Is Romney Electable

I see that the user known as 'independentlogic' still steadfastly refuses to practice either independence or logic.... but at least (s)he is consistent.

I see that the user known as 'independentlogic' still steadfastly refuses to practice either independence or logic.... but at least (s)he is consistent.
Just call it bad data...:eusa_whistle:

LOL! I see the weaklings still have nothing on issues, nothing on topics, no facts, not even an opinion - just basically.... nothing. As usual. :lol:

Well you guys are cute and although my OP was specifically on what Romney could do to run a more effective campaign, I'm flattered that as has been the case in so many threads, you continue to post about one thing only: Me!

At least the Liberals here, have the ability to debate me with facts and such when I disagree with them on things like Global Warming, unions etc... But of course, they're "elitistist" and therefore intellectually superior to the little "internet people". :eusa_angel:

What is the topic? Is Romeny Electable... which I responded to.

I doubt it. George was a Republican, moron. Although involved in the automotive industry, he was in management.

Partisanship doesn't seem to be the determining factor on this one for Michiganders, seeing as the current governor is a Republican and supported the auto bailout. Indeed, so did management.

I imagine Obama's going to have fun with this.

[ame=]Obama on the bailout[/ame]
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To the OP- Here's whey Romney isn't electable

1) Mormonism- Sorry, it's a weird religion. And when people find out more about it, they are going to recoil in horror.

2) Gaffe Machine- The guy says so many stupid things I can't even fit them in my sig line anymore- and he's got 8 months to say more of them.

3) Corporate Bloodsucker- The guy made a fortune destroying the American Dream for a lot of people. When you have an economy of people who worry their job might be downsized, offshored or replaced by a machine, you don't want a guy who made a fortune doing just that.

4) General Creepiness and unlikability. Sorry, the guy you want to have a beer with usually wins.

5) Lack of Sincerity- Romney says what he thinks people want to here. The OP says Santorum is driving him further to the right. That's partially true, but what Santorum is really doing is exposing his phoniness. I am for a woman's right to choose because I think banning abortion is impractical. But I can respect Santorums firmly held moral convictions more than Romney's "Well, the pollsters say I need to say this in the primaries, but I'll tack back to the center for the general".
I see that the user known as 'independentlogic' still steadfastly refuses to practice either independence or logic.... but at least (s)he is consistent.

Just call it bad data...:eusa_whistle:

LOL! I see the weaklings still have nothing on issues, nothing on topics, no facts, not even an opinion - just basically.... nothing. As usual. :lol:

Well you guys are cute and although my OP was specifically on what Romney could do to run a more effective campaign, I'm flattered that as has been the case in so many threads, you continue to post about one thing only: Me!

At least the Liberals here, have the ability to debate me with facts and such when I disagree with them on things like Global Warming, unions etc... But of course, they're "elitistist" and therefore intellectually superior to the little "internet people". :eusa_angel:

What is the topic? Is Romeny Electable... which I responded to.


Awwww you're upset again. I told you sweetheart, I'm happily married. You just, just need to let me go.
In the mean time, let me dumb this down for you as obviously it was juuuust a little too complex for that teenie mind of yours!
The Topic of the thread is that Romney is allowing himself to get distracted from the message he should be focusing on (The economy, unemployment etc...) and instead following Santorum into The Land of Extreme Right Whackjobbery, where votes are lost.
So as much as you are obssessed with me and can't help but talk about ME all the time, the topic had nothing to do with whether I am Independent or Logical (seriously, you need new material too. How about "He's incredibly good looking and intelligent! We know that's what you're really thinking ;) )
If you still don't understand what the topic is about, find one of those Liberal Elitist and ask them to explain it to you!
Glad I could help! It's what I do. I help. :eusa_angel:
I see that the user known as 'independentlogic' still steadfastly refuses to practice either independence or logic.... but at least (s)he is consistent.

Just call it bad data...:eusa_whistle:

LOL! I see the weaklings still have nothing on issues, nothing on topics, no facts, not even an opinion - just basically.... nothing. As usual. :lol:

Well you guys are cute and although my OP was specifically on what Romney could do to run a more effective campaign, I'm flattered that as has been the case in so many threads, you continue to post about one thing only: Me!

