Is revolution possible in America?

Have you noticed this? Police can read all texts that you have ever sent without a warrant. Police forcibly remove people from their homes in a Boston suburb. Minimum wage is the lowest here of any developed European or even some Asian country. The top 1% control 100% percent of the whole wealth of the country. People are powerless. And now it seems that we will be dragged into another war we have no business being in. What may create a revolution? Democracy appears to reach a deadlock...

No haven't noticed that. You want to know why?

I don't do anything that brings the attention of the police. Nor would I given them my phone in any situation for them to search it.

I would not let police pull me out of my home. Nor do I see any evidence of them doing so in Boston or anywhere else.

The only wealth I'm worried about controlling is my own, the wealth of others is their responsibility.

Nor am I concerned with the minimum wage when I have qualified for better jobs.

Revolution starts with the inner man.

First, you should probably learn what system of government we have. It's not a democracy
I am speaking about unfair distribution of wealth in the society as a social problem. Nobody cares your personal wealth.
Millions have not got proper and well-paid jobs and millions are unemployed.
You did not open my eyes.
It's not a Democracy, it's an Oligarchy masquerading as a Constitutional Republic.
About police... How do you explain all this chaos of Ferguson?
What do you mean - "inner man"?

chaos of Ferguson? Dont want to be shot by police? Don't attack them. Seems kind of a no brainer.

if you worry about your own wealth more than the wealth of others, you might be in a better position financially.
Have you noticed this? Police can read all texts that you have ever sent without a warrant. Police forcibly remove people from their homes in a Boston suburb. Minimum wage is the lowest here of any developed European or even some Asian country. The top 1% control 100% percent of the whole wealth of the country. People are powerless. And now it seems that we will be dragged into another war we have no business being in. What may create a revolution? Democracy appears to reach a deadlock...

No haven't noticed that. You want to know why?

I don't do anything that brings the attention of the police. Nor would I given them my phone in any situation for them to search it.

I would not let police pull me out of my home. Nor do I see any evidence of them doing so in Boston or anywhere else.

The only wealth I'm worried about controlling is my own, the wealth of others is their responsibility.

Nor am I concerned with the minimum wage when I have qualified for better jobs.

Revolution starts with the inner man.

First, you should probably learn what system of government we have. It's not a democracy
If you think wealth isn't being stolen from you, then you aren't paying attention. At all.

hence why I support limit government.
Is revolution possible in America?

No sir.

There are massive paramilitary forces ready to pounce on any "unpatriotic" American who refuses to accept slavery and tyranny as a way of life. Ask the Davidians.

Furthermore, the warfare state will need you if a Repugnant is elected to office. The American Likudnicks , neocrazies will invade Iran because, Because, more than likely the Repugnant Warmonger-in-Chief will cause a conflict in the Strait of Hormuz and Iran will be blamed.

So , no, revolution is not possible at this time.

Anyways, according to skylar, Americans have to wait for the powers-that-be to give them the green light.
Have you noticed this? Police can read all texts that you have ever sent without a warrant. Police forcibly remove people from their homes in a Boston suburb. Minimum wage is the lowest here of any developed European or even some Asian country. The top 1% control 100% percent of the whole wealth of the country. People are powerless. And now it seems that we will be dragged into another war we have no business being in. What may create a revolution? Democracy appears to reach a deadlock...

Wonder what the wealth holding elite percentages are in N. Korea.
I bet the 1% hold 150% of the cash.
Have you noticed this? Police can read all texts that you have ever sent without a warrant. Police forcibly remove people from their homes in a Boston suburb. Minimum wage is the lowest here of any developed European or even some Asian country. The top 1% control 100% percent of the whole wealth of the country. People are powerless. And now it seems that we will be dragged into another war we have no business being in. What may create a revolution? Democracy appears to reach a deadlock...

Democracy = mob rule...we were designed as a Constitutional Republic in an attempt to avoid the pitfalls of pure Democracy.

Nobody ever guaranteed or expected that our government would endure forever, the natural devolution of government is to become overly corrupt and oppressive. No piece of paper can prevent that devolution from occuring and I don't believe humans are capable of being educated, involved, vigilant and courageous enough to prevent it themselves for more than a handful of centuries. There are only five possible outcomes here...all of them end with a new government:

1. The People rebel politically.
2. The People rebel physically.
3. The government collapses from its own weight.
4. The country is conquered by another country.
5. Some or all of the above.

#1 is the ideal, #3 seems the most likely, #2, if it happens, would be triggered by #3.
Have you noticed this? Police can read all texts that you have ever sent without a warrant. Police forcibly remove people from their homes in a Boston suburb. Minimum wage is the lowest here of any developed European or even some Asian country. The top 1% control 100% percent of the whole wealth of the country. People are powerless. And now it seems that we will be dragged into another war we have no business being in. What may create a revolution? Democracy appears to reach a deadlock...

