Is Romney up to the task of running against Obama?

He isnt going to do it by being mr secretive either.

he needs to show his hand if he wants to win this game

TM.. Obama is the most opaque candidate on the planet, so don't tell us that Mitt needs to "show his hand" to win.

No he isn't...god you people always try to make the person you hate out to be the worst person ever in Order to win. Stop lying.
Well, you somehow have to get something to them other than soundbites or comedy bits from the Daily Show. I think Mitt should hire a PR team.

You're giving me the impression that you feel the misinformed are only one side of the political spectrum.

That's because they primarily are.

You are a moron.

Liberal media and yet fox has the most ratings of them all. Then you have the internet and blogs.

In todays world the right screams the loudest. There is no debating it.
Well, you somehow have to get something to them other than soundbites or comedy bits from the Daily Show. I think Mitt should hire a PR team.

You're giving me the impression that you feel the misinformed are only one side of the political spectrum.

That's because they primarily are.

That's because they primarily are.


Now that I know where you stand I guess we can end this discussion. :thup:

Ok. Because you can't say differently. Those that vote Republican typically have to go look for information. It is they that tune into talk radio or go looking at Drudge for information. Low info voters hear blurbs on network tv or comedy bits from Saturday Night Live and The Daily Show and consider that to be news. They assume if the cool kids are making fun of him, you probably shouldn't vote for him.

Rush alone has about 15 million people who listen to him. Combine them all and you get about 27-30 million listens on all radi programs that lean right.

Thank you for showing your ignorance here in this thread. You have no legs to stand on.
After a week of being mercilessly pounded on Bain and basically just ignoring it except for demanding an apology, I thought this thread was worth bumping.

Nobody knows what to pound on anymore. Tax havens? Tax returns (two for you! No more!!)? Bain?

No! Let's talk about Condi Rice for veep.

................ didn't work, huh. They still want answers?

Shit. :(
Oh, holy ouch.

[ame=]Obama for America TV Ad: "Firms" - YouTube[/ame]

Now that I know where you stand I guess we can end this discussion. :thup:

Ok. Because you can't say differently. Those that vote Republican typically have to go look for information. It is they that tune into talk radio or go looking at Drudge for information. Low info voters hear blurbs on network tv or comedy bits from Saturday Night Live and The Daily Show and consider that to be news. They assume if the cool kids are making fun of him, you probably shouldn't vote for him.

I could absolutely say differently, but then I'd be lowering myself to the level of people that talk out of their no thank you.

What is it about talk radio that makes you think it's not slanted towards a certain ideology, is that what Rush or Glenn told you? Isn't Drudge a Conservative-slanted news site?

People that couldn't care less about objectivity will go to the voices that are saying what they want to hear, because that's the path of least resistance, because we're talking about the intellectually lazy, after all.

The fact that you think there is only one side that's not doing what it should speaks volumes to what kind of person you are with respect to politics.

It seems your initial posts were more autobiographical than I had realized.

Reading comprehension not your thing? No where did I say that talk radio or Drudge wasn't slanted. In fact, from my post you can assume that I DO think they're slanted. That was the point. Low information voters don't look for sources on information. They are not likely to frequent talk radio, Drudge or even CNN. Low information voters hear little blurbs of information during their normal activities. Given that you'll not find many positive things said about Republican candidates on network TV or Comedy Central, most of what low info voters will hear about Romney will be negative. Therefore, if they vote, most will vote Obama.
He NEEDS to start laying out his intentions. Full-stop, period. Being "anybody but Obama" will not be enough.

Well, what if his intentions are to go along with the Ryan Plan and do away with all those pesky laws that protect workers and consumers?
It says a lot about the GOP if they can't even beat Obama.

I honestly don't know what it will take to beat some sense into this crop of UnConservatives. I would like to believe getting their asses handed to them by Obama, again, would wake them up to just how diseased and sick they are, but I am too cynical at this point.

Totally off-topic, but is that avatar from a Dr. Who episode?
Ok. Because you can't say differently. Those that vote Republican typically have to go look for information. It is they that tune into talk radio or go looking at Drudge for information. Low info voters hear blurbs on network tv or comedy bits from Saturday Night Live and The Daily Show and consider that to be news. They assume if the cool kids are making fun of him, you probably shouldn't vote for him.

I could absolutely say differently, but then I'd be lowering myself to the level of people that talk out of their no thank you.

What is it about talk radio that makes you think it's not slanted towards a certain ideology, is that what Rush or Glenn told you? Isn't Drudge a Conservative-slanted news site?

People that couldn't care less about objectivity will go to the voices that are saying what they want to hear, because that's the path of least resistance, because we're talking about the intellectually lazy, after all.

The fact that you think there is only one side that's not doing what it should speaks volumes to what kind of person you are with respect to politics.

It seems your initial posts were more autobiographical than I had realized.