At least the Liberals here, have the ability to debate me with facts and such when I disagree with them on things like Global Warming, unions etc... But of course, they're "elitistist" and therefore intellectually superior to the little "internet people". :eusa_angel:

What is the topic? Is Romeny Electable... which I responded to.

Independent Illogic can't help himself...YOU aren't towing his line..;.:lol:
To the OP- Here's whey Romney isn't electable

1) Mormonism- Sorry, it's a weird religion. And when people find out more about it, they are going to recoil in horror.

Some will but I think the Extreme Right would vote for him if his religion was Jedi Knighthood.

2) Gaffe Machine- The guy says so many stupid things I can't even fit them in my sig line anymore- and he's got 8 months to say more of them.

Romney? Gaffe??? I'll bet you $10,000 he doesn't gaffe!

3) Corporate Bloodsucker- The guy made a fortune destroying the American Dream for a lot of people. When you have an economy of people who worry their job might be downsized, offshored or replaced by a machine, you don't want a guy who made a fortune doing just that.

Well that's true. And he did it in a way that makes VC Attorneys look like angels. But The Right will turn a deaf ear to the facts on that one.

4) General Creepiness and unlikability. Sorry, the guy you want to have a beer with usually wins.

This is actually very relevant. He's very handsome in a Simon LeGree kinda way.

5) Lack of Sincerity- Romney says what he thinks people want to here. The OP says Santorum is driving him further to the right. That's partially true, but what Santorum is really doing is exposing his phoniness. I am for a woman's right to choose because I think banning abortion is impractical. But I can respect Santorums firmly held moral convictions more than Romney's "Well, the pollsters say I need to say this in the primaries, but I'll tack back to the center for the general".

Did you see the 3 hour flip-flop? "I don't think the government should be in the bedroom of private citizens." Three hours and two screaming political analyst later "Oh sorry. English isn't my first language! I totally support the Blunt Bill!" :lol:

That's probably your best point and the one I made in the OP. He was SO electable before the primaries because he was viewed as a Centrist. Now he's followed the Pied Piper of the Extreme Right to the Land of No Moderates or Independents.
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Is Obama electable? The democrat party should be focusing on economic issues and instead they seem to campaigning on the laughable issue of free condoms.

Actually, to anyone but ConservaRepubs, the opposite is true. Obama had the issue come up, made a compromise and walked away from it. I haven't heard heard him discuss it since. But the GOP Candidates have been all over it every day and as recent as yesterday.

perhaps he might if he stood for hope, change, community organizing, redistribution , and trillions in "stimulus" spending..................a real man of the "people"

Or maybe if he discussed jobs more than five minutes out of 3 HOURS in the AZ debate?

Well Shit. They elected Barry didn't they??

Yes we did (I include my vote). The GOP offered a guy who voted with Bush 90% of the time and Eskimo Barbie. Oops. I think part of that was because after Bush, they knew they were doomed anyway.

But they didn't NEED to repeat the mistake of offering a horrible pool of candidates again this year. Romney will end up being the nominee and he seems determined to spend time painting a bull's eye on himself instead of implementing a more proactive and effective campaign. The only people the GOP is impressing nowadays, are people who would vote for a tennis shoe, before they would vote for Obama. Everyone else, they're pushing away.

How good do they have to be considering the opposition? Seriously? All he has to run on is his record and anyone with two brain cells to run together knows it sucks.
LOL! I see the weaklings still have nothing on issues, nothing on topics, no facts, not even an opinion - just basically.... nothing. As usual. :lol:

Well you guys are cute and although my OP was specifically on what Romney could do to run a more effective campaign, I'm flattered that as has been the case in so many threads, you continue to post about one thing only: Me!

At least the Liberals here, have the ability to debate me with facts and such when I disagree with them on things like Global Warming, unions etc... But of course, they're "elitistist" and therefore intellectually superior to the little "internet people". :eusa_angel:

What is the topic? Is Romeny Electable... which I responded to.


