Is religion a sign of immaturity?

[MENTION=37752]PratchettFan[/MENTION] :D
As a species, yes. Even more immature is you quoting and thinking too heavily about things entertainers like Bill say on stage or on screen or in print.

Really? What other species are you comparing us to come to that conclusion?

Comparing? Recognizing the immaturity of our species need not demand having another species to compare ourselves too.

Witness, mankind was very immature hundreds/thousands of years ago when they imagined thunder and lightning and earthquakes were the results of angry gods.


Now you need to develop a critical thinking skill set. Start out with: reading and comprehension 101

I do see. Another unsupported belief.
No, it is not. That is simply your unsupported belief. You are, of course, free to believe whatever you like. But just because you believe it does not make you right. It just makes you a believer.

Religion is an unsupported belief

True. That does not make your position any less an unsupported belief. In point of fact, a very little research on your part would show that your belief is not just unsupported, it is demonstrably false.

Hey, I think most atheists would be content to admit that neither side knows for sure there is a god. Only one problem honey. Your side claims to know. We don't. The burden of proof is not on us. Do we have to prove wrong every unfalsafiable claim you throw at us? No we don't. The burden is on you. But nice try.
Religion is an unsupported belief

True. That does not make your position any less an unsupported belief. In point of fact, a very little research on your part would show that your belief is not just unsupported, it is demonstrably false.

Hey, I think most atheists would be content to admit that neither side knows for sure there is a god. Only one problem honey. Your side claims to know. We don't. The burden of proof is not on us. Do we have to prove wrong every unfalsafiable claim you throw at us? No we don't. The burden is on you. But nice try.

Really? My side claims to know? I was not aware my side did that. Please show me where I have ever even suggested I know because I assume I must be on my side.

Your argument is false. It is the responsibility of the person making a claim to support the claim. If you can't prove it, don't make it. This "well you did it first" is bullshit.
Religion is an unsupported belief

True. That does not make your position any less an unsupported belief. In point of fact, a very little research on your part would show that your belief is not just unsupported, it is demonstrably false.

Hey, I think most atheists would be content to admit that neither side knows for sure there is a god. Only one problem honey. Your side claims to know. We don't. The burden of proof is not on us. Do we have to prove wrong every unfalsafiable claim you throw at us? No we don't. The burden is on you. But nice try.

And we've told you how you can find out for yourself. Something you are unwilling to do. Since you don't really want to know, why would you expect to?
True. That does not make your position any less an unsupported belief. In point of fact, a very little research on your part would show that your belief is not just unsupported, it is demonstrably false.

Hey, I think most atheists would be content to admit that neither side knows for sure there is a god. Only one problem honey. Your side claims to know. We don't. The burden of proof is not on us. Do we have to prove wrong every unfalsafiable claim you throw at us? No we don't. The burden is on you. But nice try.

Really? My side claims to know? I was not aware my side did that. Please show me where I have ever even suggested I know because I assume I must be on my side.

Your argument is false. It is the responsibility of the person making a claim to support the claim. If you can't prove it, don't make it. This "well you did it first" is bullshit.

Which claim? That there is no god or that there is a god? As an agnostic atheist, I can't say for sure. I don't believe man's version of god(s) but how should I know what's on the other side of black holes?
True. That does not make your position any less an unsupported belief. In point of fact, a very little research on your part would show that your belief is not just unsupported, it is demonstrably false.

Hey, I think most atheists would be content to admit that neither side knows for sure there is a god. Only one problem honey. Your side claims to know. We don't. The burden of proof is not on us. Do we have to prove wrong every unfalsafiable claim you throw at us? No we don't. The burden is on you. But nice try.

And we've told you how you can find out for yourself. Something you are unwilling to do. Since you don't really want to know, why would you expect to?

I already did everything you guys asked and NUTHIN.

What you guys do is ignore history and believe a fairy tale book that was written 100 years after the fact.
Hey, I think most atheists would be content to admit that neither side knows for sure there is a god. Only one problem honey. Your side claims to know. We don't. The burden of proof is not on us. Do we have to prove wrong every unfalsafiable claim you throw at us? No we don't. The burden is on you. But nice try.

Really? My side claims to know? I was not aware my side did that. Please show me where I have ever even suggested I know because I assume I must be on my side.

Your argument is false. It is the responsibility of the person making a claim to support the claim. If you can't prove it, don't make it. This "well you did it first" is bullshit.

Which claim? That there is no god or that there is a god? As an agnostic atheist, I can't say for sure. I don't believe man's version of god(s) but how should I know what's on the other side of black holes?

That religion is a sign of immaturity. What do you think this thread is about?
Thinking of Bill Maher's repeated use of 'imaginary friend' referring to God I wonder if that's not entirely inaccurate. If a person is lonely and unloved God and religion probably fills the void rather nicely. If they did have someone to love and be loved by they're be investing that emotional energy with them, not something abstract and intangible like a unproven deity.

"My imaginary friend says..."

"My imaginary friend is gonna beat you up."

"My imaginary friend and I have fun every day."

...Things children often say of their imaginary friends. Curiously, not unlike what people say about their deities. So are people who as adults continue to cling to such imaginary figures in some way clinically retarded?

In school, part of a psych course was a counselling session. And I remember challenging the shrink on why aren't people who profess religious beliefs considered mentally ill? They talk to beings that aren't present, have aural and/or visual hallucinations, are delusional in their grasp of reality, etc. but they're NOT mentally ill. Whereas often people who say Jesus speaks to them are called schitzophrenic. Yet when Presidents say that same thing no one dusts off the Articles of Impeachment. :)

Have religious beliefs become true with time and popularity? A recognized lie, yet because of how many and how long we allow such assertions to be lies instead of mental illnesses.

Religious beliefs are predicated on the fear of death; being afraid is not to be 'insane,' but fear can compel irrational behavior, such as practicing religious beliefs.
Thinking of Bill Maher's repeated use of 'imaginary friend' referring to God I wonder if that's not entirely inaccurate. If a person is lonely and unloved God and religion probably fills the void rather nicely. If they did have someone to love and be loved by they're be investing that emotional energy with them, not something abstract and intangible like a unproven deity.

"My imaginary friend says..."

"My imaginary friend is gonna beat you up."

"My imaginary friend and I have fun every day."

...Things children often say of their imaginary friends. Curiously, not unlike what people say about their deities. So are people who as adults continue to cling to such imaginary figures in some way clinically retarded?

In school, part of a psych course was a counselling session. And I remember challenging the shrink on why aren't people who profess religious beliefs considered mentally ill? They talk to beings that aren't present, have aural and/or visual hallucinations, are delusional in their grasp of reality, etc. but they're NOT mentally ill. Whereas often people who say Jesus speaks to them are called schitzophrenic. Yet when Presidents say that same thing no one dusts off the Articles of Impeachment. :)

Have religious beliefs become true with time and popularity? A recognized lie, yet because of how many and how long we allow such assertions to be lies instead of mental illnesses.

Religious beliefs are predicated on the fear of death; being afraid is not to be 'insane,' but fear can compel irrational behavior, such as practicing religious beliefs.

Yet another sweeping statement based upon zero facts and pure beliefs.

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