No haven't noticed that. You want to know why?

I don't do anything that brings the attention of the police. Nor would I given them my phone in any situation for them to search it.

I would not let police pull me out of my home. Nor do I see any evidence of them doing so in Boston or anywhere else.

The only wealth I'm worried about controlling is my own, the wealth of others is their responsibility.

Nor am I concerned with the minimum wage when I have qualified for better jobs.

Revolution starts with the inner man.

First, you should probably learn what system of government we have. It's not a democracy

This is some of the most pompous, self satisfied horse shit I ever heard. Do you talk that way in real life?
Many of your fellow Americans do. If you want what we have, earn your own. I work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. I have earned what I have. You have not.
Republicans are too old, fat, ignorant and lazy for a revolution. Besides, so many of them depend on, Depends, SS, Medicare and food stamps.

Most of the others want to rebel against Republicans whose policies have caused so much damage to this great country.
Have you noticed this? Police can read all texts that you have ever sent without a warrant. Police forcibly remove people from their homes in a Boston suburb. Minimum wage is the lowest here of any developed European or even some Asian country. The top 1% control 100% percent of the whole wealth of the country. People are powerless. And now it seems that we will be dragged into another war we have no business being in. What may create a revolution? Democracy appears to reach a deadlock...

No haven't noticed that. You want to know why?

I don't do anything that brings the attention of the police. Nor would I given them my phone in any situation for them to search it.

I would not let police pull me out of my home. Nor do I see any evidence of them doing so in Boston or anywhere else.

The only wealth I'm worried about controlling is my own, the wealth of others is their responsibility.

Nor am I concerned with the minimum wage when I have qualified for better jobs.

Revolution starts with the inner man.

First, you should probably learn what system of government we have. It's not a democracy

This is some of the most pompous, self satisfied horse shit I ever heard. Do you talk that way in real life?
Many of your fellow Americans do. If you want what we have, earn your own. I work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. I have earned what I have. You have not.

I haven't? Really? Why not?
Republicans are too old, fat, ignorant and lazy for a revolution. Besides, so many of them depend on, Depends, SS, Medicare and food stamps.

Most of the others want to rebel against Republicans whose policies have caused so much damage to this great country.

All those God damn Republican sponges, sucking the life out of this country with so many of them getting government services and taxpayers money.
Have you noticed this? Police can read all texts that you have ever sent without a warrant. Police forcibly remove people from their homes in a Boston suburb. Minimum wage is the lowest here of any developed European or even some Asian country. The top 1% control 100% percent of the whole wealth of the country. People are powerless. And now it seems that we will be dragged into another war we have no business being in. What may create a revolution? Democracy appears to reach a deadlock...

No haven't noticed that. You want to know why?

I don't do anything that brings the attention of the police. Nor would I given them my phone in any situation for them to search it.

I would not let police pull me out of my home. Nor do I see any evidence of them doing so in Boston or anywhere else.

The only wealth I'm worried about controlling is my own, the wealth of others is their responsibility.

Nor am I concerned with the minimum wage when I have qualified for better jobs.

Revolution starts with the inner man.

First, you should probably learn what system of government we have. It's not a democracy

This is some of the most pompous, self satisfied horse shit I ever heard. Do you talk that way in real life?
Many of your fellow Americans do. If you want what we have, earn your own. I work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. I have earned what I have. You have not.

I haven't? Really? Why not?
You appear to be asking for more of mine. :finger3:
Have you noticed this? Police can read all texts that you have ever sent without a warrant. Police forcibly remove people from their homes in a Boston suburb. Minimum wage is the lowest here of any developed European or even some Asian country. The top 1% control 100% percent of the whole wealth of the country. People are powerless. And now it seems that we will be dragged into another war we have no business being in. What may create a revolution? Democracy appears to reach a deadlock...

No haven't noticed that. You want to know why?

I don't do anything that brings the attention of the police. Nor would I given them my phone in any situation for them to search it.

I would not let police pull me out of my home. Nor do I see any evidence of them doing so in Boston or anywhere else.

The only wealth I'm worried about controlling is my own, the wealth of others is their responsibility.

Nor am I concerned with the minimum wage when I have qualified for better jobs.

Revolution starts with the inner man.

First, you should probably learn what system of government we have. It's not a democracy

This is some of the most pompous, self satisfied horse shit I ever heard. Do you talk that way in real life?
Many of your fellow Americans do. If you want what we have, earn your own. I work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. I have earned what I have. You have not.

