Is Roy Moore A Lunatic?

Is Roy Moore A Lunatic?
Alabama is going to be sending Roy Moore to Washington D.C. , which is full of pathological liars, kleptomaniacs, socio- and psycho- paths, egomaniacs, narcissists and bloodthirsty warhawks SO...

If Roy Moore IS a lunatic....

He'll fit right in.

If not it's pretty much gonna suck for him.
We aren't even going to wait for the ELECTION before we jump to the conclusion Moore will win?
It's ALABAMA which, if it was any redder, would be accused of being a Soviet satellite.

Guess there must be a few Democrats in Alabama?
Yeah the cemeteries are full of 'em.
All the leftist and anti's show up to call someone who believes in the Ten Commandments a nazi and a nutcase....Who'd a thunk it.

It's not the belief in the ten commandments, it's putting them on a two ton rock in the public square.

Don't look at them....snowflake. Same with statues


It's not the belief in the ten commandments, it's putting them on a two ton rock in the public square.

Don't look at them....snowflake. Same with statues

That's what I tell you about married gay couples, but do you listen?

I don't look at them, I've said all along if they want to be pretend married so be it, just don't try and shove it down my or our children's throats.

Perhaps you should get up to speed, doofus
All the leftist and anti's show up to call someone who believes in the Ten Commandments a nazi and a nutcase....Who'd a thunk it.

It's not the belief in the ten commandments, it's putting them on a two ton rock in the public square.

Don't look at them....snowflake. Same with statues

I don't but just knowing that they are there gives me anxiety attacks.

"Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom." -- Søren Kierkegaard
All the leftist and anti's show up to call someone who believes in the Ten Commandments a nazi and a nutcase....Who'd a thunk it.

It's not the belief in the ten commandments, it's putting them on a two ton rock in the public square.

Don't look at them....snowflake. Same with statues

I don't but just knowing that they are there gives me anxiety attacks.

"Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom." -- Søren Kierkegaard

These fuck wits fool nobody, they are not really outraged, they've been instructed to pretend outrage
The atheists want separation of church and state so they can claim our rights are granted from the government (and can be taken away) instead of divined from God.
Roy Moore is an anti-science, Bible-thumping hate monger who appeals to the worst in people.

"anti-science" aka an dummies are all the same until you're in an ambulance doing 80mph trying to get you or a loved one to an ER on time....THEN you pray and think God will listen. we don't... and remember, they are using science in that ambulance and in that hosp[ital. So, the next time you science deniers get sick, stay home and pray to free up those resources for the rest of us. Thanks in advance.
Shame on u. Clearly 9-11 was the LORD JESUS CHRIST"S punishment to the ungodly nation for turning against HIM

Actually it was the LORD ALLAH'S punishment to the ungodly nation for making an incredible mess in his sandbox.

"I should do something very extroverted and vengeful to you." -- The Supreme Being, Time Bandits
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Hillary's husband bombed a defenseless freaking country when he was literally caught with his pants down and you think Judge Moore is a lunatic for riding a horse?

No I think he's a lunatic for violating the Constitution. When the USSC decides a case, all inferior courts are supposed to obey it.
Don't look at them....
I don't look at them, I've said all along if they want to be pretend married so be it, just don't try and shove it down my or our children's throats.

You're contradicting yourself. You don't look, but say it's being forced on you.

I SAID don't try and force it on me....good gawd you're fucking stupid

Sheesh....get a room you two.
Hillary's husband bombed a defenseless freaking country when he was literally caught with his pants down and you think Judge Moore is a lunatic for riding a horse?

No I think he's a lunatic for violating the Constitution. When the USSC decides a case, all inferior courts are supposed to obey it.

Maybe you should remind the pinhead judge in Hawaii of that about the travel ban.
In essence, this is a guy who knows and understands the U.S. Constitution, and would like the Federal Government - especially the Federal Courts - adhere to it.

And more importantly, he knows that the USSC has gone completely off the rails in "interpreting" the U.S. Constitution, and where it has gone off the rails, he refuses to recognize their decisions.

For example, there is no "wall of separation between Church & State" that would justify removing a depiction of the Ten Commandments from a government building. There is no right of "privacy" in the Constitution that would void, for example, sodomy laws, or prevent states from refusing to permit gay marriages.

He is, to be short and honest, a breath of fresh air in politics. May be live long and be re-elected forever.

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