Awwww you're upset again. I told you sweetheart, I'm happily married. You just, just need to let me go.
In the mean time, let me dumb this down for you as obviously it was juuuust a little too complex for that teenie mind of yours!
The Topic of the thread is that Romney is allowing himself to get distracted from the message he should be focusing on (The economy, unemployment etc...) and instead following Santorum into The Land of Extreme Right Whackjobbery, where votes are lost.
So as much as you are obssessed with me and can't help but talk about ME all the time, the topic had nothing to do with whether I am Independent or Logical (seriously, you need new material too. How about "He's incredibly good looking and intelligent! We know that's what you're really thinking ;) )
If you still don't understand what the topic is about, find one of those Liberal Elitist and ask them to explain it to you!
Glad I could help! It's what I do. I help. :eusa_angel:

Resorting to misogynism.... how sad for you. Not surprising.... but sad nonetheless.
LOL! I see the weaklings still have nothing on issues, nothing on topics, no facts, not even an opinion - just basically.... nothing. As usual. :lol:

Well you guys are cute and although my OP was specifically on what Romney could do to run a more effective campaign, I'm flattered that as has been the case in so many threads, you continue to post about one thing only: Me!

At least the Liberals here, have the ability to debate me with facts and such when I disagree with them on things like Global Warming, unions etc... But of course, they're "elitistist" and therefore intellectually superior to the little "internet people". :eusa_angel:

What is the topic? Is Romeny Electable... which I responded to.

Independent Illogic can't help himself...YOU aren't towing his line..;.:lol:

Meh, strong intelligent females understand that weak men with fragile egos find us quite difficult to cope with. And we laugh about it.
What is the topic? Is Romeny Electable... which I responded to.

Independent Illogic can't help himself...YOU aren't towing his line..;.:lol:

Meh, strong intelligent females understand that weak men with fragile egos find us quite difficult to cope with. And we laugh about it.
And as a man with no ego to bruise because I get it and understood decades ago? I'll sit there with you all and laugh at those 'men' that feel so threatened by thier betters. :lol:
Independent Illogic can't help himself...YOU aren't towing his line..;.:lol:

Meh, strong intelligent females understand that weak men with fragile egos find us quite difficult to cope with. And we laugh about it.
And as a man with no ego to bruise because I get it and understood decades ago? I'll sit there with you all and laugh at those 'men' that feel so threatened by thier betters. :lol:

Wise man, Tommy. Very wise. :lol:
Meh, strong intelligent females understand that weak men with fragile egos find us quite difficult to cope with. And we laugh about it.
And as a man with no ego to bruise because I get it and understood decades ago? I'll sit there with you all and laugh at those 'men' that feel so threatened by thier betters. :lol:

Wise man, Tommy. Very wise. :lol:

Frankly? Some men are intimidated by strong willed women...I'm secure enough in my person to recognize it and treat them no different than anyone else with morals/scruples/principles and are like me secure in thier persons and apologize to no one.

One of my heroines is the honorable Margret Thatcher.:eusa_whistle:
And as a man with no ego to bruise because I get it and understood decades ago? I'll sit there with you all and laugh at those 'men' that feel so threatened by thier betters. :lol:

Wise man, Tommy. Very wise. :lol:

Frankly? Some men are intimidated by strong willed women...I'm secure enough in my person to recognize it and treat them no different than anyone else with morals/scruples/principles and are like me secure in thier persons and apologize to no one.

One of my heroines is the honorable Margret Thatcher.:eusa_whistle:

We always know who the weak men are... they are the first to make misogynistic remarks in some forlorn hope of 'winning'. I feel sorry for them... they are an embarrassment to their gender. I cannot abide weak people.... male or female. Crowd followers are creepy with their herd behavior.
What is the topic? Is Romeny Electable... which I responded to.


Awwww you're upset again. I told you sweetheart, I'm happily married. You just, just need to let me go.
In the mean time, let me dumb this down for you as obviously it was juuuust a little too complex for that teenie mind of yours!
The Topic of the thread is that Romney is allowing himself to get distracted from the message he should be focusing on (The economy, unemployment etc...) and instead following Santorum into The Land of Extreme Right Whackjobbery, where votes are lost.
So as much as you are obssessed with me and can't help but talk about ME all the time, the topic had nothing to do with whether I am Independent or Logical (seriously, you need new material too. How about "He's incredibly good looking and intelligent! We know that's what you're really thinking ;) )
If you still don't understand what the topic is about, find one of those Liberal Elitist and ask them to explain it to you!
Glad I could help! It's what I do. I help. :eusa_angel:

Resorting to misogynism.... how sad for you. Not surprising.... but sad nonetheless.

