Is Rand Paul a Racist?


Why is it that wingnuts don't want to talk about racism? Avoiding the conversation, and the truth, won't make it go away.

You fools do not even know what racism is. Apparently. You lefties display that daily

Racism = Opposition to Obama

Actually, much of that equation is TRUE.
Again, saying the campaign spokesperson is a "random staffer" or downplaying his role in the campaign and his association with the candidate appears very dishonest.

I don't care who you defend or chose not to defend. And I'm not going to try to convince you that someone is a racist or not. That's up for you to decide for yourself.

There is no doubt that Paul's CLOSE association with both of these people as well as his stance on the Civil Rights Act- prompts some understandable questions. (More than questions for many - many have already made up their mind and don't consider these events "isolated" nor "coincidence").

I am asking Paul supporters how they feel about it.
I'm not trying to coinvince people one way or another.

Does that offend you?

This is politics. No, it doesn't offend me that you want to make assertions without trying to prove them whatsoever. It's par for the course. Simply says that nobody should bother taking you seriously.

all because you are too lazy to google...

I've done my research and I've made up my mind.
If you want to make up YOUR mind, why not do your own research?
What a novel concept, huh?

THEN maybe you will want to join a conversation about something you are familiar with. Maybe you won't. No big deal either way.

But trying to impune someone else for not spoonfeeding you??? Really??

I'm familiar enough with Jack Hunter that I don't need to Google him. I did Google Hightower because I couldn't remember him, and it jogged my memory. So no, I'm not too lazy to use Google. I'm merely asking you to defend your assertion that Jack Hunter is a racist, and therefore Rand Paul must be as well. Hunter has made incendiary remarks certainly, but I don't believe I've ever heard him say anything racist.

The only one trying to "impune" anybody is you, and you're doing a poor job of it.
Short answer?


Long Answer.

Yeah..the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

He got into trouble not to long ago with his "cute" answer on civil rights.

He had to walk it back. But doesn't matter much. He was running in Texas.

If he shoots for the Presidency..he's going to have big problems.

Apparently it doesn't bother his staunch supporters too much.
They either claim to know nothing or go on a rant about claims of "racism."

That's Ok - if it doesn't bother them, it doesn't bother them. To each his or her own.

But I believe that you are right about it being a problem for a potential run for the White House.
Racism = Opposition to Obama

Actually, much of that equation is TRUE.

So if you're saying events of 150 years ago are relevant, that would mean the Republicans freeing them would also be relevant...

You didn't think this one through, did you?

I'm obviously a conservative. Here is a hint of honesty for all Republicans who have the above opinion which completely ignores historical context. Democrats were the conservative party of the 19th century. Republicans were the original progressives. Republican and Democrat ideology has done a 180 in most cases since the late 19th century.
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Do bears defecate in the woods? Racist nuts don't fall far from the tree.

Says the guy who voted for the most openly racist President in US history, twice.... I guess that makes you a racist as well. Maybe you went to Obama's racist CHURCH too? Maybe for 20+ years like Obama did.... ?

Ahhh - the old "don't look at me, look at you" defense.

Gee, if only there were threads about Obama's racism to comment on ....

oh ....

wait ...

Can't/don't want to discuss the topic? Fine, no one is forcing you. Why are you here?

As far as I know Rand Paul is in no way racist... There is no don't look at me, look at you defense coming from me, the guy I quoted is an openly racist poster on these boards.
But then again, you came here with an incredible lack of information and vaguely called everyone including Rand Paul a racist by association with people none of us even fucking know, and you did this by simply asking if we're racist. There is no way to debate/defend a position that we are not racist in the context you have given.

Basically, you're fucking stupid and due to your incredible lack of honesty even with yourself, you think your right no matter how many times people ask you "what the fuck are you talking about."

Again, you know someone that is racist, and I promise you there is a bigot/racist in your life that you generally like.... And by association as you have done here you are without question, based on your own silly logic, a racist. Deal with it and welcome to the club I guess.
I'm merely asking you to defend your assertion that Jack Hunter is a racist, and therefore Rand Paul must be as well. Hunter has made incendiary remarks certainly, but I don't believe I've ever heard him say anything racist.

I believe many of Hunter's "incendiary" remarks expose racism. You don't. That's fine.

The only one trying to "impune" anybody is you

We both know that is not true. Posting this only damages your credibility.
Do bears defecate in the woods? Racist nuts don't fall far from the tree.

Says the guy who voted for the most openly racist President in US history, twice.... I guess that makes you a racist as well. Maybe you went to Obama's racist CHURCH too? Maybe for 20+ years like Obama did.... ?

Pardon your stupidity, but I only voted for Obama once - the last time.

My bad, that only makes you half as racist I guess... Wait, nope your still just as racist as before.
Perhaps we should spend less time calling people racists, and more time trying to fix actual problems.
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Maybe we should spend less time calling people racists, and more time trying to fix actual problems.

