Is Russia Now the World's Leading Military Power?

Ukraine is stronger now than it was at the beginning of the war. Even the ethnic Russians are supporting the government with treasure and blood since the Russian Bear has shown its true colors with unprovoked attacks against civilian targets and launching unguided long-range rockets into civilian neighborhoods with the sole objective of causing terror by inflicting random casualties to civilians.
You are confusing the Russians with those Ukrainian Nazis, they have been the ones who have been shelling civilians for nine years, but you know that.
No chance in hell!

Not a chance!

Most likely.

No, for reasons that you've just demonstrated that you wouldn't understand.
Will America be able to stop all the incoming.

Discussions of this sort are far above your ability.
What makes you so qualified?
If Russia uses a tactical nuke in Ukraine it might lose the support of China. Why then would we nuke China if they had not launched on us?

I think that Moscow would most of all not want to use nuclear weapons. In fact, they represent the interests of the "northern race", similar to the North German. These people are extremely vulnerable to radioactivity, they have skin that is prone to melanoma, they also need moisture and oxygen, and nuclear explosions dry out the atmosphere. They will never do it, it is absolutely meaningless for them. By settling their slaves to the south, they try to adapt the climate and ecology for them, and it will be the other way around.
The use of nuclear weapons by Moscow is an absolute bluff. As soon as pro-German forces came to the USA and the USSR after the Caribbean crisis, they immediately introduced a complete ban on ground-based nuclear tests. They can only make one or two intimidating explosions at best.
It is even possible that the mere presence of nuclear warheads in the Russian Federation is also a bluff. It is not clear how they would deliver them, because they can only use ground-based missile launchers to deliver tactical missiles, they have almost no other means. There are few submarines and few ships.
ICBMs have not actually been produced since 2014, because they purchased rocket engines from Ukraine. If they have ICBMs, then only the old ones.
It turns out that Moscow simply does not need a large nuclear arsenal.

It cannot be implemented.
Why would they really have something if it won't be used anyway? For them, the main thing is that people think that they can do it. They will not do this, so it does not matter to them at all whether there are warheads or not.
How can they prove that they have the number of warheads that is declared, and how can they prove that they are ready for their actual full-scale deployment and delivery, assuming that they do not lie that they have them?
I thought they were all Capitalists now, they seem quite good at thats why it pisses the US off.
They are more capitalist in reality, although the Communist Party still rules mainland China. They have some Communist policies, they can take over whatever company, they can forcibly relocate people, reeducation camps. You could say it's capitalistic dictatorship, but Communist in name. They kept the repressive policies.
This is one of the funnier Russian Propaganda Tools efforts to make us quake in fear of the Russians. Oh their military is the best in the world. Nonsense.

First. Let’s go down the list type by type shall we? Let’s begin with the Navy. The Russian Navy is a joke. The American Navy would put them on the bottom in a few days. The ability of the American ships to strike is well known. And I’m not even including the Carriers right now. American Submarines are not world class. They set the class for the world. They are exceptionally quiet, and have far superior sensors than their Russian Counterparts. The Russian Surface Force is a throw away.

Their ships are massive missile carriers. Now, the fly in the buttermilk is once they fire those missiles they can only run for cover. While the Americans can strike with far better accuracy. The Ukrainians have sunk how many Russian Warships? Forget it. The Russian Navy would be wiped out in a few days, and I’m giving them a few days instead of hours to allow for something unexpected. Once the ships and subs at sea were sunk, the Carriers and Cruise Missiles would wipe anything tied up at the dock out.

The Air Force. The American Air Force has more planes, and a lot better planes. Even if you give the Russians a lot more credit than they deserve, the worst case scenario for the American Army is fighting under a neutral sky, nobody owns it, but in reality, it would be friendly.