Misogynism? :lol: I think you need a dictionary sweetheart.
Your fourth quote on this thread so far. How many of them were about me? :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Romney electable? Good question. I told my mom he'd be the nominee months ago and pose a serious threat to Obama. Now I'm much less confident in his candidacy.
It's not just his constant gaffes - which will undoubtedly be transformed into soundbites. It's that Santorum has forced Romney to continue moving further and further to The Right and away from The Center - the votes which decide the election.
The GOP should be discussing one thing only: The Economy (including unemployment). Instead, they are allowing themselves to be distracted by social issues and instead of rolling around them and going back to the economy, Santorum is FOCUSING on these issues. IDIOT!!! Obama's approval with women has shot up TEN points in the last three weeks, thanks to this whackjobbery. According to Gallup (who leans Right), Obama has lost nothing with Catholics.
Where Obama was tied with Romney on RCP three months ago, he now leads by 7+ points in the aggregate of all polls. By the time Romney is confirmed, severe damage will have been done.
If I were advising Obama, I would tell him to throw out a new red herring concerning Affirmative Action, SB1070 or something along those lines. Bait the GOP to run to the Extreme Right again and guarantee Obama the minority vote - which is expected to break all records at 30%+ in the 2012 popular vote - and again, keeping them talking about something OTHER THAN unemployment and the economy.
Obama may or may not be a good president but Axelrod and Plouffe are as skilled a political machine as I have ever seen, and their product (Obama) is good at following their advice.
Romney's advisors seem to pale in comparison. They seem to be completely reactive instead of proactive. In tennis, this is called "Letting the other player dictate play".
If Romney is going to have a realistic shot in the General Election, he can't wait until after the GOP Convention to begin dictating play. By then it will be too late - especially if the economy continues on even a mildly positive trend.
If obamaturd got elected, anybody can. At least Romney can prove his eligibility. We are still waiting for obamaturd to.
Romney electable? Good question. I told my mom he'd be the nominee months ago and pose a serious threat to Obama. Now I'm much less confident in his candidacy.
It's not just his constant gaffes - which will undoubtedly be transformed into soundbites. It's that Santorum has forced Romney to continue moving further and further to The Right and away from The Center - the votes which decide the election.
The GOP should be discussing one thing only: The Economy (including unemployment). Instead, they are allowing themselves to be distracted by social issues and instead of rolling around them and going back to the economy, Santorum is FOCUSING on these issues. IDIOT!!! Obama's approval with women has shot up TEN points in the last three weeks, thanks to this whackjobbery. According to Gallup (who leans Right), Obama has lost nothing with Catholics.
Where Obama was tied with Romney on RCP three months ago, he now leads by 7+ points in the aggregate of all polls. By the time Romney is confirmed, severe damage will have been done.
If I were advising Obama, I would tell him to throw out a new red herring concerning Affirmative Action, SB1070 or something along those lines. Bait the GOP to run to the Extreme Right again and guarantee Obama the minority vote - which is expected to break all records at 30%+ in the 2012 popular vote - and again, keeping them talking about something OTHER THAN unemployment and the economy.
Obama may or may not be a good president but Axelrod and Plouffe are as skilled a political machine as I have ever seen, and their product (Obama) is good at following their advice.
Romney's advisors seem to pale in comparison. They seem to be completely reactive instead of proactive. In tennis, this is called "Letting the other player dictate play".
If Romney is going to have a realistic shot in the General Election, he can't wait until after the GOP Convention to begin dictating play. By then it will be too late - especially if the economy continues on even a mildly positive trend.
If obamaturd got elected, anybody can. At least Romney can prove his eligibility. We are still waiting for obamaturd to.

Um, errr, well um yes. The most insightful posts always have the word "turd" in them I suppose...
So the Birther issue, eh? Hmmm. Yeah. Okay, you guys run with the Birther issue and contraception and see how that works...

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