Is Rush Limbaugh a racist?

Is Rush Limbaugh a racist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 29.6%
  • No

    Votes: 19 70.4%

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  • Poll closed .
Rush goes a long way to hide his racism. His executive producer since 2001 is an African American. Rush is such a disgusting racist that he hires an African American to produce his show just so that he can LIE and say he isn't racist, it's so transparent and obvious.

I'll bet he even hires women to work for his company just so he can lie and say he is not misogynist. You know that when alt-right operatives hire and do good things for women and minorities, they just do it so they don't appear to be racist and misogynist, but they don't mean's a necessary evil to them.

Because we all know he is a racist and a misogynist, we can all agree that anything he has ever said or ever will say is a LIE.

He went even so far as to let this man preside over his marriage. Shameful!!!! Racist!!!!


Absolutely shameless to go that far just to hide your racism. He even married females just to fake that he does not hate women. Thankfully, we all see through his bullshit.

He's on his 4th marriage now isn't he. He is a male chauvinist like Trump.

Exactly. Anyone who has been divorced is a male chauvinist. The more they are divorced, the more chauvinist they are. That is an important cornerstone of liberalism. Everybody knows that. Liberals hate divorce.

He is no better than Trump, some of the crap he has said about women. Some men have to keep having the younger model.

Exactly, kind of like Mr. Huma Abedin. He likes the youngest model.
It's just beyond the pale to try to prove you are not racist by hiring an executive producer that is African American in 2001.

He's had an African American Exec Producer for 15 years just to try to hide his racism. That is absolutely disgusting.
Why not ask if Rush is a freaking alien? Is the racist left aware that Rush's trusted call screener and close friend who he referred to as "Mr. Snerdley" was really a Black man named James Golden?
Everyone knows it's Snerdley is the racist. Who do you think made up the little song Barack the magic negro?

Liberals in Los Angeles made up that song not Rush or Mr. Snerdley. The vast majority of the content on Rush show is simply them repeating something published by the MSM or said by some Democrat in congress.

One of the things Rush loves to do is quote something from the MSM, the idiots in the MSM immediately freak out thinking Rush made it up, then the following day he laughs at the fools. His version of pull my finger and they fall for it every time.:laugh:
Speaking of Satan...

That's a comedy sketch you know.. right?

Um, yes, lol dumbass. Hicks was a stand up comedian (the guy in my avatar)

So, what's your point? Hicks did a bit about Limbaugh therefore Limbaugh is a racist?


Um, no actually, dumbshit, it's just a funny bit I try to post in every single Rush Limbaugh thread here. Has nothing to do with his racism. Give it a listen, I think you'll enjoy it.
I've listened for years.... I've never heard him ever say anything that could have been construed racist by any sane person.
Well, by his OWN definition of a racist, your MessiahRushie IS a racist.

March 19, 2007
RUSH: These people are racists. You know, the racists in our society, Ted, are these white liberals. They're the ones that notice your skin color before anything else, and they're the ones deciding whose skin color is dark enough and therefore who's authentic enough and who's been down for the struggle. It's those people doing this. It's not me. It's not "talk radio."

January 14, 2008
RUSH: The black guy is attacking Mrs. Clinton! That would be Obama

August 20, 2008
RUSH: You know, it's just that you can't hit the girl. I don't care how far feminism has taken us, you can't hit the girl, and you can't criticize the little black man child, you just can't do it because it's not right, it's unfair, he's such a victim.

January 24, 2007
RUSH: Hey, Barack Obama has picked up another endorsement: Halfrican American actress Halle Berry. "As a Halfrican American, I am honored to have Ms. Berry's support, as well as the support of other Halfrican Americans," Obama said. He didn't say it, but -- anyway

May 2, 2007
RUSH: I don't look at Barack Obama and say, "Is he black enough?"

January 16, 2007
RUSH : And for Barack Obama, a -- well, he's a half-minority --

September 22, 2008
RUSH: These polls on how one-third of blue-collar white Democrats won't vote for Obama because he's black, and -- but he's not black. Do you know he has not one shred of African-American blood? He doesn't have any African -- that's why when they asked whether he was authentic, whether he's down for the struggle. He's Arab. You know, he's from Africa. He's from Arab parts of Africa. He's not -- his father was -- he's not African-American. The last thing that he is is African-American.

September 16, 2009
RUSH: Obama is not black to me.

Jan 31, 2011
RUSH: Where is the appreciation in the radical capitals of the Middle East for our boy president who was so apologetic and so understanding and so promising and assuring that never again would the United States be a bully in that part of the world?

January 13, 2010
CALLER: Hello, Rush. I just got a quick explanation needed from you. You claim that Bill Clinton made a racist comment by saying that Kennedy was voting for Obama because he was black. But you said the exact same words about Colin Powell voting for Obama because he was black.

RUSH: That's right.

CALLER: So is your comment racist, too?

RUSH: I was saying it about a black guy -- a "light-skinned" black guy "without a Negro dialect," but nevertheless, I'm still saying it about a black guy.
He is a white man who speaks his mind so OF COURSE! A racist used to be someone who hated black people,now a racist is someone who doesn't hate whites!

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