Is Russia Now the World's Leading Military Power?

You've recited numerous examples of China's peaceful means they've asserted to gain their position as a competing superpower.

Tell me more about the police stations if you think that's applicable to the topic?
Please show me what you can prove is not true in what I posted.

Is that why their offensive is still gaining ground on the Russians? Cause they are losing by advancing right?
Both sides propagandists are painting a bright and optimistic picture. One side is relating facts and the other is propaganda.

What evidence can we rely upon to decide?
Please show me what you can prove is not true in what I posted.

I won't take the time to read and verify the entire link, but on the surface it appears to be the truth. They must be aggreable to our countries' government, or they would be removed.

And once again, there are no bullets and bombs involved.

I suggest you re-evaluate your talking points if you're trying to find disagreement with me.

Could it be actually true in a strategic sense?

Or is it redundant to speculate considering that any major conflict will soon turn to a nuclear war?

Still, the question should be asked for a war that is restricted to only conventional weapons.

I've placed this topic here in Military in hopes of a serious discussion that doesn't belong in the Badlands. Moderator cooperation would be appreciated.
Can Russia eliminate all of our boomers before they can launch their Trident missiles? Does Russia have an extremely reliable anti-missile defense system that can stop land based ICBMs, submarine launched ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and nuclear missiles carried by aircraft such as the B52? Will the Russian power grid survive an EMP attack?

If not, an all out nuclear war would most likely put Russian back in the Stone Age as it would Europe and the USA.

China would rule what’s left.
Can Russia eliminate all of our boomers before they can launch their Trident missiles?
No chance in hell!
Does Russia have an extremely reliable anti-missile defense system that can stop land based ICBMs, submarine launched ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and nuclear missiles carried by aircraft such as the B52? Will the Russian power grid survive an EMP attack?
Not a chance!
If not, an all out nuclear war would most likely put Russian back in the Stone Age as it would Europe and the USA.
Most likely.
China would rule what’s left.
No, for reasons that you've just demonstrated that you wouldn't understand.
Will America be able to stop all the incoming.

Discussions of this sort are far above your ability.
Without the personal attack and your attempt to insult, I disagree on all your points raised.

To begin: America fomented war against Russia even earlier than 2014, with the purpose of challenging agreed upon conditions on Russia's military needs in the Crimea. Russia refused to submit to America's threat.

It's not the facts that Americans don't accept, it's the concerted American propaganda efforts to have the true facts ignored.

If you can leave out the spamming and personal attacks, your opinion will be fine with me on this topic. Childish insulting doesn't cut it. It's unbecoming of your military.

Has Russia now become the world's foremost military power?
STFU duck. You've been asked numerous times for links to anything to support your assertions and so far you've presented NONE. Your ignorance isn't enough to support this OP.
Is Russia the world's leading military power? It takes a bit more than just having a lot of outdated equipment available to throw out as cannon fodder.

Sorry, but they aren't as technically advanced militarily as they try to get others to believe. Want examples? If they are so great, then why is Ukraine still holding their own against them?
So you have not seen all those Nato tanks on fire in Ukraine ?
There are rules still being observed that dictate that Russia won't mount a Blitzkreif style offensive on the Ukraine by beating the civilian population into submission due to regular warfare.

The reason being because America/Nato would then start hitting Russian cities with normal non-restrained warfare.

To you goes the task of figuring out why that can never happen? Get back to me on that. It could have something to do with American big cities?
America /Nato will start hitting Russian Cities LOL!! and what do you think Russia would be doing pray tell? this is the arrogant nonsense that will get millions killed.
STFU duck. You've been asked numerous times for links to anything to support your assertions and so far you've presented NONE. Your ignorance isn't enough to support this OP.
Has Russia now become the world's foremost military power? What would that entail?

Could America transport an invading force to Russia's borders in preparation for another American war of aggression?

Is the Kinzhal and other hypersonic missiles stoppable or would Russia succeed in sinking America's entire fleet before it got within a thousand miles of Russia's borders?

These are on topic questions that are more important than establishing each others ignorance!

Please adjust to the topic.
America /Nato will start hitting Russian Cities LOL!! and what do you think Russia would be doing pray tell? this is the arrogant nonsense that will get millions killed.
I think we're both supposing that Russia would be doing likewise?
But your wording leaves that unclear. I'm not going to try to guess your talking points loyalty.
I won't take the time to read and verify the entire link, but on the surface it appears to be the truth. They must be aggreable to our countries' government, or they would be removed.

And once again, there are no bullets and bombs involved.

I suggest you re-evaluate your talking points if you're trying to find disagreement with me.
You request more information, which I provide, and you refuse to use that information.

Got it!

I'm not trying to find disagreement with anyone. I post verifiable facts. It really is that simple. If you disagree, show us why.
You request more information, which I provide, and you refuse to use that information.

Got it!

I'm not trying to find disagreement with anyone. I post verifiable facts. It really is that simple. If you disagree, show us why.
And I've accepted your facts on China's police forces. Without my verification, in the interest of reaching agreement.

I don't disagree but I can show you why if you like!

Are you for real? You would get yourself more satisfaction with tearing the wings off of your housefly collection!
You request more information, which I provide, and you refuse to use that information.

Got it!

I'm not trying to find disagreement with anyone. I post verifiable facts. It really is that simple. If you disagree, show us why.

What do you expect from the duck? First and foremost he is a dishonest progressive loon.
Do you think if the United States were at war with Ukraine, it would take them more than a year to stand still?
The Ukrainian army was crap. They had neither weapons nor experience, they were robbed.
Hussein's army was large and experienced. Operation Iraqi Freedom lasted 2 months until complete defeat and surrender. 2 months.

The RF Army is listed approximately 4-5th after the USA, China, and France. The army of RF is completely unprofessional.
The US Army is completely professional. The US Army has been funded for half a century in the same way as all the armies of the world combined. The US Army is based all over the world. The US Army is capable of fighting all the armies of the world at the same time.
The army of RF is the leader in terms of the number of tanks. But most of these tanks are mothballed, and their quality is much worse than modern American tanks.
The Ukrainian Army was crap in 2014. That's how the Russians were able to waltz in and conquer Crimea. The Ukrainians spent the next eight years correcting their problems and improving their hardware.

The Russians had the most mothballed tanks in the world, but not only were they Soviet-era crap, they have cannibalized them to fix the thousands of mostly obsolete tanks they have lost fighting their unnecessary war with Ukraine. Russia's tank depots are now empty except for cannibalized hulks that are so far gone they can't be repaired, and Russia lacks the means to build any tank more modern than a T-62 or T-55 thanks to the western embargo.
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In fact the Ukraine has been defeated and will not emerge from this war as a country.
America's ambitions had nothing to do with accomplishing that.

Did you know that it's America's proxy war against Russia?

Nearly everybody else is there by now!
Ukraine is stronger now than it was at the beginning of the war. Even the ethnic Russians are supporting the government with treasure and blood since the Russian Bear has shown its true colors with unprovoked attacks against civilian targets and launching unguided long-range rockets into civilian neighborhoods with the sole objective of causing terror by inflicting random casualties to civilians.
Can Russia eliminate all of our boomers before they can launch their Trident missiles? Does Russia have an extremely reliable anti-missile defense system that can stop land based ICBMs, submarine launched ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and nuclear missiles carried by aircraft such as the B52? Will the Russian power grid survive an EMP attack?

If not, an all out nuclear war would most likely put Russian back in the Stone Age as it would Europe and the USA.

China would rule what’s left.
if we launch any we will launch against China and Russia.

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