a poll.. It's basic to the language of statistics.

I understand math very well. . Whites commit almost 3 times the crime of blacks flacaltenn and they have 15 times more wealth to afford crime prevention. So when you look at things completely, your post is garbage that excises high white crime.

It's NOT garbage. because there 4 or 5 times more whites. Most of science would END tomorrow without isolating rates of likelihood from raw totals.. And I have NO idea what amount of wealth goes into crime prevention. How many $$$$ per person do I need to reduce violent crime by 6%?

It's much like education, where the $$$$/student has little bearings on the outcomes in every community. There is no high white crime or high black crime until you COMPARE THEM. To COMPARE them they have to be mathematically changed to RATES. THEN you can compare.

My entire career is analyzing data, signals, images. I don't think you can REJECT basic statistics and declare yourself a winner here.

No, you can compare totals.. Whites have a long history of making shit up and proclaiming it as fact, drapetomania, negroidism the belief in natural white superiority, not allowing blacks to read, then declaring how blacks are dumb, so then why do we consider per capita instead of totals? Why should we? Just because you are white and say so? I've done plenty of analyzing and studying data. I don't reject statistics, but I do reject the opinions coming from whites like you based on those statistics. Less that 1/1.000th of one percent of all blacks commit violent crimes. This statistic you reject does not indicate of any extra propensity for violence by blacks.

Oh ... Then your objection is that I'm using WHITE math?? And you STILL can't see how dishonest and stupid your racism is???

Less that 1/1.000th of one percent of all blacks commit violent crimes.

If that IS the number for black violent crime, then the number for white violent crime would be somewhere around 1/2500th.. THAT is the process I JUST TOLD that you use to compare statistics like that. But you rejected it as "WHITE math"... Sad.. very sorry for your loss of intellectual honesty...

You've certainly opened my eyes to the indoctrination, group think and propaganda that is holding back Black advancement.

Your eyes aren't opened to jack squat. I have not objected to "white math".I have objected to white opinions based on selected use of that math. Whites commit more crimes. White are going to commit a crime against another white person about 90 erect if the time. A white person is going to kill another white person about 90 percent of the time and a white is 6 times more likely to die at the hands of another white than anyone else. Your math shows you that but you don't seem able to mention this. Why is that flacaltenn? And drop that junk about groupthink. You do it all the time. Whites invented it and use it now.The only person here between you and I who is indoctrinated is you. For example, how any blacks do you see being implicated in this Russian probe? None. And it's a crime. A most serious crime that jeopardizes our safety to a much greater extent than those crimes those like you are here talking abut by blacks.. The recent wall street crimes. How many blacks committed those crimes flacaltenn. Yet people lost money they could never get back. Some everything they had and that jeopardized he safety of everyone. You guys don't se these as dangerous or violent crimes but they are. You guys never seem able to include these crimes in your conversations. Why is that flacaltenn?

So let you not talk about propaganda or indoctrination. Not to me. Run that crap by the other conservatives you hang out with.
If you say so. Meanwhile, in the real world, blacks commit violent crimes at a higher rate than whites.
That's just


Deep down you white people know that if a black man bashed in your brains it would not be completely undeserved.
Explain why some portion of the violence inflicted on me would be deserved.
I think what whites fear most is that many of them know, on some deep buried level, that if they were in our position, they would feel a murderous rage.

I think on a level that is so buried in whites deep-subconscious, they are aware of the violence, it takes to keep a system going that they receive collective privileges from.

As much you wanna talk a black crime stats, deep down, you know that Black rage is justified. What you’re afraid of isn’t called reverse racism. What you’re afraid of is called karma.

If the shoe was on the other foot white people would have a murderous rage towards rage. That's y say "Black people are the most violent" that's just projection because you know it's white who have been

My father always said the meanest people on Earth were White People. Others can be evil for a time but they can’t keep up the murderous rage.
White people will kill and kill until the streets run red with blood. When you look at the history of white people it's almost like they are products of what is known as INVOLUTION. It’s the opposite of EVOLUTION.