Reading comprehension not your thing? No where did I say that talk radio or Drudge wasn't slanted. In fact, from my post you can assume that I DO think they're slanted. That was the point. Low information voters don't look for sources on information. They are not likely to frequent talk radio, Drudge or even CNN. Low information voters hear little blurbs of information during their normal activities. Given that you'll not find many positive things said about Republican candidates on network TV or Comedy Central, most of what low info voters will hear about Romney will be negative. Therefore, if they vote, most will vote Obama.

Thinking only liberals can be "low information voters" = Dumber than a bag of hammers.

Don't believe me? Who gives a shit? :thup:
That's because they primarily are.


Now that I know where you stand I guess we can end this discussion. :thup:

Ok. Because you can't say differently. Those that vote Republican typically have to go look for information. It is they that tune into talk radio or go looking at Drudge for information. Low info voters hear blurbs on network tv or comedy bits from Saturday Night Live and The Daily Show and consider that to be news. They assume if the cool kids are making fun of him, you probably shouldn't vote for him.


Another one who likes to pretend his/her side's shit doesn't stink.

Piss off.
He NEEDS to start laying out his intentions. Full-stop, period. Being "anybody but Obama" will not be enough.

Well, what if his intentions are to go along with the Ryan Plan and do away with all those pesky laws that protect workers and consumers?

I think the people have a right to know that.

I also think he needs to explain exactly how he believes he will go about implementing these changes.
He NEEDS to start laying out his intentions. Full-stop, period. Being "anybody but Obama" will not be enough.

Well, what if his intentions are to go along with the Ryan Plan and do away with all those pesky laws that protect workers and consumers?

I think the people have a right to know that.

I also think he needs to explain exactly how he believes he will go about implementing these changes.

Oh, I agree and would love it if he did just that. I'm sure it would go over very well, dont you?
Thought this was worth a bump in light of all the recent polls and Obama ads.

Several of you insisted that I was jumping the gun with my concerns. I think I was being pragmatic and recognizing the gravity of the situation.

Simply sitting back and saying it's too early is foolish.
Agreed. Some of Romney's poll numbers on people's confidence in him to fix the economy are dismal. Especially in the so called swing states.

He has stated (will find the quote if I must) that he's not going to share his plans, because then they can be held against him or some such.

Maybe its a regional thing and since I'm not in one of the sought after swing states his plans just haven't made it to the airways here yet. The only ones mentioning Obama at this point are congressional candidates.

I would like a link to that statement though so I can shoot Romney a quick email about how stupid that position is, if in fact it is not taken out of context.
He did initially release his 7300000 step plan which of course was ridiculous. No one is going to read all that shit.

I think the flood gates will open once Romney picks a VP. Usually the dirty work is handled by the VP. Once Romney is the officially is the party nominee I think we will see some action. Until then Obama is digging himself a hole with his negative BS and his outright lying. I just hope the intelligent people of the country can outnumber the 47 percent that depend on Papa Obama. Hopefully all of them don't vote or we are really, really screwed.
I'm really beginning to have some doubts. Flashbacks of McCains terrible campaign.

I hear pro Obama and anti Romney ads regularly. But not hardly a peep or response from Romney. Some of the anti Romney ads are pretty ruthless and will serve to put Romney in a box he can't get out of if he doesn't start firing back. He won't win from a defensive position. He must put forth his own attacks and positive agenda. If he spends all his time on defense he is toast.

He has plenty of ammunition. Hopefully he doesn't squander it like he did the SCOTUS ruling.

I wasn't happy with Mc Cain but I voted for him.
Not happy with Romney don't think I'm gonna vote for him...He really needs to get this campaign going.Obama should not be elected again based on where this country is now.
He says he needs time to turn this around.How much more time 20 years?...
I'm really beginning to have some doubts. Flashbacks of McCains terrible campaign.

I hear pro Obama and anti Romney ads regularly. But not hardly a peep or response from Romney. Some of the anti Romney ads are pretty ruthless and will serve to put Romney in a box he can't get out of if he doesn't start firing back. He won't win from a defensive position. He must put forth his own attacks and positive agenda. If he spends all his time on defense he is toast.

He has plenty of ammunition. Hopefully he doesn't squander it like he did the SCOTUS ruling.

I am leaning heavily towards no.
This election should be so god dang easy to win for Romney. It just boggles my mind that the polls are basically even.
It says a lot about the GOP if they can't even beat Obama.

I honestly don't know what it will take to beat some sense into this crop of UnConservatives. I would like to believe getting their asses handed to them by Obama, again, would wake them up to just how diseased and sick they are, but I am too cynical at this point.

The Republican Party has a big problem. On one hand, Republicans must kowtow to the far right of the party. If they don't, they lose some of those votes. On the other hand, by giving in completely to the far right agenda, they are driving moderates away. I am a prime example of this. After being a declared Republican for nearly 30 years, I have switched to the Democratic Party. At this point, as a moderate, I seem to be closer politically to the Dems than the Republicans.

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