Is Roy Moore A Lunatic?

A reincarnation of Judge Roy Bean maybe? The guy rode a HORSE to vote in the primary yesterday. Don't get me wrong...I got nothing against horses that don't try to kill me (3 have tried) Some may think he's gotten into the loco-weed and will be another maverick like Rand Paul. What we do know is that he's colorful and will be the Senator from Alabama next year so now the President has to mend fences (pun) with ol Roy.


I guess maybe he is worried about climate change. But in the south, it is normal to ride your horse through town. As long as you have your own pooper scooper, you can ride your horse all day. But Alex Jones says that he was the right choice. He sounds more like a Texans, rather than a southerner.

Is Roy Moore A Lunatic?
Alabama is going to be sending Roy Moore to Washington D.C. , which is full of pathological liars, kleptomaniacs, socio- and psycho- paths, egomaniacs, narcissists and bloodthirsty warhawks SO...

If Roy Moore IS a lunatic....

He'll fit right in.

If not it's pretty much gonna suck for him.
We aren't even going to wait for the ELECTION before we jump to the conclusion Moore will win?
Trump said if Moore gets the primary, he'll be harder to bring over the finish line than Strange would have been. Guess there must be a few Democrats in Alabama?
A reincarnation of Judge Roy Bean maybe? The guy rode a HORSE to vote in the primary yesterday. Don't get me wrong...I got nothing against horses that don't try to kill me (3 have tried) Some may think he's gotten into the loco-weed and will be another maverick like Rand Paul. What we do know is that he's colorful and will be the Senator from Alabama next year so now the President has to mend fences (pun) with ol Roy.

He's a up on him in the Viet Nam....hated by his men so much they threatened to frag him.
The man has a 19th century view of America

The Senate never actually does anything so I doubt he can do much harm
Is Roy Moore A Lunatic?
Alabama is going to be sending Roy Moore to Washington D.C. , which is full of pathological liars, kleptomaniacs, socio- and psycho- paths, egomaniacs, narcissists and bloodthirsty warhawks SO...

If Roy Moore IS a lunatic....

He'll fit right in.

If not it's pretty much gonna suck for him.
We aren't even going to wait for the ELECTION before we jump to the conclusion Moore will win?
Trump said if Moore gets the primary, he'll be harder to bring over the finish line than Strange would have been. Guess there must be a few Democrats in Alabama?
Hard to imagine Alabama going blue

Unless Moore goes full self destruct in the campaign. If Trump thinks the guy is bizarre....he must really have problems
He's a up on him in the Viet Nam....hated by his men so much they threatened to frag him.

Every gung ho Major and Captain got threatened in the RVN....that's why we hated draftees.
Is Roy Moore A Lunatic?
Alabama is going to be sending Roy Moore to Washington D.C. , which is full of pathological liars, kleptomaniacs, socio- and psycho- paths, egomaniacs, narcissists and bloodthirsty warhawks SO...

If Roy Moore IS a lunatic....

He'll fit right in.

If not it's pretty much gonna suck for him.
We aren't even going to wait for the ELECTION before we jump to the conclusion Moore will win?
Trump said if Moore gets the primary, he'll be harder to bring over the finish line than Strange would have been. Guess there must be a few Democrats in Alabama?
Hard to imagine Alabama going blue

Unless Moore goes full self destruct in the campaign. If Trump thinks the guy is bizarre....he must really have problems
Imagine being removed from his job as chief justice of the state supreme court for failing to obey a federal court order to take down his "monument" to the ten commandments.

And it made him a hero in Alabama. I mean short of sodomizing a cub scout on live TV, the guy's in. And hey, in Alabama that may be ok to do.
We aren't even going to wait for the ELECTION before we jump to the conclusion Moore will win?
Trump said if Moore gets the primary, he'll be harder to bring over the finish line than Strange would have been. Guess there must be a few Democrats in Alabama?

Well look who showed up....the snitch who got me deleted and thread-banned yesterday.
Roy Moore is an anti-science, Bible-thumping hate monger who appeals to the worst in people.

"anti-science" aka an dummies are all the same until you're in an ambulance doing 80mph trying to get you or a loved one to an ER on time....THEN you pray and think God will listen.
Is Roy Moore A Lunatic?
Alabama is going to be sending Roy Moore to Washington D.C. , which is full of pathological liars, kleptomaniacs, socio- and psycho- paths, egomaniacs, narcissists and bloodthirsty warhawks SO...

If Roy Moore IS a lunatic....

He'll fit right in.

If not it's pretty much gonna suck for him.
We aren't even going to wait for the ELECTION before we jump to the conclusion Moore will win?
Trump said if Moore gets the primary, he'll be harder to bring over the finish line than Strange would have been. Guess there must be a few Democrats in Alabama?
Hard to imagine Alabama going blue

Unless Moore goes full self destruct in the campaign. If Trump thinks the guy is bizarre....he must really have problems
Imagine being removed from his job as chief justice of the state supreme court for failing to obey a federal court order to take down his "monument" to the ten commandments.

And it made him a hero in Alabama. I mean short of sodomizing a cub scout on live TV, the guy's in. And hey, in Alabama that may be ok to do.
It will be interesting to see if there is a federal court order to do away with sanctuary cities and if so, will you then support these cities or the federal court.
Roy Moore is an anti-science, Bible-thumping hate monger who appeals to the worst in people.

"anti-science" aka an dummies are all the same until you're in an ambulance doing 80mph trying to get you or a loved one to an ER on time....THEN you pray and think God will listen. we don't... and remember, they are using science in that ambulance and in that hosp[ital. So, the next time you science deniers get sick, stay home and pray to free up those resources for the rest of us. Thanks in advance.
Roy Moore is an anti-science, Bible-thumping hate monger who appeals to the worst in people.

"anti-science" aka an dummies are all the same until you're in an ambulance doing 80mph trying to get you or a loved one to an ER on time....THEN you pray and think God will listen. we don't... and remember, they are using science in that ambulance and in that hosp[ital. So, the next time you science deniers get sick, stay home and pray to free up those resources for the rest of us. Thanks in advance.
Shame on u. Clearly 9-11 was the LORD JESUS CHRIST"S punishment to the ungodly nation for turning against HIM
All the leftist and anti's show up to call someone who believes in the Ten Commandments a nazi and a nutcase....Who'd a thunk it.
All the leftist and anti's show up to call someone who believes in the Ten Commandments a nazi and a nutcase....Who'd a thunk it.

It's not the belief in the ten commandments, it's putting them on a two ton rock in the public square.

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