Not me saying black crime rates are higher, it's the FBI.

I think what whites fear most is that many of them know, on some deep buried level, that if they were in our position, they would feel a murderous rage.

Yeah, that's awful. So why do I deserve a bashing?
Try to be specific.

The FBI says whites commit more total crime.
I believe white people are superior to blacks in some aspects, particularly those necessary to run a successful modern civilization.
OK. So what are you white people good at and what are you white people not good at ?
Good at impulse control, understanding complex consequences, planning for the future, etc...
Not as good at avoiding sunburn without cover or shelter in the sunlight.

Where did I say that? Is that more bullshit you pulled out of your monkey ass?
You don't have to say it that's how you think.
Speak for yourself.
I see, so all racial crime statistics are a conspiracy by white statisticians to make shitskins look bad.
You can make stats mean anything you want

It's statistical fact that more people are killed in cars than by crocodiles. That's a fact right ? So according to evidence cars are more dangerous than crocs. Right ?

Without proper context you can make stats mean anything.
Which is why whites generally bring up per capita statistics (in your croc/cars example, it would introduce additional information, like encounters with crocs/cars, to come up with a fatality-per-encounter ratio), while dumb shitskins like IM2 tend to intentionally avoid the "proper context" you speak of, choosing to discuss volume only (total crime without regard to population size).
Your comments about black crime stats assume that whites are completely fair-minded, that they can judge crime in a colour-blind way.

I do not know of any study that shows them capable of that.
Just more dodging from you. Nothing more than "I won't accept any statistics unless you prove they are perfectly free from error." Cars sometimes break, I guess you don't own one? Store-bought food is sometimes contaminated, so I guess you never buy or eat any?
If you say so. Meanwhile, in the real world, blacks commit violent crimes at a higher rate than whites.
That's just


Deep down you white people know that if a black man bashed in your brains it would not be completely undeserved.
Explain why some portion of the violence inflicted on me would be deserved.
I think what whites fear most is that many of them know, on some deep buried level, that if they were in our position, they would feel a murderous rage.

I think on a level that is so buried in whites deep-subconscious, they are aware of the violence, it takes to keep a system going that they receive collective privileges from.

As much you wanna talk a black crime stats, deep down, you know that Black rage is justified. What you’re afraid of isn’t called reverse racism. What you’re afraid of is called karma.

If the shoe was on the other foot white people would have a murderous rage towards rage. That's y say "Black people are the most violent" that's just projection because you know it's white who have been

My father always said the meanest people on Earth were White People. Others can be evil for a time but they can’t keep up the murderous rage.
White people will kill and kill until the streets run red with blood. When you look at the history of white people it's almost like they are products of what is known as INVOLUTION. It’s the opposite of EVOLUTION.

Not me saying black crime rates are higher, it's the FBI.

I think what whites fear most is that many of them know, on some deep buried level, that if they were in our position, they would feel a murderous rage.

Yeah, that's awful. So why do I deserve a bashing?
Try to be specific.

The FBI says whites commit more total crime.
Wouldn't surprise me. There are more whites in the USA.

When people say blacks are more violent, they mean the average black is more violent.

If a city contains 100,000 10-year-old girls and 2 professional heavyweight boxer, the 10-year-old girls collectively have more strength than the one boxer. Is it accurate to say that "10-year-old girls are stronger than professional heavyweight boxers?"
The cops are not ignoring reports about white criminals, because they are white.
Blacks are committing crime at a higher rate.
Do you believe that racism exists ?
I assume that government officials compile stats in such a way as to try to hide how badly their government policies have failed.
TO do that, they UNDERPLAY, to the extent they can, the role of minorities in our crime rates.
We are not talking about minorities. Minorities include women, gays and they are just as white supremacist as white men. We are just talking about black people.

