Is Rand Paul a Racist?

OP, maybe you should ask yourself why half the people or more on this thread, Rand Paul supporters to non Rand Paul supporters all agree that you have been vague in your accusations, and do some reflecting. Realize that the only people on "your side" in this thread are extremely far left "I hate republicans/conservatives/libertarians/whites/men/older people/women that don't vote Democrat, minorities that don't vote democrat."

That's so far-fetched it is funny. I happen to have many Republican friends, and facts are facts. That Rand Paul's father claims he wasn't aware of the letters sent out by his campaign is just too damn lame to believe, and the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree. That his own statement that he wouldn't have supported Civil Rights is just too revealing. Deal with it.

Rand never said he wouldn't support the Civil Rights Act.
He opposes Obama so the liberal line of thought is that he must be a racist.

Not a liberal so I couldn't speculate on that.

But are you suggesting that his frequent close association with racists (along with his statements about the 1964 Civil Rights Act) don't raise any flags? Just his opposition to Obama?

There was less association by Paul with racists than by Obama. Why aren't you asking whether Obama is a racist?

I'd say because there is no doubt.
OP, maybe you should ask yourself why half the people or more on this thread, Rand Paul supporters to non Rand Paul supporters all agree that you have been vague in your accusations, and do some reflecting. Realize that the only people on "your side" in this thread are extremely far left "I hate republicans/conservatives/libertarians/whites/men/older people/women that don't vote Democrat, minorities that don't vote democrat."

That's so far-fetched it is funny. I happen to have many Republican friends, and facts are facts. That Rand Paul's father claims he wasn't aware of the letters sent out by his campaign is just too damn lame to believe, and the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree. That his own statement that he wouldn't have supported Civil Rights is just too revealing. Deal with it.

Then was I talking about you? Do you think Rand is a racist because of the association with the people the OP claims he has? Do you even know the men the OP claims are racists?

The civil rights act was racist by definition, that's fact. In fact the only reason it was "needed" because the Government had in law discrimination towards blacks.. Instead of simply repealing racist laws, the Government created more racist laws.

So now because you falsely accuse Ron Paul of being racist for treating many black patents at his own practice, for free, for years, you then claim Rand "might as well be racist."

Just pure fucking stupidity. Do you watch Rachel Madcow or something? you realize that chit is on par with Beck/Rush/Hannity right?
Or just a very poor judge of character?

Jack Hunter
Christopher Hightower

Was Paul unaware of the racist positions of these two when he hired them?
Did he continue in the dark?
Or does he agree with them?

Short answer?


Long Answer.

Yeah..the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

He got into trouble not to long ago with his "cute" answer on civil rights.

He had to walk it back. But doesn't matter much. He was running in Texas.

If he shoots for the Presidency..he's going to have big problems.

That's the Tree Of Liberty Of course. I guess the belief in personal responsibility and the Constitution is a big problem for a politician now day's
OP, maybe you should ask yourself why half the people or more on this thread, Rand Paul supporters to non Rand Paul supporters all agree that you have been vague in your accusations, and do some reflecting. Realize that the only people on "your side" in this thread are extremely far left "I hate republicans/conservatives/libertarians/whites/men/older people/women that don't vote Democrat, minorities that don't vote democrat."

That's so far-fetched it is funny. I happen to have many Republican friends, and facts are facts. That Rand Paul's father claims he wasn't aware of the letters sent out by his campaign is just too damn lame to believe, and the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree. That his own statement that he wouldn't have supported Civil Rights is just too revealing. Deal with it.

Rand never said he wouldn't support the Civil Rights Act.

He said:
There are ten different titles to the Civil Rights Act and nine of ten deal with public institutions and one that deals with private institutions and had I been around I would have tried to modify that. …When you support nine of ten things in a good piece of legislation do you vote for it or against it and sometimes those are difficult situations. …I do defend and believe that the government should not be involved with institutional racism or discrimination or segregation in schools, busing, all those things. But had I been there, there would have been some discussion over one of the titles of the civil rights and I think that's a valid point, and still a valid discussion, because the thing is, if we want to harbor in on private businesses and their policies, then you have to have the discussion about: do you want to abridge the First Amendment as well? …I really think that discrimination and racism is a horrible thing. And I don't want any form of it in our government, in our public sphere.

Rand Paul?s rewriting of his own remarks on the Civil Rights Act - The Washington Post

In essence, Rand Paul wouldn't oppose to a private restaurant, built on a road paved by taxpayer's money (many of which are black Americans), yet that restaurant should have the right to discriminate and not allow blacks. If that isn't racist, then you don't understand what racism is.
No one fucking cares about being called a racist now.. NO FUCKING BODY you dumbasses.. So squawk on.
That's so far-fetched it is funny. I happen to have many Republican friends, and facts are facts. That Rand Paul's father claims he wasn't aware of the letters sent out by his campaign is just too damn lame to believe, and the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree. That his own statement that he wouldn't have supported Civil Rights is just too revealing. Deal with it.

Rand never said he wouldn't support the Civil Rights Act.

He said:
There are ten different titles to the Civil Rights Act and nine of ten deal with public institutions and one that deals with private institutions and had I been around I would have tried to modify that. …When you support nine of ten things in a good piece of legislation do you vote for it or against it and sometimes those are difficult situations. …I do defend and believe that the government should not be involved with institutional racism or discrimination or segregation in schools, busing, all those things. But had I been there, there would have been some discussion over one of the titles of the civil rights and I think that's a valid point, and still a valid discussion, because the thing is, if we want to harbor in on private businesses and their policies, then you have to have the discussion about: do you want to abridge the First Amendment as well? …I really think that discrimination and racism is a horrible thing. And I don't want any form of it in our government, in our public sphere.