Your a Racist, He's a Racist, They're all Racist, THIS WHOLE FORUM IS FULL OF RACISTS!

[ame=]YouTube AL PACINO SPEECH JUSTICE FOR ALL - YouTube[/ame]

I'm surrounded by Racists .... Keep arguing Racists!

[ame=]Spaceballs- "Keep firing assholes!" - YouTube[/ame]
Again, saying the campaign spokesperson is a "random staffer" or downplaying his role in the campaign and his association with the candidate appears very dishonest.

I don't care who you defend or chose not to defend. And I'm not going to try to convince you that someone is a racist or not. That's up for you to decide for yourself.

There is no doubt that Paul's CLOSE association with both of these people as well as his stance on the Civil Rights Act- prompts some understandable questions. (More than questions for many - many have already made up their mind and don't consider these events "isolated" nor "coincidence").

I am asking Paul supporters how they feel about it.
I'm not trying to coinvince people one way or another.

Does that offend you?

This is politics. No, it doesn't offend me that you want to make assertions without trying to prove them whatsoever. It's par for the course. Simply says that nobody should bother taking you seriously.

all because you are too lazy to google...

I've done my research and I've made up my mind.
If you want to make up YOUR mind, why not do your own research?
What a novel concept, huh?

THEN maybe you will want to join a conversation about something you are familiar with. Maybe you won't. No big deal either way.

But trying to impune someone else for not spoonfeeding you??? Really??

Ok, leaving the lazy "you're all racists" attack you have done here, lets move on.

Now you admit we're all lazy because we don't go out and look up people we don't even know simply because you want to associate us with them, through Rand, as being racists... But in doing so did you not admit your own laziness by simply not providing us with the content needed to present a credible argument that these men, whoever they are are racists, and that Rand is "close" to them?

Why do we need to do the work for you, we are not racists, we don't fucking care to do homework to disprove idiots like you that can't even make their own case.

We're all racists to you no matter what, that's the answer you wanted and it will never change. That's why you keep fighting (not defending) your ridiculous position. You simply want to call people racist and claim because we can't disprove your idiotic insult that we and Rand are now somehow racists.

You might be highly educated, but it sure as fuck ain't showing here lol.
I'm merely asking you to defend your assertion that Jack Hunter is a racist, and therefore Rand Paul must be as well. Hunter has made incendiary remarks certainly, but I don't believe I've ever heard him say anything racist.

I believe many of Hunter's "incendiary" remarks expose racism. You don't. That's fine.

The only one trying to "impune" anybody is you

We both know that is not true. Posting this only damages your credibility.

You claim to want a discussion, but obviously don't. If you wanted a discussion you would post evidence of Jack Hunter's alleged racism, and explain why you think it is racist and we could either agree or explain why we think it is not. From there we could get into your ultimate question of whether an association with Hunter makes Rand a racist. A discussion is not, "I think Jack Hunter is a racist, therefore Rand is a racist, and I'm not going to prove it because it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks."

"Definition of IMPUGN

: to assail by words or arguments : oppose or attack as false or lacking integrity <impugned the defendant's character>"

Impugn - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

That's what you're doing to Rand Paul and Jack Hunter by implying that they're racists, and you're doing it without a shred of evidence. Merely telling everyone to Google it for themselves. The burden of proof is on the person making the claim.
The race card is completely worn out.

One could say the same thing about racism. Come on, this 2013, enough of that crap.

Endless use of the term 'racist' by libs labeling anyone who disagrees with them have rendered the word meaningless. Chicken Little and The Boy Who Cried Wolf.
Perhaps some use the term where it doesn't apply, however, there is plenty of racism, and most offenders seem to believe they are not racist, so maybe it's because they are so accustomed to talking/thinking that way it doesn't register with them?

Throw 'NAZI' in the same basket as well.
"Libs are Socialists" is also getting old, yet there still many who continue to use the term even when it is proven to them they don't know what "socialism" really is.
OP, maybe you should ask yourself why half the people or more on this thread, Rand Paul supporters to non Rand Paul supporters all agree that you have been vague in your accusations, and do some reflecting. Realize that the only people on "your side" in this thread are extremely far left "I hate republicans/conservatives/libertarians/whites/men/older people/women that don't vote Democrat, minorities that don't vote democrat."
OP, maybe you should ask yourself why half the people or more on this thread, Rand Paul supporters to non Rand Paul supporters all agree that you have been vague in your accusations, and do some reflecting. Realize that the only people on "your side" in this thread are extremely far left "I hate republicans/conservatives/libertarians/whites/men/older people/women that don't vote Democrat, minorities that don't vote democrat."

That's so far-fetched it is funny. I happen to have many Republican friends, and facts are facts. That Rand Paul's father claims he wasn't aware of the letters sent out by his campaign is just too damn lame to believe, and the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree. That his own statement that he wouldn't have supported Civil Rights is just too revealing. Deal with it.

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