1. Yes racism exists.

2. Which does not change the fact of blacks committing crime at higher rates.

3. Your obsession with "white supremacy" is noted.

White commit more crime. It's just time you faced that fact. If Adrian Peterson gets 2,000 on 1,000 carries and I get 700 yards on 200 carries who is has the most yards?
The cops are not ignoring reports about white criminals, because they are white.
Blacks are committing crime at a higher rate.
Do you believe that racism exists ?
I assume that government officials compile stats in such a way as to try to hide how badly their government policies have failed.
TO do that, they UNDERPLAY, to the extent they can, the role of minorities in our crime rates.
We are not talking about minorities. Minorities include women, gays and they are just as white supremacist as white men. We are just talking about black people.

1. Yes racism exists.

2. Which does not change the fact of blacks committing crime at higher rates.

3. Your obsession with "white supremacy" is noted.

White commit more crime. It's just time you faced that fact. If Adrian Peterson gets 2,000 on 1,000 carries and I get 700 yards on 200 carries who is has the most yards?
If you score 100 times out of 100,000,000,000 attempts throwing a basketball and a pro basketball player scores 10 times out of 10, who is the better player? You because you scored more?
If you say so. Meanwhile, in the real world, blacks commit violent crimes at a higher rate than whites.
That's just


Deep down you white people know that if a black man bashed in your brains it would not be completely undeserved.
Explain why some portion of the violence inflicted on me would be deserved.
I think what whites fear most is that many of them know, on some deep buried level, that if they were in our position, they would feel a murderous rage.

I think on a level that is so buried in whites deep-subconscious, they are aware of the violence, it takes to keep a system going that they receive collective privileges from.

As much you wanna talk a black crime stats, deep down, you know that Black rage is justified. What you’re afraid of isn’t called reverse racism. What you’re afraid of is called karma.

If the shoe was on the other foot white people would have a murderous rage towards rage. That's y say "Black people are the most violent" that's just projection because you know it's white who have been

My father always said the meanest people on Earth were White People. Others can be evil for a time but they can’t keep up the murderous rage.
White people will kill and kill until the streets run red with blood. When you look at the history of white people it's almost like they are products of what is known as INVOLUTION. It’s the opposite of EVOLUTION.

Not me saying black crime rates are higher, it's the FBI.

I think what whites fear most is that many of them know, on some deep buried level, that if they were in our position, they would feel a murderous rage.

Yeah, that's awful. So why do I deserve a bashing?
Try to be specific.

The FBI says whites commit more total crime.

Blacks commit more murders and more robberies, even though there are 5 times more whites.
I believe white people are superior to blacks in some aspects, particularly those necessary to run a successful modern civilization.
OK. So what are you white people good at and what are you white people not good at ?
Good at impulse control, understanding complex consequences, planning for the future, etc...
Not as good at avoiding sunburn without cover or shelter in the sunlight.

Where did I say that? Is that more bullshit you pulled out of your monkey ass?
You don't have to say it that's how you think.
Speak for yourself.
I see, so all racial crime statistics are a conspiracy by white statisticians to make shitskins look bad.
You can make stats mean anything you want

It's statistical fact that more people are killed in cars than by crocodiles. That's a fact right ? So according to evidence cars are more dangerous than crocs. Right ?

Without proper context you can make stats mean anything.
Which is why whites generally bring up per capita statistics (in your croc/cars example, it would introduce additional information, like encounters with crocs/cars, to come up with a fatality-per-encounter ratio), while dumb shitskins like IM2 tend to intentionally avoid the "proper context" you speak of, choosing to discuss volume only (total crime without regard to population size).
Your comments about black crime stats assume that whites are completely fair-minded, that they can judge crime in a colour-blind way.

I do not know of any study that shows them capable of that.
Just more dodging from you. Nothing more than "I won't accept any statistics unless you prove they are perfectly free from error." Cars sometimes break, I guess you don't own one? Store-bought food is sometimes contaminated, so I guess you never buy or eat any?

