Is Rand Paul a Racist?

Rachel Maddow Attacks Rand Paul Over Alleged Civil Rights Act of 1964 Denial (4-10-13) - YouTube

If it walks like Captain Southern probably is Captain Southern Avenger.

Do you think someone that's black should get away with murder, rape and robbery? Or do you agree with me that they should go to jail???


How does one thing relate to another?

Personally I believe we are all equal under the law and justice must be blind.

Go with that.
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Saying a stupid word these days = racist. Even through you can help blacks, have black friends and just want to point out the problem of black on black crime.

The left loves to destroy people that say words and thinks. Pretty soon you're going to go to prison for thinking bad of someone.
Is Rand Paul a Racist?

Do bears defecate in the woods? Racist nuts don't fall far from the tree.

Says the guy who voted for the most openly racist President in US history, twice.... I guess that makes you a racist as well. Maybe you went to Obama's racist CHURCH too? Maybe for 20+ years like Obama did.... ?

Pardon your stupidity, but I only voted for Obama once - the last time.
Again, saying the campaign spokesperson is a "random staffer" or downplaying his role in the campaign and his association with the candidate appears very dishonest.

I don't care who you defend or chose not to defend. And I'm not going to try to convince you that someone is a racist or not. That's up for you to decide for yourself.

There is no doubt that Paul's CLOSE association with both of these people as well as his stance on the Civil Rights Act- prompts some understandable questions. (More than questions for many - many have already made up their mind and don't consider these events "isolated" nor "coincidence").

I am asking Paul supporters how they feel about it.
I'm not trying to coinvince people one way or another. I know what my opinion is - I'm asking to hear others.

Does that offend you?
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Your a Racist, He's a Racist, This whole Forum is RACIST!!!

[ame=]YouTube AL PACINO SPEECH JUSTICE FOR ALL - YouTube[/ame]
Or just a very poor judge of character?

Jack Hunter
Christopher Hightower

Was Paul unaware of the racist positions of these two when he hired them?
Did he continue in the dark?
Or does he agree with them?

Short answer?


Long Answer.

Yeah..the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

He got into trouble not to long ago with his "cute" answer on civil rights.

He had to walk it back. But doesn't matter much. He was running in Texas.

If he shoots for the Presidency..he's going to have big problems.

Cute answer was it? I remember it was that lesbian bitch from My Soviet News Broadcasting Corp that baited him in. He was just telling the truth from a liberal standpoint.

If had a business in an inner city area or suburb and some black, gang banger apes wanted a burger then you're damn right I'd violate their civil rights by not serving them on principle alone.

Oh yeah..RC..guess that ol' PC thing don't work on you none..dagnabit!

And it wasn't just Maddow's show. Paul was making the rounds teasing people with that topic. I had no freakin idea why he even brought it up other than when he was gnashing on about the free market he basically said it should really be a "free" market.

Re-litigating civil rights was a stupid move. And it didn't stop there.
Again, saying the campaign spokesperson is a "random staffer" or downplaying his role in the campaign and his association with the candidate appears very dishonest.

I don't care who you defend or chose not to defend. And I'm not going to try to convince you that someone is a racist or not. That's up for you to decide for yourself.

There is no doubt that Paul's CLOSE association with both of these people as well as his stance on the Civil Rights Act- prompts some understandable questions. (More than questions for many - many have already made up their mind and don't consider these events "isolated" nor "coincidence").

I am asking Paul supporters how they feel about it.
I'm not trying to coinvince people one way or another.

Does that offend you?

This is politics. No, it doesn't offend me that you want to make assertions without trying to prove them whatsoever. It's par for the course. Simply says that nobody should bother taking you seriously.
Is Rand Paul a Racist?

Do bears defecate in the woods? Racist nuts don't fall far from the tree.

Says the guy who voted for the most openly racist President in US history, twice.... I guess that makes you a racist as well. Maybe you went to Obama's racist CHURCH too? Maybe for 20+ years like Obama did.... ?

Ahhh - the old "don't look at me, look at you" defense.

Gee, if only there were threads about Obama's racism to comment on ....

oh ....

wait ...

