Is Russia Now the World's Leading Military Power?

Could it be actually true in a strategic sense?

Or is it redundant to speculate considering that any major conflict will soon turn to a nuclear war?

Still, the question should be asked for a war that is restricted to only conventional weapons.

I've placed this topic here in Military in hopes of a serious discussion that doesn't belong in the Badlands. Moderator cooperation would be appreciated.

Nope. Russia is impoverished and backwards in spite of their vast natural resources.
Nope. Russia is impoverished and backwards in spite of their vast natural resources.
Impoverished no, on account of their vast natural resources, and Russia's ability to function even more efficiently under the imposed US sanctions.

Backwards in some respects, but none that negatively influenced their military capabilities. In fact, backward thinking Russians who are suggesting that all limitations to war with America, be thrown out immediately. Also backwards in their disdain for LGBTQ's.
Cigarette smoking.

Nuclear and conventional war capabilities?
Impoverished no, on account of their vast natural resources, and Russia's ability to function even more efficiently under the imposed US sanctions.

Backwards in some respects, but none that negatively influenced their military capabilities. In fact, backward thinking Russians who are suggesting that all limitations to war with America, be thrown out immediately. Also backwards in their disdain for LGBTQ's.
Cigarette smoking.

Nuclear and conventional war capabilities?

It's 100 rules to the dollar.
Most optimistic estimates

Sources? Links?
are that Nato mercenaries and the few remaining Ukrainians are dying 5 to 1 against Russians and their allies.
Russians run up the war dead totals by slaughtering civilians. In any event, in all the world only you would see a 500+ day ruinous war against a much smaller “enemy” as evidence of military superiority.
This could be due to restraints being observed by America so far to date?
Hey. America once invaded Grenada, too. If we are the worlds best military superpower, would that qualify as “evidence?”
It could also be that it's true that America had nothing more to send to the Ukraine, other than banned and outlawed cluster munitions?

Who among us can say for sure?
It’s possible that Ukrainian people will soon return the favor and invade Russia.
Who can say for sure?
It's 100 rules to the dollar.
Yes, and it's a demonstration of Russia's lack of dependency on a strong monetary system, to wage war against one of the world's leading military powers.

That could lead to an interesting topic that would explore the reasons why it's so.
Also including the question on America's wealth being based on paper money?

Is America and her allies still representing the world's leading military and financial power? Or has the Brics taken over?
I can't figure out if the OP just really loves Russia, he seems to post favorably about the nation... well... every time he posts about them...

Or does the OP just really hate the United States?

Either way, the OP comes off as a troll in threads like these.

Nothing personal, just sayin'...
Sources? Links?

Russians run up the war dead totals by slaughtering civilians.
Popularly claimed to be America's propaganda lies.
In any event, in all the world only you would see a 500+ day ruinous war against a much smaller “enemy” as evidence of military superiority.
I don't understand what you've tried to say.
Hey. America once invaded Grenada, too. If we are the worlds best military superpower, would that qualify as “evidence?”
In what imaginable way?
It’s possible that Ukrainian people will soon return the favor and invade Russia.
Who can say for sure?
I would question that being possible. Maintain decent manners and your input will be appreciated too.
I can't figure out if the OP just really loves Russia, he seems to post favorably about the nation... well... every time he posts about them...
It's not a love for Russia. It's appreciating the fact that America is responsible for this war and the slaughter of the Ukrainian people. The fact isn't disputed actively, it's being ignored.
Or does the OP just really hate the United States?
The OP hates America's string of 35 to 40 wars of aggression since the end of WW2 alone!
Either way, the OP comes off as a troll in threads like these.

Your opinion on my purpose is noted.
Nothing personal, just sayin'...
No, you're attacking me personally. It's to my benefit to not need to object. I expect the well informed to stay on topic.
It's not a love for Russia. It's appreciating the fact that America is responsible for this war and the slaughter of the Ukrainian people. The fact isn't disputed actively, it's being ignored.

The OP hates America's string of 35 to 40 wars of aggression since the end of WW2 alone!

Your opinion on my purpose is noted.