Whites at good at impulse control? LOL!

I don't avoid he proper context but those who use per capita do. I crime equals 1 crime. So just understand that we have a very long and detailed history of violence in this country and blacks have little to do with it.
If you say so. Meanwhile, in the real world, blacks commit violent crimes at a higher rate than whites.
That's just


Deep down you white people know that if a black man bashed in your brains it would not be completely undeserved.
Explain why some portion of the violence inflicted on me would be deserved.
I think what whites fear most is that many of them know, on some deep buried level, that if they were in our position, they would feel a murderous rage.

I think on a level that is so buried in whites deep-subconscious, they are aware of the violence, it takes to keep a system going that they receive collective privileges from.

As much you wanna talk a black crime stats, deep down, you know that Black rage is justified. What you’re afraid of isn’t called reverse racism. What you’re afraid of is called karma.

If the shoe was on the other foot white people would have a murderous rage towards rage. That's y say "Black people are the most violent" that's just projection because you know it's white who have been

My father always said the meanest people on Earth were White People. Others can be evil for a time but they can’t keep up the murderous rage.
White people will kill and kill until the streets run red with blood. When you look at the history of white people it's almost like they are products of what is known as INVOLUTION. It’s the opposite of EVOLUTION.

Not me saying black crime rates are higher, it's the FBI.

I think what whites fear most is that many of them know, on some deep buried level, that if they were in our position, they would feel a murderous rage.

Yeah, that's awful. So why do I deserve a bashing?
Try to be specific.

The FBI says whites commit more total crime.

Blacks commit more murders and more robberies, even though there are 5 times more whites.

There are 30 categories of crime recognized by the UCR. Blacks lead in 3 whites 27. OK? Whites have 15 times the wealth and more than 70 percent of the available resources to reduce or make crime negligible in their communities but still lead in crime. OK? Your argument is simply a racist lie.
The cops are not ignoring reports about white criminals, because they are white.
Blacks are committing crime at a higher rate.
Do you believe that racism exists ?
I assume that government officials compile stats in such a way as to try to hide how badly their government policies have failed.
TO do that, they UNDERPLAY, to the extent they can, the role of minorities in our crime rates.
We are not talking about minorities. Minorities include women, gays and they are just as white supremacist as white men. We are just talking about black people.

1. Yes racism exists.

2. Which does not change the fact of blacks committing crime at higher rates.

3. Your obsession with "white supremacy" is noted.

White commit more crime. It's just time you faced that fact. If Adrian Peterson gets 2,000 on 1,000 carries and I get 700 yards on 200 carries who is has the most yards?
If you score 100 times out of 100,000,000,000 attempts throwing a basketball and a pro basketball player scores 10 times out of 10, who is the better player? You because you scored more?

The firs guy would have scored 200 points the other 20. The fact would be the first guy scored more points. And that's what we are talking about, who commits the most crime.
If you say so. Meanwhile, in the real world, blacks commit violent crimes at a higher rate than whites.
That's just


Deep down you white people know that if a black man bashed in your brains it would not be completely undeserved.
Explain why some portion of the violence inflicted on me would be deserved.
I think what whites fear most is that many of them know, on some deep buried level, that if they were in our position, they would feel a murderous rage.

I think on a level that is so buried in whites deep-subconscious, they are aware of the violence, it takes to keep a system going that they receive collective privileges from.

As much you wanna talk a black crime stats, deep down, you know that Black rage is justified. What you’re afraid of isn’t called reverse racism. What you’re afraid of is called karma.

If the shoe was on the other foot white people would have a murderous rage towards rage. That's y say "Black people are the most violent" that's just projection because you know it's white who have been

My father always said the meanest people on Earth were White People. Others can be evil for a time but they can’t keep up the murderous rage.
White people will kill and kill until the streets run red with blood. When you look at the history of white people it's almost like they are products of what is known as INVOLUTION. It’s the opposite of EVOLUTION.