Strategic Bombing is something we have the lock on. The B-2 and B-21 bombers are without a doubt the best in the world. Able to penetrate Russian Air Defenses without any real problems. The B-21 is still in testing, but you can bet your ass they would be moved from testing to combat in short order. The B-2 can carry a lot of precision guided bombs or cruise missiles and launch them at targets the Russians imagine are safe.

So the Air Force would win that battle.

That leaves the ground war. The Army and Marines. There is nothing in the Russian Inventory that compares to the M-1 Abrams tanks. As was demonstrated in Ukraine, the most advanced Russian Tanks were death traps for the troops.

But hey, maybe that was all part of Putin’s plan.

I mean, the Chinese had a one child policy as a method of population control. Maybe Putin’s plan on population control is sacrificing young men to the meat grinder of battle.

Russian Troops are ill trained, poorly equipped, and badly led.

So how exactly do you expect to compete with American troops who are well trained, well equipped, and well led?
This is one of the funnier Russian Propaganda Tools efforts to make us quake in fear of the Russians. Oh their military is the best in the world. Nonsense.

First. Let’s go down the list type by type shall we? Let’s begin with the Navy. The Russian Navy is a joke. The American Navy would put them on the bottom in a few days. The ability of the American ships to strike is well known. And I’m not even including the Carriers right now. American Submarines are not world class. They set the class for the world. They are exceptionally quiet, and have far superior sensors than their Russian Counterparts. The Russian Surface Force is a throw away.

Their ships are massive missile carriers. Now, the fly in the buttermilk is once they fire those missiles they can only run for cover. While the Americans can strike with far better accuracy. The Ukrainians have sunk how many Russian Warships? Forget it. The Russian Navy would be wiped out in a few days, and I’m giving them a few days instead of hours to allow for something unexpected. Once the ships and subs at sea were sunk, the Carriers and Cruise Missiles would wipe anything tied up at the dock out.

The Air Force. The American Air Force has more planes, and a lot better planes. Even if you give the Russians a lot more credit than they deserve, the worst case scenario for the American Army is fighting under a neutral sky, nobody owns it, but in reality, it would be friendly.

Strategic Bombing is something we have the lock on. The B-2 and B-21 bombers are without a doubt the best in the world. Able to penetrate Russian Air Defenses without any real problems. The B-21 is still in testing, but you can bet your ass they would be moved from testing to combat in short order. The B-2 can carry a lot of precision guided bombs or cruise missiles and launch them at targets the Russians imagine are safe.

So the Air Force would win that battle.

That leaves the ground war. The Army and Marines. There is nothing in the Russian Inventory that compares to the M-1 Abrams tanks. As was demonstrated in Ukraine, the most advanced Russian Tanks were death traps for the troops.

But hey, maybe that was all part of Putin’s plan.

I mean, the Chinese had a one child policy as a method of population control. Maybe Putin’s plan on population control is sacrificing young men to the meat grinder of battle.

Russian Troops are ill trained, poorly equipped, and badly led.

So how exactly do you expect to compete with American troops who are well trained, well equipped, and well led?
Russian missile ships are designed that way for a reason. They are designed to be able to flush their entire missile load in seconds, because their life expetency when in range of a U.S. task force would be measured in minutes. That’s why their missiles are in boxes, not safely In armored magazines.
I think that Moscow would most of all not want to use nuclear weapons. In fact, they represent the interests of the "northern race", similar to the North German. These people are extremely vulnerable to radioactivity, they have skin that is prone to melanoma, they also need moisture and oxygen, and nuclear explosions dry out the atmosphere. They will never do it, it is absolutely meaningless for them. By settling their slaves to the south, they try to adapt the climate and ecology for them, and it will be the other way around.
The use of nuclear weapons by Moscow is an absolute bluff. As soon as pro-German forces came to the USA and the USSR after the Caribbean crisis, they immediately introduced a complete ban on ground-based nuclear tests. They can only make one or two intimidating explosions at best.
I do hope you are right.

One problem I see is that for quite a while people were saying Putin was very ill and possibly his illness had caused him a certain level of insanity.