No, you're attacking me personally. It's to my benefit to not need to object. I expect the well informed to stay on topic.
Putin started this war you liar. He attacked the Country first by seizing Crimea and then started a shooting war that he is NOT winning. Blaming the US for Putin's actions prove you are a deluded fool.
Putin started this war you liar. He attacked the Country first by seizing Crimea and then started a shooting war that he is NOT winning. Blaming the US for Putin's actions prove you are a deluded fool.
Without the personal attack and your attempt to insult, I disagree on all your points raised.

To begin: America fomented war against Russia even earlier than 2014, with the purpose of challenging agreed upon conditions on Russia's military needs in the Crimea. Russia refused to submit to America's threat.

It's not the facts that Americans don't accept, it's the concerted American propaganda efforts to have the true facts ignored.

If you can leave out the spamming and personal attacks, your opinion will be fine with me on this topic. Childish insulting doesn't cut it. It's unbecoming of your military.

Has Russia now become the world's foremost military power?
Sources? Links?

Russians run up the war dead totals by slaughtering civilians. In any event, in all the world only you would see a 500+ day ruinous war against a much smaller “enemy” as evidence of military superiority.
For Russia it's a turkey shoot with observed restraints being honoured. It could become the equivalent to America's bombing of Cambodia or Dresden, times a hundred times more destructive!
There are rules still being observed that dictate that Russia won't mount a Blitzkreif style offensive on the Ukraine by beating the civilian population into submission due to regular warfare.

The reason being because America/Nato would then start hitting Russian cities with normal non-restrained warfare.

To you goes the task of figuring out why that can never happen? Get back to me on that. It could have something to do with American big cities?

Sure thing, junior. They are randomly hurling missiles into cities.

You are a true moron.
Good response!
But it's always possible that Russia has already demonstrated weapons superiority over America.

Who will know until all limitations are discarded? America's full might have already been depleted in ammunition, excepting outlawed cluster munitions and other banned munitions? While Russia's industries are still turning out endless supplies?

Most strategists are already suggesting that Europe is not a factor that Russia should sneeze at and so America is the target if it doesn't agree to a peace that is satisfactory to Russia.

I don't really think it's a question of American losing the war though. It's really totally all about Russia's unwillingness to accept defeat.

Your comment therefore has to be more about the nuclear abilities of Russia. Could Russia destroy America and still survive? That's a question with much to be considered!
Therefore, the tantalizing question for America's war planners?
What "endless supplies"? Russia has managed to fight the war by burning through its endless stocks of cold war ammo, weapons and vehicles. From what I can find current Russian production is very low and is only achieved by stripping integrated circuits from children's toys and consumer electronics bought on the black market. Its drones are being bought from Iran of all places, not a country known for its technological advances. Russia is sending poorly trained troops into battle in vehicles that were built in the sixties long before most of the crews were born.
I can't figure out if the OP just really loves Russia, he seems to post favorably about the nation... well... every time he posts about them...

Or does the OP just really hate the United States?

Either way, the OP comes off as a troll in threads like these.

Nothing personal, just sayin'...
Donald just has an inferiority complex about the USA. He hates and denigrates everything about us. He criticized our military when a couple of troops of Boy Scouts could handily defeat the mighty Canadian military. The Canadian military is considered to be the twenty-seventh out of one hundred forty-five militaries. Canada has SIXTY THREE fighters of which 22 are non-operational. It has 82 tanks, 29 of which are non-operational. No self-propelled artillery. No towed artillery. No rocket artillery. It has 28 warships, 12 Frigates the newest one was built in 1996, 12 patrol vessels and four submarines.
For Russia it's a turkey shoot with observed restraints being honoured. It could become the equivalent to America's bombing of Cambodia or Dresden, times a hundred times more destructive!
^ the quoted moron is “all in” on atrocities committed by his beloved Russia.

Could it be actually true in a strategic sense?

Or is it redundant to speculate considering that any major conflict will soon turn to a nuclear war?

Still, the question should be asked for a war that is restricted to only conventional weapons.

I've placed this topic here in Military in hopes of a serious discussion that doesn't belong in the Badlands. Moderator cooperation would be appreciated.
As you know, China is the leading military power. They now have us by the short curlies.

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