Is Romney up to the task of running against Obama?

He NEEDS to start laying out his intentions. Full-stop, period. Being "anybody but Obama" will not be enough.

Romney rarely goes out on a limb with his principles and intentions, which is why you see a lot of back and forth with his stances.

Political tofu, he is. :thup:
After a week of being mercilessly pounded on Bain and basically just ignoring it except for demanding an apology, I thought this thread was worth bumping.

Ignoring it? What planet are you hiding on? Romney can only call Obama a liar so many times. He did multiple interviews, but you have to remember that by and large, the Obama media is only putting out what they want you to hear.

If you don't want a repeat of McCain, then I suggest you get out and start finding a way to help. It's not that Romney has no message, it's that just like last time, the Obama campaign is trying to determine the debate by using their media proxies. It's people like you that are supposed supporters joining the liberal media chorus that contribute to the problem.
It says a lot about the GOP if they can't even beat Obama.

I honestly don't know what it will take to beat some sense into this crop of UnConservatives. I would like to believe getting their asses handed to them by Obama, again, would wake them up to just how diseased and sick they are, but I am too cynical at this point.

I like what I'm hearing from my local representatives but it doesn't seem to be translating to a national position. I feel confident we can take McCaskills seat but we need much more than that.

It's July. We haven't had the conventions yet and you're already whining like a little girl. Grow a fucking spine, man.

Yep, 3 1/2 months to go. There is never enough time to define yourself when you don't appear to be willing to. I'll certainly vote for Romney if he shows a willingness to fight. Letting Obama define your character without doing it yourself is a major fail. Just like your childish post.
After a week of being mercilessly pounded on Bain and basically just ignoring it except for demanding an apology, I thought this thread was worth bumping.

Ignoring it? What planet are you hiding on? Romney can only call Obama a liar so many times. He did multiple interviews, but you have to remember that by and large, the Obama media is only putting out what they want you to hear.

If you don't want a repeat of McCain, then I suggest you get out and start finding a way to help. It's not that Romney has no message, it's that just like last time, the Obama campaign is trying to determine the debate by using their media proxies. It's people like you that are supposed supporters joining the liberal media chorus that contribute to the problem.

The notion of the "Liberal Media" was around before W won two consecutive elections(technically), so I'm not sure how your comment makes much sense.
Romney just needs to focus on the dismal economy and the 8.2% unemployment. And he needs to continue to call obama the liar he his. Most people have already decided who they're going to vote for. I'm with CG. the conventions and debates will tell the story. ARe there any debates scheduled yet?
I'm really beginning to have some doubts. Flashbacks of McCains terrible campaign.

I hear pro Obama and anti Romney ads regularly. But not hardly a peep or response from Romney. Some of the anti Romney ads are pretty ruthless and will serve to put Romney in a box he can't get out of if he doesn't start firing back. He won't win from a defensive position. He must put forth his own attacks and positive agenda. If he spends all his time on defense he is toast.

He has plenty of ammunition. Hopefully he doesn't squander it like he did the SCOTUS ruling.

this is why the best candidate you could find was robmoney.

No right leaning person with brains wanted to run this election.

You know why?

the tea party base is insane and will pull anyone who wants to win bad enough right into fantasy land which makes it impossible to win the national election.

You cant win with them and you cant win without them.

your party cant cheat enough to win this time.

your party would get caught
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I also find it ironic that you call me spinless when Romney gets attacked and his response is to ask for an apology.
Romney is in a tough spot, he cannot show optimism and win and he is much more of a scary unknown quantity than Obama at this point. He refuses to run on his record as governor and his record in the private sector is looking worse everyday, it is looking increasingly likely that the GOP never meant to win this time around as I have said all along.
Romney is in a tough spot, he cannot show optimism and win and he is much more of a scary unknown quantity than Obama at this point. He refuses to run on his record as governor and his record in the private sector is looking worse everyday, it is looking increasingly likely that the GOP never meant to win this time around as I have said all along.

bullshit, unadulterated, unmitigated pasturized bullshit.
After a week of being mercilessly pounded on Bain and basically just ignoring it except for demanding an apology, I thought this thread was worth bumping.

Ignoring it? What planet are you hiding on? Romney can only call Obama a liar so many times. He did multiple interviews, but you have to remember that by and large, the Obama media is only putting out what they want you to hear.

If you don't want a repeat of McCain, then I suggest you get out and start finding a way to help. It's not that Romney has no message, it's that just like last time, the Obama campaign is trying to determine the debate by using their media proxies. It's people like you that are supposed supporters joining the liberal media chorus that contribute to the problem.