I haven't? Really? Why not?
You appear to be asking for more of mine. :finger3:

No, that's just your knee jerk interpretation.
Have you noticed this? Police can read all texts that you have ever sent without a warrant. Police forcibly remove people from their homes in a Boston suburb. Minimum wage is the lowest here of any developed European or even some Asian country. The top 1% control 100% percent of the whole wealth of the country. People are powerless. And now it seems that we will be dragged into another war we have no business being in. What may create a revolution? Democracy appears to reach a deadlock...

No haven't noticed that. You want to know why?

I don't do anything that brings the attention of the police. Nor would I given them my phone in any situation for them to search it.

I would not let police pull me out of my home. Nor do I see any evidence of them doing so in Boston or anywhere else.

The only wealth I'm worried about controlling is my own, the wealth of others is their responsibility.

Nor am I concerned with the minimum wage when I have qualified for better jobs.

Revolution starts with the inner man.

First, you should probably learn what system of government we have. It's not a democracy
If you think wealth isn't being stolen from you, then you aren't paying attention. At all.

hence why I support limit government.

There are all kinds of good reasons to limit government, unfortunately your reasons aren't among them.
No haven't noticed that. You want to know why?

I don't do anything that brings the attention of the police. Nor would I given them my phone in any situation for them to search it.

I would not let police pull me out of my home. Nor do I see any evidence of them doing so in Boston or anywhere else.

The only wealth I'm worried about controlling is my own, the wealth of others is their responsibility.

Nor am I concerned with the minimum wage when I have qualified for better jobs.

Revolution starts with the inner man.

First, you should probably learn what system of government we have. It's not a democracy

This is some of the most pompous, self satisfied horse shit I ever heard. Do you talk that way in real life?
Many of your fellow Americans do. If you want what we have, earn your own. I work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. I have earned what I have. You have not.

I haven't? Really? Why not?
You appear to be asking for more of mine.

No, that's just your knee jerk interpretation.
Nope. It's my reaction to another Progressive jerk who wants more of what I earn.:finger3:
Have you noticed this? Police can read all texts that you have ever sent without a warrant. Police forcibly remove people from their homes in a Boston suburb. Minimum wage is the lowest here of any developed European or even some Asian country. The top 1% control 100% percent of the whole wealth of the country. People are powerless. And now it seems that we will be dragged into another war we have no business being in. What may create a revolution? Democracy appears to reach a deadlock...

Revolution not necessary.

Just a big enema -- clear out all TeaBag shit.
Have you noticed this? Police can read all texts that you have ever sent without a warrant. Police forcibly remove people from their homes in a Boston suburb. Minimum wage is the lowest here of any developed European or even some Asian country. The top 1% control 100% percent of the whole wealth of the country. People are powerless. And now it seems that we will be dragged into another war we have no business being in. What may create a revolution? Democracy appears to reach a deadlock...

No haven't noticed that. You want to know why?

I don't do anything that brings the attention of the police. Nor would I given them my phone in any situation for them to search it.

I would not let police pull me out of my home. Nor do I see any evidence of them doing so in Boston or anywhere else.

The only wealth I'm worried about controlling is my own, the wealth of others is their responsibility.

Nor am I concerned with the minimum wage when I have qualified for better jobs.

Revolution starts with the inner man.

First, you should probably learn what system of government we have. It's not a democracy
If you think wealth isn't being stolen from you, then you aren't paying attention. At all.

hence why I support limit government.

There are all kinds of good reasons to limit government, unfortunately your reasons aren't among them.

if ending corruption, robbery and oppression aren't good reasons what are?
Have you noticed this? Police can read all texts that you have ever sent without a warrant. Police forcibly remove people from their homes in a Boston suburb. Minimum wage is the lowest here of any developed European or even some Asian country. The top 1% control 100% percent of the whole wealth of the country. People are powerless. And now it seems that we will be dragged into another war we have no business being in. What may create a revolution? Democracy appears to reach a deadlock...

Revolution not necessary.

Just a big enema -- clear out all TeaBag shit.

works for me. Then you might be able to slide your head out of your rear, clean yourself off and see clearly
Republicans are too old, fat, ignorant and lazy for a revolution. Besides, so many of them depend on, Depends, SS, Medicare and food stamps.

Most of the others want to rebel against Republicans whose policies have caused so much damage to this great country.

All those God damn Republican sponges, sucking the life out of this country with so many of them getting government services and taxpayers money.
I know. Look at Red States. 150 years of conservatives, right winger policies and every one a basket case. You would think America would LEARN.
This is some of the most pompous, self satisfied horse shit I ever heard. Do you talk that way in real life?
Many of your fellow Americans do. If you want what we have, earn your own. I work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. I have earned what I have. You have not.

I haven't? Really? Why not?
You appear to be asking for more of mine.

No, that's just your knee jerk interpretation.
Nope. It's my reaction to another Progressive jerk who wants more of what I earn.:finger3:
You don't "earn" disability.

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