Is Roy Moore A Lunatic?

It's not the belief in the ten commandments, it's putting them on a two ton rock in the public square.

Don't look at them....snowflake. Same with statues

That's what I tell you about married gay couples, but do you listen?

I don't look at them, I've said all along if they want to be pretend married so be it, just don't try and shove it down my or our children's throats.

Perhaps you should get up to speed, doofus

I don't support gay marriage but I don't agree with Moore that they should be jailed.
Don't look at them....
I don't look at them, I've said all along if they want to be pretend married so be it, just don't try and shove it down my or our children's throats.

You're contradicting yourself. You don't look, but say it's being forced on you.

So are you going to bomb the Supreme Court building for displaying the Ten Commandments or just drape it in black?


There is a huge difference between the friezes at the US Supreme Court and what Roy Moore did in the lobby of the Alabama Supreme Court.

Moore put the monument to the 10 Commandments in the lobby of the Alabama Supreme Court, and would allow no other display.

The friezes on the SCOTUS building show many law givers. They include Hammarabi, Moses, Justinian, Muhammad, John Marshall, Charlemagne, Sir William Blackstone and Napoleon.
If you think Rand Paul is a maverick, you need to think again.

I guess the definition of maverick to some, is anyone who does not go along to get along.

Nah, I know a maverick when I see one and Rand Paul fits the bill...half the time I think he's crazier than his old man.
Yeah his old man was crazy for wanting to limit government and stop constant war.
I wouldn't call him a lunatic, but his values are stuck in the 1940s (like much of the GOP)

Can't admit to a separation of church and state and insists on a public display of the 10 commandments and public prayer before court

Believes homosexuality is evil, should be prosecuted, gays should not be able to adopt and definitely can't marry

Believes Obama was born in Kenya
A reincarnation of Judge Roy Bean maybe? The guy rode a HORSE to vote in the primary yesterday. Don't get me wrong...I got nothing against horses that don't try to kill me (3 have tried) Some may think he's gotten into the loco-weed and will be another maverick like Rand Paul.

Don't offend Rand Paul like that.
Roy Moore is an anti-science, Bible-thumping hate monger who appeals to the worst in people.

"anti-science" aka an dummies are all the same until you're in an ambulance doing 80mph trying to get you or a loved one to an ER on time....THEN you pray and think God will listen. we don't... and remember, they are using science in that ambulance and in that hosp[ital. So, the next time you science deniers get sick, stay home and pray to free up those resources for the rest of us. Thanks in advance.
Shame on u. Clearly 9-11 was the LORD JESUS CHRIST"S punishment to the ungodly nation for turning against HIM
well, if you believe that, you are crazy and dangerous.
The atheists want separation of church and state so they can claim our rights are granted from the government (and can be taken away) instead of divined from God.
And the founding fathers wanted that separation exactly because nutballs like you confuse the difference between being free to pray and being free to have your idiotic religious nuttery dictate laws and policies.
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If you think Rand Paul is a maverick, you need to think again.

I guess the definition of maverick to some, is anyone who does not go along to get along.

Nah, I know a maverick when I see one and Rand Paul fits the bill...half the time I think he's crazier than his old man.
Yeah his old man was crazy for wanting to limit government and stop constant war.
No, he was crazy because of his idiotic economic ideas and his delusional isolationism.
So why ain't you out beheading statues of Thomas Jefferson....not strong enough to swing a crowbar?

because he wrote the constitution?

Madison wrote the should sue the schools you went to for gross negligence.

You really think Madison just showed up at the constitutional convention with the Constitution, tossed it down, and all the states signed it?
The atheists want separation of church and state so they can claim our rights are granted from the government (and can be taken away) instead of divined from God.

Are you that stupid in real life?

Rights can be taken away. In fact, if rightwingers had their way, abortion rights and gay rights WOULD be taken away...

As a lifelong Christian I have to say I question his religious values....he doesn't espouse Christianity in the real sense but then again it is Alabama.
If you think Rand Paul is a maverick, you need to think again.

I guess the definition of maverick to some, is anyone who does not go along to get along.

Nah, I know a maverick when I see one and Rand Paul fits the bill...half the time I think he's crazier than his old man.
Yeah his old man was crazy for wanting to limit government and stop constant war.
No, he was crazy because of his idiotic economic ideas and his delusional isolationism.
Yeah it's much better having the Fed run by a small group of elitists control the economy, but can't balance a check book...and we must keep the empire going with constant military interventions all over the world.

...yeah that dummy Ron Paul...
If you think Rand Paul is a maverick, you need to think again.

I guess the definition of maverick to some, is anyone who does not go along to get along.

Nah, I know a maverick when I see one and Rand Paul fits the bill...half the time I think he's crazier than his old man.
Yeah his old man was crazy for wanting to limit government and stop constant war.
No, he was crazy because of his idiotic economic ideas and his delusional isolationism.
Yeah it's much better having the Fed run by a small group of elitists control the economy, but can't balance a check book...and we must keep the empire going with constant military interventions all over the world.

...yeah that dummy Ron Paul...
I don't feel those are the only two choices. Maybe you meant that for somebody else. Paul's a nut. Period. That's not to say I don't agree with some things he says, but I could probably say that about anybody. No, I think I'll get my economic advice elsewhere, tyvm.

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