Can't/don't want to discuss the topic? Fine, no one is forcing you. Why are you here?
Or just a very poor judge of character?

Jack Hunter
Christopher Hightower

Was Paul unaware of the racist positions of these two when he hired them?
Did he continue in the dark?
Or does he agree with them?

At some point, don't even liberals get tired of running around calling everyone racists?
Again, saying the campaign spokesperson is a "random staffer" or downplaying his role in the campaign and his association with the candidate appears very dishonest.

I don't care who you defend or chose not to defend. And I'm not going to try to convince you that someone is a racist or not. That's up for you to decide for yourself.

There is no doubt that Paul's CLOSE association with both of these people as well as his stance on the Civil Rights Act- prompts some understandable questions. (More than questions for many - many have already made up their mind and don't consider these events "isolated" nor "coincidence").

I am asking Paul supporters how they feel about it.
I'm not trying to coinvince people one way or another.

Does that offend you?

This is politics. No, it doesn't offend me that you want to make assertions without trying to prove them whatsoever. It's par for the course. Simply says that nobody should bother taking you seriously.

I stopped taking him seriously when he refused to validate his thread. Note that there aren't any serious responses to the op.
Again, saying the campaign spokesperson is a "random staffer" or downplaying his role in the campaign and his association with the candidate appears very dishonest.

I don't care who you defend or chose not to defend. And I'm not going to try to convince you that someone is a racist or not. That's up for you to decide for yourself.

There is no doubt that Paul's CLOSE association with both of these people as well as his stance on the Civil Rights Act- prompts some understandable questions. (More than questions for many - many have already made up their mind and don't consider these events "isolated" nor "coincidence").

I am asking Paul supporters how they feel about it.
I'm not trying to coinvince people one way or another.

Does that offend you?

This is politics. No, it doesn't offend me that you want to make assertions without trying to prove them whatsoever. It's par for the course. Simply says that nobody should bother taking you seriously.

all because you are too lazy to google...

I've done my research and I've made up my mind.
If you want to make up YOUR mind, why not do your own research?
What a novel concept, huh?

THEN maybe you will want to join a conversation about something you are familiar with. Maybe you won't. No big deal either way.

But trying to impune someone else for not spoonfeeding you??? Really??

Why is it that wingnuts don't want to talk about racism? Avoiding the conversation, and the truth, won't make it go away.

Why is it that wingnuts don't want to talk about racism? Avoiding the conversation, and the truth, won't make it go away.

You fools do not even know what racism is. Apparently. You lefties display that daily

Why is it that wingnuts don't want to talk about racism? Avoiding the conversation, and the truth, won't make it go away.

Well, since you're talking about events that occurred 150 years ago, before my great grandparents were born, maybe they aren't the most pressing issue.
Not a liberal so I couldn't speculate on that.

But are you suggesting that his frequent close association with racists (along with his statements about the 1964 Civil Rights Act) don't raise any flags? Just his opposition to Obama?

The 1964 civil rights act is by definition of the word racist. Maybe you need to educate yourself.

I'm very familar with the Civil Rights Act and I am familiar with the neo-confederate opinion of it.

I'm also very familiar with folks who take the position that anyone who happens to disagree with them on an issue "needs education," or is "mentally inferior," etc .....

They rarely add much of interest to a conversation.

So then you're familiar with folks who take the position that "if you don't agree with me you a racist," like what you have been doing in your very poorly laid out thread. Maybe you should actually provide documentation of these racists events, timelines and quotes... Then prove Rand knew of all of this and show his association with these people... That would be, honest of you to do... Or you could just go around claiming everyone that supports Rand Paul including Rand Paul is a racist because of some people no one has heard of might be racists, according to your opinion.

And to be clear, if it makes Rand a racist, then your question carry's over to anyone that supports Rand, are they racists for supporting Rand Paul.

Btw, did you vote for Obama by chance? Maybe you did, maybe you didn't... But you're aware he wrote racist crap in books, takes multiple racist positions since taking office and went toi a widely known and very openly racist church for about 20 years.

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