Not me saying black crime rates are higher, it's the FBI.

I think what whites fear most is that many of them know, on some deep buried level, that if they were in our position, they would feel a murderous rage.

Yeah, that's awful. So why do I deserve a bashing?
Try to be specific.

The FBI says whites commit more total crime.

Blacks commit more murders and more robberies, even though there are 5 times more whites.

There are 30 categories of crime recognized by the UCR. Blacks lead in 3 whites 27. OK? Whites have 15 times the wealth and more than 70 percent of the available resources to reduce or make crime negligible in their communities but still lead in crime. OK? Your argument is simply a racist lie.

There are 30 categories of crime recognized by the UCR. Blacks lead in 3 whites 27. OK?

Blacks lead in raw numbers in those 3 categories, despite there being 5 times more whites?

How do the black rates of the other 27, per 100,000 population, compare to the white rates?
Do you need me to define "rate"?
Check your premises on understanding math. You don't. Mere size of the group doesn't matter. It's the RATE at which something happens within that group. Without normalizing by population, you couldn't compare GDPs of countries or determine medical risks for particular behaviors. Couldn't even properly conduct a poll.. It's basic to the language of statistics.

I understand math very well. . Whites commit almost 3 times the crime of blacks flacaltenn and they have 15 times more wealth to afford crime prevention. So when you look at things completely, your post is garbage that excises high white crime.

It's NOT garbage. because there 4 or 5 times more whites. Most of science would END tomorrow without isolating rates of likelihood from raw totals.. And I have NO idea what amount of wealth goes into crime prevention. How many $$$$ per person do I need to reduce violent crime by 6%?

It's much like education, where the $$$$/student has little bearings on the outcomes in every community. There is no high white crime or high black crime until you COMPARE THEM. To COMPARE them they have to be mathematically changed to RATES. THEN you can compare.

My entire career is analyzing data, signals, images. I don't think you can REJECT basic statistics and declare yourself a winner here.

No, you can compare totals.. Whites have a long history of making shit up and proclaiming it as fact, drapetomania, negroidism the belief in natural white superiority, not allowing blacks to read, then declaring how blacks are dumb, so then why do we consider per capita instead of totals? Why should we? Just because you are white and say so? I've done plenty of analyzing and studying data. I don't reject statistics, but I do reject the opinions coming from whites like you based on those statistics. Less that 1/1.000th of one percent of all blacks commit violent crimes. This statistic you reject does not indicate of any extra propensity for violence by blacks.

Oh ... Then your objection is that I'm using WHITE math?? And you STILL can't see how dishonest and stupid your racism is???

Less that 1/1.000th of one percent of all blacks commit violent crimes.

If that IS the number for black violent crime, then the number for white violent crime would be somewhere around 1/2500th.. THAT is the process I JUST TOLD that you use to compare statistics like that. But you rejected it as "WHITE math"... Sad.. very sorry for your loss of intellectual honesty...

You've certainly opened my eyes to the indoctrination, group think and propaganda that is holding back Black advancement.

Your eyes aren't opened to jack squat. I have not objected to "white math".I have objected to white opinions based on selected use of that math. Whites commit more crimes. White are going to commit a crime against another white person about 90 erect if the time. A white person is going to kill another white person about 90 percent of the time and a white is 6 times more likely to die at the hands of another white than anyone else. Your math shows you that but you don't seem able to mention this. Why is that flacaltenn? And drop that junk about groupthink. You do it all the time. Whites invented it and use it now.The only person here between you and I who is indoctrinated is you. For example, how any blacks do you see being implicated in this Russian probe? None. And it's a crime. A most serious crime that jeopardizes our safety to a much greater extent than those crimes those like you are here talking abut by blacks.. The recent wall street crimes. How many blacks committed those crimes flacaltenn. Yet people lost money they could never get back. Some everything they had and that jeopardized he safety of everyone. You guys don't se these as dangerous or violent crimes but they are. You guys never seem able to include these crimes in your conversations. Why is that flacaltenn?

