Is Russia Now the World's Leading Military Power?

Potatohead has turned the US military in a bunch a purse swingers so we are not even in the count any more.

How can you say that????

With military like this, NATO and the US could totally win a war against Russia and China....:04:.................:rolleyes:

Russia was one of the all time world powers until they invaded Ukraine and got their asses handed to them. What was Putin thinking? You don't invade your freindly neighbor for no reason unless you're sure you can defeat them.
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Russia was one of the all time world powers until they invaded Ukraine and got their asses handed to them. What was Putin thinking? You don't invade your neighbor unless you're sure you can defeat them.

Still is.

Russia and China are the world leading military powers these days.

Like it or not that's the truth of the situation. :dunno:
As you know, China is the leading military power. They now have us by the short curlies.
No, China is not the world's leading military power.
But it's pleasing to hear an open mind on the issue.

It's still a question of whether or not China will attempt to be the leading military power. They've chosen a different strategy, don't you think?

Do you understand that China isn't interested in taking Taiwan back by force of arms? Or do you agree?
^ the quoted moron is “all in” on atrocities committed by his beloved Russia.
The quoted person is a spammer and lacks the ability to understand and accept the facts on how America started the war, the reason why, and the fact that the Ukraine accepted terms for peace at Minsk.

America and G.B. wouldn't allow it and wanted blood. They're getting lots of it.
What "endless supplies"? Russia has managed to fight the war by burning through its endless stocks of cold war ammo, weapons and vehicles. From what I can find current Russian production is very low and is only achieved by stripping integrated circuits from children's toys and consumer electronics bought on the black market. Its drones are being bought from Iran of all places, not a country known for its technological advances. Russia is sending poorly trained troops into battle in vehicles that were built in the sixties long before most of the crews were born.
From what you can find?
From what you don't want to find and believe.
The quoted person

Was you. You idiot.
is a spammer and lacks the ability to understand and accept the facts on how America started the war, the reason why, and the fact that the Ukraine accepted terms for peace at Minsk.
Really. Does this mean that you have recognized what a total bullshit artist you are? Cool.
America and G.B. wouldn't allow it and wanted blood. They're getting lots of it.
And now you revert back to your Commie bot bleatings.
No, China is not the world's leading military power.
But it's pleasing to hear an open mind on the issue.

It's still a question of whether or not China will attempt to be the leading military power. They've chosen a different strategy, don't you think?

Do you understand that China isn't interested in taking Taiwan back by force of arms? Or do you agree?
Russia is a third-world country with a second world military that can’t project power more than a few hundred miles beyond its border. China is a regional power that is working very hard at developing the ability to project power into the China Sea. China has no long range ships or aircraft and can’t project power on the open oceans. China has tried to work around that by “diplomacy” but their ham-handed efforts have alienated every nation they tried to court. It’s hard to have successful diplomacy when you consider everyone else as uncultured barbarians and your culture doesn’t encourage you to hide your disdain.
Really? Care to explain how?

Then you've not been paying attention for the past couple of decades.
No, China is not the world's leading military power.
But it's pleasing to hear an open mind on the issue.

It's still a question of whether or not China will attempt to be the leading military power. They've chosen a different strategy, don't you think?

Do you understand that China isn't interested in taking Taiwan back by force of arms? Or do you agree?
China learned decades ago that to be a world power, they had to have cheap, plentiful energy. They began doing that by building more power plants of every form than anyone else in the world. They have more coal, nuclear, hydro, solar, and wind facilities under construction and planned than anyone else in the world. At the same time, they have Biden reducing our ability to produce the energy we need and skyrocketing costs.

China is building more nuclear and conventional submarines than anyone else. They have a massive underground submarine port built under a mountain with the entrance underwater for secrecy.

President Carter started the process and President Clinton finished it by turning the ports at both ends of the Panama Canal (greatly enlarged) over to Communist China. They also have a huge facility at the Long Beach port. China is building a major "training" facility in Cuba. They have the largest container ship company in the world which is under the direction of the China military.

Prior to the Clinton administration, China could hardly hit the Pacific Ocean with its
rockets. Clinton made it possible for China to buy our rocket motor and guidance systems. Now they have the ability to shoot satellites out of orbit.

China is buying millions of acres of farmland in very close proximity to many of our military bases. Heck, President Biden allowed a high-tech spy balloon to casually cross our entire continent from Alaska to the Carolinas to gather information.

Are you aware that China has a "police" station in New York and three in Canada?

Did you know that Communist China is cooperating with Ford in building a multi-billion dollar lithium battery plant in Michigan? That China will be a part of the management.

There is much more, all verifiable facts but I'm sure you'll chalk it all up to CONSPIRACY THEORIES.
Do you think if the United States were at war with Ukraine, it would take them more than a year to stand still?
The Ukrainian army was crap. They had neither weapons nor experience, they were robbed.
Hussein's army was large and experienced. Operation Iraqi Freedom lasted 2 months until complete defeat and surrender. 2 months.

The RF Army is listed approximately 4-5th after the USA, China, and France. The army of RF is completely unprofessional.
The US Army is completely professional. The US Army has been funded for half a century in the same way as all the armies of the world combined. The US Army is based all over the world. The US Army is capable of fighting all the armies of the world at the same time.
The army of RF is the leader in terms of the number of tanks. But most of these tanks are mothballed, and their quality is much worse than modern American tanks.
Comparing the US army with the Russian army is like comparing a leopard with an ant, these are incomparable categories in terms of scale, it's just ridiculous.
Now, when the army of RF is weakened by big losses, the ruble has fallen by 2 times, the economy is working on its last breath, you can divide these figures by 100. The real combat capability is now almost zero
Now the Russian authorities are at an impasse. They can't increase mobilization for 2 reasons: they risk that the army will turn against the Kremlin or part will join the collaborationists. 2) in the economy there is a shortage of labor and specialists. No one to work. Nothing to pay.

Putin came up with a new reason for the War: he is fighting in Ukraine for the freedom of African countries and freedom in the world. All this already seems tired even to "patriots" with balalaikas and bast shoes.

They are hanging by a thread and all they want now is to not start a panic. They hope for a miracle. They have no way out.

In Africa, everything is bad for them too, there are revolutions against their juntas.

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