Is Roy Moore A Lunatic?

Roy Moore is an anti-science, Bible-thumping hate monger who appeals to the worst in people.

"anti-science" aka an dummies are all the same until you're in an ambulance doing 80mph trying to get you or a loved one to an ER on time....THEN you pray and think God will listen. we don't... and remember, they are using science in that ambulance and in that hosp[ital. So, the next time you science deniers get sick, stay home and pray to free up those resources for the rest of us. Thanks in advance.

I know the left denies science and reality all the time, but that's no reason to want them dead. They can learn

Want them dead? Wha? No, I want them in ambulances and hospitals.

"The left", eh? Sorry, but I think you guys embarrass yourself with these monolithic terms. It's like you're telling the world, "I am far too lazy to speak in terms more complicated than two groups of people in the world."

And I am not the liberal you are looking for , anyway. I'll be the first to stand up to anti-science deniers, even if it's hippies with chicken pox lollipops, or anti-fluoridaters. So go find a more simple audience for that nonsense.

You were the one telling them not to use hospitals or ambulances.
When lefties admit that chopping off your dick and dressing in girl clothes doesnt make you a woman, then we'll talk about which side is crazy.

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