So let you not talk about propaganda or indoctrination. Not to me. Run that crap by the other conservatives you hang out with.

Groupthink? Already covered that. When whites HEAR whites pushing narratives about racial superiority we KNOW they are racist. Ain't NOBODY white making a living boosting WHITE self-esteem on racial issues EXCEPT racists. It's an easy way to identify them.

Russia? You mean like HIllary/DNC HIRING folks to go PAY Russian Intel people for dirt on an opposition candidate? And then using the power of the FBI/DNI/State Dept to dress up that pile of shit and attempt to sell it to the people and the FISA court as a valid Intel doc? I agree -- probably the MOST serious violation of govt collusion and corruption in my lifetime. With disastrous consequences for our confidences in leadership and institutions. HOW MANY Black people involved? Just the ENTIRE Congressional Group Thinking Black Caucus and their minions of voting drones. The ones screaming to IMPEACH an elected president on election day.

You're all over the map trying to hawk turdish white hate. You're so indoctrinated, you abuse basic math principles to avoid "White Math"... You are ADVANCING nothing but distrust and discord. Great Job !!!!
The cops are not ignoring reports about white criminals, because they are white.
Blacks are committing crime at a higher rate.
Do you believe that racism exists ?
I assume that government officials compile stats in such a way as to try to hide how badly their government policies have failed.
TO do that, they UNDERPLAY, to the extent they can, the role of minorities in our crime rates.
We are not talking about minorities. Minorities include women, gays and they are just as white supremacist as white men. We are just talking about black people.

1. Yes racism exists.

2. Which does not change the fact of blacks committing crime at higher rates.

3. Your obsession with "white supremacy" is noted.

White commit more crime. It's just time you faced that fact. If Adrian Peterson gets 2,000 on 1,000 carries and I get 700 yards on 200 carries who is has the most yards?
If you score 100 times out of 100,000,000,000 attempts throwing a basketball and a pro basketball player scores 10 times out of 10, who is the better player? You because you scored more?

The firs guy would have scored 200 points the other 20. The fact would be the first guy scored more points. And that's what we are talking about, who commits the most crime.
Nobody said anything about a game, stupid! I'm talking about one guy standing on a court and throwing a basketball. It takes him 100,000,000,000 attempts to get the ball through the hoop 100 times. He leaves and the next guy comes on, throwing it 10 times with all 10 times being accurate. Who do you think is more likely to be a better basketball player? Someone who on average scores 100% of the time or someone who scores less than 1% of the time?

In other words, if these guys were about to go one on one in a free throw match (taking turns one shot at a time), with the first person who scores 20 winning, would you pick the 10/10 guy who statistically can't miss or the 100/100,000,000,000 guy who probably has a better chance of winning the lottery than of scoring?
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How about if one is just analyzing FBI crime statistics?
The FBI has a history of racism - white supremacy.

Let's be clear black people don't run the FBI and the Justice department

The FBI and the Justice department themselves have just admitted that they have been given out false information for decades which lead the imprisonment of thousands of black men, but decades later they come out and say "Ooops sorry"

The FBI wrote an anonymous letter to MLK encouraging him to kill himself ?

The FBI whose leader at the time MLK was alive (J Edgar Hoover) was a well known cross dressing gay man and who hated blacks and whose lover was one of his top FBI Agents.
Meanwhile, blacks can't even run an economy.

How about if one is just analyzing FBI crime statistics?
The FBI has a history of racism - white supremacy.

Let's be clear black people don't run the FBI and the Justice department

The FBI and the Justice department themselves have just admitted that they have been given out false information for decades which lead the imprisonment of thousands of black men, but decades later they come out and say "Ooops sorry"

The FBI wrote an anonymous letter to MLK encouraging him to kill himself ?