The notion of the "Liberal Media" was around before W won two consecutive elections(technically), so I'm not sure how your comment makes much sense.

Up until Barack Obama the media at least pretended some sort of objectivity. That ended with Chris Matthews tingling leg.
I also find it ironic that you call me spinless when Romney gets attacked and his response is to ask for an apology.

Gramps.. he's called obummer a liar and asked for an apology what more do you want him to do?

Release any and all information and put all this bullshit behind him. He's behind the curve. He will never be in front of the curve if he is constantly defending a position Obama has put forth.
I also find it ironic that you call me spinless when Romney gets attacked and his response is to ask for an apology.

Gramps.. he's called obummer a liar and asked for an apology what more do you want him to do?

Release any and all information and put all this bullshit behind him. He's behind the curve. He will never be in front of the curve if he is constantly defending a position Obama has put forth.

Fair point. If I were Romney I'd hold my information hostage and trade it for obama's missing information. That could be interesting. One year of tax returns for each piece of hidden obama information. Let's begin with his college applications. hmmmm?
I like what I'm hearing from my local representatives but it doesn't seem to be translating to a national position. I feel confident we can take McCaskills seat but we need much more than that.

It's July. We haven't had the conventions yet and you're already whining like a little girl. Grow a fucking spine, man.

Yep, 3 1/2 months to go. There is never enough time to define yourself when you don't appear to be willing to. I'll certainly vote for Romney if he shows a willingness to fight. Letting Obama define your character without doing it yourself is a major fail. Just like your childish post.

What do you think Romney should be doing to get his message out? What do you think is the best way for him to reach people with the MSM as Obama's third rail?
Ignoring it? What planet are you hiding on? Romney can only call Obama a liar so many times. He did multiple interviews, but you have to remember that by and large, the Obama media is only putting out what they want you to hear.

If you don't want a repeat of McCain, then I suggest you get out and start finding a way to help. It's not that Romney has no message, it's that just like last time, the Obama campaign is trying to determine the debate by using their media proxies. It's people like you that are supposed supporters joining the liberal media chorus that contribute to the problem.

The notion of the "Liberal Media" was around before W won two consecutive elections(technically), so I'm not sure how your comment makes much sense.

Up until Barack Obama the media at least pretended some sort of objectivity. That ended with Chris Matthews tingling leg.

Oh puhlease.

You're talking about MSNBC, which I'm pretty sure is one of the lower-ranked news stations in the US.

Again, the "Liberal Media" notion has been around for decades.

If anything, the "Liberal Media" should have less effect than it did in the 90's with the influx of multiple media sources brought on by the internet's popularity.
I also find it ironic that you call me spinless when Romney gets attacked and his response is to ask for an apology.

Gramps.. he's called obummer a liar and asked for an apology what more do you want him to do?

Release any and all information and put all this bullshit behind him. He's behind the curve. He will never be in front of the curve if he is constantly defending a position Obama has put forth.

Why do you want him to play their game. That is EXACTLY what McCain did. Everytime the media said jump, he said "How high Sir?"

Is there something in those tax returns that you think will convince an Obama supporter to vote for Romney? Is there anything there that will make you vote Obama?
Your candidate sucks because your party sucks.

try doing something about all that sucking and maybe you can improve
It's July. We haven't had the conventions yet and you're already whining like a little girl. Grow a fucking spine, man.

Yep, 3 1/2 months to go. There is never enough time to define yourself when you don't appear to be willing to. I'll certainly vote for Romney if he shows a willingness to fight. Letting Obama define your character without doing it yourself is a major fail. Just like your childish post.

What do you think Romney should be doing to get his message out? What do you think is the best way for him to reach people with the MSM as Obama's third rail?

He has to win independents to win this election. He isn't going to do that by playing liar, liar pants on fire with Obama.
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The notion of the "Liberal Media" was around before W won two consecutive elections(technically), so I'm not sure how your comment makes much sense.

Up until Barack Obama the media at least pretended some sort of objectivity. That ended with Chris Matthews tingling leg.

Oh puhlease.

You're talking about MSNBC, which I'm pretty sure is one of the lower-ranked news stations in the US.

Again, the "Liberal Media" notion has been around for decades.

If anything, the "Liberal Media" should have less effect than it did in the 90's with the influx of multiple media sources brought on by the internet's popularity.

That is true for people that are interested and want to know. For many who get their political news from soundbites in between their favorite shows, it continues to be a problem. Go out and quiz a few young people and see what you get.
He isnt going to do it by being mr secretive either.

he needs to show his hand if he wants to win this game

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