Is Roy Moore being 'Cained'?

Whatever happened to the four women who accused Herman Cain of sexual harassment? Oh they disappeared as soon as Herman Cain withdrew from running? Imagine that.
I'm skeptical about the 14 year old from 38 years ago! However, Moore did not deny dating girls in their late teens. He said he always had permission of their mothers. Now tell me, why would a man in his thirties get permission from a girl's mom to date her if the girl is adult enough to make dating decisions on her in at least 18 years old?
IMO the 9-9-9 gimmick had no legs. But yeah, democrats generally falsely accuse while they actually rape and commit sexual assaults as a means to obtain power.
From the responses about Moore, I would take it that all the people who have come out with stories of how they were treated (sexually) in their teenage- and young-adult years by powerful people are all lying, just lying. This is happening now in politics and the entertainment industry both here and in the UK. It has happened in religion in the past with the Roman Catholic priestly abuse scandal, and with the Bill Gothard scandal. Now we have similar accusations against a guy who is some sort of priest-politician hybrid who likes to tell everyone else how to be "moral."
Moore seeks to refocus campaign on conservative religious values

Moore seeks to refocus campaign on conservative religious values amid firestorm

Addressing a gathering at the Huntsville Christian Academy in Huntsville, Ala., on Sunday night, the former judge suggested that he was investigating his accusers, threatened to sue The Washington Post and called on the United States to restore its culture by going “back to God.”

“We can be proud of where we came from and where we’re going if we go back to God,” Moore said at his second public event since The Post reported the allegations of misconduct last week.
“If we go back to God, we can be unified again,” he said.
He's hanging onto the Christian Taliban .. it's all he's got.
Whatever happened to the four women who accused Herman Cain of sexual harassment? Oh they disappeared as soon as Herman Cain withdrew from running? Imagine that.

He probably paid them off . Cause I don’t remember Cain sueing for slander .
Whatever happened to the four women who accused Herman Cain of sexual harassment? Oh they disappeared as soon as Herman Cain withdrew from running? Imagine that.
Politics have become so nasty, and so dishonest, that anything is possible.

Before long, "campaigns" will be little more than strings of accusations against the other guy.

Whatever the truth actually is, this stuff was inevitable.
I did not belive the accusations at first, they seemed too far off the mark. But then I started listening to those defending Moore and to Moore himself and became convinced he did it. When a long time friend and supporter has to break out bible stories to justify an older man hitting on a young girl, that say to me he knows something was going on. If the story was so outrageous just say "Roy didn't do that", once you try to justify the actions you admit it happened.

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