Rand Paul?s rewriting of his own remarks on the Civil Rights Act - The Washington Post

In essence, Rand Paul wouldn't oppose to a private restaurant, built on a road paved by taxpayer's money (many of which are black Americans), yet that restaurant should have the right to discriminate and not allow blacks. If that isn't racist, then you don't understand what racism is.

In other words, he never said that he wouldn't support it, and, rather, strongly implied that he would.
No one fucking cares about being called a racist now.. NO FUCKING BODY you dumbasses.. So squawk on.

The GOP sure don't.

It's pretty incredible how far they've fallen in terms of relations to their fellow Americans who aren't WASP/C.

You're right.. The GOP, conservatives, libertarians.. None of us give a rats ass about being called a racist. We were all labeled racists the moment the "The White Black" (See White Hispanic) was elected..
No one fucking cares about being called a racist now.. NO FUCKING BODY you dumbasses.. So squawk on.

The PC Police have, in their never-ending efforts to control the conversation through intimidation, diluted a very important word. It's damn near a punchline now, and they don't even see it.

Sad, because the real racism that does exist (some fraction of what is claimed) needs to be identified and addressed. The law of unintended consequences, again.

But remember, they "care".

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No one fucking cares about being called a racist now.. NO FUCKING BODY you dumbasses.. So squawk on.

The GOP sure don't.

It's pretty incredible how far they've fallen in terms of relations to their fellow Americans who aren't WASP/C.

You're right.. The GOP, conservatives, libertarians.. None of us give a rats ass about being called a racist. We were all labeled racists the moment the "The White Black" (See White Hispanic) was elected..

Never heard anyone label McCain..and umm..

Well sheesh..all the social liberals like Dole and Kemp left the party.

No one fucking cares about being called a racist now.. NO FUCKING BODY you dumbasses.. So squawk on.

Your own "getting all worked up over it" reaction seems to say "I care"!

What's worked up about saying we don't give a shit?? LOL You're a moron.. sleep in it.. you wear it well.

Generally people that don't give a shit don't say shit. But you sure are worked up over people being called out on their racism! That means it affects you. Does that make it clearer?
No one fucking cares about being called a racist now.. NO FUCKING BODY you dumbasses.. So squawk on.

The PC Police have, in their never-ending efforts to control the conversation through intimidation, diluted a very important word. It's damn near a punchline now, and they don't even see it.

Sad, because the real racism that does exist (some fraction of what is claimed) needs to be identified and addressed. The law of unintended consequences, again.

But remember, they "care".


It's not the PC police..

[ame=]Ron Paul's Neo-Confederate "South Was Right" Civil War Speech With Confederate Flag - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Racist Rick Santorum: "I don't want to make black peoples lives better" - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Newt Gingrich wants Poor Children to Work as Janitors - YouTube[/ame]

I mean..seriously..what the fuck?
No one fucking cares about being called a racist now.. NO FUCKING BODY you dumbasses.. So squawk on.

The PC Police have, in their never-ending efforts to control the conversation through intimidation, diluted a very important word. It's damn near a punchline now, and they don't even see it.

Sad, because the real racism that does exist (some fraction of what is claimed) needs to be identified and addressed. The law of unintended consequences, again.

But remember, they "care".


It's not the PC police..

[ame=]Ron Paul's Neo-Confederate "South Was Right" Civil War Speech With Confederate Flag - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Racist Rick Santorum: "I don't want to make black peoples lives better" - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Newt Gingrich wants Poor Children to Work as Janitors - YouTube[/ame]

I mean..seriously..what the fuck?

I don't know.

Nor do I know what those videos have to do with my post.

Or just a very poor judge of character?

Jack Hunter
Christopher Hightower

Was Paul unaware of the racist positions of these two when he hired them?
Did he continue in the dark?
Or does he agree with them?

At some point, don't even liberals get tired of running around calling everyone racists?
Up in Canada, there are two colors of snow geese, blue/grey and white. Their DNA is more similar than human siblings. But the birds generally choose mates most like their parent's colorations. Are they racists? Scientists call it more of a case of imprinting.
Snow geese come in two basic "color schemes" -- snow and blue. Both "kinds" of snow geese have black wing tips, red feet and legs, a pink bill, and a black "grin patch" (a patch of skin surrounding the base of the bill), but basic colorations of the two are different -- an adult "snow snow goose" is snowy white, while an adult "blue snow goose" is blue/gray. Immature "snows" are dirty white in color with black wing tips, while immature "blues" are slate gray with little or no white. It was once thought that the two color variations were different species of geese, but they are not. They interbreed with one another, and are found together throughout their range. The colors appear to be genetically determined. Individual snow geese tend to choose mates that resemble their parents, but "mixed" breeding is not uncommon.
Snow Goose (Anser caerulescens)
We can stand on a podium all day and call our loyal opposition racists on either side, because humans may imprint ideas and even choose mates most similar to their parents, although there is an element among us all of mixing, just like the geese occasionally do.

Milking the race card apparently achieves goals of those who ambitiously seek status or wealth they feel they have no other way of obtaining. 150 years later, it's a little on the ridiculous side to incur a sense of guilt on people who are far removed from forbears who indentured black people as slaves for generations while setting same-color as themselves free in the beginning. Back then, there was a lot of variation, and setting black slaves free was not unheard of, as was not setting white ones free, but indenturing them and their children for life and even generations.

I'm really getting tired of the nation focusing only on race rather than on accomplishments as we did in the 50s through 2008 in providing jobs and incentives, encouraging space exploration, and disallowing tyrants from murdering hundreds of thousands of their neighbors and even their own people based on race, religion, and cultural mores. Our focus then was bringing the hope of peace and civil rights to entire countries of people treated far worse than dogs in a land with no ASPCA. (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals).
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