Is Roy Moore A Lunatic?

If you think Rand Paul is a maverick, you need to think again.

I guess the definition of maverick to some, is anyone who does not go along to get along.

Nah, I know a maverick when I see one and Rand Paul fits the bill...half the time I think he's crazier than his old man.
Yeah his old man was crazy for wanting to limit government and stop constant war.
No, he was crazy because of his idiotic economic ideas and his delusional isolationism.
Yeah it's much better having the Fed run by a small group of elitists control the economy, but can't balance a check book...and we must keep the empire going with constant military interventions all over the world.

...yeah that dummy Ron Paul...
I don't feel those are the only two choices. Maybe you meant that for somebody else. Paul's a nut. Period. That's not to say I don't agree with some things he says, but I could probably say that about anybody. No, I think I'll get my economic advice elsewhere, tyvm.
Paul's a nut, but you agree with him on some things. Yet you can't specifically name anything that makes him a nut.

If you are a big government statist, then naturally you would find everything Paul advocates to be crazy.
Moore is a fucking idiot. He doesn't even know who dreamers are. We should have a law that dumbass home schoolers in the south are not allowed to vote until they graduate 3rd grade.
Nah, I know a maverick when I see one and Rand Paul fits the bill...half the time I think he's crazier than his old man.
Yeah his old man was crazy for wanting to limit government and stop constant war.
No, he was crazy because of his idiotic economic ideas and his delusional isolationism.
Yeah it's much better having the Fed run by a small group of elitists control the economy, but can't balance a check book...and we must keep the empire going with constant military interventions all over the world.

...yeah that dummy Ron Paul...
I don't feel those are the only two choices. Maybe you meant that for somebody else. Paul's a nut. Period. That's not to say I don't agree with some things he says, but I could probably say that about anybody. No, I think I'll get my economic advice elsewhere, tyvm.
Paul's a nut, but you agree with him on some things. Yet you can't specifically name anything that makes him a nut.

If you are a big government statist, then naturally you would find everything Paul advocates to be crazy.

Gold standard = worst economic idea of the modern era

He's too isolationist.

His undying faith in the invisible hand to solve all things is delusional.

Yes, I have my reasons. Can I put thoughts in your head, now? Okay, you only like him because he's an adorable little wood elf.
Wasn't it Dukakas who thought he looked cool with his head sticking out of a M-1 Abrams tank during his presidential campaign? He was laughed out of town because democrats can never pull off using the Military (or horses for that matter) for a photo op. Without the support of H'wood or the MSM to bail their sorry asses out, democrats always look like they are play acting.
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Wasn't it Dukakas who thought he looked cool with his head sticking out of a M-1 Abrams tank during his presidential campaign? He was laughed out of town because democrats can never pull off using the Military (or horses for that matter) for a photo op. Without the support of H'wood or the MSM to bail their sorry asses out, democrats always look like they are play acting.
Kind of like Trump playing truck driver
He is a religious nut who wants his faith to be the basis for our laws. He had no problem putting his hand on the Bible and swearing an oath to uphold the US Constitution. He also had no problem breaking that oath.

Mm, not really. A simple senator or congressman can't just make laws. Look at how long long Robert Byrd was up on the how llnas a KKK member. He was as stupid as libtards are these days, but no national Klan hollyday day or anything.
Roy Moore believes that homosexuals should be jailed, he believes prayer should be forced down peoples throats, he believes Obama is not a citizen

Sounds like he will make a good Republican Senator
Roy Moore believes that homosexuals should be jailed, he believes prayer should be forced down peoples throats, he believes Obama is not a citizen

Sounds like he will make a good Republican Senator

He also believes the 1st amendment only applies to Judeo-Christians.
Wasn't it Dukakas who thought he looked cool with his head sticking out of a M-1 Abrams tank during his presidential campaign? He was laughed out of town because democrats can never pull off using the Military (or horses for that matter) for a photo op. Without the support of H'wood or the MSM to bail their sorry asses out, democrats always look like they are play acting.

He got laughed at because he had the chin-strap on....tankers or any other troop don't fasten the strap because the helmet is meant to fly off when something hits it.
Roy Moore is not a lunatic

He just says out loud what other Republicans are thinking
We have a congressman who worries about Guam tipping over. I'm sure the future Senator will be fine
Roy Moore is an anti-science, Bible-thumping hate monger who appeals to the worst in people.

"anti-science" aka an dummies are all the same until you're in an ambulance doing 80mph trying to get you or a loved one to an ER on time....THEN you pray and think God will listen. we don't... and remember, they are using science in that ambulance and in that hosp[ital. So, the next time you science deniers get sick, stay home and pray to free up those resources for the rest of us. Thanks in advance.

I know the left denies science and reality all the time, but that's no reason to want them dead. They can learn
Roy Moore is an anti-science, Bible-thumping hate monger who appeals to the worst in people.

"anti-science" aka an dummies are all the same until you're in an ambulance doing 80mph trying to get you or a loved one to an ER on time....THEN you pray and think God will listen. we don't... and remember, they are using science in that ambulance and in that hosp[ital. So, the next time you science deniers get sick, stay home and pray to free up those resources for the rest of us. Thanks in advance.

I know the left denies science and reality all the time, but that's no reason to want them dead. They can learn

Want them dead? Wha? No, I want them in ambulances and hospitals.

"The left", eh? Sorry, but I think you guys embarrass yourself with these monolithic terms. It's like you're telling the world, "I am far too lazy to speak in terms more complicated than two groups of people in the world."

And I am not the liberal you are looking for , anyway. I'll be the first to stand up to anti-science deniers, even if it's hippies with chicken pox lollipops, or anti-fluoridaters. So go find a more simple audience for that nonsense.
The atheists want separation of church and state so they can claim our rights are granted from the government (and can be taken away) instead of divined from God.
And the founding fathers wanted that separation exactly because nutballs like you confuse the difference between being free to pray and being free to have your idiotic religious nuttery dictate laws and policies.

Where in the Constitution is there any reference to "separation"? And you kinda destroy any credibility when you make statements like "idiotic religious nuttery ".

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