The FBI whose leader at the time MLK was alive (J Edgar Hoover) was a well known cross dressing gay man and who hated blacks and whose lover was one of his top FBI Agents.
Meanwhile, blacks can't even run an economy.

What is that worth at the currency exchange? Enough for a pack of cigarettes?
How about if one is just analyzing FBI crime statistics?
The FBI has a history of racism - white supremacy.

Let's be clear black people don't run the FBI and the Justice department

The FBI and the Justice department themselves have just admitted that they have been given out false information for decades which lead the imprisonment of thousands of black men, but decades later they come out and say "Ooops sorry"

The FBI wrote an anonymous letter to MLK encouraging him to kill himself ?

The FBI whose leader at the time MLK was alive (J Edgar Hoover) was a well known cross dressing gay man and who hated blacks and whose lover was one of his top FBI Agents.
Meanwhile, blacks can't even run an economy.

What is that worth at the currency exchange? Enough for a pack of cigarettes?
It's probably worth more as a collector's item.
There isn't a black person alive today that was enslaved. You started out in life, ignorant and poor, just like most of the rest of us What you made of your life is mostly what you put into it.

The largest obstacles to individual black success are other blacks who turn neighborhoods into shitholes of crime and despair.

There are plenty alive, however, that were born into American Apartheid known as "Jim Crow". I guess you all are waiting for all of them to die off so you can then say....."There is not a black alive today who lived under Jim Crow".

You got a several decades to go before you can say that.....

I fully suspect that your children and grandchildren will still be spewing the same victim BS at that time. The people who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow had a legitimate right to complain and feel like victims. The rest of you are just using those issues as an excuse.

So what are you willing to do for the millions of people, still living, who were stunted by Jim Crow, since they have a legitimate gripe?

They have a legitimate gripe against the people and politicians who created and enforced Jim Crow. They should take up their complaint with the DNC, since it was the Democrat party that ran the South as their own fiefdom for decades. No one else. I only take responsibility for any ills that I may have inflicted on others.

No the gripe is against the American government at the federal,state and local levels at a minimum. And you republicans really need to stop lying to yourselves. The republican party had the Lilly white movement which was aimed a denying blacks rights and representation. Jim crow was not relegated only to the south, it was in the north, and west too.

It certainly was.
I fully suspect that your children and grandchildren will still be spewing the same victim BS at that time. The people who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow had a legitimate right to complain and feel like victims. The rest of you are just using those issues as an excuse.

So what are you willing to do for the millions of people, still living, who were stunted by Jim Crow, since they have a legitimate gripe?

They have a legitimate gripe against the people and politicians who created and enforced Jim Crow. They should take up their complaint with the DNC, since it was the Democrat party that ran the South as their own fiefdom for decades. No one else. I only take responsibility for any ills that I may have inflicted on others.

No the gripe is against the American government at the federal,state and local levels at a minimum. And you republicans really need to stop lying to yourselves. The republican party had the Lilly white movement which was aimed a denying blacks rights and representation. Jim crow was not relegated only to the south, it was in the north, and west too.
None in the "east" or did you forget that direction?

I counted that with the north. But the reality is Jim Crow was national.

True. My grandfather once told me "Anywhere south of Canada may as well be in Alabama"......I didn't really understand what he meant until years later.
Blacks have been inferior for longer than that.
So you believe that white people are superior to black people. Have I got that right ?
Compare tech in Africa to tech in America.
America didn't invent slavery, Africans and Muslims did it first and still do it.
We simply took advantage of our superior products for purchasing power.
Compare the life of a Black man in America with the life of a black man in Somalia, Angola, or any African country. They're lucky Americans bought them as slaves instead of them being sold off to their brothers who would eat them, or a Muslim who would fuck them.

So a slave sold to a perverted plantation owner who not only worked them under brutal conditions, whipped them AND fucked them was lucky?

Death as opposed to inhumane bondage and abuse was likely a far better option.
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