Could it be actually true in a strategic sense?

Not even close. Hell, look at their military history of the past 100 years.

Mostly, it has been a string of defeats after defeats, quite often even against military forces much smaller and poorly equipped compared to their own. And no, I am not talking the "political defeat" that happened in Vietnam and Afghanistan where the military had their hands tied behind their back but where they were free to do damned near anything they wanted. Over and over again, unless the Russians-Soviets were already an occupying force the majority of their military operations were pretty much failures. Even against nations much smaller than themselves.
That leaves the ground war. The Army and Marines. There is nothing in the Russian Inventory that compares to the M-1 Abrams tanks. As was demonstrated in Ukraine, the most advanced Russian Tanks were death traps for the troops.

And that actually is something that goes back decades.

The Soviets early on adopted the "Auto-Loader" in tanks, as it allows them to eliminate one crewman inside the tank. But the downside is that it commonly leaves a round inside the tank that is not protected inside the magazine. The US on the other hand still maintains a human loader in the tank, who will pull the specific round needed form the magazine and put it immediately into the gun. This is something that was known and talked about for decades, and in the 1980s was a common debate topic as to which was better. A machine loading the gun or a person.

And a lot of those questions were put to rest in 1990. Images of Soviet made tanks with their turrets popped off after getting hit by a coalition tank were seen worldwide, and in every conflict since then where Soviet era tanks were used.


A fatal flaw they still seem to have to this day.

In fact the Ukraine has been defeated and will not emerge from this war as a country.
America's ambitions had nothing to do with accomplishing that.

Did you know that it's America's proxy war against Russia?

Nearly everybody else is there by now!
America's ambition is a critical element in that equation and the one that enabled all this happen.....because America wants Ukraine's resources and America wants it as yet another "business platform" in that part of the world. It's not just America, it's western globalists in general who want to add it to their empire. One of the main hurdles of that was to wrestle Ukraine away from Russia's influence, control, protection....all that. Granted, Russia has kept Ukraine as kind of an inept younger brother who gets slapped around once in awhile. America has attempted to make Ukraine into a little whore who caters to white collar criminals and mobsters (the West). While neither role is a "happy state", Ukraine's rightful relationship is to Russia, just like America's neighbors of Canada and Mexico are in that same way to us. If another country halfway around the World managed to plant imposters in one of these neighboring governments, allowing in their military and corporations....essentially turning them against us, we would do the same thing. We would fight the imposters and any military they intimidated us with.

There were American weapons being put in Ukraine long before this began. It was not just to protect Ukraine it was to advance America's interests there and to intimidate and weaken Russia. It was passive aggressive, ON PURPOSE, to make it look like Russia was the instigator when it was not. We were covert and sneaky when we messed with Ukraine and tried to turn it into an American asset. Russia is being overt and to the point in fighting back. Much more honest if you ask me.

Ukraine would still emerge as Ukraine if America had not attempted to quietly groom it into a whore-mercenary in someone else's backyard, to be eventually used to steal the house.

Nope, it's definitely America's ambitions that enabled this entire thing to happen. Never would have happened if we didn't try to stick ourselves in there.

It's also clear, with the Biden administration being so obviously a direct spin-off of the Obama administration and it's agenda, that Ukraine is pretty much all the Biden administration cares about. Our president dismisses problems and difficulties all over the world including in his own country....while always prepared to send another $25 billion to Ukraine. America WANTS Ukraine, BAD obviously...and it's not for any reason related to civil rights and liberties (although it makes a great sales pitch). It's for profit and expansion. And that's why Russia is doing what it's doing.
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It must have really sucked for the peace-loving Russians when we forced them to invade Ukraine.
Russia tried a military action but it failed due to US interference which prevented the agreed upon Minsk settlement to be implemented.

The future is the question now for Russia and the human race. Russia will not accept losing.
Currently, the odds are hugely favourable for Russia.

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