Is Rebelliousness Missing In Today's Rock Music?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
maybe all the rebels these days just don't have musical talent? lol like me!

It comes down to what sells. Their is onlya samll audience who will listen to an artist orginal stufff that he or she has put their heart and soul into to express a point of view or strike out against the norm.
maybe all the rebels these days just don't have musical talent? lol like me!

Today's rock music is a 7 note guitar riff played for 5 minutes.
It's bullshit.
There is a lot out there. Big Business is not interested in it. Doesn't mean it doesn't exist. They see the money in paying Eminem and Dr. Dre $200M each for their catalogues. not in youtubers right now.
Rock music nowadays is just niche entertainment, background music. The good old days of rock are gone because people would rather listen to pop drivel drilled into their heads on easy listening stations, mall music & C&W crap played over PA systems in WalMart.

Want to listen to great rock? Refer back to your collection or YouTube or subscribe to a streaming platform because you sure as hell aren't going to hear it on the radio other then the same playlists that are rotated over & over again ad nauseum. Wait 5 minutes & you'll hear China Grove, Dream On, More Then A Feeling, Angie etc. etc. etc. etc. for the 10,000th time on any FM station you tune into.
If the rebelliousness is missing, maybe it is because there isn't a reason for it anymore when just about everything that a person can think of is out there now being said and done all over the place.

God bless you always!!!


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